Saddam after his capture really thought during his integration the West would use him and his knowledge of the region as an asset to help fight the "US war on terror" but instead they through him under the bus to be torn apart by wolves while the same thing happened to the country of Iraq. Of course like all good assets they like to burn them in the end - it seems standard procedure. Gaddafi , Osama etc. Saddam's integration by a CIA agent is in the book Debriefing the President. Well the parts they wanted to make public. Still for extra suspense about 20% is printed redacted.
Who will be President of Ukraine? Zelensky's legal term expires on 31st March, and without elections to confirm or replace him, no one will legally be President thereafter. Will Zalushni decide that he automatically becomes President because he is obeyed by more people with guns (more important than votes nowadays) than anybody else, and that the previous President should take a long vacation in a cold and damp prison cell if he hasn't already fled to Florida?
Maybe there'll be a real election in another year or so, an election in which 'Putin' will cast the one vote that counts.
Could it even be an 'election' (choice) between four candidates who each have something to offer the electorate? Medvedchuk was the original front-runner, closest to the Kremlin, but he is shop-soiled and lacks competence. Zalushni would be the continuity candidate, moderately competent and able to obey orders, probably capable of being re-programmed to obey Moscow. Arestovich would be the novelty candidate, never a dull moment with him, cheeky but adhering closely to the main chance, hence controllable. The surprise winner might even be the jack-in-the-box Zelenski, refreshed by his vacation, best toady of them all, and desperately in need of a new patron and fresh supplies of cash and cocaine.
Skipped to the end, and was really happy to find the Summary for Dummies. Much appreciated! Sarcasm here is often so thick I can't make head or tails of it.
Putin keeps the pro-West faction in place because sacking them means peace is impossible and Russia goes the way of Iran and North Korea. No-one in the ruling class, whether liberal, jew, patriot, communist, or whatever wants this.
The West has stated that no peace is possible with Putin at the helm and they appear to mean it. I thought it was a negotiating stance. The significance of Putin's removal is that no-one can undertake overt military action agains the USA and its minions without being destroyed. It is a message to any leader of the world. Indirect gaming like in Syria is acceptable, nothing more.
Either Putin finds a way to win, stay in power, and discredit the USA; or he goes the way of Milosevic, Noriega, or Saddam. With considerable diplomatic repercussions both ways.
Do you truly believe Putin is calling the shots? He is a puppet. A front man for oligarchs. If you've been reading Rurik since he was Rollo you should of come to this conclusion by now or and you're very new.
Hrvoje fulfilled his promise to interview you, i am glad my emails were not in vain
Did it come out?
Not yet,, Rilley told me
Saddam after his capture really thought during his integration the West would use him and his knowledge of the region as an asset to help fight the "US war on terror" but instead they through him under the bus to be torn apart by wolves while the same thing happened to the country of Iraq. Of course like all good assets they like to burn them in the end - it seems standard procedure. Gaddafi , Osama etc. Saddam's integration by a CIA agent is in the book Debriefing the President. Well the parts they wanted to make public. Still for extra suspense about 20% is printed redacted.
Rurik, you're short on money but you've got prediction skills.
Isn't there a way to turn prediction skills into money? Gambling is for peasants; the pros go into finance.
I think Mathew Crawford (substack) and Ron Unz both used this to become rich. Can you do the same?
I’m not sure. I’d be interested in learning more though
Who will be President of Ukraine? Zelensky's legal term expires on 31st March, and without elections to confirm or replace him, no one will legally be President thereafter. Will Zalushni decide that he automatically becomes President because he is obeyed by more people with guns (more important than votes nowadays) than anybody else, and that the previous President should take a long vacation in a cold and damp prison cell if he hasn't already fled to Florida?
Maybe there'll be a real election in another year or so, an election in which 'Putin' will cast the one vote that counts.
Could it even be an 'election' (choice) between four candidates who each have something to offer the electorate? Medvedchuk was the original front-runner, closest to the Kremlin, but he is shop-soiled and lacks competence. Zalushni would be the continuity candidate, moderately competent and able to obey orders, probably capable of being re-programmed to obey Moscow. Arestovich would be the novelty candidate, never a dull moment with him, cheeky but adhering closely to the main chance, hence controllable. The surprise winner might even be the jack-in-the-box Zelenski, refreshed by his vacation, best toady of them all, and desperately in need of a new patron and fresh supplies of cash and cocaine.
Skipped to the end, and was really happy to find the Summary for Dummies. Much appreciated! Sarcasm here is often so thick I can't make head or tails of it.
Hi Zurik,
Putin keeps the pro-West faction in place because sacking them means peace is impossible and Russia goes the way of Iran and North Korea. No-one in the ruling class, whether liberal, jew, patriot, communist, or whatever wants this.
The West has stated that no peace is possible with Putin at the helm and they appear to mean it. I thought it was a negotiating stance. The significance of Putin's removal is that no-one can undertake overt military action agains the USA and its minions without being destroyed. It is a message to any leader of the world. Indirect gaming like in Syria is acceptable, nothing more.
Either Putin finds a way to win, stay in power, and discredit the USA; or he goes the way of Milosevic, Noriega, or Saddam. With considerable diplomatic repercussions both ways.
Do you truly believe Putin is calling the shots? He is a puppet. A front man for oligarchs. If you've been reading Rurik since he was Rollo you should of come to this conclusion by now or and you're very new.