Saddam Hussein in Iraq was installed by the CIA in the 1970s https://archive.globalpolicy.org/intljustice/tribunals/iraq/2006/1106usguilty.htm and then hanged by the US in 2007 - there's a long list of similar cases...

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They are usefull idiots and sacrificial pawns, remember that kissinger said to be an enemy of America is dangerous, but being a friend to America is often fatal.

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All morons and grifters in ZAnonlandia: Russia's brilliant 5D chess fake red lines and why that is a GOOD thing!!!!

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Alot of these Ziggers are not even Russian, nor western. I think alot of them are paid aswel to keep the narrative going.

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Sergey Lavrov: We are decent people. We signed long-term contracts with Europe. We always honour our obligations, unlike Europe or the United States.”🤣🤣🤣My laugh is very dramatic and not funny at all: “they” are so “decent” like all chosenites: make a killing while killing of the Slavics, the culling of the other “white (sheeply) people” will follow soon…

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So he admits to be greedy, Contracts above Russian lives!

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They won't use nukes because nukes probably do not exist. I agree that pretty much all conspiracy theories turn out to be true except for flat earth of course. They almost certainly faked the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombing attacks just like they faked the 911 World Trade Center attacks. The destruction in Japan was caused by good old fashioned napalm and mustard gas instead of nuclear bombs just like the Twin Towers and building 7 were brought down with good old fashioned explosives and thermite instead of airplanes.




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I agree, and I'm glad to see that you got it. Nukes don't exist. Nuclear don't explose.

"Oh, and what about the mushroom clouds?"

Every big explosion make a mushroom cloud. And there's no radiation in Hiroshima or Nagasaki. There's never been.

Anders Bjorkman is the reference about the nuclear bomb hoax:


It's hard for people to realize that every single government lie to us, all of them. It's hard even for people that have understood that parasite elites are all together in globalist agenda.

But when you understand that nukes are a hoax and Appolo never went to the moon (and Russians never expose it...) you step in another level of comprehension.

But one must be strong, cos' it's a punch on the stomach.

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Yeah, down with this also, having read “Death Object: Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Myth” - available at all good book stores (and also on TG).

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombed to f before the Enola Gay and friends even got there.

Bikini Atoll is now a tourist destination. The only signs on this tropical paradise that it apparently once played host to some of the largest thermonuclear explosions in history now being some vaguely radioactive crustaceans.

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Well, strike me pink with ostrich feathers, I better put out a stocking for Santa!

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More about that Russian arsenal that was damaged.

Simplicius points out that it only represented a few hours worth of Russian usage of munitions:


'Fun fact: The Toropets arsenal "has 41 newer bunkers that can hold up to 240 metric tonnes of ammunition each, and 70+ sheds hold up to 120 tonnes each, not factoring large areas of open-air storage, that's over 19K metric tonnes". Thus, the arsenal holds *up to* 19,000 tonnes of munitions. The Russian army uses upwards of 10,000 - 15,000 tons of munitions per day. So, even if Ukraine were to have destroyed the entire arsenal, this represents a single day or two of Russian expenditures at most. We know they didn't come close to destroying the whole thing, nor that the arsenal was even "full" at capacity. Thus, Ukraine may have destroyed about 12 hours worth of Russian munitions expenditures in the SMO. Gamechanger?'

Remember a few years back, before the SMO, several Ukrainian arsenals blew up? It was suspected they did it themselves to conceal thefts before American inspectors arrived. I wonder how the earthquake measurements compare to the Toropets explosion?

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I find Simplicius somewhat humorous. He has lots of facts but always ignores the obvious negatives for Russia. The Ukranians just wrecked what was supposed to be a hardened military facility in Russia. The gas still flows and the bridges still stand.

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RUSSIA IS WINNING, the US and EU are STUNNED and it will be ALL OVER soon, man!!!

Marko Marjanović


How sportsmanlike of Putin to provide a $35 billion loan to his war enemy.

Of course this isn't a loan, the frozen reserves will never be returned to Moscow so it will be easy for the EU to write off this loan. The transfer of Russia's reserves to Ukraine has begun.

What's the point of having technical experts (financial, military) but hiding the warplan from them in your Covid cocoon?


Henry Foy



20 sept.

💥EU to announce €35bn for Ukraine as part of $50bn G7 loan backed by immobilised Russian assets - pushing ahead without the US in a bid to lock down financing by the end of the year

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"Accidentally" leaving that money in the West was very " accidental" in no way was it part of a greater plan. Absolutely not.

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The underlings have to pay their tributes to their masters. Its no coincidence that they all have their children and properties in the west. It was also common practice in the roman empire to take children of kings and rulers or vassal states so they would think twice of rebelling against Rome.

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Question No2: Who are creators of BRICS? How simply to answer to both questions - Same people. And Putin and Kremlin are "Just a puppet on a lonely string (Aw, who would ever wanna be king?)" God bless you. And everyone here. Of course, song for today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvgZkm1xWPE

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BRICS is just another scam to put nations into ever smaller boxes while stripping away their sovereignty. Even A.I. cant tell you what the benefits of being part of that charade is besides some nice platitudes. Give it time and you will see how Israel given a prominent position in that organization.

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Or at least quite a bit of ethnic banking presence in the structure.

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Lebanon getting the treatment too....


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Why assume that Russian nukes are even real?

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My believe is that NATO / The west knows something is up with the Russian nucleair arsenal, thats why they feel safe to escalate. I heard too many stories of European truckers in the 90s, who after the wall came down they literally told us that everything was rusting away and it was all sold off for scrap. By that they meant military gear, rockets,planes you name it. I even know i business owner in my country who could buy a russian fighter jet, which he put on the roof of his company. This trucker guy said that all these years we in the west have been made so afraid of the Soviet empire while in reality we had nothing to fear.

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If you can remember any of the stories, please share.

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There's several flavours of the 'no-nukes' notion. Some say the photos were faked and the explosions were caused by conventional explosives and incendiaries. Others say they were nukes but did not work reliably, or only when the stars were in the correct aspect. Still others say they work, but use electricity rather than nuclear forces. It is even rumoured that nuclear radiation is far less dangerous and long-lasting than we are told. There's a story that the Soviet general at Chernobyl was drunk and misread his geiger counter by several decimal places, and the local wildlife is flourishing - but the government can't admit to moving people out of the area without necessity.

On the other hand, unless they were 'in on it' as some sort of yid 'convergence' thing, no one sane would have tried to deceive Stalin, Beria and the torturers of the KGB about these things.

Maybe the Russian ones are more real than the Americans' nukes.

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can you link some of this speculation?

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As time goes by, things come and go, so I no longer have references at hand.

However, here's Rae West's Big Lies site, which has a Nuclear Lies section:


A few months back Joseph P. Farrell, author of many speculative works, made a video about the Ripple Concept, which came out of the last American nuclear tests. They found how to make a hydrogen bomb which produced little or no nuclear fallout because they no longer needed a fission bomb as a trigger. This was the end of a series of tests where the actual results had not been in accordance with calculations. There's an official report about it. Farrell said Kennedy disclosed it to the Soviets to allay anxieties. I can't remember which video it was, but here's his site:


Flourishing wildlife around Chernobyl:


'Researchers have found the land surrounding the plant, which has been largely off limits to humans for three decades, has become a haven for wildlife, with lynx, bison, deer and other animals roaming through thick forests. This so-called Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (CEZ), which covers 2,800 square km of northern Ukraine, now represents the third-largest nature reserve in mainland Europe and has become an iconic – if accidental – experiment in rewilding.'

I can't remember where I saw the story about the drunk general.

I think the electrical aspect is probably from Ken Wheeler of Theoria Apophosis


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Another fake moon-landing psyop

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I'm glad Rurik, that finelly you arrive to this point. Here's the best link about it. Bjorkman talks about every single country that "made the bomb". Israel too. And there's also interesting things about Putin old days in East Germany.


This is Anders Bjorkman, a Swedish who explains the nuke hoax. One must read it carefully.

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How do you explain what happened to these poor islanders then ? Birth defects, hair loss, organ failure, etc ...

- the tests had major consequences on the geology and natural environment of Bikini Atoll and on the health of those who were exposed to radiation. -


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I take this as evidence that all nukes aren’t real. I suspect that the real weapons are kept secret, such as those used on 911.

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Better question: are nukes real, or just fear porn?

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Hard to say. It's pretty clear from Palmer et al.'s evidence that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were hoaxed with conventional weapons and mustard gas. It's highly dubious that all the footage from Lookout Mountain Air Force Station was all legit. But there is the spike in atmospheric carbon-14 to consider.

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"Lavrov also clarified that the Kremlin continues to send gas to NATO because of their high moral values. No, seriously: " 😂😂😂

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How is the Kremlin going to sell out and keep their heads? It would take Bolshevik-level suppression.


The Wests War against Russia isn't about "Freedom" or "Democracy" its about pillaging this great Nations vast Natural Resources

And subjugating it to Mega Corps like BlackRock

Trillions of Dollars of the most precious, and increasingly crucial elements are abundant here.

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Simplicius has the news that several Russian soldiers have been charged with the murder of Russell Bentley:


'The Russian Investigative Committee has wrapped up the preliminary investigation into the murder of Russell Bentley, 64, a US-born Donbass volunteer and Sputnik correspondent.

Suspects involved in the criminal case were identified as Russian Armed Forces servicemen Vitaly Vansyatsky, Vladislav Agaltsev, Vladimir Bazhin, and Andrey Iordanov. The individuals have been accused of felonies under Russia's Criminal Code, including the use of physical violence and torture, which resulted in the death of the victim through negligence, as well as the concealment of an especially grievous crime.

On April 8, Russian military servicemen Vansyatsky, Agaltsev, and Iordanov used physical violence and torture against Russell Bentley in Donetsk, which led to the correspondent's death. On the same day, Vansyatsky and Agaltsev blew up a VAZ 2115 car with Bentley's body with TNT explosives.

On April 9, Bazhin, a serviceman from the same military unit removed Bentley's remains from the scene on the instructions of Vansyatsky in a bid to conceal the heinous crime. The accused have been provided with the materials of criminal case. Subsequently, the case will be transferred for the indictment approval and court hearings.'

Maybe there will be some justice.

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If his sitrep don't got past at least the two-million word mark, we ain't getting our Kremlin money's worth

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I've extracted a couple of nuggets.

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Uh-oh, Red alert, Red alert

‼️🚨🇷🇺🇮🇱 ‘Russian’ journalist Vladimir Shapiro (Solovyev) calls for the replacement of Putin.

This is a surprising & unprecedented statement from this Russian Oligarch-controlled mainstream & typically sycophantic television host.

Have enough ‘red lines’ been crossed? 🤔💭 https://t.me/WorldWarNowTele/17169

World War Now

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One this is certain, Sergei Lavrov is no Andrei Gromyko or Vyacheslav Molotov. Hell; even Andrei Kozyrev, Yeltsin's first foreign minister, managed to maintain a modicum of respect for Russia's position as a global superpower in the aftermath of the dissolution of the USSR.

Weakness invites aggression; and an emboldened & expanded NATO now smells blood in the water like a shark. It is a real pity that Prigozhin's abortive putsch didn't succeed, since it perhaps was the last, best opportunity to avoid a direct armed clash between NATO and the RF.

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Another rabbit hole that can be hazardous to your health:



The infamous "red mercury" that is above top secret.

The main issue here is this. Was the enriched Uranium in the Lebanon bomb a real finding? Could it have been a laboratory error? The answer is No. We used two different laboratories and two different Uranium analysis methods, ICPMS and alpha spectrometry.

What we found was picked up by the reporter Robert Fisk, who put the story into The Independent in October 2006: The Mystery of "Israel's" Secret Uranium Bomb.

Until we found EU, I had focused on the health effects of DU. Everyone did. But in 2006 I was contacted by an eminent Italian nuclear physicist, Emilio Del Guidice. I met him in London, where he told me that the source of the EU was a new weapon which used Hydrogen or heavy hydrogen, Deuterium dissolved in Uranium and when this warhead, as small as a baseball, was fired at a solid object, the hydrogen suffered Cold Fusion to form Helium with the emission of a powerful gamma ray which cause the U238 to convert to an unstable U-239 which decayed to U-235 and a neutron.

So that’s it. What can we do? "Israel" and the USA (at least) have developed what is almost certainly a mini-neutron bomb. "Israel" is using it in Gaza. And may be using it in Lebanon (again). In fact, there is evidence for the development of such a bomb having been tested as long ago as October 1962, in the final US atmospheric test in the Dominic series in the Pacific. This was the test named “Housatonic” which achieved 9.96Mt yield but reportedly had zero fallout. That means it had no fission primer in the first stage, a necessary requirement for all the hydrogen bombs before it.

The weapon will certainly be used in future exchanges, and will make local nuclear war possible, since the scary scenarios involving fallout may not materialise. I have named the device Red Mercury because that is what it probably is (remember the red mercury story: written off officially by science (haha) as a fraud, as a phony). Red Mercury was Stalin’s code for Enriched Uranium. Clearly, from the Dominic Housatonic test, the USA also developed the weapon. Since it kills without leaving fission products, it is invisible to the global nuclear explosion detection systems and the IAEA watchdogs.

But there is no doubt the IAEA know about it. Their latest report on Uranium in the Environment completely ignores Enriched Uranium. When I asked one of the report authors why, I was told they were short of money. They only had enough to look at Depleted Uranium. Can you believe this stuff?


The Secret of the Three Bullets: How New Nuclear Weapons Are Back on the Battlefield

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Saturday 28 October 2006

Trusting Iran would seem to be risky:

Many Lebanese, however, long ago concluded that the latest Lebanon war was a weapons testing ground for the Americans and Iranians, who respectively supply Israel and Hizbollah with munitions. Just as Israel used hitherto-unproven US missiles in its attacks, so the Iranians were able to test-fire a rocket which hit an Israeli corvette off the Lebanese coast, killing four Israeli sailors and almost sinking the vessel after it suffered a 15-hour on-board fire.

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MMMMMM, do the Russian people get a say in their own destruction via nuclear fission? Are they all ready to almost erase the human race from the planet in order tp prevent war ? That is not logic. Are they ready to erase us all in order to save Russian lives in the SMO? That does not compute. They are ready and willing to turn the earth into a radio active hell hole and all die presumably , to save the Russians in Donbass?

They are willing to holocaust the planet to preserve Russia's superior culture and moral code? Nuke the world to prove that Russia is a superior military force? The West must be destroyed because at some future time they will nuke Russia? Nuke em all because we have not been able to win the SMO decisively and feel humiliated by that? Nuke em because if we don't Ukraine will join NATO?


Does any one have a real cogent reason as to why , at this point in time it is necessary for Russia to destroy the planet and themselves into the bargain ......or do they believe that Russians will all survive ?

Ask Lavrov.

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