I say so ruefully that the die is now cast for an escalation of tensions with Russia with the goal of ginning up internal discord similar to those fomented during the waning years of the USSR. Putin’s 11th hour bluster rings hollow & laughable given the countless “red lines” trampled underfoot with impunity by Moscow’s spinelessness and chicanery.

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Next up: Bombs dropping on Russia. Don't miss it! Only here at the Chronicles' Patriot News™.

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They plan ahead.

“Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionist congress, the English Uganda proposition, the future world war, the peace conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created” (1903). Here spoke the initiate, the illuminate, the man who knew the strength and purpose of “the international.” (Max Nordau helped the process, the course of which he foretold, by writing such best-sellers of the 1890’s as Degeneration, in which he told the West that it was irredeemably corrupt). Even Max Nordau did not spell out his conclusion to its logical end. Another delegate did that, Dr. Nahum Sokoloff, who said: “Jerusalem will one day become the capital of world peace.” That the ambition is to make it the capital of the world is clear in 1956, when the Western governments stand in daily fear of its annexation to the Zionist state; whether mankind would find it to be the capital of peace remains to be seen.

World domination is at hand

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It is becoming all too clear—save for the most self-deluded—who the actual victor was on November 5th: Bibi Netanyahu & his criminal claque in Tel Aviv.

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I'm an Anti Nazi - Anti Semite (and its really only anti semtism agasinst the tibe of Judah (, I fime with the norther tribes )

Just the tribe Judah and bejamin (most livging Jews).... I'm anti Judaen

Now if fcourse, Germans and Jews don't have to be Nazis . Most Germans were not. Jews in Isreal definitely are. Jews emgrossed in the talmuld are It depends on their tamuld consumption . So it wouild be nice to know who the Nazis are amongst the Jews) I don;t know what set it off in so many germans so fast

Jews had the talmuld for thousands tyears,. So thet should be better Nazis

Hitler was a stooge of the Jews, Just like Trump . Now I get it, it weas a bettle of Master Races ands the Jews won. Jews one. Is that wht Gemmans are so kucked ro Irael todasy


The dems are retarded, they had an easy win and fucking blew it

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"Hitler was a stooge of the Jews, Just like Trump . "

I'd like to learn more about this subject matter. Do you have any recommendations as far as reading material and/or websites?

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Guido Preparata.

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Thank you. This was very helpful. I have what might be an effective fund-raising conceit: petition the Stalkers to contribute to a common fund, and when you reach whatever financial figure you determine the end goal to be you provide an essential reading list to each donor. You might even guarantee a more subject-specific reading list(such as with my inquiry within this thread) in exchange for a more generous offering.

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Also the author duglous reed shared the opinion . He was a WWII reporter and prolific british journalst

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Also why woudl HJitler think he could beat trhe much more experienced master race creed-havers, it makes non sense

Hitler got played someway

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I would need to put a lot together? Its literally things i picked over the years, and kusy tead a

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The US wants to keep their bridgehead inside Russia so it can be used later after freezing the conflict. From what i gather the Ukrainians send alot of reinforcements there because they were slowly getting pushed back. Now with the North Koreans being used as new cannonfodder the US felt the need to escalate and cross Putins latest red line. As far as the energy strikes on Ukraine it is just a way to bully Civillians who will be feeling the cold, the Ukrainian military uses mobile Generators and won't really get affected. If the US only allowed the atacms to be used at Kursk sector it is likely agreed upon by both sides and this is just new rhetoric.

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I havent seen proof of Nkoreans being used as cannon fodder. If anything, they'd be used in the rear to free up more actual cannon fodder.

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The document states: “…in connection with the unfavorable geopolitical situation and received information about the preparation by terrorist forces of Ukraine, with the support of NATO countries, of massive missile strikes on the territory of the Russian Federation, including using nuclear warheads,” certain procedures must be done by authorities, security forces, and doctors “for the purpose of timely preparation, organization, implementation, and comprehensive provision of evacuation measures, as well as work to search for, extract, identify, and bury the bodies (remains) of deceased residents.”

The document is cynical: the Chairman of Russian Government orders to organize evacuation of “regional administration employees and their family members, deputies of legislative assemblies, leadership of law enforcement agencies, and emergency services; ensure the survivability of administrative staff, for which purpose, prepare shelters and refuges; ensure the evacuation of material assets.” Ordinary people are to be taken to temporary accommodation centres, and children separately.

Another detail: children must be examined by doctors and the healthiest ones are to be “evacuated abroad”.

Have you seen this info ?

"It was also ordered to prepare everything necessary for mass burials and “to stop in advance the activities of all public movements and organizations whose purpose is to unite and self-organize citizens and the population”

The leak quickly went viral: people were shocked by the fact that authorities have no intention to take care about population, but are prepared to burry mass people.

Voices began to be heard that it was a fake. But people went to city administrations and found out that the leaked document described real situation."

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It seems that the Russian government will let the american / ukrainians bomb Russian cities. There's been a leak of documents of emergency procedures with a list of cities to be bombed.

Шокирующая новость!

Опубликован список городов, которые будут бомбить.

"Увидела на столе у шефа распоряжение правительства и список городов, которые скоро попадут под бомбы. Нам не говорят. Нас спасать никто не будет — уже роют котлованы под массовые захоронения!! Разошлите родным и знакомым, может успеете уехать!

На МЧС не рассчитывайте, у них приказ чиновников вывезти с семьями." комментирует автор.

Фото прилагаю. Это уже не шутки.

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Are Jews trying to make Nazis popular again . I mean they are kind of the original

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I still am stuck onm WWII.

Jewish Supremcy goes back 3000

HJitlers version was just cobed together what a few decades

Did he really think he could beat them in their master race competion?

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Germans have a better claim to being the master race than Jews do, that is for sure.

The true master race is/was the Hyperboreans. Master status is determined by genetic/spiritual proximity to the Hyperborean ideal.

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Well if it was a competition, Hitler fetishization is surging both negative and positive, if that means anything. Is globohomo intending to make Hitler great again? They are sneaky

But the Jewish masses living in Tamuldic rabbinite controlled ghettos mostly isolated from the west for centuries and then suddently released into 'civilization' , ,moving to foreign lands, becoming infamous mobsters and capitans of industry then coming close to taking over the world, is somewhat impressive, in a certain light. It's fascinating, at least.

But idc how smart, clever and comptent my betters are, if they harbor this barbaric old testment, blood sacrificing Moloch neuroses and their default demeanor is gaslight , to those not in their tribe, I don't want anything to do with them.

I''d rather not compete at all. Measuring "genetic/spiritual proximity to the hyperborean ideal" sounds complicated.

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Truth be told I’m not sure that this is the full story. Their dominance began further back. Probably with their capture of Rome. Luckily the Germans destroyed Rome and gave us some time.

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Being a Euro-mutt likely disqualifies me from the start, if not, my anal-satanist liniage maybe mocking material. I'll watch from the sidelines

I am rooting for you slavs in this moment. Too much blood

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It looks like the Master of Zion's Prophecy Pushing Hucksters going to ensure a larger then typcial blood sacrifice soon. Too manyu hands on levers with an elder whispering in their ears. The fervor is palpable

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Now, Hiter was a megalomanic and stooge of the Jews, just like Trump 01(I understand Hitler had adoring fans too). And Jews are JUST like Nazis (some not all, just the ( the mostly the observment In ones in Israel Germany and Jews are both just human. We don't need to demonize them as humans , we do need to work with their ,mastrer race creeds.

The Jews master race law is 2500 yrs old? Hitler's was like brand new. So ovbviosuly the Jews could do it way better , a more better experianced NAZI. Was it a competition or did they play him in some way

In that way TRUMP is just like Hitler. A stooge of the Jews and meglomanmic who will do anything for power and love0s siupremacists jews.

So a very apt comparison could be made from mamny ways. Hell Hiter weas responding to the weimer repiublic and Jews trying ovehr thow germany. Didn't they have some trasnny clinic in Berlin jun by Jews , who have that shitin the talmud

Or do we think Mater Race competitions would be the best rout

With eugenics. Jews have mastrered that . Hitler had is eugenics program., but it was also new. I'm pretty queasy when it comes to killing disabled kids.

Maybe that's my christismity coming out

But Trump and Hiter is and almost perfect compairsion

He's gonna shed some blood. I know its not Jews . Though I suspect many fllee to leave Israel's new 'living space'

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Odd spelling errors.

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Yeah they are. keyboard positioning issue am,omg others

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Ugo Bardi has a nice article about the Seneca Effect, with a much nicer picture of Trump as Emperor.


'... Seneca Cliff appears: growth is slow, but ruin is rapid. It is one of the laws of the universe. If there were no collapses, nothing would ever change.'


Will the EU collapse before the USA or Russia?

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