Well guys for those that read my last chapter review of Golovlev/Pinchuks book it seems I was overly optimistic when I predicted that the situation with personal kit was stable now. Here at the Chronicles we are accused of spreading pro NATOCIAM16CBUCNN anal Satanist propaganda but it turns out my take was actually too generous towards the Kremlin and MoD. I said that given its now well over a year after Pinchuk released the book that probably the troops at least were being issued decent helmets, armour and stuff like that. Well now the old head commander of the VDV comes along and says no shits still all fucked up just like when Pinchuk wrote the book. Not Budanov, not Sirsky, no the guy who used to command the VDV. Yet Simplicius assures us that MoD has a whole new Army group with all the bells and whistles just waiting for the right moment to strike. WTF this new front will be equipped with is an interesting question when the guys already fighting still have severe shortages of everything.
Russia being under an unofficial Versailles makes sense. The Kremlin is trying to violate as few points as possible because they aren't against honouring their end, the whole SNO was about trying to bluff the US into honouring their end. Now that the bluff has been called its even more important actually to observe the unofficial Versailles terms if there is any hope to be re-integrated into the anal-satanist order. But yeah Putin back in the day constantly yammered about the US acting lawlessly on the world stage. The implication being that the RF was acting lawfully, but who laid out these laws the Kremlin was honouring? The same people that Putin was complaining about. And Russia still is following these laws more or less. So cringe, it almost feels dirty to even think about. Like a dog thats actually happy and wagging its tail when it gets a belly rub from the hand that usually beats it. Or the Kremlin is like some omega cuck male living under a tyrannical nagging wifes rules and he just tried to bluff that he was going to walk out unless he is allowed to have guys night out once a month with his friends and she called it. Now the cuck is back to honouring all her whims but still kind of passively aggressively trying to get her to agree to let him go to guys night maybe once every 6 months.
Very good indeed. I truly feel as though you're filling in a blank in my perspective now that I'm getting a better footing in these politics. The only trouble is you're putting out so much new work I'm struggling to get through your back-catalogue! My pet theory is that the political dynamic of the Dune novels is more or less literally true, and this does seem to reinforce my confidence in that theory. The "tribe" in this idea is not really a force of or for itself, but a privileged accomplishment class at the level of real politics. Probably ha been utilised this way since ancient days.
I didn't see anything new there. I've just noticed that there was an explicit content filter still on in setting, but can't see any other reason why I wouldn't be receiving from you.
“The results of the last two years of the SMO should be proof enough of the fact that Putin has successfully strip-mined the army under several defense ministers and weakened it so much that it is now almost inferior to the UAF. If the USSR once had the world’s largest and strongest military, Russia now has a military that cannot defeat Ukraine, let alone pose any threat to NATO.”~ibid
The most succinct, single sentence summary of Putin’s Folly yet written.
You have not answered any of the points I made but just throw Bible Blather. I made it clear about Saul who is Paul and is NOT an Apostle. I pointed out that you are, maybe knowingly and maybe not, worshiping Satan who masquerades as God. So Jesus died for our sins? Did anything change in the 2000 years since his Horrible murder? Go worship Satanyahu who is a representative of your "god" Satan.
Lol. Bro you are posting on a different thread here. Nuttyyahoo's clone is the synagogue of satan, maybe just a little lower down on the scale. You havent said a breathless word about why Paul is a dark traitor like Judas ! Smacktalk requires paperwork. Ha ha ha. Did anything change ? Ecclesiastes 1:9
9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Yes he died but he was resurrected.Did your heart of stone turn to flesh yet ?
Yes it is a Spiritual War but it is between those of the True Divine God vs the Evil Usurper Yahweh = Satan. The Divine is Rescuing its own and not interested in a shooting war.
"Rumble video service ‘turns off’ France over demand to censor Russian media "
It seems that Russia Today now use Odysee (they used to shill their Rumble channel on the webpage, they seemed to have stopped that crap, there's still a RT channel on Rumble but it doesn't seem to be the same one, it's tiny)
And yeah they banned Russian state media here in France (I think it's a European Union wide thing, don't quote me on that, it may just be a "French" "local" ZOG thing).
Rumble has faggot Peter Thiel money behind it, and Vanguard Blackrock and State Street own a bit of the company, it's not going to stay "free" for much longer, except maybe for a case study on the Goyim I guess.
Ok the "ban" on Rumble seems to be in France only, if I set my VPN to a German, Italian, IP or from the UK (yeah I know they aren't in the EU anymore) I can access RT just fine. I don't really care to not be able to access RT (or Sputnik) without a VPN, but Germany is usually worse on the censorship than France, but hey we have the most Jewish government ever so you know....
Interesting article Rurik. However I still believe Putin has outplayed the West. I agree with you on the Bible though there are sparks of Light captured in there to attract the good. Much of the Old Testament, New Testament written by Paul (a Hitman for the Pharisees who then hijacked Christianity, Torah and Talmud demonstrates the Insane, Psychotic, Blood-thirsty "god" and much of them are his biography and mostly ridiculous rules. I challenge the Bible-thumpers to read the Books noted Cover to Cover and then see what they think.
Yes I agree there is some kind of power struggle going on. Are you referring to the same Paul who was hunted by the Pharisees who wanted to kill him for heresy ? The same Paul who had his head chopped off by Rome ? A remarkable theory really ,far beyond anything the Father of lies could cook up. Albert I am afraid you are conflating the Torah and the Talmud. Chalk and cheese my friend. You do realize that Jewish people follow the Talmud and NOT the Torah, though they love to quote it as they think it gives them legitimacy. A brief look at the practice of usury ( punishable by death in the Old Testament ) should provide some dramatic insights. Unfortunately for them they have a twisted talmudic understanding of the Tanakh which is alogical consequence of their rejection of the fulfillment of the Word, Christ. I'm not sure how one is expected to read a book these days but I can tell you that anyone who has actuallly read the New Testament will tell you that Paul is no wolf in sheep's clothing.
Said like a good little goy. That's what they say , but this is obviously a ruse if you are even distantly familiar with either. Who follows the torah religiously ? - certainly not the rabbis and their halakha. You cannot separate the rabbis from the talmud or from Judaism. The scribes and Pharisees are the rabbis. It's really not that hard. The talmud is the "oral law" and has very little in common with the books of Moses. I gave a simple example of usury which is banned by the bible but fully endorsed by the Babylonian Talmud. The rabbis proudly claim that they debated God and won ! The talmud is full of such delights. Rabbinic judaism is talmudism which is babylonian gobbeldygook. No wonder then that you have such a dim view of the Bible if you make this common and false association. A lie is a lie my friend no matter what spin the talmud puts on it. Judaism is the talmud. Arguing against this simple point may leave some egg on your face.
Yes : " The Oral "Torah" also includes the works of Kabbalah, a tradition of mystical secrets of the metaphysical universe received by Moses at Mount Sinai. It was first published as "The Zohar" by R' Shimon bar Yochai (170 CE) " The roots of talmudism go back to the Babylonian priesthood.
Rolo/Rurik is firmly anti-Christian, he thinks Christianity was a Jewish plot for the Goyim (there are some writings available on the Web which could confirm it, I don't have a strong opinion about it, of course the Church was very soft on the Jews, , they let them enslave us by debt even back then, let them create the Jesuits, Protestants were LARPing as Israelites at some point, so I understand his position).
And you also had very "antisemitic" Christians throughout history, mostly based on "they killed Jesus" but some clearly saw the racial angle, but it's true that Christians really destroyed much of the old wonders of Europe when they gained controlled of the Roman Empire, this is retarded as hell, but I do know that my country (France) is very much anti-Christian (you know 1789 and all that, the proto-Bolshevik "Revolution") and the decline of Catholicism was not a good thing, whatever you may feel about the Church they were still some kind of safeguard (at least your local "curé")
Now with Vatican II and the faggot Jesuit Pope they can go fuck themself, the dude hate us and is Satanic (Rurik would probably say "Demiurgic" I guess)
Rolo is young . Rurik is too old. Jesus was tempted by the Devil. So are we all. Truth and goodness are now under full attack. Make no mistake. The priesthood of Babylon is a chameleon which has taken on many forms
, but is still driven by the spirit of antichrist. The RCC was known to be the Antichrist by those who were burnt at the stake. Like Mr Tyndale - burnt before he could complete his work. Oh Bloody Mary. It's a rhyme for those who never knew her cruelty. Well isn't France just ground zero for the Illuminists ? Statue of Liberty made by mad French people. What can one say
The French "revolution" was a disaster, headed by Free Masons and financed by Jews, it replaced a corrupt Feudal system with an another one far, far , far worse.
Catholics were literally Pogromed, my nation (Brittany, Bretagne, Breizh whatever you want to call it) raised up in arms against that system, we lost, but it's nothing compared to the poor people of Vendée, those bastards literally tried to genocide them, they probably killed 1/4 to 1/3 of the population.
There is a war on Christianity (they won in France, it's an irrelevant dogma nowadays) But the Church is corrupt unfortunately. Hell I wish the Vatican would raise Crusaders and clean all the crap, but it won't happen, they're philosemites corrupt faggots.
It was a well planned Crime against humanity.The Church has erased many Tribes from history. Even their own so to speak because no servant is safe from sacrifice. The Albigenses are quite famous heretics
Endofdays, BTW which I believe we are in though not in the "Christian" version. Paul was not an Apostle, him and his Gang were hired by the Pharisees to murder Jesus and his True followers and since they could not fully achieve that objective Paul then hijacked "Christianity" with the Pharisees and High Roman Ruling Class which has little to do with Christ. Paul has a Slavers Mentality which he exposes many times in the New Testament. Body and Blood of Christ is the Communion? I am not a cannibal or a vampire. The Torah is basically the Old Testament. The Talmud is different and mostly followed by the Rabbi's. I know them both well because I have read them whatever is available in English. Much of the Talmud is Disgusting and much of the Torah is the Biography of Psychotic Insane "god".
This God was fighting his own anointed rebellious people as well as the monsters that had been created by the fallen angels and existed ! Nephelim and Caananites and Beasts that are abominations. This is a spiritual war.
So if someone, including animals were/are born into Canaanite Bodies, including children and animals they need to be utterly destroyed? That is a Psychotic, Insane, Blood-thirsty "god". So you are saying the Criminal Psychotic Netanyahu is correct?
God kept telling them where to go , and they kept choosing the wrong direction, worshiping the golden bull just after they got sprung from Egypt !? Like Jonah - he went in the opposite direction and got swallowed by a whale. God uses these things to confound the minds of the proud.
lol.nutyyyahoo is a dodgy refernce.didnt they replace him with a clone ? Im saying if Medusa - that Witch with serpents on her head pitches up at your door what you gonna do Mr . I dont think you have the foggiest about the context. for example Goliath was a very small giant. Giants that would make you look like an insect. this is biblical
No - the Pentateuch The Pentateuch includes the first five books of the Hebrew Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. That is the Hebrew Tanakh or the Torah. There are 39 books in The English Bible. For the Old Testament that is. The mass you are referring to is pagan - and associated with the Whore of Babylon.
Well it's all clear as mud. As always a good article where you have to take a seemingly random parting shot at the most popular book in human history : "Bible is the biggest problem in getting people to wake up because of the dangerous Chosen supremacist narratives in it." Now what on earth do you mean by that ? Are you throwing your lot in with the brainwashed yankee zionists ? Please explain. And what happened to you that spawned this bitterness ? Were you beaten at church as a child ? Nevertheless I pity you, living in a world ruled by Satan, but sworn to secular mysticism. Maybe it's just daddy issues and you'll come to your senses soon. Much love, your faithful stalker.
Well guys for those that read my last chapter review of Golovlev/Pinchuks book it seems I was overly optimistic when I predicted that the situation with personal kit was stable now. Here at the Chronicles we are accused of spreading pro NATOCIAM16CBUCNN anal Satanist propaganda but it turns out my take was actually too generous towards the Kremlin and MoD. I said that given its now well over a year after Pinchuk released the book that probably the troops at least were being issued decent helmets, armour and stuff like that. Well now the old head commander of the VDV comes along and says no shits still all fucked up just like when Pinchuk wrote the book. Not Budanov, not Sirsky, no the guy who used to command the VDV. Yet Simplicius assures us that MoD has a whole new Army group with all the bells and whistles just waiting for the right moment to strike. WTF this new front will be equipped with is an interesting question when the guys already fighting still have severe shortages of everything.
Russia being under an unofficial Versailles makes sense. The Kremlin is trying to violate as few points as possible because they aren't against honouring their end, the whole SNO was about trying to bluff the US into honouring their end. Now that the bluff has been called its even more important actually to observe the unofficial Versailles terms if there is any hope to be re-integrated into the anal-satanist order. But yeah Putin back in the day constantly yammered about the US acting lawlessly on the world stage. The implication being that the RF was acting lawfully, but who laid out these laws the Kremlin was honouring? The same people that Putin was complaining about. And Russia still is following these laws more or less. So cringe, it almost feels dirty to even think about. Like a dog thats actually happy and wagging its tail when it gets a belly rub from the hand that usually beats it. Or the Kremlin is like some omega cuck male living under a tyrannical nagging wifes rules and he just tried to bluff that he was going to walk out unless he is allowed to have guys night out once a month with his friends and she called it. Now the cuck is back to honouring all her whims but still kind of passively aggressively trying to get her to agree to let him go to guys night maybe once every 6 months.
Very good indeed. I truly feel as though you're filling in a blank in my perspective now that I'm getting a better footing in these politics. The only trouble is you're putting out so much new work I'm struggling to get through your back-catalogue! My pet theory is that the political dynamic of the Dune novels is more or less literally true, and this does seem to reinforce my confidence in that theory. The "tribe" in this idea is not really a force of or for itself, but a privileged accomplishment class at the level of real politics. Probably ha been utilised this way since ancient days.
please check your DMs!
I didn't see anything new there. I've just noticed that there was an explicit content filter still on in setting, but can't see any other reason why I wouldn't be receiving from you.
Complete Clown World, the Pro-Palestine woman think Israelis are Muslim, and the guy in a dress is pro-Israel because "muh Gay Rights".
“The results of the last two years of the SMO should be proof enough of the fact that Putin has successfully strip-mined the army under several defense ministers and weakened it so much that it is now almost inferior to the UAF. If the USSR once had the world’s largest and strongest military, Russia now has a military that cannot defeat Ukraine, let alone pose any threat to NATO.”~ibid
The most succinct, single sentence summary of Putin’s Folly yet written.
You have not answered any of the points I made but just throw Bible Blather. I made it clear about Saul who is Paul and is NOT an Apostle. I pointed out that you are, maybe knowingly and maybe not, worshiping Satan who masquerades as God. So Jesus died for our sins? Did anything change in the 2000 years since his Horrible murder? Go worship Satanyahu who is a representative of your "god" Satan.
Lol. Bro you are posting on a different thread here. Nuttyyahoo's clone is the synagogue of satan, maybe just a little lower down on the scale. You havent said a breathless word about why Paul is a dark traitor like Judas ! Smacktalk requires paperwork. Ha ha ha. Did anything change ? Ecclesiastes 1:9
9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Yes he died but he was resurrected.Did your heart of stone turn to flesh yet ?
Enjoy your False Reality and Psychotic "god".
Thanks albert that's sweet of you. I hope your day isn't too miserable.
Yes there were Creatures but many people and animals were genocided. How about the Virgins?
Taking the Bible, its main "god" and his Chosen is Mass Psychosis.
Yes it is a Spiritual War but it is between those of the True Divine God vs the Evil Usurper Yahweh = Satan. The Divine is Rescuing its own and not interested in a shooting war.
Hey Roolo/Rurik, do the Russian people really call Putin Pypa ? I don't know it just sound fucking gay as fuck to me.
Yes I used to call him that too when I supported him because it sounds funny
Rumble is blocked in France too (of course you can access it with a VPN, pay the Jews to avoid the Jewish censorship !).
"Rumble video service ‘turns off’ France over demand to censor Russian media "
It seems that Russia Today now use Odysee (they used to shill their Rumble channel on the webpage, they seemed to have stopped that crap, there's still a RT channel on Rumble but it doesn't seem to be the same one, it's tiny)
And yeah they banned Russian state media here in France (I think it's a European Union wide thing, don't quote me on that, it may just be a "French" "local" ZOG thing).
Rumble has faggot Peter Thiel money behind it, and Vanguard Blackrock and State Street own a bit of the company, it's not going to stay "free" for much longer, except maybe for a case study on the Goyim I guess.
Ok the "ban" on Rumble seems to be in France only, if I set my VPN to a German, Italian, IP or from the UK (yeah I know they aren't in the EU anymore) I can access RT just fine. I don't really care to not be able to access RT (or Sputnik) without a VPN, but Germany is usually worse on the censorship than France, but hey we have the most Jewish government ever so you know....
Interesting article Rurik. However I still believe Putin has outplayed the West. I agree with you on the Bible though there are sparks of Light captured in there to attract the good. Much of the Old Testament, New Testament written by Paul (a Hitman for the Pharisees who then hijacked Christianity, Torah and Talmud demonstrates the Insane, Psychotic, Blood-thirsty "god" and much of them are his biography and mostly ridiculous rules. I challenge the Bible-thumpers to read the Books noted Cover to Cover and then see what they think.
Yes I agree there is some kind of power struggle going on. Are you referring to the same Paul who was hunted by the Pharisees who wanted to kill him for heresy ? The same Paul who had his head chopped off by Rome ? A remarkable theory really ,far beyond anything the Father of lies could cook up. Albert I am afraid you are conflating the Torah and the Talmud. Chalk and cheese my friend. You do realize that Jewish people follow the Talmud and NOT the Torah, though they love to quote it as they think it gives them legitimacy. A brief look at the practice of usury ( punishable by death in the Old Testament ) should provide some dramatic insights. Unfortunately for them they have a twisted talmudic understanding of the Tanakh which is alogical consequence of their rejection of the fulfillment of the Word, Christ. I'm not sure how one is expected to read a book these days but I can tell you that anyone who has actuallly read the New Testament will tell you that Paul is no wolf in sheep's clothing.
the Talmud is commentary on the Torah. they follow the Torah religiously.
first, tell no lies. even if you think they are told in the name of a Greater Good.
Apologies for the snotty response - let's hear it for real journalists : https://healthimpactnews.com/2023/exposing-the-christian-zionism-cult/
Said like a good little goy. That's what they say , but this is obviously a ruse if you are even distantly familiar with either. Who follows the torah religiously ? - certainly not the rabbis and their halakha. You cannot separate the rabbis from the talmud or from Judaism. The scribes and Pharisees are the rabbis. It's really not that hard. The talmud is the "oral law" and has very little in common with the books of Moses. I gave a simple example of usury which is banned by the bible but fully endorsed by the Babylonian Talmud. The rabbis proudly claim that they debated God and won ! The talmud is full of such delights. Rabbinic judaism is talmudism which is babylonian gobbeldygook. No wonder then that you have such a dim view of the Bible if you make this common and false association. A lie is a lie my friend no matter what spin the talmud puts on it. Judaism is the talmud. Arguing against this simple point may leave some egg on your face.
The Jews of today are Saturn worshippers.
Yes : " The Oral "Torah" also includes the works of Kabbalah, a tradition of mystical secrets of the metaphysical universe received by Moses at Mount Sinai. It was first published as "The Zohar" by R' Shimon bar Yochai (170 CE) " The roots of talmudism go back to the Babylonian priesthood.
Rolo/Rurik is firmly anti-Christian, he thinks Christianity was a Jewish plot for the Goyim (there are some writings available on the Web which could confirm it, I don't have a strong opinion about it, of course the Church was very soft on the Jews, , they let them enslave us by debt even back then, let them create the Jesuits, Protestants were LARPing as Israelites at some point, so I understand his position).
And you also had very "antisemitic" Christians throughout history, mostly based on "they killed Jesus" but some clearly saw the racial angle, but it's true that Christians really destroyed much of the old wonders of Europe when they gained controlled of the Roman Empire, this is retarded as hell, but I do know that my country (France) is very much anti-Christian (you know 1789 and all that, the proto-Bolshevik "Revolution") and the decline of Catholicism was not a good thing, whatever you may feel about the Church they were still some kind of safeguard (at least your local "curé")
Now with Vatican II and the faggot Jesuit Pope they can go fuck themself, the dude hate us and is Satanic (Rurik would probably say "Demiurgic" I guess)
Rolo is young . Rurik is too old. Jesus was tempted by the Devil. So are we all. Truth and goodness are now under full attack. Make no mistake. The priesthood of Babylon is a chameleon which has taken on many forms
, but is still driven by the spirit of antichrist. The RCC was known to be the Antichrist by those who were burnt at the stake. Like Mr Tyndale - burnt before he could complete his work. Oh Bloody Mary. It's a rhyme for those who never knew her cruelty. Well isn't France just ground zero for the Illuminists ? Statue of Liberty made by mad French people. What can one say
And to my (limited to say the least) knowledge the Illumaniti were Germans and Jews (or Crypto-Jews anyway).
Jacques Attali
The French "revolution" was a disaster, headed by Free Masons and financed by Jews, it replaced a corrupt Feudal system with an another one far, far , far worse.
Catholics were literally Pogromed, my nation (Brittany, Bretagne, Breizh whatever you want to call it) raised up in arms against that system, we lost, but it's nothing compared to the poor people of Vendée, those bastards literally tried to genocide them, they probably killed 1/4 to 1/3 of the population.
There is a war on Christianity (they won in France, it's an irrelevant dogma nowadays) But the Church is corrupt unfortunately. Hell I wish the Vatican would raise Crusaders and clean all the crap, but it won't happen, they're philosemites corrupt faggots.
Though Ill admit that God works in mysterious ways and some of the best exorcists have been RCC, so there you go
It was a well planned Crime against humanity.The Church has erased many Tribes from history. Even their own so to speak because no servant is safe from sacrifice. The Albigenses are quite famous heretics
Endofdays, BTW which I believe we are in though not in the "Christian" version. Paul was not an Apostle, him and his Gang were hired by the Pharisees to murder Jesus and his True followers and since they could not fully achieve that objective Paul then hijacked "Christianity" with the Pharisees and High Roman Ruling Class which has little to do with Christ. Paul has a Slavers Mentality which he exposes many times in the New Testament. Body and Blood of Christ is the Communion? I am not a cannibal or a vampire. The Torah is basically the Old Testament. The Talmud is different and mostly followed by the Rabbi's. I know them both well because I have read them whatever is available in English. Much of the Talmud is Disgusting and much of the Torah is the Biography of Psychotic Insane "god".
This God was fighting his own anointed rebellious people as well as the monsters that had been created by the fallen angels and existed ! Nephelim and Caananites and Beasts that are abominations. This is a spiritual war.
So if someone, including animals were/are born into Canaanite Bodies, including children and animals they need to be utterly destroyed? That is a Psychotic, Insane, Blood-thirsty "god". So you are saying the Criminal Psychotic Netanyahu is correct?
God kept telling them where to go , and they kept choosing the wrong direction, worshiping the golden bull just after they got sprung from Egypt !? Like Jonah - he went in the opposite direction and got swallowed by a whale. God uses these things to confound the minds of the proud.
lol.nutyyyahoo is a dodgy refernce.didnt they replace him with a clone ? Im saying if Medusa - that Witch with serpents on her head pitches up at your door what you gonna do Mr . I dont think you have the foggiest about the context. for example Goliath was a very small giant. Giants that would make you look like an insect. this is biblical
No - the Pentateuch The Pentateuch includes the first five books of the Hebrew Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. That is the Hebrew Tanakh or the Torah. There are 39 books in The English Bible. For the Old Testament that is. The mass you are referring to is pagan - and associated with the Whore of Babylon.
Have you read Numbers? And 'god" demands the genocide of every man, women (except the virgins), child and animal and a % of the virgins for himself?
You are ignoring the elephant in the room , Jesus and the new testament
No I'm not. I noted The Murderer Paul and accepted nothing he wrote in the NT.
Yes, it is extreme. I beleive these places had creatures which were created through unholy union. Have you listened to Billy Hellgates ?
Well it's all clear as mud. As always a good article where you have to take a seemingly random parting shot at the most popular book in human history : "Bible is the biggest problem in getting people to wake up because of the dangerous Chosen supremacist narratives in it." Now what on earth do you mean by that ? Are you throwing your lot in with the brainwashed yankee zionists ? Please explain. And what happened to you that spawned this bitterness ? Were you beaten at church as a child ? Nevertheless I pity you, living in a world ruled by Satan, but sworn to secular mysticism. Maybe it's just daddy issues and you'll come to your senses soon. Much love, your faithful stalker.
Come on, dude. Read some of the previous articles at least.
Hello ghost of Biden - come on man ! Meaning what exactly ? Either say something or not.