[On Substackers and Their Lies, Why Rurik Doesn't Use Soap, The Vaccine Third Rail in Health Politics, Elon Killed His Own Kid, Circassian Harem Healthcare, Hunting the Bigfoot Virus and Much More!]
I have two related questions. (a) If 'the nature of the con' is public acceptance of mRNA therapeutics, wouldn't that con have to be predicated on the existence of the ribosome? (b) What is/are the definitive proof of principle experiment(s) - with suitable positive and negative controls - for the existence of the ribosome. Thank you.
Indeed, the history of vaccination is a blood-soaked trail of fraud and deception
NAZI! how dare you!
Wow, thank you for this! Sasha is great!
I have two related questions. (a) If 'the nature of the con' is public acceptance of mRNA therapeutics, wouldn't that con have to be predicated on the existence of the ribosome? (b) What is/are the definitive proof of principle experiment(s) - with suitable positive and negative controls - for the existence of the ribosome. Thank you.
Thank you! NASA - Never A Straight Answer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D19d51DgbXo
Sasha what do you know about polyethylene glycol? This is one of the killer brigade adjuvants that appears with 2nd generation kill shots.
David Icke has a very precise point of view about the 500B Stargate...
You'll find a lot of answers there: