Jun 2, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

This was beautiful.

I constantly say the same thing. I support Russia, not because it opposes my enemies and weakens the GAE, bringing the day of liberation of my people closer (this of course pleases me), but because I really like Russia and want them to be a successful regional hegemony.

As an American, I am most upset our empire because it has corrupted manifest destiny. Instead of rightfully invading or uniting with Canada and the South, forming a great Empire stretching from the Arctic to the Panama Canal, it engages in "Internation Economic Transhumanist Imperialism" which is immensely gay and lame by comparison.

We could partition the world with India, China, Russia, Iran and Brazil, and instead we dick around like assholes.

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

The shitlibs support Ukraine, because it's in-line withe the regime, some progressives see the U.S. as the main instigator, the dissident Right is split, the NeoCons (Majority of the Republican party) obviously are rabidly ant Russian etc...I am not interested in changing anyone's mind. I am a Serb, and it's self explanatory. We were partially bombed in the 1999, because we were "little Russians"

Check out 2018 documentary on the YouTube called "A Snipers War" about the Serbian volunteer who was there since 2014.


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"See, ideology is a dirty whore that you can get to dance for you for a few bucks"

I don't need to add anything. Just repeating the quote. That's good enough.

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Excellent Rolo but don't waste your time as to what other bloggers think. Agreed ideology can be molded and tailored to whatever a particular agenda is. And in most cases it boils down to two words "self interest". For me well let me be blunt and clear. I'm a European born baptized Eastern Orthodox (though I have my own personal beliefs regarding God and man) Euro-centric nationalist. Simply stated, I prefer European western culture and its various scions around the globe. No culture is perfect however western civilization has contributed more positive results in all areas of human endeavors than any other civilization. As I cast a dismayed glance around I see the western world being swamped in all areas by people from backwards, unstable, marginal cultures while the stability of the west is rocked by created problems and false flags, fiat debt currency, and a sabotaged (by the regimes in charge) infrastructure turning first world into third world level hovels and ghettos. Favelas a' la USA and EU. I have both Russian and Ukrainian friends and it is tragic that Slavic Europeans should be fighting with each other but ZOG has gotten it's tentacles into the Ukraine and it's long over due to be excised. Regarding Russia I'm neither a Putin lover nor hater. I admire the man in many areas we have similar perspectives and interests. Such as the survival of western peoples, faith, culture, martial arts, hunting, fishing, and enjoying the "fruits of Eve". As I see it he's the only world leader standing up for the west and it's people and for that if noting else he's to be commended and applauded. It's tragic that the USA and Russia have not formed a formal alliance and non-aggression pact. Our real adversaries are the Maoists in Beijing, and the regime currently occupying Judea and Samaria and their 5th column agents that have infiltrated the west. Nationalist counter-revolution is needed to clean up the mess ZOG has made of the USA and west.

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Russia is the international dissenter.

Colonialism hasn't ended: it's just become less direct. According to the PTB's, all countries must import the same Open Society outlook, and accept the rule of the same finanial oligarchs and the West's financial system. Or else.

I have a "Show us what ya got." attitude toward foreign policy. Let everyone help each other to do as well as possible, making trade and cultural agreements when mutually beneificial, and respecting them. If you feel compelled to provide foreign aid, give it to the country itself, and not to would-be-leaders to study at Harvard, or give aid directly to producers like farmers, instead of coupons redeemable by Halliburton or Cargill.

So, yeah, I do want to see what the people of Russia can do for themselves, and I wish it well. I feel the same about Syria; I feel the same about, say, Lithuania and Libya. I feel that Putin and Assad are acting constructively; so was Qaddafi. On the other hand, Obama, Biden, Boris, Macron, and especially Trudeau, not so much.

It brings me joy to see any leader or government successfully helping their people prosper, and I don't care what economic system or political philosophy they adopt to do this. In fact, I'm averse to single sytems or ideologies. I think of the international community as a huge Petri dish to discover which cultures are the healthiest so that others can adopt whatever parts they deem suitable and appropriate. Contrariwise, this might complicate international trade, which directs our attention to the greatest obstaclee.

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So, Rolo, if I read this thoughtful post right, you are a 'ends justify the means' kind of thinker? By that logic, It must impress you that the USZOG deep state is willing to use head-chopping jihadis to achieve their goals. Are ideologies just harmless, disembodied thought patterns, or do they actually drive sometimes harmful behaviors in the bodies they inhabit?

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I noticed that both you and Dugin and the few Russian journalists allowed to talk about my country on TV use the term "civilization" a lot to describe Russia and its sphere of influence. Now you are also using the same term to describe America. Is this a term that has a particular meaning or is it simply a way to describe empire without saying empire?

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