The Chernobyl deep dive will be a little bit different.
Usually, I just present my thesis and then info-dump memoirs from old Soviet ex-spooks or military men who confirm what I am saying. But this time I thought I’d share the writing/research process as we went along together. Technically, this counts as an entry into my long-running series about Soviet-Israeli relations in which I postulate that the reason that the USSR collapsed was because Trotskyism (of which Zionism is a key component) had won the intellectual debate among globalist intellegentsia and so Communism was retired as a project. Once Communism was decided against, and the USSR was set to be destroyed in the name of Trotskyism, the ethnic Trotskyist Yuri Andropov set about imploding the USSR. The Trotskyite KGB chief Yuri Andropov (real name Fleckenstein) was the real reason that the USSR was imploded.
Now, there are actually two key events that are usually blamed for being the trigger for the collapse of the USSR. The first was Afghanistan and the second was Chernobyl.
My previous deep dives were relatively easier to write because I already had a solid conspiracy foundational knowledge to draw on. Sure, I didn’t know the details about what went down with Andropov ordering the bizarre and counterproductive intervention into Afghanistan, and it took some time to find the old memoirs from the military types explaining how the KGB was funding the enemy and collaborating with the CIA to destroy the USSR army sent in there to be picked apart slowly.
But I did know the general thrust of the story because of my family background and all the time I had already spent in conspiracy circles learning about this stuff. It was just a matter of filling in the details. You’d think that writing about Chernobyl would actually be easier because it is just some one-off event and I even have a grandfather who earned a very high honor for coordinating the liquidation effort there.
But Chernobyl is so strange and technical that it isn’t easy to wrap your head around all at once. And I am eventually going to make the claim that Zionism is to blame for Chernobyl eventually, but it will take awhile to get there. Also, this post took a lot of time to research and write. This is why I haven’t been posting as much in recent days.
That and my casual readers not paying me money.
Today, let’s get the more boring technical and political stuff out of the way first.
Look: We still don't know what actually happened at the Chernobyl disaster
After spending about 16 hours watching documentaries and reading forums on the matter (with bathroom breaks), I can safely conclude that we still don’t know what caused the meltdown and that there is an active cover-up still in effect of the truth behind the disaster.
Have you seen the HBO series Chernobyl?
All of it was totally and completely wrong. In fact, the timing of the show almost certainly had something to do with the publication of more and more material about the anomalies and inconsistencies in the official narrative about the events in Reactor 4 and the processes by which a meltdown occurred. That is, the show was an attempt to reinforce the previous false consensus adopted by the IAEA and to preemptively prime people against considering alternative theories.
I don’t think there is literally even one factual key moment that is accurately depicted in the show. There are entire channels (still on YouTube!) that go point by point debunking each and every IAEA claim and the major plot beats of the HBO miniseries.
Just off the top of my head, here are some of the lies told by the ethnic globalist director of the show that immediately jumped out:
That the helicopter was downed by radiation. We have video footage of the chopper hitting wires with its blades and going down because of that.
That local families gathered on the so-called “Bridge of Death” playing in radiation ash-snow. The show claims that they all died from the radiation shortly after.
In reality, there was literally no one on that bridge and it was named that because of faulty construction leading to collisions before and after the disaster. An easy point to check but somehow the HBO writers couldn’t be bothered.
That the “divers” who got the water pumps running again all went on a suicide mission and died after completing their mission from extreme radiation. In reality, two out of the three divers are still alive and well.
The third also didn’t die from radiation. Furthermore, they never dived, they simply walked along the pipes.
The boron and sand and clay that was rained down on the reactor from helicopters did not stop the reaction. It never even reached the core because the core was covered by a “shield” that was named “Elena” which they were unaware of at the time due to poor visibility.
Thus, Professos Legasev’s “saving” of the situation as portrayed by the show in which he plays the main character, is also nonsense.
Comrade Dyatlov is portrayed as a psychotic, ambitious and mean-spirited buffoon. This character has nothing in common with the real man, who was a patsy and a scapegoat for what happened.
The real Dyatlov never bullied his workers and had even raised the alarm about safety irregularities at the plant. Furthermore, in his retelling of the initial aftermath of the explosion, he talks about flashes of fire being visible. Very important and suppressed information. This confirms eyewitness testimony of “cones of fire” being seen from within Reactor 4. This is dismissed and brushed aside in all official reports though.
Visible fire sinks the entire official explanation presented by the Soviet government in Vienna. And it also sinks the explanation given at the kangaroo show trials held in the USSR at which Dyatlov, Fomin and Brukhanov were convicted.
In the show, Legasov presents the theory of how the accident occurred in a trial scene:
But this is totally wrong. EVERYTHING that the actor says in this scene is a grotesque lie. The tips were NOT made of graphite.
HBO’s Legasev says that they were made of graphite because the Soviet officials were so greedy that they decided to save money and that graphite actually acts as an accelerator. Thus, by inserting the control rods to try and end the reaction, they actually triggered the explosion by essentially throwing gasoline on a fire. But this is NOT what happened because the tips were NOT graphite. This is so so so important to understand because this is literally the lynchpin in the entire official narrative on how the explosion occurred.
The AZ-5 button is the kill switch that lowers the rods into the reactor. The boron sucks up the radiation and kills the reaction. AZ-5 was pressed but instead of ending the reaction, the reaction accelerated and the whole thing blew up. This is the big mystery of Chernobyl and it hasn’t been answered, even though it is central to the plot of the show and the official IAEA reports. There are alternative theories that have emerged in the last 10 years that make far more sense.
But even they still aren’t the full explanation.
The show doesn’t even get the culprit for who pressed the AZ-5 button correct. It wasn’t Akimov, it was actually Toptunov. This is just sloppy. We are to believe that these ethnic directors and writers got their jobs because of their genetically high IQ? It is to laugh.
There is growing evidence for the “bomb” theory which indicates that what happened in Reactor 4 wasn’t a meltdown but a literal mini-atom bomb going off.
And this is where the speculation gets interesting.
The Spook Sabotage Hypothesis
Following HBO’s show, the state channels in Russia started speculating that it was a CIA sabotage mission that had set off the Chernobyl disaster. This was, of course, dismissed by all the important people with important positions as a conspiracy theory. And yes, most of the claim is indeed bunk because of a lack of evidence. But there actually are interesting bits of truth hidden in the controlled disinfo released by the FSB-controlled media.
Look: if any spook agency was to blame for sabotage, it was the KGB.
The KGB was basically in charge of all nuclear activity in the USSR. They had active agents on the scene at all times prior to and during and in the aftermath of the explosion. In fact, Professor Legasev, the real one, had KGB ties. The entire nuclear industry was closely curated by the KGB. You had to have KGB approval to achieve any rank of importance in the nuclear field in the USSR. It was and is the same in the West today.
In general, there is something fishy about the nuclear industry. It is steeped in Kabbalic occultism, lies upon lies and ethnic Bolshevism from top to bottom. Chernobyl is not the only bizarre and completely illogical nuclear tall-tale that doesn’t stand up to scrutiny and which raises more questions than it answers — far from it.
But I’m not going to touch on Hiroshima + Nagasaki or the Manhattan Project or the Rosenbergs and all of the other high strangeness surrounding 20th century nuclear history today.
For our purposes, there is a strange and very important connection between Comrades Andropov and Legasev that is hardly ever mentioned by Western researchers on the topic. Both men wrote almost identical security complaints about the RBMK reactors ahead of the Chernobyl disaster. These reports highlighting safety issues related to the rods and the “positive void coefficient” (watch the HBO clip above) and this became the exact explanation settled on for the Chernobyl disaster. This is so so so important to understand:
Andropov and Legasev were in cahoots, clearly. By 1986, Andropov was already dead (under suspicious circumstances), but the early reports indicate that he was initially either using Legasev’s work or Legasev was using Andropov’s (the KBG’s) work to critique the RBMK reactors. Then, when the accident occurs, Legasev become the lead liaison figure sent to the site to salvage the operation and lead liquidation efforts.
This, despite the fact that Legasev was a chemist, and not a nuclear physicist!
Were there more qualified scientists capable of leading the containment efforts? Of course there were! But none were as highly relied upon and enmeshed with the KGB as Legasev was. He was first sent over to Vienna to lie to the IAEA about what happened. The report was met with literal cheers and applause as the Western scientists applauded the Soviet honesty and openness about the disaster. Since then, the report has been taken down from the IAEA archives out of shame for all of its glaring and obvious lies. Fabrications that they eagerly accepted and promoted all around the world as the scientific consensus for years, mind you. Then he was used in the show trials against Dyatlov and against any alternative explanations for what happened in Reactor 4.
See, the goal of the so-called containment effort was actually a PR mission to reinforce the Andropov explanation for why the RBMK reactors had gone awry. It was a battle to set the narrative first, and to douse the (non-existent!) flames second. As we now know, the KGB-Legasev explanation for the disaster had been drafted decades prior to the events and then was trotted out later, in total contradiction to the actual evidence, to explain the disaster when it finally occurred. Eyewitness testimony that directly contradicted the explanation was discarded and scapegoats were thrown into prison and the whole thing was hushed up and tied with a bow by arranging a few deaths by suicide here and there.
What people don’t understand is that the entire affair was handled by the KGB from beginning to end.
And Legasev’s later falling out with the KGB, which led to either his suicide or his assassination, have to be seen in the context of the internal battle within the KGB between the new faction of Yakvlovites/Gorbachevites vs the old Andropov guard. We have spoken at length about this battle and its implications in the aftermath of Andropov’s assassination and the capitulation of the Soviet state to Washington before.
In other words, Legasev was part of the old Andropov faction and its schemes that were drafted by the 70s already. The new KGB however wanted to make some alterations to the plan and Legasev suddenly ended up in the losing faction. Thus, he was probably assassinated.
Also: no one asks how the professor had a gun and why he had it in the first place.
Guns were only allowed to members of the secret police, not even the military were allowed to have them. They were hard to get back then. How does a professor get his hand on one and why did he feel he needed it? Self-defense? If he feared for his life, why is his suicide the official narrative? If he planned to use it to kill himself because he was suicidal, why did he end up using a rope?
Again, this is a cover-up, obviously.
But he wasn’t killed because the KGB was trying to cover up Chernobyl’s radioactivity and health issues effecting the public and Legasev was the brave whistleblower trying to alert the world to safety flaws in the RBMK reactors. This is the clever misdirection. No, he was part of the original Andropov plot to essentially say, “I told you so” and to blame an upcoming, expected nuclear disaster on a pre-arranged explanation. In it, the heroic KGB did their best to avert the crisis, but were foiled by the corruption and graft of an incompetent USSR government.
Clever, no?
This is actually the exact same play that they did with Afghanistan. That is, they created a crisis in Afghanistan by putting CIA-trained Trotskyites in power in Kabul. They then helped created a radical Islamic insurgency against their government. They then drove the USSR into Afghanistan by tricking Brezhnev. From that point onwards, they did everything in their power to sabotage their military efforts by feeding the insurgents money, weapons and information, and then they blamed the USSR government for the whole disaster!
Problems With the Radiation Fallout Projections
The immediate aftermath of the Chernobyl explosion was treated a lot like COVID, in retrospect. There were lockdowns, shelter-in-place orders and special powers granted to the KGB to basically do whatever they wanted in the name of crisis prevention.
The narrative is that the KGB tried to suppress information about the disaster to keep the population calm. However, the reality is that the exact opposite was what was occurring. The KGB was spreading alarmism about the effects of radiation and the extent of the disaster. In the HBO series, Legasev goes to Vienna and under threat of the KGB, he plays down the environment and health risks of the disaster. But actually, the opposite was occurring. The subsequent report which sought to clarify "Post-Accident Review Meeting on the Chernobyl Accident" held in Vienna in 1986, was the INSAG-1 report, which dramatically overplayed the effects of radiation from the disaster. This had to be withdrawn as well and the estimates were dramatically revised and the alarmism played down. Not enough, but still.
In actual fact, there are only 31 confirmed deaths from radiation from the explosion.
The projections that millions would die of cancer-related deaths never materialized. But there was a whole lot of panic and hysteria spread deliberately in the wake of the attack. Like in Greece, for example, which never got hit by the radioactive cloud in any way whatsoever. There, women started panicking and mass-aborting their children or having hysteria-induced abortions which were blamed on radiation.
The fact of the matter is that “radiation” is a black box that we really don’t understand.
It is common knowledge that there are people living in the exclusion zone. They aren’t mutants. Every single video claiming to show mutant animals in the zone has been debunked, that I am aware of. You can tour the zone if you like (or you could before the war). Russian troops occupied the area around Chernobyl in the early weeks and dug trench lines there. The wildlife in the area is flourishing. There are packs of dogs that live around the reactor where humans are (the plant still works) who are the brood of pets that were abandoned in 1986. Not a mutant among them.
The Ukrainian army used to hold live military drills in Pripyat and some of the other villages.
I can go on and on and on.
Personally, I was born 50 km from the disaster and look at me!
Actually, some might say that this is not an argument in favor of my theory.
Next time (probably tomorrow) we are going to dig much deeper into all of this though. We will cover the plot to plan and carry out the Chernobyl disaster and its strange occult ritual connections. I will paywall that part. Sign up for the blog now, please. Also, read up on Andropov. I have thousands of reader and far far less people who have read the series on Andropov, which is probably my most important research and contribution to the discussion. It is absolutely crucial to read up on how the USSR was detonated and why and by whom and with what goal in mind.
Read this too:
The nuclear scientist Galen Winsor has a presentation where he debunks all nuclear fears. The fact that life is teeming around Chernobyl, Fukushima, Hiroshimi, Nagasaki, Three Mile Island and Windscale is good enough demonstration of this.
Rurik, do you know Eduard Hodos and his book serie "The Jewish Syndrome "
Eduard Hodos was born Hodos Eduard Davidovich in Kharkov, Ukraine in 1945 to an Orthodox Jewish family. In 1990, Hodos claims he was personally recruited and promoted by Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Schneerson — but he resigned his position once he realized the real aims that Chabad had for his native country of Ukraine.
Since then, Hodos has been an out-spoken critic of Chabad, warning the public about their agenda — and the political figures and oligarchs who do their bidding. Hodos has since converted to Ukraine’s Orthodox Christian church.
In volume 3 he writes about Chabad and Chernobyl:
Was The Chernobyl Disaster Intentional Sabotage By Chabad Agents?
The factual destruction of the USSR — the socialist empire built by Stalin — was also begun long in advance of the “Belovezhsky Putsch” of 1991 — namely in 1986, with the nightmare events at the Chernobyl atomic power station.
Bearing in mind the shocking similarity of the scenarios which prepared the way for these “Khazar putsches,” one might assume that their estimated cost, as well as the source of financing, might have some common “family traits” as well.
The names of the financiers who paid for the “clearing of territory” in advance of the Second Khazaria are well known to us: “Schiff, Warburg and Company.”
In the second case — the “who, whom, when, and how much” isn’t known to any degree of certainty. However, by analyzing certain events in the light of known historic facts, we can arrive at the following conclusions:
On the 26th of April 1986 an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl atomic power station, equivalent in power, as has been recently determined, to 500 Hiroshimas. This was the “bomb” which cracked the foundations of the great empire, whose “indestructibility” no one doubted up to that moment.
The “fissioning process” took on an irreversible character….A gaping hole in the country’s economy opened up: unprecedented “unscheduled” financial expenses for the liquidation of the catastrophe, a general, army-style mobilization of “liquidators”, enormous resettlements out of the contaminated territory, the erection of the “sarcophagus” and so forth.
For the first time in our decades-long life as a “single family” mutual accusations began to fly and the “brotherly nations” began presenting demands to each other. And finally, the Radioactive Desert, which turned the very heart of the Slavic World into a “no-man’s land,” poisoning the hearts and souls of the “Great Soviet People” — pushed the Socialist Empire over the brink, into the “black hole” of the Third Khazaria.
This whole Apocalypse was touched off by a single….experiment! Uh-huh, that’s right — a certain “unsuccessful unscheduled experiment” carried out (by whom we don’t know to this day) on the eve of the Celebration of the “Great Khazarian Architects” [May 1st, International Workers’ Day — Editor].
It bears mentioning that Chernobyl has always been regarded by members of the sect as a sacred place of requital and punishment. You see, it was there that Bogdan Khmelnitsky [allegedly] wiped out the “Chernobyl branch” of Chabad’s forefathers by fire and sword. And it’s no accident that the catastrophe which took place at Chernobyl — which the whole world regards as a “tragedy” and a “catastrophe” — is referred to by Lubavitchers as “The Chernobyl Wonder.”
It’s no accident either that beginning in the 1990’s — the period of the establishment of the Third Khazaria — Lubavitchers “opened season” on ritual bacchanalias in Pripiat’, the epicenter of the Chernobyl Wasteland [Unfortunately, the author doesn’t elaborate on these “ritual bacchanalias” — Editor].
That’s why my theory of a planned diversion — the generous financing of which was able to guarantee the well-known consequences at Chernobyl — has a perfect right to exist.
Many years ago, a Russian friend sent me a link to a programme on Russian television. The programme explained that there was a facility near Chernobyl that was similar in appearance and function to the HAARP facility in Alaska. Allegedly, an experiment was taking place in the Russian HAARP facility at the time of the explosion in the nuclear power plant, which triggered the reactor disaster.