The nuclear scientist Galen Winsor has a presentation where he debunks all nuclear fears. The fact that life is teeming around Chernobyl, Fukushima, Hiroshimi, Nagasaki, Three Mile Island and Windscale is good enough demonstration of this.
Are there still 'off-grid' people living there, subsistence farming and avoiding contact with representatives of the state, and living healthily like the animals and vegetation?
Rurik, do you know Eduard Hodos and his book serie "The Jewish Syndrome "
Eduard Hodos was born Hodos Eduard Davidovich in Kharkov, Ukraine in 1945 to an Orthodox Jewish family. In 1990, Hodos claims he was personally recruited and promoted by Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Schneerson — but he resigned his position once he realized the real aims that Chabad had for his native country of Ukraine.
Since then, Hodos has been an out-spoken critic of Chabad, warning the public about their agenda — and the political figures and oligarchs who do their bidding. Hodos has since converted to Ukraine’s Orthodox Christian church.
In volume 3 he writes about Chabad and Chernobyl:
Was The Chernobyl Disaster Intentional Sabotage By Chabad Agents?
The factual destruction of the USSR — the socialist empire built by Stalin — was also begun long in advance of the “Belovezhsky Putsch” of 1991 — namely in 1986, with the nightmare events at the Chernobyl atomic power station.
Bearing in mind the shocking similarity of the scenarios which prepared the way for these “Khazar putsches,” one might assume that their estimated cost, as well as the source of financing, might have some common “family traits” as well.
The names of the financiers who paid for the “clearing of territory” in advance of the Second Khazaria are well known to us: “Schiff, Warburg and Company.”
In the second case — the “who, whom, when, and how much” isn’t known to any degree of certainty. However, by analyzing certain events in the light of known historic facts, we can arrive at the following conclusions:
On the 26th of April 1986 an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl atomic power station, equivalent in power, as has been recently determined, to 500 Hiroshimas. This was the “bomb” which cracked the foundations of the great empire, whose “indestructibility” no one doubted up to that moment.
The “fissioning process” took on an irreversible character….A gaping hole in the country’s economy opened up: unprecedented “unscheduled” financial expenses for the liquidation of the catastrophe, a general, army-style mobilization of “liquidators”, enormous resettlements out of the contaminated territory, the erection of the “sarcophagus” and so forth.
For the first time in our decades-long life as a “single family” mutual accusations began to fly and the “brotherly nations” began presenting demands to each other. And finally, the Radioactive Desert, which turned the very heart of the Slavic World into a “no-man’s land,” poisoning the hearts and souls of the “Great Soviet People” — pushed the Socialist Empire over the brink, into the “black hole” of the Third Khazaria.
This whole Apocalypse was touched off by a single….experiment! Uh-huh, that’s right — a certain “unsuccessful unscheduled experiment” carried out (by whom we don’t know to this day) on the eve of the Celebration of the “Great Khazarian Architects” [May 1st, International Workers’ Day — Editor].
It bears mentioning that Chernobyl has always been regarded by members of the sect as a sacred place of requital and punishment. You see, it was there that Bogdan Khmelnitsky [allegedly] wiped out the “Chernobyl branch” of Chabad’s forefathers by fire and sword. And it’s no accident that the catastrophe which took place at Chernobyl — which the whole world regards as a “tragedy” and a “catastrophe” — is referred to by Lubavitchers as “The Chernobyl Wonder.”
It’s no accident either that beginning in the 1990’s — the period of the establishment of the Third Khazaria — Lubavitchers “opened season” on ritual bacchanalias in Pripiat’, the epicenter of the Chernobyl Wasteland [Unfortunately, the author doesn’t elaborate on these “ritual bacchanalias” — Editor].
That’s why my theory of a planned diversion — the generous financing of which was able to guarantee the well-known consequences at Chernobyl — has a perfect right to exist.
Many years ago, a Russian friend sent me a link to a programme on Russian television. The programme explained that there was a facility near Chernobyl that was similar in appearance and function to the HAARP facility in Alaska. Allegedly, an experiment was taking place in the Russian HAARP facility at the time of the explosion in the nuclear power plant, which triggered the reactor disaster.
Thanks for that mention of Hodos. Radio Islam website has a free copy of his book (along with much more information about Jewish domination of the world.)
Here's the page showing the revolting physiognomies of the 'Butchers of Ukraine'.
This goes beyond the Heavenly Jerusalem Project of turning Novorossiya into the second Israel. Their idea of a Third Khazaria wants all of Russia and Ukraine.
There's also a page about Robert Maxwell - another 'trustworthy' face - sending Jewish children from Chernobyl to a kibbutz in Israel.
Was 26th April the anniversary of Khelmitsky's murder of their Lubavitch ancestors?
You have linked an interesting page. It provided me with a link I was looking for regarding China. Surprisingly, it doesn't mention that Mao Tse Tung was also a ‘child’ of the happy merchants. He was educated and financed at Yale. Kissinger, the father of the WEF, then ensured that China was prepared as the future host of the elites after the USA had been completely plundered. Blackrock is the only company in China that has a free hand in all matters and did not have to enter into a joint venture like other companies.
I don't know whether 26 April was the day of Khelmitsky's assassination. In any case, it was my wedding day. That's why I only found out about what had happened in Chernobly two years later.
Its strange how information can come to us by unexpected routes. I did not know Blackrock has so much influence in China. They seem to be a front for Rothschild interests. The Chinese absorbed previous Jewish infiltration and allocated them a list of permitted surnames, including, I think, the Chinese for 'gold' and 'stone'.
The 19th century opium pushing seems to have derived from the Sassoons, Baghdadi Jews who somehow obtained control of opium production in India. I wonder whether they were working with some Chinese Jews? Maybe the Emperor interfered with a profitable trade, maybe some Mandarins didn't get enough 'squeeze', and we get 'history'!
Who remembers that the Republic of China, which sat on the UN Security Council as the representative of the victorious powers in the Second World War, now bears the name Taiwan? This only changed after Kissinger's visit to the People's Republic of China and the equipping of the country with Western technology. The People's Republic of China then assumed the position of the Republic of China.
We only ever experience fragments. This blog here makes it clear how little we knew about Russia. We know even less about China. And even the little we might have been able to learn is currently being erased. Websites are disappearing, books are being rewritten or are no longer available. Contemporary witnesses are dying out. My grandmother lived through the destruction of Dresden. The number of victims was higher than in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You can still read about it in old books. She could also still testify to how American aeroplanes hunted down those people who were able to flee from the firestorm and save themselves on the banks of the Elbe. Today it is said that they only imagined it. Moreover, only 15,000 people died, who are not really worth remembering. And there is no one left to contradict them.
I made the mistake of reading the news just before going to bed and saw the link to the book ‘Hellstorm’. Instead of sleeping, I read the book all night. I was actually familiar with the events mentioned. After all, I had met numerous eyewitnesses. The whole of East Germany seemed to be filled with people from areas that I couldn't find in my school atlas, such as East Prussia or Silesia. They all told the same stories in variations. At least the women did. The men were silent. It took me years to realise that a large part of our country no longer belonged to Germany, but was occupied by Poland. That's where all the people who had told me about their horror came from.
While one grandmother survived the fall of Dresden, the other grandmother caught the last train from Königsberg (Kaliningrad). My mother was just 2 months old and all my grandmother could take with her was a small cardboard suitcase containing baby clothes and nappies. Grandmother and mother are already dead. But I still have the small suitcase. That's all that was left of the estate they owned.
The grandmother had 3 brothers. 2 died in the war. The youngest and favourite son was 15 at the end of the war. His mother hid him so that he wouldn't have to go to the front or join the Volkssturm. He never had a weapon in his hand. But when the war was over and the Russians found him, he was sent to a labour camp in Siberia for 10 years. He never spoke about what he experienced there either. His mother died of grief shortly after his deportation.
As a child, I often got into arguments with my grandmother. This was because we were taught at school that the Russians were our friends, who had liberated us from fascism and only wanted good things for us, while we had killed 27 million of them. However, my grandmother's stories contradicted the teachers' stories. And as a child, you only know black and white and obviously believe the teachers more than your own blood. That's why you should keep children as far away from school as possible if you don't want them to be influenced by foreign ideology.
In East Germany, you could read the true story about the destruction of Dresden in books. After all, it was evil capitalists who committed the crime. However, nothing was learnt about the crimes of the Russians. You had to read literature from West Germany. It was similar with the concentration camps. We learnt that socialists, communists, Christians, gypsies and even Jews were interned there. In West Germany, they learnt that there were Jews and a few other persecuted people in the concentration camps. For us, Israel was a brutal occupier that oppressed the Palestinians, murdered them and stole their land. In West Germany, people swore eternal loyalty to Israel and showered it with billions of dollars.
When the two parts of Germany were reunited, the East Germans did not want to be friends of the murderous regime in Israel and were surprised at the cheeky behaviour of the followers of their religion. The latter, in turn, were annoyed that people here did not submit as voluntarily as they had done in West Germany. Thanks to new teachers and new textbooks, the following generations in this part of Germany became just as uncritical and submissive towards the small country in the Middle East.
The same thing happened here as in Ukraine. Whereas in 2015 it would still have been possible to win people over to the Russian side because there were still enough people alive who remembered that they were a common people, now there is only hatred and a sense of civilisational superiority.
‘Hellstorm’ is also available as a video, which is repeatedly deleted.
"I’m not going to touch on Hiroshima + Nagasaki or the Manhattan Project or the Rosenbergs and all of the other high strangeness surrounding 20th century nuclear history today."
Expedite already, Comrade Skywalker!! You always do great work, but this is beyond amazing. Waiting impatiently for the full report. Please review "Death Object" by Akio Nakatani. He claims that the Manhattan Project bombs were miserable duds, and that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were hoaxes (actually, they were conventionally firebombed.)
Do you agree with this analysis? Has anyone since ever built an atomic bomb that actually works?
Perhaps they dropped nukes AND firebombed just in case the nuke fizzled? Then whatever happens you'll get a destroyed city and some traces of radioactivity.
They had already repeatedly firebombed both cities, along with most of the rest of Japan and had plenty of photos. That Japanese mathematician, Tanaka I think, made a convincing case that the (((Americans))) in charge knew their nukes were frauds, but with a bit of Hollywood trickery they convinced their bosses they were genuine. They had kept the Soviet yids fully informed, so it looks as if Stalin joined the scam and both Americans and Russians scared each other with fake weapons thereafter.
Tanaka quotes the American who counted the fatalities as saying that he greatly inflated them and counted deaths from all causes for months before and after- much as with covid more recently.
Its still not clear whether nukes actually work, or whether perhaps they got them to work only years later.
During covid the internet was full of whistle blowers. Too many to recall. If nukes were indeed fake until today, I'd expect to have heard a hell of a lot more about it.
Not sure about the originals though. If I was in charge, I'd have dropped whatever nukes I had and firebombed it just in case.
"We know that Kouts view cannot be correct, nuclear graphite does not burn like charcoal, and the assertion that only 10% of the Chernobyl core graphite burned does not suggest graphite was the major source of the Chernobyl fire."
Yeah that's fine. Graphite is carbon and can certainty burn (so can diamonds BTW) but I can certainly believe it had nothing to do with Chernobyl fire.
Mark Devlin has got extensive knowledge regarding the occult/satanism and the music and entertainment industry. I would be curious how such an interview would go.
Being a bit of a music buff myself, he has made me rethink everything about the music I grew up listening to and listen to today. Not to say it's evil or anything because once the "spell", so to speak, has been broken, "dis-spelled", you can listen with "immunity". In fact it's even more enjoyable, in an amusing way, when you can hear and recognise the social engineering, magic and enchantment present.
Such a powerful tool, but sadly mostly in the wrong hands.
That's why true folk music is so often derided and marginalised in modern times because of it's purity and deep connections to the various ethnic souls.
Atheist / Communist Jews that secretly are actually Zionist but stay in the Soviet Union to fuck shit up because they hate everyone not them? I get so confused on the narrative…
The good old days of fraud, corruption and lying are long gone I guess.
So Rurik, what's your take on their constant push towards nuclear power? Obviously they know global warning is a scam so the reason must be deeper.
From my point of view, the biosphere has spent millions of years transporting lighter friendly elements to the surface while safely storing heavy anti-life elements like lead, mercury and uranium below the biosphere.
This trend reversed during the industrial age, as heavy elements were once again dug up and brought into the physical space of the biosphere, as the 'technosphere'.
So from my point of view, nuclear is terrible. It starts with relatively stable less dangerous metals that are deep down in the lithosphere and then transmutes them into all sorts of super nasty anti-life materials which are occasionally spread around the biosphere.
Is this just really crap technology,or is there some deliberate terraforming intended?
Rolo, you are cleary a CIA spook, covering up that it was probably debris that caused all of this. The patriots intercepted a space missile and tragically, the remains hit the plant.
In all probability, it was the Germans that developed atomic weapons before anyone else , then the research was stolen by the US and Russia. Just like with other high tech inventions ( jet engines, guided missiles, optically guided drones) and far, far more interesting things.
It was said that an Israeli company did 'maintenance' at Fukushima and installed a long object like the original atomic bomb design to shove a small piece of uranium into a larger one to create an explosion. That got buried as Israel supposedly threatened to nuke Japan. Amazing how closely these people are associated with everything atomic and all the lies about it.
The nuclear scientist Galen Winsor has a presentation where he debunks all nuclear fears. The fact that life is teeming around Chernobyl, Fukushima, Hiroshimi, Nagasaki, Three Mile Island and Windscale is good enough demonstration of this.
link it
I finally got around to watching this video.
If half of what he says is true, this is incredible. Who else is talking about this? I need to look deeper.
Are there still 'off-grid' people living there, subsistence farming and avoiding contact with representatives of the state, and living healthily like the animals and vegetation?
Rurik, do you know Eduard Hodos and his book serie "The Jewish Syndrome "
Eduard Hodos was born Hodos Eduard Davidovich in Kharkov, Ukraine in 1945 to an Orthodox Jewish family. In 1990, Hodos claims he was personally recruited and promoted by Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Schneerson — but he resigned his position once he realized the real aims that Chabad had for his native country of Ukraine.
Since then, Hodos has been an out-spoken critic of Chabad, warning the public about their agenda — and the political figures and oligarchs who do their bidding. Hodos has since converted to Ukraine’s Orthodox Christian church.
In volume 3 he writes about Chabad and Chernobyl:
Was The Chernobyl Disaster Intentional Sabotage By Chabad Agents?
The factual destruction of the USSR — the socialist empire built by Stalin — was also begun long in advance of the “Belovezhsky Putsch” of 1991 — namely in 1986, with the nightmare events at the Chernobyl atomic power station.
Bearing in mind the shocking similarity of the scenarios which prepared the way for these “Khazar putsches,” one might assume that their estimated cost, as well as the source of financing, might have some common “family traits” as well.
The names of the financiers who paid for the “clearing of territory” in advance of the Second Khazaria are well known to us: “Schiff, Warburg and Company.”
In the second case — the “who, whom, when, and how much” isn’t known to any degree of certainty. However, by analyzing certain events in the light of known historic facts, we can arrive at the following conclusions:
On the 26th of April 1986 an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl atomic power station, equivalent in power, as has been recently determined, to 500 Hiroshimas. This was the “bomb” which cracked the foundations of the great empire, whose “indestructibility” no one doubted up to that moment.
The “fissioning process” took on an irreversible character….A gaping hole in the country’s economy opened up: unprecedented “unscheduled” financial expenses for the liquidation of the catastrophe, a general, army-style mobilization of “liquidators”, enormous resettlements out of the contaminated territory, the erection of the “sarcophagus” and so forth.
For the first time in our decades-long life as a “single family” mutual accusations began to fly and the “brotherly nations” began presenting demands to each other. And finally, the Radioactive Desert, which turned the very heart of the Slavic World into a “no-man’s land,” poisoning the hearts and souls of the “Great Soviet People” — pushed the Socialist Empire over the brink, into the “black hole” of the Third Khazaria.
This whole Apocalypse was touched off by a single….experiment! Uh-huh, that’s right — a certain “unsuccessful unscheduled experiment” carried out (by whom we don’t know to this day) on the eve of the Celebration of the “Great Khazarian Architects” [May 1st, International Workers’ Day — Editor].
It bears mentioning that Chernobyl has always been regarded by members of the sect as a sacred place of requital and punishment. You see, it was there that Bogdan Khmelnitsky [allegedly] wiped out the “Chernobyl branch” of Chabad’s forefathers by fire and sword. And it’s no accident that the catastrophe which took place at Chernobyl — which the whole world regards as a “tragedy” and a “catastrophe” — is referred to by Lubavitchers as “The Chernobyl Wonder.”
It’s no accident either that beginning in the 1990’s — the period of the establishment of the Third Khazaria — Lubavitchers “opened season” on ritual bacchanalias in Pripiat’, the epicenter of the Chernobyl Wasteland [Unfortunately, the author doesn’t elaborate on these “ritual bacchanalias” — Editor].
That’s why my theory of a planned diversion — the generous financing of which was able to guarantee the well-known consequences at Chernobyl — has a perfect right to exist.
Many years ago, a Russian friend sent me a link to a programme on Russian television. The programme explained that there was a facility near Chernobyl that was similar in appearance and function to the HAARP facility in Alaska. Allegedly, an experiment was taking place in the Russian HAARP facility at the time of the explosion in the nuclear power plant, which triggered the reactor disaster.
Thanks for that mention of Hodos. Radio Islam website has a free copy of his book (along with much more information about Jewish domination of the world.)
Here's the page showing the revolting physiognomies of the 'Butchers of Ukraine'.
This goes beyond the Heavenly Jerusalem Project of turning Novorossiya into the second Israel. Their idea of a Third Khazaria wants all of Russia and Ukraine.
There's also a page about Robert Maxwell - another 'trustworthy' face - sending Jewish children from Chernobyl to a kibbutz in Israel.
Was 26th April the anniversary of Khelmitsky's murder of their Lubavitch ancestors?
You have linked an interesting page. It provided me with a link I was looking for regarding China. Surprisingly, it doesn't mention that Mao Tse Tung was also a ‘child’ of the happy merchants. He was educated and financed at Yale. Kissinger, the father of the WEF, then ensured that China was prepared as the future host of the elites after the USA had been completely plundered. Blackrock is the only company in China that has a free hand in all matters and did not have to enter into a joint venture like other companies.
I don't know whether 26 April was the day of Khelmitsky's assassination. In any case, it was my wedding day. That's why I only found out about what had happened in Chernobly two years later.
Its strange how information can come to us by unexpected routes. I did not know Blackrock has so much influence in China. They seem to be a front for Rothschild interests. The Chinese absorbed previous Jewish infiltration and allocated them a list of permitted surnames, including, I think, the Chinese for 'gold' and 'stone'.
The 19th century opium pushing seems to have derived from the Sassoons, Baghdadi Jews who somehow obtained control of opium production in India. I wonder whether they were working with some Chinese Jews? Maybe the Emperor interfered with a profitable trade, maybe some Mandarins didn't get enough 'squeeze', and we get 'history'!
Who remembers that the Republic of China, which sat on the UN Security Council as the representative of the victorious powers in the Second World War, now bears the name Taiwan? This only changed after Kissinger's visit to the People's Republic of China and the equipping of the country with Western technology. The People's Republic of China then assumed the position of the Republic of China.
We only ever experience fragments. This blog here makes it clear how little we knew about Russia. We know even less about China. And even the little we might have been able to learn is currently being erased. Websites are disappearing, books are being rewritten or are no longer available. Contemporary witnesses are dying out. My grandmother lived through the destruction of Dresden. The number of victims was higher than in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You can still read about it in old books. She could also still testify to how American aeroplanes hunted down those people who were able to flee from the firestorm and save themselves on the banks of the Elbe. Today it is said that they only imagined it. Moreover, only 15,000 people died, who are not really worth remembering. And there is no one left to contradict them.
An American Revisionist wrote a book about the destruction of Dresden.
I think this may be it:
Somehow the yids get to both cause 'history' and control what is written about it.
I made the mistake of reading the news just before going to bed and saw the link to the book ‘Hellstorm’. Instead of sleeping, I read the book all night. I was actually familiar with the events mentioned. After all, I had met numerous eyewitnesses. The whole of East Germany seemed to be filled with people from areas that I couldn't find in my school atlas, such as East Prussia or Silesia. They all told the same stories in variations. At least the women did. The men were silent. It took me years to realise that a large part of our country no longer belonged to Germany, but was occupied by Poland. That's where all the people who had told me about their horror came from.
While one grandmother survived the fall of Dresden, the other grandmother caught the last train from Königsberg (Kaliningrad). My mother was just 2 months old and all my grandmother could take with her was a small cardboard suitcase containing baby clothes and nappies. Grandmother and mother are already dead. But I still have the small suitcase. That's all that was left of the estate they owned.
The grandmother had 3 brothers. 2 died in the war. The youngest and favourite son was 15 at the end of the war. His mother hid him so that he wouldn't have to go to the front or join the Volkssturm. He never had a weapon in his hand. But when the war was over and the Russians found him, he was sent to a labour camp in Siberia for 10 years. He never spoke about what he experienced there either. His mother died of grief shortly after his deportation.
As a child, I often got into arguments with my grandmother. This was because we were taught at school that the Russians were our friends, who had liberated us from fascism and only wanted good things for us, while we had killed 27 million of them. However, my grandmother's stories contradicted the teachers' stories. And as a child, you only know black and white and obviously believe the teachers more than your own blood. That's why you should keep children as far away from school as possible if you don't want them to be influenced by foreign ideology.
In East Germany, you could read the true story about the destruction of Dresden in books. After all, it was evil capitalists who committed the crime. However, nothing was learnt about the crimes of the Russians. You had to read literature from West Germany. It was similar with the concentration camps. We learnt that socialists, communists, Christians, gypsies and even Jews were interned there. In West Germany, they learnt that there were Jews and a few other persecuted people in the concentration camps. For us, Israel was a brutal occupier that oppressed the Palestinians, murdered them and stole their land. In West Germany, people swore eternal loyalty to Israel and showered it with billions of dollars.
When the two parts of Germany were reunited, the East Germans did not want to be friends of the murderous regime in Israel and were surprised at the cheeky behaviour of the followers of their religion. The latter, in turn, were annoyed that people here did not submit as voluntarily as they had done in West Germany. Thanks to new teachers and new textbooks, the following generations in this part of Germany became just as uncritical and submissive towards the small country in the Middle East.
The same thing happened here as in Ukraine. Whereas in 2015 it would still have been possible to win people over to the Russian side because there were still enough people alive who remembered that they were a common people, now there is only hatred and a sense of civilisational superiority.
‘Hellstorm’ is also available as a video, which is repeatedly deleted.
"I’m not going to touch on Hiroshima + Nagasaki or the Manhattan Project or the Rosenbergs and all of the other high strangeness surrounding 20th century nuclear history today."
Expedite already, Comrade Skywalker!! You always do great work, but this is beyond amazing. Waiting impatiently for the full report. Please review "Death Object" by Akio Nakatani. He claims that the Manhattan Project bombs were miserable duds, and that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were hoaxes (actually, they were conventionally firebombed.)
Do you agree with this analysis? Has anyone since ever built an atomic bomb that actually works?
Agree that they were firebombed not nuked yes
Perhaps they dropped nukes AND firebombed just in case the nuke fizzled? Then whatever happens you'll get a destroyed city and some traces of radioactivity.
They had already repeatedly firebombed both cities, along with most of the rest of Japan and had plenty of photos. That Japanese mathematician, Tanaka I think, made a convincing case that the (((Americans))) in charge knew their nukes were frauds, but with a bit of Hollywood trickery they convinced their bosses they were genuine. They had kept the Soviet yids fully informed, so it looks as if Stalin joined the scam and both Americans and Russians scared each other with fake weapons thereafter.
Tanaka quotes the American who counted the fatalities as saying that he greatly inflated them and counted deaths from all causes for months before and after- much as with covid more recently.
Its still not clear whether nukes actually work, or whether perhaps they got them to work only years later.
During covid the internet was full of whistle blowers. Too many to recall. If nukes were indeed fake until today, I'd expect to have heard a hell of a lot more about it.
Not sure about the originals though. If I was in charge, I'd have dropped whatever nukes I had and firebombed it just in case.
Check the Galen Winsor video linked in comment above
" The Trotskyite KGB chief Yuri Andropov (real name Fleckenstein) "
Everyberg Singlestine Timeowitz
All the talk of graphite fires was sus as hell considering that graphite basically doesn't burn.
Graphite is carbon. It burns nicely.
"We know that Kouts view cannot be correct, nuclear graphite does not burn like charcoal, and the assertion that only 10% of the Chernobyl core graphite burned does not suggest graphite was the major source of the Chernobyl fire."
Yeah that's fine. Graphite is carbon and can certainty burn (so can diamonds BTW) but I can certainly believe it had nothing to do with Chernobyl fire.
Rolo/Rurik, you should interview John Helmer [1][2][3]. Contact email [4]. He lives in Russia.
[1] Writing on the Kremlin Wall – Is It Strategy or Alibi?, by John Helmer - The Unz Review
[3] The New Time of Troubles, Part II — Putin Overruled the General Staff, by John Helmer – The Unz Review | 2024-12-12
[4] Dances With Bears » Contacts
Thanks for the research, Rolo. Now trying to get you on the great Mark Devlin show ,he has become quite a gnostic of late
Mark Devlin has got extensive knowledge regarding the occult/satanism and the music and entertainment industry. I would be curious how such an interview would go.
Being a bit of a music buff myself, he has made me rethink everything about the music I grew up listening to and listen to today. Not to say it's evil or anything because once the "spell", so to speak, has been broken, "dis-spelled", you can listen with "immunity". In fact it's even more enjoyable, in an amusing way, when you can hear and recognise the social engineering, magic and enchantment present.
Such a powerful tool, but sadly mostly in the wrong hands.
That's why true folk music is so often derided and marginalised in modern times because of it's purity and deep connections to the various ethnic souls.
Atheist / Communist Jews that secretly are actually Zionist but stay in the Soviet Union to fuck shit up because they hate everyone not them? I get so confused on the narrative…
The good old days of fraud, corruption and lying are long gone I guess.
not to spoil anything but look up the date on which chernobyl occurred and see if it matches up with any religious holidays.
Er...National Pretzel Day?
April 26 that is. Or did you refer to May 1st?
So Rurik, what's your take on their constant push towards nuclear power? Obviously they know global warning is a scam so the reason must be deeper.
From my point of view, the biosphere has spent millions of years transporting lighter friendly elements to the surface while safely storing heavy anti-life elements like lead, mercury and uranium below the biosphere.
This trend reversed during the industrial age, as heavy elements were once again dug up and brought into the physical space of the biosphere, as the 'technosphere'.
So from my point of view, nuclear is terrible. It starts with relatively stable less dangerous metals that are deep down in the lithosphere and then transmutes them into all sorts of super nasty anti-life materials which are occasionally spread around the biosphere.
Is this just really crap technology,or is there some deliberate terraforming intended?
Rolo, you are cleary a CIA spook, covering up that it was probably debris that caused all of this. The patriots intercepted a space missile and tragically, the remains hit the plant.
Must be another one of them brilliant 6D check moves to checkmate them globalists, Bubba
NOW - WEF CEO is pleased that Trump will join Davos'25.
In all probability, it was the Germans that developed atomic weapons before anyone else , then the research was stolen by the US and Russia. Just like with other high tech inventions ( jet engines, guided missiles, optically guided drones) and far, far more interesting things.
Dont forget Fukushima folks. Another "accident" .
It was said that an Israeli company did 'maintenance' at Fukushima and installed a long object like the original atomic bomb design to shove a small piece of uranium into a larger one to create an explosion. That got buried as Israel supposedly threatened to nuke Japan. Amazing how closely these people are associated with everything atomic and all the lies about it.
Timely ................
Ever read Schwabstack and his nuclear series?