Martyanov last month: This is all theatre. Prighozin is an attention seeking megalomaniac who has no power or control of Wagner.

Martyanov today: This attempted coup confirms my long held but never shared belief that Prighozin has always been a US/NATO asset .

The "asset" theory seems to also be popular amongst the 5D crowd with the real question being was Prighozin always an asset or has he recently turned. Every time. I think I've seen maximum levels of retardation I end up being proven wrong shortly thereafter.

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From what Rolo has been saying here, EVERYONE in Russia is a NATO asset.

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Are you implying that Sofa Legion Strategist is wrong?

But even on a more sensible note, it is commonly assumed that Putin cleared the political field (no NazBols, for example). Hence everything happening in Russia must at least be accorded with Putin. Hence all of them are CIA agents.

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No, quite the contrary: I think Rolo is onto something. AFAIK, Putin didn't do that much housecleaning when he took over, but rather reached an accommodation with entrenched oligarchs. Before that, in the 90's, essentially all resources were being hoovered up by the most ruthless. Free of ethical or empathic restraints, they enthusiastically adopted the tenets of western neoliberalism, following the example of their new acquaintances in the west. Given how thoroughly the oligarchs trashed the lives of the Russian people, they were hardly a patriotic crowd, and it would be surprising if a good fraction of them were not anti-Russian sellouts in one sense or another. This was the foundation upon which Putin attempted to build.

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As a retarded of the maximun level, it seems to me that Prigozhin is _now_ a NATO asset. I would be very surprised at not watching the west rub their hands after this move of his.

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Martyanov is a UK slut for the oligarch bankers, his team-saker people have been saying "Ignore Prigo"

Prigo's message is simple that the oligarchs in UK & Moscow are all on the same team; Martyanov cannot permit that thinking because he's paid not to think that;

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Prig is assigned a new job. Recruit in Beloruss and get Kiev. Wagner base is now less then 200km above Kiev. How would Ukrainians stop them?

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The fact that the Kremlin is willing to negotiate with Kiev, Washington and Brussels but not Wagner is just crazy. The Kremlin will go counter terror operation on Wagner but not the VSU. If Prigozhin gets taken alive will his backers in Moscow get to buy him back like the Kremlin trades Azovites?

I don't support the timing of this of course but sympathy for the Kremlin is impossible at this point. Literally all the Kremlin has to do is signal they are willing to talk. If Putin said "everyone chill...we are going to talk" and Prigozhin said "no we aren't interested in talking" all the Wagner guys who believe this is about justice would start having serious doubts. That would be enough to seriously weaken Prigozhins position.

But it really all depends on who exactly is Prigozhin representing and how willing normal Russian troops besides the Chechnyans are to fight Wagner. And of course the 5D special needs mouth breathers not dying of shame at this point proves they are ethnic pornographers basically..I mean only that particular ethnicity can be this absolute shameless and non self aware.

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"The fact that the Kremlin is willing to negotiate with Kiev, Washington and Brussels but not Wagner is just crazy." It's not crazy if one believes that the Ukraine war is fake (although the dead bodies are real) to achieve ulterior motives of globohomo, which controls both sides...

I go into it here: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/how-real-is-the-russiaukraine-war

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My gratitude for linking your blog! Otherwise, I wouldn't return it, missing so much sublime stuff! This article is something I intended to write for r/TheMotte a year ago (translating that one Sofa Legion Strategist video, plus Strelkov's famous questions) - but you put it more crisply than I ever could.

Still, there are some questions - what if selling oil to the Ukraine benefits the Russian forces more? Or if Putin is a CIA agent, why did he start dismantling Russia just now?

Strategist's response to the latter is that the Russian nuclear stockpile has been decreasing for 30 years, and at some point, America will count it as plausible to conduct the disarming nuclear strike against Russia. Incidentally, it has been reported to him that most of the US nuclear submarines have been at sea these days - although the veracity is dubious. (Still, be cautious around Sundays!)

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Sofaman gets a lot right but a lot wrong.

If you translate his stuff, send it over to me, ill post it.

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On reflection, I completely reject and consider Prigozhin's statement that the Russian Armed Forces launched a missile attack on the Wagner location this afternoon, and consider it a complete lie. If there was a blow, then only Wagner himself could deliver it (logically) (or rather, a staging). Reason: to eliminate the "Wagner" it is absolutely not necessary to inflict any blows on some camps. Enough to "bang" Prigogine himself which will never happen as he is an "inner circle" of the gang. Keeping capos fighting prevents the risk of them unite against the boss.

And besides, hitting ordinary soldiers and commanders is utter stupidity - even Shoigu and Gerasimov have enough sense for this. Now, if Prigozhin himself with his "council of commanders" were covered with a rocket, I would still believe it. And so it's a lie. This makes the entire story about downed helicopters and fake fight a suspect. A "stress test" and PsyOp at best. Dot.

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Bitter history lessons

Putin reminded Russians that a similar scenario played out in the country in 1917, when it was in the middle of World War I. He recounted how “intrigues, bickering, politicking behind the army’s and the people’s back” led to the “collapse of the state,” and the “tragedy of the Civil War.”

“Russians were killing Russians, brothers were killing brothers, while various political adventurers and foreign powers were capitalizing on it,” the president said.

Putin vowed to prevent this from happening as well as to defend Russia and its people, “including from internal mutiny.”

The only difference between now and then, 2023 & 1917 is that in 1917 the Bolsheviks took power, today its the other way around, the nationalists want to kick the Bolshy’s out of MOSCOW;

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1. Putin saw no issue with the Ukraine being independent, and that led to the Ukrainians genociding the Donbass people - with which Putin again saw nothing wrong.

2. The Russian Empire was eliminated by the liberals in the February Revolution, the Bolsheviks put the country back together in October.

3. There are no Bolsheviks in modern Russia, but liberal flunkeys. All cemented in their places thanks to Putin's incredible tenure.

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FUck the bolshy's all must DIE,

U are a paid ZOG UK whore;? [ ok, /sarc, but you do come off to me a zog-uk talking-point banker slut :) ]

ZOG is bolshy, ZOG created Bolshevism in 1880's and created Maoism same-same by owner by Rockefeller (ZOG) [ Rockefeller agents via 'bank of china' shanghai 1930's groom MAO for his role ]

Even elite ZOG in wash-dc call themselves "Fabian Socialists", same nut cases call themselves 'zionists' ( satanic ideology ), but all is Bolshy, cuz all came out of 1880's Rothschild think-tanks; Even Lieb/Schiff (BOLSHY) UK bankers that funded bolshy, and brought Stalin to power, are all agents of Rothschild in that 1920's era;


well 'liberal flunky' we can agree, see this is the problem I'm talking about the 500LB gorilla in the kitchen the Oligarch-ZOG, and your talking about the little lemmings who don't mean shit to the owners

'liberalism' don't mean shit, just like nazism, fascism, socialism, zionism, its all manufactured by ZOG bankers since 13AD


Both Russia & China were culled post 1950's in both places near 50M or more died, they systematically killed anybody that had a brain; All that remains today is NPC's, you can call them liberal or 'not'

The NPC's surely don't consider themselves "Bolshys", they are just gammas&deltas per Orwell;

PUTIN is an alpha, just like ZEL;


I think Putin did care about Russians being killed in Donbass, and he drug his ass for +7 years; Documenting his legal case and justification for occupation, he had to allow the UKRO's to go full retard to justify occupation & SMO;


You could use the same argument "There are no Bolshy's in USA", but the fact is Schiff, same schiff family that brouth STALIN to power, in Hollywood rule the Hollywood BOLSHY-ZOG machine today;

Do the dumb fucking goyim in USA call themselves Bolshy? Hell no, they don't even know what it means; Same-Same with Nuland, Blinkern all these Bolshy's they just want 'Greater Israel" from Poland to Iran.

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Putin do not need to "negotiate with Wagner". There’s an inner circle of people who are absolutely loyal to Putin and who are already bound to him by blood. Prigozhin is one of them.

People from this circle can afford a lot more than everyone else, including any wayward thoughts. This is, first of all, because the president has no doubt about their personal loyalty, and, secondly, because nobody can touch them: they have the significant resource of personal access to the president, and in Prigozhin’s case, armed force as well.

At the same time, it’s fairly difficult for the people close to Putin to eliminate one another. Defense Minister Shoigu can’t do anything about Prigozhin, and Prigozhin can’t do anything about Shoigu. That’s why Prigozhin has brought the discussion, and his criticisms, into the public sphere. But Prigozhin has no need for politics as such. He’s more about money than about politics.

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I'd say Kiev, Washington and Brussels represent governments, but Wagner doesn't. Legally they're criminals, or outlaws in the best case. No self-respecting government would negotiate with extortioners. One might argue that the Kremlin is not a self-respecting government, but that does not make any more justifiable to negotiate with illegal mercenary groups. And I do share your not sympathy for the Kremlin.

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I've been watching for you post, you have damn sure been validated now, my hat's off to you, you were right

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Right with what exactly?

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Go back and read his post

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Russia's " defeat" must look organic in nature so , by the time the population realizes the truth , it will be too late. With Prigozhin's " coup " as an excuse the Ukrainians will make progress in the counteroffensive ultimately " forcing " Russia into negotiations in a very weak position. Russia will be forced to accept very detrimental terms ultimately causing its dismemberment.

This is all part of a highly ritualistic script, The whole " Titanic" play we just went through is part of it.

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Indeed, it seems to me that Prigozhin's move is going to be strongly applauded by the West. Which makes one wonder, even if he be "morally" right, whom is he working for at the end of the day, and who is profiting here?

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Based on Russia's and Putin's inexplicable moves during the non-War , and in other areas, I'd wager Putin and Prigozhin work for the same " people ".

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You may be right there, but if Putin works for those chosen people, why wage the war in the first place, instead of plain handing Russia over to them?

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To prevent any unintentional developments and to destroy all future possibilities of nationalism. If Russia loses, a narrative will be created to beat down the Russian people , just like was done to the Germans, forever burdening them with a manufactured guilt complex for " war crimes " in Ukraine and demoralizing them forever . Russia will also be financially raped to pay for said "crimes". Additionally, a " war" was needed to kill off as much of the Slav population as possible and depopulate certain areas among other intended results. Finally, the occult aspects of this operation have to be kept in mind also.

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Can you elaborate a bit on these occult aspects

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If you believe it is all Kabuki theater i.e., that Putin still is an active Western agent, the occult explanation is the only thing that makes sense.

Periodic ritual sacrifice. Tricking the masses into participating in the ritual. Imbuing new narratives and old control narratives with fresh blood magic power.

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A bit far-fetched, but not wholly implausible. :-)

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As far fetched as Russia intentionally fighting not to win ? The SMO gave off suspect vibes since its start.

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Thanks for your writings, Rolo. Non-Russian speakers have no other way to navigate the internal workings of Russian power centers because every other English translating blogger other than Slavsquat (who usually focuses on Great Reset stuff) is an idiot or a shill, or both.

"Unfortunately for Prigozhin, he has not convinced me that he and his buddies would be any better."

I had read that one of Prigozhin's complaints was that the SMO was unnecessary; if he did state this then that's a terrible start for his rebellion. What, would he have preferred NATO and nukes right on Russia's doorstep? The complaint should just be that it was carried out horrendously. Support by Khodorkovsky is also a bad sign. And Wagner troops have been needlessly slaughtered in retarded head-on attacks in the Bakhmut meat-grinder...

A descent into "warlordism" could easily be another major step on the way toward disintegrating Russian entirely and carving it up into a bunch of little regions for globohomo to extract resources from...

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Prig has come out as wanting to end the war.

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Okay. But if the war ends under unfavorable terms, Ukraine joins NATO and gets nukes placed on Russia's doorstep...

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Nukes are not the real issue. See baltics and finland.

Prig is right that this war was started over an oligarchic spat between medvedchuk and the others.

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Not true. The extended range Tomahawk placed in Sumi or Luhansk could reach beyond Ural and can threaten Russian nuclear deterrent. This is an absolute No-No! *The Primary* issue and concern here REALLY is the security. Economic benefit comes secondary and the most resources are in the area that Russia already captured.

Russia has no natural border with Ukraine. North European flatlands are wide open. And this is why Russia was invaded so many times during their long history. Ideally, for Russia to feel safe, they need control the access points, from Odessa to Tallinn, which USSR had but Russia los when Baltics joined NATO and Ukraine became hostile. This was the RED line. This war is REALLY with NATO, where Ukraine is mere a battering RAM. Russia needs to win it, but if it pushes too fast towards the Polish border, the fear is real and so is the danger that NATO would overreact and would use tactical nukes to stop them and that will lead to the end of the world. Slow grind is the right tactic. Tactic to grind both Ukrainian Nazi Nationalist (Banderites) and NATO capacity to wage war, where the supply routes are the shortest -- in Donbas -- is just the right strategy and most prudent thing to do. Let them come and attack the meetgrinder and watch weather NATO runs out of ammo and weapons first or Ukraine runs out of man, which is what is going on right now. When the time is right, Russia will advance but there is REALLY no reason to force the issue. The key is to preserve the people while the Russian MIC churns the advance weapons system. As a result of this strategy, Russian is way stronger and more efficient now then year ago. And the time will come when deep in economic crises Europe figure that new security arrangement with Russia, on the old continent, is inevitable. Russia tried to not waste life and time by proposing the one in Dec 2021. But the Western elites rejected it and now, as Putin called it, military technical solution is in place. Don't hold your breath, this will not end fast. it will end when Kosovo and Bosnia throw out NATO but this is a subject for another post.

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Yes, and if you look closely at every report on this OP including ZH ( serco/abc-media), that they have taken the subject of 'oligarch' off the table, nada mention, the spat begun when Prigo called for "oligarch children dying in bahkmut"

Brought to the attention of all that the SMO was RAN by Oligarchs in UK&Moscow in Tandem; Note that now that entire narrative has been purged. Search for 'oligarch' and even here nada, except you rolo, once mentions the start of the spat;

The 500LB gorilla in the kitch is the ZOG-OLIGARCH and nobody will even mention it is there;


Regarding both Prigo & Putin saying another 1917 tsar-rev 2.0 is coming, lets remind all here its not same-same, because today it is the Bolshy's who are ZOG that Own the Earth;

So PRIGO is the 'good guy'. He's a nationalist, wants Russia for Russians, not a "Greater Israel" gas station for ZOG;


Bitter history lessons

Putin reminded Russians that a similar scenario played out in the country in 1917, when it was in the middle of World War I. He recounted how “intrigues, bickering, politicking behind the army’s and the people’s back” led to the “collapse of the state,” and the “tragedy of the Civil War.”

“Russians were killing Russians, brothers were killing brothers, while various political adventurers and foreign powers were capitalizing on it,” the president said.

Putin vowed to prevent this from happening as well as to defend Russia and its people, “including from internal mutiny.”

The only difference between now and then, 2023 & 1917 is that in 1917 the Bolsheviks took power, today its the other way around, the nationalists want to kick the Bolshy’s out of MOSCOW;

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At this point, Ukr in NATO is a done deal - UK Foreign minister said that 3 days ago. All parties are just waiting for the war to "end". Things are moving very fast at this time; the war could essentially end in week.

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Just like that; Prigo drops the curtain on the UK-Moscow oligarchs funding the SMO, funny he should know who was paying him to kill ukro-nazi's in bahkmut, it surely want's coming from Russian Gov;

Once Prigo called them out, then of course all the ZOG bucks will evaporate, then when the money is 'gone', ZEL has no choice but to go to Florida or Israel and take a break;


ZOG always win's Greater-Israel has won, they say that today you can't find a skin-head in USA, all joined to die in UKRO, same-same in Ukraine, most skin-heads culled; Mission accomplished for ZOG;

Many speculate and true that ZOG will probably end up getting Crimea, and thus Greater-Israel will have a beach-head at the heart of Khazaria;

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I'd say if the war ends under unfavourable terms (and that's the only way it could end if Russia asked _now_ for negotiations), that might perhaps be the end of the RF as we know it. No need to worry about nukes or Nato.

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And on what terms is the war to be ended, according to Prig? USA wouldn't accept anything other than Russia's capitulation, I believe.

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He is a businessman and this makes him no money. That's why he is inpatient.

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Just Prig's courage alone is way better than the whole Kremlin.

With no doubt I support Prig, because Rússia was led to the worst situation possible by her present leaders. Só how can anyone else be worse?

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I don't follow any of this very closely, but since you're one of my main sources of info I've been surprised to see the mass of confusion at this latest development. This is a clear testament to your keen insight, almost like those Peter Schiff was right videos circa 2009. I'm impressed, keep up the good work!

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Glad I subbed when I did 👍

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I just got banned on the Masno telegram channel as being Pro Wagner/Prigozhin is akin to being Anti-Russian. These Pro-kremlin paid fools are going to have a field day today trying to spin everything and explaining on their channels the so called isues while the whole narrative comes crashing down around them. I also agree that Wagner will have a good chance of pulling of this putsch. As they know the decedancy and corruption of the MoD by hand. Putin sending helicopters and local Moscow policemen against battle hardened troops smells like desperation to me.

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Welcome aboard. I was banned from MoonofAlabama for stating the obvious about their constant 5d Chess proclamations.

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Exciting, as I wasn't alive in 1917. A gutsy move by Prigozhin, but if he thought his number was up he had nothing to lose.

The Duran had an early morning "special" devoted to Prigozhin and all the latest according to RT. 😁

The duo basically said the Kremlin should've dealt with disrespectful Prigozhin months ago.

That being said, if apparatchiks in the Kremlin were somehow in cahoots with the West regarding the Ukraine mess then their might be some skittish folks in DC who ironically claim they want regime change, but are concerned about the outcome.

And there's Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station...🙀

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I'm assuming you're aware that Strelkov says the video of the alleged bombing is fake? Not that that really matters. In all the ways that do, you've been vindicated. Respect.

There's some speculation that this is an elaborate psyop to head off a potential false flag at the ZNPP. I like that notion. It's warm and reassuring and, thanks to being a regular reader of this blog, I now know enough to give it even less of a chance of being correct than you do of Prigozhin's weird coup attempt succeeding. (Mind you, the Russians are very good at mounting weird coups, so who knows?) Anyhow, I've got my popcorn and I will continue to subscribe for as long as you write.

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that's right, popcorn... I knew something was missing.... I'll go stock up...

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Indeed, I for one would have expected Rolo to debunk allegations about fake video of the bombing and about Prigozhin's videos having been pre-recorded (reportedly evidenced by "meta-data analysis").

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I don't want to speak for our host, but I suspect his view is closer to Strelkov's than Prigozhin's about what should be done about the MoD's corruption.

Anyway, this might be too early to say definitively, but it looks like Lukashenko's trying to sort things out. We shall see.

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Corruption at the military has been dealt with. Many are in Jail waiting trials. Mikhail Yevgenyevich Mizintsev was deputy minister of Defense and was fired because he made money of tanks engines - among others. Former Russian colonel general currently serving in Wagner.

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I invite everyone to visit their favorite 5D / Putin cultist websites. You will be amazed at the mental gymnastics and copium snorting that is going on there currently.

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Right... just be aware that just because 1D cult fits you better it does not mean that things are not more complex that 1D cult can see and comprehend. This by all means doesn't mean that speculative ideas are accurate. What is true is that in a highly intense war like this, things are fluid, they always change and nothing is ever simple.

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A few thoughts:

Prigozhin had to factor in all the possible ramifications of marching on Moscow but he went for it anyway, meaning, he wasn't that worried about possible consequences. This is very telling in and of itself.

Prigozhin didnt back down, but achieved whatever his goals were. You dont get full pardons for yourself and your troops if you lost.

The panic in Moscow was very telling and embarrassing to a world " superpower ".

Russia's prestige and standing in the world has been damaged greatly.

I had serious doubts that Putin will travel to South Africa for the BRICS summit. Today's developments have cemented those doubts.

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Again, just be aware that just because 1D cult fits you better it does not mean that things are not more complex that 1D cult can see and comprehend. What you see is not what you get. Not with Russians. Their national sport is chess. for a reason. Global Geopolitics are 5D and this war is part of it so this alone should tell you and Rolo that your 1D thinking and approach shell be shelved. And do not confuse some people's fantasy with real 5D.

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You think that "Prigozhin [...] achieved whatever his goals were" because otherwise he wouldn't have got full pardons, but I don't quite see the logical connection. He might as well have not achieved _any_ of his goals except getting full pardons. Like in "I tried to commit a crime, in which I did not succeed, but I had an ace up my sleeve in case I failed so that I could at least not get punished for trying". I mean: failing (at least partially) in his goals is not incompatible with getting away without punishment.

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However, do you actually think Prigo was seriously hoping to take over Moscow ? I doubt it, therefore he was going for something else.

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I admit I have no idea what Prig was trying to achieve. But peaceful his intentions were not. His boys shot down eight aircraft, twenty pilots killed, according to Rybar. Perhaps he hoped for a much stronger support from other top ranking people, media, oligarchs..? Go figure. Sometimes a few resolved and well armed men can decide the fate of a nation.

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The aircraft were shot down because they were attacking Wagner columns otherwise the pilots would still be alive.

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Sure. They deserved it. Attacking peaceful heroic Wagner columns armed to the teeth inoffensively marching on Moscow! "How dare you?" :-)

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This was a lethal wound to VVP's political future. It has also exposed the absolute vulnerability of the heartland.

I would estimate the popularity of VVP vs that of Prigo about fifty/fifty.

This move has opened a huge festering wound on the body politik of Russia in general, and Putin in particular. United Russia may start it's public slide now. This cruise has truly illustrated the emperor's wardrobe.

An enormous loss of prestige all around. If I was of the opinion in the past, that Shoigu must go, I now have lost all confidence in the security apparatus, including VVP. All of it.

On the positive side, it might have opened up all kinds possibilities to the rise of Nationalist organizations, narratives. You can not - at the same time, rely on Nationalists to die for ya and prosecute them. No, I am not talking about Prigo. His tribe is not Russia.

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Who is gonna fight for Russia if not the Nationalists? Hell, even Stalin had the common sense to apply to Nationalism.

Unfortunately Prigo is a jew, this is also a jewish coup-attempt. But - this is beyond the vocabulary of ordinary Russians raised on tales of the holly-hoax and nazis. He has many, many simps. If nothing, the haters of the "elites". They might not even be egainst VVP, but megayachts and coco chanel with rolls royces.

Not unlike the nationalists of 404 mind ya, they are doing the dying over there also, them and the cannon fodder.

When you read about full spectrum dominance - remember these events - this is what it actually looks like. The USSR used to apply this doctrine to it's games, but the RuF has stopped working with it's assets. Methinx, they rather appropriated the funds allocated - if there ever were any...what would it have taken them to blow on the ambers of the summer of peace after the demise of Saint George?...etc...

You cannot run an empire on the cheap. Neither a war.

I see pogroms in the near future of Russia - whatever is left of it...you can not explaine away all the zelenskis, prighozhins and noodleman-s.

So it is down to Strelkov and his Club...if he can keep his head above water...let me remind you what had Strelkov in mind, when he and his freeenz founded their organization: to give direction and an action plan for Russians in case of a loss of power by the elected represeenttatives....

Yeah, methinx Prigo can "win". He can freeze the RuF. in a civil war...That is a win for his tribe. Muddy waters. When, WHEN Prigo re-appears in the "west", with all the appropriate documents and talking points, laying out all the dirty laundry, he might as well get an office next Hunter Biden and Vicky Noodleman.

OTOH I see opportunities - Nationalists of Russia and the 404 might re-evaluate their relationship...

Strelkov is claiming, that according to some Wagnerites, the op has been in preparation for aboit two months now - and aside from VVP, everyone was aware of it being launched at such a time, when the RuF. Armed forces are abscent and incapable of action.

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sir plz give lottery numbers for next month

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The next 5D fantasy narrative to make the rounds (if it hasn't already): Wagner's "march" wasn't an "attempted coup"; it was a "strategic regrouping."

In any case, whatever Wagner's move truly was, it's massively increased the gamified-spectacle aspect of the war.

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i think its less macabre than cheering for the genocide of either Russia's or Ukraine's entire male population, which is what normies on Twitter have been doing.

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