Would be interested to hear your hypothesis on why Plato, a single individual, had such a profound and lasting effect on the world. He appears to be the ideological father of Bolshevism and his relevance and influence outlasted pretty much everything else. So how come one person is responsible for so much? Was he perhaps also a composite made-up character like Moses?

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I made it through the whole thing. Wow. My first teacher's name was Lyudmila Fedorovna.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

a great read. thanks

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I have a coworker who is doing his best to make me Orthodox so it is interesting. I'm fine with speculation, but this is historical nihilism (i.e. the comment that "lack of hard evidence for the existence of the Pentateuch before the third century BCE") - absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. There are literally no primary sources as we would consider authoritative. So this is hollow. The oldest bhagavad ghita dates from the time of Columbus. If you want to play that game there is no historical record worth anything, its just very incomplete at best.

I previously accused you of being a primitivist - "history as a decline from an erstwhile condition of excellence or holds that salvation lies in a return to the simple life." This is just Rousseau in drag. It is the spooge that created Gnosticism, just add a demiurge preventing it.

In a discussion the other day someone at work said that the American Indians were (peace-loving, orange-wearing, sun-worshipping- doesn't matter). I asked him how he possibly knows that as they had no written language until most of them were wiped out. Same with the treasured Russian Taiga shamans or whatever. This is just a Romantic history.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Really enjoyed this essay - very thought provoking. As much as I appreciate the SMO analysis and perspective, I think you particularly shine in this area. Without boring you (and others) with the why, I have recently been endeavoring to understand the underpinnings of Christianity and Judaism and associated eschatology, and find your writings very valuable.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Fun piece of analysis, Rurik. I never really considered the Hellenized Jews would be inspired by Plato. I found "The Republic" to be tedious and never touched anything by Plato again. I always found the teachings of Christ to be the good part but then again much of the same can be found from Marcus Aurelius. Right now my struggle is grokking Guyenot's First Millennium argument and a whole lot of cooked chronology.

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Great stuff.

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Wow!! My head explodes! Great article. Please keep on writing abt the Bolsheviks and Plato. So nice to have my mind spinning. What’s your take on Reneé Guenón. Interested in hearing you out on this one.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Excellent read, once again Rurik. These topics are endlessly fascinating and it’s great to see the internal contradictions of these texts arranged in a way the coheres a very compelling argument for a very different set of motivations and origins of this mythology.

The mind virus analogy and the overall thesis of the synarchy weakening us with false spirituality is far more analytically useful tool for understanding our world today than any of the many silly narratives (and counter narratives) on offer.

Would love as much more of this and the occult stuff as you’re able to put together. Always needs time to digest but it never fails to intrigue

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How did the earth, the universe, living things, and mankind begin? You never answer the origins question.

Metaphysics is like heroin to you, you just can't stop and this article is a waste of time. What's going on in Russia today? How are the ex-Wagner men getting along? In case you hadn't noticed the Russians are advancing all along the front and successfully operating the Slavic meat-grinder. Think this might have something to do with surrender terms and maybe even who is going to sue for peace and what might happen to Zelensky? Can Zelensky simply flee to one of his dachas around the world and retire without a bullet to the head?

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Great article, very thought-provoking.

However, the effects of sun cycles and comet activity on religion and politics is yet another taboo Russian schizoteric topic that I promise to bring up another time.

-> I'm familiar with the younger dryas events, but have never heard of this theory. Recommend me some reading on this.

I may have an addiction to refined sugar and pornography now, but I am a good, moral person because I don’t do anything bad to other people.

-> I remember you said some time back that you were doing keto. Are you still doing this, and in what way do you find this beneficial? I tried it some years back, but quit due to declining athletic performance. Mentally it was great though.

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I didn't run off. I just have jobs. I'm not a public intellectual. Just a prole.

I had a long conversation with my brother. Really similar conversation. He is a serial entrepreneur and fancies himself as a finance guy. I'm a farmer who listens to podcasts. There is a fine line between trying to educate and baffling with bullshit. He was using terms he clearly didn't understand (or at least couldn't enunciate) with respect to my main contention. I always go to basics- definitions, ontology, authority. He considers me R - E - T - A - R - D -E -D. Because we have different basics. In fact, I don't think most of us have any basics. I'm trying to develop them. He traffics in aphorisms, ad hominem, thought-terminating clichés.

I did the same with you. I'm happy to share any of these things. And you claim my characterization is R - E - T - A - R - D -E -D.

I literally have an hour or two before chasing some tasks. I think we have different definitions, authority, ontology. I'm going to go through one claim you made, about Rousseau being a materialist. This is how I regard a claim, it's a little spectrum-y I admit. I can't do this for all the unsupported claims back and forth but I'm picking this one because its literally the easiest to dissect. I have tried to look into your claims, to see if my basic understanding is incorrect. I did the same with my brother and it just pissed him off.

Materialism: "The claim is that only material things exist; this has, first, the positive aspect that material things exist, and second, the negative aspect that nothing else exists apart from material things." rep.routledge.com/articles/thematic/his… . Is this your definition? If not then what is?

Authority: Can we agree that his attributed writings are his? That the translation is accurate? Is there a better authority?

Ontology: Are the meanings of his writing clear? Metaphorical? Some sort of self-contradictory musings?

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Excellent work. Our highest aim should be to seek the truth. Once you start looking for the truth we find things that have been removed, hidden, veils put up to keep us from looking deeper, you have broken through some of the damnatio memoriae. I look forward to more on Marcion, I'm studying the first bible now.

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What book do you recommend on Mme.Blavatsky? I’m learning russian. I buy many popular russian magazines and it surprises me how much they are dedicated to the OCCULT. I await your articles on the boksheviks and the OCCULT with impatience.

Always a great read.

Thank you.

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I don't have much hope, but to honor my mother, I'm going to attend a church and see if I can convert them to radical Anglo-Celtic White Nationalist Jungian Gestalt Christ worship.

If I fail, I'll stop going. If I succeed, cool.

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