'Events in Ukraine' reports that the cops and crooks even extort the dead:


'Here is the situation: Kyiv cops and the funeral mafia have been working together in a good partnership for many years. However, the situation has drastically changed after the full-scale war began and with the growing number of casualties — both civilians and military personnel.

The police and mafia realized that they can earn much more and faster from the deaths of military personnel, so they established total control and monopolized the burial sector. These criminals know that the relatives receive large sums of money for a fallen soldier, and therefore, they try to extort the maximum amount from them.

Our brothers are trying to correct this injustice and blatant violation of the law so that families don’t have to pay tens of thousands of hryvnias to the mafia for a burial, and things can be handled much better.

But now, the Kyiv police have become heavily involved, threatening veterans with physical violence and defending the mafia. They even call the military units where these guys served to discredit the veterans in the eyes of their commanders, accusing them of becoming drug addicts and alcoholics (there’s video evidence).

Can you imagine how much money the police and mafia are making on deaths and this monopoly right now? Relatives of fallen heroes shouldn't have to pay anything for these services — that’s how it should work in a decent society. Instead, we see the mother or wife of a fallen soldier having to give the mafia and police 100,000 hryvnias just to bury their loved one with honor.

How do they make money? They create artificial obstacles (problems), endless paperwork, monopolize coffins, and control the burial process, and much more. Profiting from people's grief is beyond immoral, but this situation suits the law enforcement....'

What's the equivalent situation in Russia? Surely the spooks and crooks are no more decent and humanitarian on that side of the combat line? Are they just too busy with more lucrative scams and jailing those who failed to observe the 'rule' of the new decalogue 'Thou shalt not kill - but need'st not strive officiously to keep alive'

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Does the average Russian know anything about these news stories? How could anyone want to serve in the Russian army knowing any of this, or the reasons for Progozhin's adventure last year?

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Money or ideological reasons not related to the Kremlins agenda.

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The true motive of the Ukrainian War is to kill off as many ethnic Russians as possible so that they can be replaced with more compliant - and less intelligent - people, people who can easily be herded and controlled. And that's the motive of the current American regime in importing Mexican cartel members, Venezuelan gangsters, and other such worthies - to kick off a war in which the native population can be decimated, to be replaced with a more compliant, less intelligent, and herd-able population. And that's the case for every other National Security State in the world, presided over by the WEF (or whatever is behind that) - the goal is a large slave population, off of which a small group of oligarchs reap the benefits. In short, it's a return to monarchy and feudalism - worldwide. It goes directly against this:

"We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable, that all men are created equal and independent; that from that equal creation they derive in rights inherent and inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, and liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these ends, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government shall become destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing it's powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. ... but when a long train of abuses and usurpations, begun at a distinguished period, and pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to subject them to arbitrary power, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security." Jefferson, Declaration of Independence, 1776

It is not only their right, but it is their duty, to throw off such government - to consign the Spook States to the garbage dump of history - and the Second Amendment* enumerates the right and duty of citizens to be armed to gain and preserve their liberties. Governments, wherever situated, , neither grant nor guarantee liberties, they dispense privileges which may be withdrawn at will, whereas rights are inherent and can't be given away, and governments, unless prevented, will always invade, if possible, essential and inherent rights, not guarantee them. Government as the purported guarantor of rights, is like the fox who guarantees the lives of chickens in a coop - until he gets hungry... It is the people themselves who have the duty to enforce and preserve their inherent and inalienable rights against all comers - and governments primarily.

*: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The operative language - "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms" is not dependent on the precatory language, which speaks of Militias and States, regular practice in the use of arms produces the quality of "well regulation", the ability to use arms with skill and precision and to keep them in good order.

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I might agree with you if only you changed "ethnic Russians and native population" to "White". Until you do that you'll never understand whats truly going on.

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The criminalization of dissenting opinion; a truly "globalized" phenomenon regrettably. Precisely why the "BRICS" bloc hardly represents a desirable alternative to the prevailing global capitalist order. If anything; the actions undertaken by China (medical martial law and expanded "social credit" panopticon), Russia (expanded biometric identification, coerced medical intervention, criminalization of free expression/assembly/association) and Brasil (coerced medical intervention & criminalization of dissenting opinion & "disinformation") indicate to me that a "BRICS" dominated world order may arguably be even worse than our troubled present.

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The west is still paradise in comparison, the same problems apply but they are not so brazen and open about it. I still think China is a testing hub for these 1984 control measures they will apply in the west, apart from being the worlds cheap manufacturer. Russia looked and was an alternative to the western decadency, but now they are going down the drain even faster then the west with this not to win war.

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Between 2008 until 2015, I too regarded Putin's Russia as a seriously flawed--but nevertheless essential--counterweight to runaway U$@/Western hegemony. My gradual disillusionment with Putin began the moment in late 2015, when he meekly accepted Turkish despot Erdogan's excuse regarding his air force shooting down a Su-24 flying clearly within Syrian airspace at the invitation of the government in Damascus. Since that moment, it has arguably been a gradually accelerating retreat on all fronts geopolitically for the RF, culminating in this unwinnable war--er, "Special Military Operation"--that's now heading towards its third year, with no end in sight.

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I remember that episode and was surprised by the non response from the Kremlin, it was definitely a prelude of things to come. Well the ziggers are up in arms because Vuhledar has fallen. Which ofcourse only took them 2 years.

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In my native language, Kots means Puke. So i always have a little chuckle when i read articles or telegram posts from this guy. Man, i used to think the west was bad but after reading these articles i actually still might be glad living here, even with all the multicultural, globo homo-feminist crap going on the corruption and maffia practice isn't that bad here actually. I am suprised there has not been a rebellion or mass protests yet after Prighozhin. If i was a Russian my blood would be boilling reading these articles.

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there is like a million strong spook occupation army with guns that keeps putin in power.

what are these dinky little microstates in the EU's excuse?

100 dudes with box-cutters could take over the slovenian government.

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I think Russia needs alot of internal security because of its size, and even that does not seem to be enough seeing how the SBU can just assassinate Russian commanders and figureheads inside Russia at will.

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Saddam, Gaddafi, Soleimani, Raisi, Amir-Abdollahian, Nasrallah,,,,,,Putin & co?

Nasrallah joined with other leaders for a supposed peace ngotiation.

Not Game of Thrones fans.


We come in Peace, Shoot to kill.

Np doubt all taken into consideration

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How do you like the news, via John Helmer, that Putin wants his messenger boy to negotiate 'Istanbul2'?


'Medinsky was sharply criticized by the General Staff, State Duma, and press for the terms he initialled in the draft agreement. After these domestic attacks combined to reverse Putin’s support for the pact and the Kiev regime appeared to withdraw under Anglo-American orders, Medinsky disappeared from view. But he has retained the role of Putin’s negotiator in the preparation of a sequel agreement, Istanbul-II.'...

'...confirming he is ready for Istanbul-II, and is employing Medinsky in the president’s effort to override opposition to the end-of-war negotiations from the General Staff and from the Deputy Secretary of the Security Council, former president Dmitry Medvedev.

“Whatever Medinsky says is Putin’s thoughts exactly, more powerfully than Medvedev,” a Moscow source explains. “Putin wants the Americans to understand this.” '

Or, as Trump promised, "So much winning, you'll get tired of it!" When Putin gets tired of winning he sends his negotiator to Minsk or Istanbul.

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Since this article is about a judicial system operating in this part of Russia/Ukraine it may be appropriate to give some consideration to the judicial system of the people who have most influence in that area. They call it the Talmud.


FIRST WARNING: This stuff is extremely evil, disgusting, and unpleasant for normal people to consider.

SECOND WARNING: This will upset normal pious Christians who don't even know the real meaning of their own texts let alone those of the yids.

THIRD WARNING: Dr. Ammon Hillman is an expert in the Ancient Greek language and its historical and cultural background, specialising in medical texts. HOWEVER he is a lefty, a supporter of Ukraine, and his presentation is always extremely dramatic and anti-Christian. If you can't listen to someone who opens and closes his remarks with the phrase "Hail Satan" then don't bother.

ON THE OTHER HAND: Some people who are interested in truth rather than theology may learn interesting things about the origins of Judaism and Christianity and what crucial terms in their scriptures actually meant.., and why Jesus was arrested with a naked boy in a public park at 4am...and why the crowd insisted that he be crucified.

In recent weeks he has hit Christians really hard, especially the 'Sola Scriptura' evangelicals. (Catholics and Orthodox can wave him off as a demon-possessed heretic.) This time he deals with the yid talmudic discussions of sex with small children and animals, what went on in the Jerusalem temple and explains why the Romans tried to suppress these people.

Heavenly Jerusalem huh? Get a glimpse of what things will again be like when they get version 2 going in Ukraine.

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Russian State TV recently broadcasted a segment of a talk show during which the hosts discussed the potential of Alaska joining Russia.

In the show, the host makes a joke saying: "Do you know what they call Alaska? Ice Crimea."

He then adds that Alaska will "one day return to its native shores."

https://tru.news/RussiaSeizingAlaska WINNING!

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The gold and the furs and most of the oil has gone. Is there anything worth having in Alaska?

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Rolo, you just can't help yourself can you? "Abrahamic Values Jihad?" The one element missing from all the collections of demon-possessed people who call themselves "government" is exactly the "values" Abraham had: Worship of God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. What is current is the very diametric opposite of Christianity, not an expression of Christianity. The terms you should be using are "demon-possessed" and demonic. Given that God created Satan and all the fallen angels with the full knowledge that they would hate mankind and all that is good yet with the full knowledge that the inevitable apostate need to be shown what their ambitions will produce and the demons are the example of what to expect when turning away from God, who alone actually does know best what is good for people. Before you leap onto a sacrificial altar and start another diatribe against Christianity, realize that the ceremonial, sacrificial, and dietary laws were abrogated by the advent of Jesus the Christ, Son of God, Savior, very God and very man. So, stoning queers is still in, execution of murderers and kidnappers is still in, local government or elders and family patriarchs is in, national or "civil" government is out, everyone knows and follows the same law regardless of occupation and no, drug running (who would have any use for such bullshit in a Christian world?), organ trafficking and child molestation are not "occupations." Slavery in the biblical definition and under biblical rules is in.

Regardless of your temper tantrums, God's Kingdom on earth is the future for mankind and believe it or not, we are progressing toward that.

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only two thousand more years!

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Maybe 40,000 years. I only know (1) Jesus is not going to do our work for us and (2) Christians are progressing in the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth.

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only 40 thousand more years!

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I'm curious about what motivated the FSB, or whatever, to intercept and destroy the humanitarian aid to Donbass. The only reason I can think of is that they thought the shipments contained arms or ammunition or other items that could be sold on the black market. So they hijacked the shipments. They stole whatever could be sold, then buried the rest since it could function as evidence. I emphasize I have absolutely no knowledge about this so my idea is pure speculation.

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The state has a monopoly on violence or it isn't a state. Those weapons and gunpowder could be used to murder schoolchild or blow up precious infrastructure or cultural treasures. And they are marked in such a way that any decent forensics team could use them to prove that atrocities committed with these munitions are traceable to Russia.

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The items tossed in the landfill were humanitarian items, not explosives or ammunition.

"Zakutny discovered humanitarian aid for Russian troops in a landfill in Amvrosievka. He filmed jackets, medicines, home-made stretcher, as well as letters for the military, rolled into the ground with a bulldozer."

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I need some help. Can anyone provide some links where it states that Putin told Yanukovich to go easy on the Maidan protestors and not use deadly force ? Thanks.

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The axis-of-resistance multipolaristas will surely love this one https://open.substack.com/pub/korybko/p/lavrov-reminded-the-world-that-russia

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