The reason Putin wont enforce any redlines whatsoever is a combination of the 1st and 3rd options IMO. If the chief executives and share holders of Russia LLC become even more shut out of the globohomo financial/power sharing system because of escalation this means escalation paradoxically defeats the purpose for which the SNO was initially launched. When the SNO was launched the military aspect was absolutely minimized in favour of relying on spooks successfully bringing over key Ukrainian officials to Moscows side. Since the failure of this initial scheme the Kremlin has fought escalation in practice tooth and nail while paying lip service to redlines. In essence the SNO was a giant fucking bluff from Moscow to get a seat at the globohomo table and when the West called it the Kremlin was left in an intractable situation. Escalation makes getting a seat even more unlikely, doing nothing means any uncircumcised Kremlin LLC chief executives may end up getting the Saddam/Gaddafi/Milosevic treatment. This explains the 1st option and the 3rd is a bit more interesting imo.

Are these friends of the Kremlin in the West actually part of an anti Kremlin operation from Langley? Tucker, McGregor, Ritter are all spooks. Sachs is a big a swamp creature as they come. We tend to view them, especially Ritter as bought and paid for Kremlin assets but maybe someone like Tucker was commissioned by Langley to give the Kremlin false hope of soft defeat and good surrender terms? "You totally have some important and influential friends in the US Putler, don't do anything crazy while we openly start bombing the shit out of Russia lol". This would in essence be a repeat of the Kremlins miscalculation with Ukraine at the beginning of the SNO, totally overestimating just how many real friends in the Ukrainian power structure they had. In short the hard tangible reason Moscow doesn't enforce red lines is the 1st option and the 3rd option is how the Kremlinites cope and console themselves that there is still a way out.

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Hi to everyone here....I have one question for you here - according to the western MSM, this verdict against Trump "accidentally" came just in time to fail to notice that Blinken, not Biden, admitted that American weapons were still being used to strike inside Russia. Of course, Putin has threatened the West for the thousandth time since the beginning of the SMO. And supposedly Sunak of Britain advised people to buy canned goods. Also, the attack on this German politician and policeman by an illegal....and many more "smaller" details in Europe and the rest of the Western world. Since the beginning of the year, I have a bad feeling that all this they are doing is a distraction to hide the real goal - which would be an attack on all of us - people. I think they don't attack each other, they attack us. That's what I mean. That's what all these big headlines are for - cheer for nukes, cheer for Putin, cheer for Trump....while they're nastily coming up behind us. I would love to be wrong - but I have a very bad feeling in my stomach these last few days. They show us in the Palestinians how it is done - how no one does anything while it is shown on the monitors in real time - the destruction of everything and the mass killing of people. I'm afraid of that. One more thing to add to this: the FED is over. The numbers that came out are devastating, it's a flood. Many bricks in the wall, and maybe I'm paranoid. So, please, tell me I'm wrong. God bless you all.

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I don’t think you’re wrong- I get where you’re coming from. They’re really going after nation-states, and individual rights and privacy Trump = Christian Zionism.

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There is no such thing as "Christian Zionism." It is one or the other. Premillenial dispensationalists are taught to believe that the prophecies in Revelation, Daniel, Thessalonians, etc., are for us while the fact remains they were all fulfilled in A.D. 70 when God destroyed national Israel, Jerusalem, and the temple and made the Christian Church the New Israel to evangelize the world with the good news of salvation from the wrath of God. Rapture freaks are rapture freaks, John Hagee and his megachurch anxiously awaiting the next piece of bad news which to the rapture freak is good news: the worst things get the nearer the bodily return of Jesus and don't do anything to intervene. That is what the rapture freaks believe and they send massive aid to Israel, totally ignoring the demonic atrocities the Jews commit daily ever since the 1920s. Christian eschatology, or view of the end times, is postmillenial, That is Jesus is not returning until Christians do what Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:18-20 to go into all the world and make disciples and teach them what you have learned. "You" is the early Christian Church who witnessed Jesus ascending into heaven and what "you have learned" is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul and love your neighbor as yourself. That is not to say that the Dimona reactor site with the 400 some odd nuclear Jew bombs should not be destroyed immediately with a few 100 megaton hydrogen bombs and that every IDF soldier participating in the genocide of the Semitic people of Gaza should not be shot on sight along with their entire chain of command and the the 98% of the Jews who are cheering on the genocide and the atrocities in the West Bank of Jordan and the Golan Heights of Syria. Self defense and stamping out evil people - evil people are easily identified in the Bible as aggressors and queers and necromancers, etc. - is a Christian obligation. Christians are called to protect their families and their church. The united States is properly a federation of States, not an agglomeration into a single state, which is the definition of "nation."

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"[The] reason why we are at the point where NATO is talking about bombing Russia is because Putin HASN’T enforced any of the red lines that the Kremlin drew."~ibid

^^This is the unvarnished & succinct truth of the matter! Weakness invites aggression, something the USSR understood until the Gorbachev era.

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The homosexual lobby is indeed powerful (at least in France) but the real underlying network of power is pedo-satanist.

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I saw that a Norwegian likes that comment. Do you have information about that same thing in Norway?

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Are you shure they are really two lobbys apart?

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The pedo-satanic 'maçonnique' network is not a lobby but the core of the Western power structure. It is a certainty. If you want links, I can provide a handful of them in French which you might understand since we live in the same country. You can start with that one, but I warn you it is very ugly, it take a strong soul to handle it.


Bon dia


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I’ve read about half of your article - will finish later. The words, “given permission,” and “allowed” sent me into a silent - well - almost-rage, because I don’t usually rage. I don’t give small-mindedness and arrogance that much of my energy and attention. So, you can imagine the “speakers” of those words have been getting little of my attention for awhile now. No, I don’t ignore them, but having been a mother, I’m not attending to the unreasonable demands of a snotty child. Even with acknowledgement of their stupidity. Children can be redirected. Ignorant, uneasonable and stupid adults not so much.

WHO said one country can “allow” and/or “give permission” in this situation’s context….?

What an embarrassment my country’s leadership, for the most part, is.

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The top 14 articles on RT yesterday were military related. War hysteria is at a premium & the $$$ are flowing like it’s plandemic 2.0 . Dictators in sunglasses are so passé these days

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This was alway the next card for NATO to play. Now Russia is slowly advancing they have to play it. Nothing good will come out of either side escalating this war. Will Putin bomb European capitals or US NATO forces? That is his next move , from there all bets are off. Putin's move.

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There is no such thing as "Christian Zionism." It is one or the other. Premillenial dispensationalists are taught to believe that the prophecies in Revelation, Daniel, Thessalonians, etc., are for us while the fact remains they were all fulfilled in A.D. 70 when God destroyed national Israel, Jerusalem, and the temple and made the Christian Church the New Israel to evangelize the world with the good news of salvation from the wrath of God. Rapture freaks are rapture freaks, John Hagee and his megachurch anxiously awaiting the next piece of bad news which to the rapture freak is good news: the worst things get the nearer the bodily return of Jesus and don't do anything to intervene. That is what the rapture freaks believe and they send massive aid to Israel, totally ignoring the demonic atrocities the Jews commit daily ever since the 1920s. Christian eschatology, or view of the end times, is postmillenial, That is Jesus is not returning until Christians do what Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:18-20 to go into all the world and make disciples and teach them what you have learned. "You" is the early Christian Church who witnessed Jesus ascending into heaven and what "you have learned" is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul and love your neighbor as yourself. That is not to say that the Dimona reactor site with the 400 some odd nuclear Jew bombs should not be destroyed immediately with a few 100 megaton hydrogen bombs and that every IDF soldier participating in the genocide of the Semitic people of Gaza should not be shot on sight along with their entire chain of command and the the 98% of the Jews who are cheering on the genocide and the atrocities in the West Bank of Jordan and the Golan Heights of Syria. Self defense and stamping out evil people - evil people are easily identified in the Bible as aggressors and queers and necromancers, etc. - is a Christian obligation. Christians are called to protect their families and their church. The united States is properly a federation of States, not an agglomeration into a single state, which is the definition of "nation."

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Its all wrong. This is an internal power struggle within Russia, between Russian oligarchs, that are using the west as part of their conflict.

The important thing is to remove Soigu and put in Herman Gref, Summers, Chubais. So Gref can build his "Kabballah State".

Chubais is at Bilderberg right now, presenting his "proposal".

Soigu is out and Gref is in. The oligarchs previously wanted to put Gref in, thinking he could eliminate the sanctions on the oligarchs. They were prepared to get rid of Putin, to keep their assets and remove the sanctions.

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Rurik and Dr Livci will love it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WahEzuqUJg

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