Hey Rolo, getting hate mail is good. It means you’re getting noticed, and that people are getting riled up. Some are seriously bad, and some are just dumb – but it might just make some of the latter think.

Take a look at JCR latest. This guy has been right on almost everything during this war. For some weeks he was posting the question – where is the Russian army, and lately he came out with “Is there a Russian army at all?” At first it sounded crazy but when one starts to think, and look at videos of the action it starts to make some sense. All the resistance to Ukie advances comes from artillery and helicopter gunships or aviation. It seems like some front line trenches are manned by just a few men – about 6 for a hundred metre trench. They pull back immediately if arties or copters don’t do the job. Where the hell are the 320 000 that were mobilized to add to what was already in Ukraine, plus the 20 000 or so volunteers. And the 1000+ that are claimed to be joining up every week? And the conscript army, supposedly about 150 000+? All the actual fighting in the past year seems to have come from the Donbass militias and the Wagner. So, where the fuck is the Russian army – well it seems they’ve got helies, planes, artillery, but no bloody infantry? So does a real army actually exist? And if they don't exist who's getting their salaries, and the money for their housing, equipment, support? Is this money all just disappearing somewhere in the MOD, and eventually surfacing in some anonymous accounts in the Bahamas.? Maybe Wagner with a few thousand men and a few tanks could well have taken Moscow., not only because army wouldn't fight them, but perhaps because there actually isn't a real army at all.

Oh, and watch out for Jacob Dreizen (ref the comments discussion in your previous post). This guy has a weird history. He has worked for the Israeli’s and the US gov in some military capacity. He lives in Washington, works for the Federal govt in some now unspecified capacity. And has a ferociously pro-Russian anti-GAE blog under his real name, but never been cancelled or fired!!! My question is who does he really work for in the Fed govt –I'd suspect probably the FBI. He’s also a loudmouthed big talker – a bit like you, but at least you tend to be right a lot of the time and you don’t work for the US or Russian govts.

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When the pandemic started I got so much hate from almost everybody for telling them that we are going to be really f up that I had to grow up 30 years for several months to handle my disappointment and frustration with everything. The same happened when the SMO started. I was running a small site with a few friends and I wrote an article telling everybody that Putin is probably a double agent, put by Kissinger to play some game with Ukraine until they are changing the financial system because the first thing they did is to exclude Russia from SWIFT. And next they started to pretend that they are so scared of "dedolarization". "Oh, why, why did that happen?" Anyway, I guess people do not understand the motivation because they are not seeking for truth. There are characters and spirits who value truth above all. Most people don't care to understand. It is just some sports game, your team, the other team and so on. And one must not be afraid of control opposition, trolls, agents or being wrong. The agents, misinformants, disinformants are everywhere. And sometimes even the MSM is telling the truth. If you pick only one source and believe "this is it, my precious, the Truth and the only Truth" you are lost.

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That kissinger theory haunts me.

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Unfortunately, the Kissinger-Putin jury is still out.

Very few tea leaves to read in the English language, so this is a thankless service you are providing. BTW, fuck I-graduated-Harvard-and-read-the-Wall-Street-Journal Ron Unz. The worst kind of self-satisfied putz.

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Jun 28, 2023
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Yeah, plenty of good content on his site, am curious who pissed him off?

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I thought Putin may be CIA at one point because he keeps Russia weak when it could be much stronger and can be the Boogeyman for the US MSN much better than bin Laden ever could be. But I like this Kissinger agent idea more and will need to read up on it. Thanks.

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Who knows? “Any Russian leader must be able to do three things to keep the confidence of the elites— protect them from external enemies, protect them from the Russian people, and protect them from each other,” -- Thomas Graham, former national security adviser on Russia to the Bush White House.

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Fascinating. I don’t doubt your new prediction, I think the die is cast. As a new sub I find the embedded older pieces really helpful in catching up. I appreciate your work

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Thank you for the praise. I focus too much on my detractors. My supporters really make it worth it.

... I just wish there were more of you! lol.

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I also fully endorse the new prediction, and furthermore I don't believe Prigozhin is going to lose out in any obviously humiliating fashion. Personally, I suspect Prigozhin seized Shoigu's tactical nuke depot, and that's why Putin was willing to cut a deal.

"...point me to your successful prediction record and we can see how it compares to mine." Remember when you said the Ukrainians would be at the outskirts of Melitopol by the end of June, and Simplicius said he didn't think there would be any Ukrainian offensive at all, and I said I hoped for a stalemate? I won't hold it against you, I know you were hoping I was right.

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>Remember when you said the Ukrainians would be at the outskirts of Melitopol by the end of June

Not really, no. I'm pretty sure I said that I got roped into that bet with my belligerent and malicious Russian podcast chat all the way back in winter. I qualified my prediction as well. Then I wrote an article saying that time was on Kiev's side and that I didn't see the rush for them to attack like Strelkov and Prigozhin were claiming.

That being said, I think that I may end up only being wrong by a few days like I was last time. Bad news coming in from the front lines. If Shoigu doesn't commit reserves, the UAF may finally break through. So, let's see what happens.

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Not so fast, Rolo!! I found the receipts.


On May 5th, you didn't mention anything about being roped into the bet. When you complained about your malicious chat buddies, it was later on, and with reference to the predicted June 1 date for the commencement of Ukraine's offensive.

Simplicius left himself some wiggle room by arguing that Ukraine wouldn't even admit that they started their offensive, until they achieve success. And sure enough, on Weeb Union this morning I see that the Ukrainians say they haven't even started yet, they've held back 80% of their forces. I call BS on that: they had no forces worth mentioning to begin with, but attacked anyways.

You took credit for your prediction of a Ukrainian offensive coming true, albeit a few days late. Accordingly, having agreed that the said offensive has already started, you have to admit that so far it's been a colossal failure.

What bad news is coming from the front lines? The front has hardly moved at all. Seymour Hersh said this morning that Ukraine has captured 46 square miles during their offensive so far, out of 40,000 square miles held by the Russians.

Are you seriously predicting a major advance by the Ukrainians in the next few days? Barring a decision by NATO to send in F-16's and a horde of Polish troops, that seems pretty unlikely. Regardless of the level of corruption and incompetence, Putin and the MOD seem to be able to achieve the minimum level of military success that they need to keep themselves in power.

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We love you, Rolo!

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The fall, or rather, transition of Karlin was something. It's good he was materially devoted, but he wasn't devoted enough to the actual principles and their reasoning to stick through them in bad times. Fortunately, he curses whatever faction he supports, so he will single-handedly collapse the GAE.

Enjoyable and in-depth posts, as always. It's fun going to bat for reality, sense, and pragmatic goodness.

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Karlin has changed his mind countless times. Changing your mind in response to new facts/reflection is a good thing but changing your mind constantly shows that you didn't have particularly strong foundations for your belief.

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Just take a look at a picture of Karlin and it becomes clear why his nationalist phase did not last long.

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Thanks for single handedly giving voice to Russians on the international arena.

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The 9-11 twin towers event finally made me realize the extent of one world control. I considered from the beginning of the Ukraine 2014 event that a long term war might begin. I am a combat veteran of the Vietnam "police action". Here is a link to a recent piece on one world control. This piece has much truth, and omission too.


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Thanks for the link to Truth Seeker. I skimmed and will read his article later. I prefer reading as opposed to gratuitous videos, but why does everyone writing with a foreign name present with writing diarrhea: unending verbiage reiterating ideas again and again instead of making short, concise points? Is this a uniquely foreign personality trait? Brevity is the soul of wit, after all. I must say, though, that Seeker, although long-winded, appears to escape the reiteration fault. I suspect the reason for long-winded presentations these days is that people have lost the ability to read tightly constructed language. They simply can't deconstruct thoughts well. Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Telegram et al. social media.

I appreciate in-depth analysis when warranted but alas! In nearly every instance the lengthy analysis is unwarranted. I've read so extensively coupled with a lively intuitive sense that I encounter little new information these days. In fact, I was delighted to encounter the Russian nationalist viewpoint just a few short weeks ago for that reason.

I did appreciate Seeker's injunction that Russia will look very similarly to the U.S. in a decade or two. He's quite correct. The destabilization of morals and values will begin with a trickle ending in a torrent of fat, unbecoming, naked men with their genitalia on full vulgar display romping in a water fountain during Pride month with children present.

I knew, after a day or two reading the Russian nationalist viewpoint, even unfamiliar with the terms and language, that Russia is under the Globalist Game Plan. I was also rather interested to see how The Controllers incorporate the heritage, culture, and language (reflected in the thinking of the nation) into destabilizing countries. I realized at that point--without endless discussions, counter points and facts--that China was fully incorporated as well. All countries are--so Seeker is absolutely correct. Writers and videographers like Corbett can make excellent points but tend to over-dramatize matters. They most often lack an intuitive feel for the subject matter; thus, their constant reiteration of points and search for inconsequential nuances.

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This Rolo-substack and comments-section is just amazing. I feel like being in a bar with 50 of the most knowledgeable and wittiest people one can imagine.

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Agree. Rolo brings a lot of depth and honesty to his analysis of Russia and even religion and metaphysics. Fascinating reading.

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Looks like Prig still has support in Russia:

Where will their funding come from now?


It is reported that Prigozhin is currently in the Russian Federation, negotiating. In 2 hours it flies back to Minsk. Almost all of his "council of commanders" is also there.

559.2K views edited


Strelkov Igor Ivanovich #KRP

The main forces of "Wagner" will be concentrated in a camp on the territory of the Mogilev region ... (closer to Smolensk and Moscow).

467.9K views edited


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Hallelujah praise the Lord! I was blind but now I see. Thank you Rolo for your in-depth knowledge of the situation. I'd been living a junk food diet of many commentators you mentioned in your recent conversation with James Corbett but for a long time knew what they were saying was nonsense and not adding up, but hadn't had time to shop around so had to manifested you instead. I love Russia, I love the Russian people I want to see it succeed against NATO, but couldn't understand the stagnation that is occurring in the 'Not War' and how that is a good way to fight.

I wondered if they were biding time until a Trump Presidency 2.0 and all the US funding being pulled from Ukraine. I can't rule out Biden rigging the machines again though or RFK Jr coming into the frame. RFKs son was in Ukraine "fighting for their freedom" so would he end the war a President? I have only just started subbing so need to go back and read your earlier work.

Closer to home I would say August will be the month to watch in terms of Russia internal political developments heck that when the USSR started to melt. And in regards to Luka I'd see he is like a kid at Christmas with Wagner suring up his forces no Western backed coup/arrmy on his lands now.

Closing comment, any chance you can also publish in Russian? It's not like you do enough already? Just know some people who'd really like to read your work.

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No, just english, but i podcast in Russian.

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I see your book is published in Russian. So there is something I can share with people who don't speak English. Funny thing is i don't speak Russian yet but maybe I learn from listening to your podcasts. Lol! Thanks again.

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Please invite Nikola Mikovic, he has been putting out good tweets lately.

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Will do.

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Will do.

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Number of news sources are now saying Surovikin has been arrested. Looks like the Kremlin is going after all the generals it suspects of having sympathies with or having supported Wagner. Is it just a matter of time now for Wagner and the Wagner commanders before they share the same fate?

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I think Luka will make a play to rule Russia which is why he has taken Wagner into Belarus and a coming civil conflict is inevitable in Russia as well.

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Luka is quite popular in Russia.

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Just my two pennies, when I heard that Wagner was getting setup in Belarus my noggin started jogging.

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The DC neocons have extensive speculation today on Luka's motivations for his alignment with Wagner:

"...Lukashenko may seek to use the Wagner Group in Belarus to reduce the Belarusian military’s accumulated structural dependency on the Russian military for higher operational functions ..." - lots more at the link:


EVERYone seems to have forgotten for the current moment, at least, about Ukraine!

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For the moment, not a surprise really it's not been of any real significance it's just a place for the world oligarchy to play games.

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It seems to me that if the Russian NSDS really wants to dissolve Wagner they will cut off all funding to them including Prigozhin's personal businesses. If they do this, Wagner will forced to find alternative funding sources at least in the long term. I'm sure Prigozhin's personal fortune is extensive but it is certainly not unlimited. At some point Wagner's funds and supplies will need to be replenished. What are some possible alternative revenue sources that Wagner can tap? Luka/Belarus perhaps? Also, if they secure alternative funding, where will they buy armament? Is the black market large enough or the MOD corrupt enough to continue to be supplied from inside Russia? If their access to funds and armament is restricted then I would think Round 2 should be sooner rather than later.

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>they will cut off all funding to them including Prigozhin's personal businesses.

no way in hell a standing army capable of unseating the government goes unfinanced by someone for very long.

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Rolo, you just gotta somehow incorporate weekly broadcasts with James Corbett into your busy schedule. Your last conversation was great. But on this topic—this is precisely why I am completely resistant to supporting the bullshit Left vs. Right paradigms of politics, especially when it comes to international affairs and local governments. I don’t support a one-size party system “new world order” either. But it makes perfect sense to me for people to remain progressive, moderate Independents (I), where I believe most individuals are naturally born into; centered people, not divergent radicals at war.

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Is Corbett a lefty?

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Definitely not a lefty - unless he is under deep cover. I see him as -correctly- beyond the useless left/right thing.

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I believe he’s very centered and thrives on the “truths of history;” very pragmatic when it comes to politics. You did just speak with him, correct, unless I’m mistaken? What was your take? In any case, if you are the same individual from this audio exchange, I believe “weekly repeats” would be doing everyone who’s mostly ignorant of Russian history and geopolitics, especially the average American, a great service. https://open.substack.com/pub/corbettreport/p/wtf-just-happened-in-russia-with?r=1qpmjb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I thought he was open-minded and professional, yes, not ideological.

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