In the Storm Z book which I hope to translate some of before we all die of old age the author suspects that there is a category of Zek soldiers that MoD specifically wants to make sure don't come home alive under any circumstances. The author doesn't speculate as to which kind of zeks these are but lets all be real here. We know damn well Zeks incarcerated for Russian Nationalist stuff are in this category.

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They'll get the Pat Tillman treatment if nothing else.

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NO ONE is listening to me here in the U.S., but, sir, I am singing your reports in the streets! I don't know why I get so giddy from each grounded-in-harshest-reality dispatch you deliver on this travesty of a conflict, but knowing that somewhere, deep with the recesses of garbage, there is a treasure trove of some actual frickin' TRUTH just waiting to be unearthed makes my heart soar. A million thanks again, sir.

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From what I can see, the biggest bang for the buck would be to post on The Duran. They are very popular, very respected and constantly assert that Russia is inevitably winning the war and it's only a matter of time. I actually think they're sincere. In fact, I only found out about Rurik's blog from a posting on The Duran. But there, you have people sympathetic to Russia but who think Russia's ducks are in all in a row and that everything is on track.

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I have shared the experience in a previous post, but it bears repeating: I first learned of Shoigu's sacking on this platform, The Slavland Chronicles. As is his inimical way, Rurik suggested that the vehemently pro-Russian crowd would try to insinuate that what had actually happened to Shoigu was more analogous to a promotion thana demotion. Just 30 minutes later, that morning, I was watching Alex Christophoro's walk-and-talk news analysis of world events, as this was a part of my getting-ready-for-work routine(Before becoming a Stalker I myself was an unabashed consumer of every rumination the two Alexes expounded upon, accepting all of their assessments concerning the S.M.O. as matters of fact, not speculation.) With Rurik's admonishments to not fall for the crap that was going to be spoken in regards to Shoigu's unceremonious dismissal from his post as Minister of Defence fresh in my kind, Alex, within seconds of making the annoucement on his program, went to great lengths to assure his audience that(and I'm going to paraphrase here), "This was a PROMOTION! Got that?! A PROMOTION! This was NOT a demotion! He wasn't fired! There is no conflict between the Kremlin and Shoigu!" It all came off as so contrived and forced. That Alex had received his orders from his handlers and he was playing his role to a T. It really stank. I no no longer watch him in the mornings.

In retrospect, so much of what I heard on The Duran, where it regarding Russia, anyways, seems to be little more than rank boosterism. No real balance in reporting, at all, save for a bit of soul-searching after Russian forces beat a hasty retreat from Kharkov in the summer of '22.

I'm actually done with trying to be a party pooper for anyone, these days. People are so darned entrenched within their respective worldviews. They just won't budge. It's particularly frustrating for me because I have shifted my convictions of belief system on numerous occasions when new, compelling evidence presents itself. I don't cling to being "right." I just want to know what's actually going on in this world I am apart of, for better or for worse.

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Here's a good one from Israel Shamir:


'But this is the key to why the Brits are so keen to undermine Russia. Lord Rothschild is as British as 5 o’clock tea. The Brits can have an Indian PM, a Paki Lord Mayor of London, and Ghurkhas as their elite troops, but the Bank of England belongs to the Jews. Englishmen are just miners to keep Lord Rothschild’s global bank running tickety-boo. And Jews are famous for keeping control of whatever has passed through their clutches. Even the Royal Family became quasi-Jewish: they circumcise their boys and believe they are descendants of King David.

The fact is, losing all that fabulous Russian wealth did irritate the oligarchs. This is why they call Vladimir Putin “the bloody tyrant”, because he took away the Russian oil and gas, gold and wheat that they felt they deserved. Yet history shows that Putin was a soft ruler: he did not seize the oligarchs’ wealth, as he well could have; they retained their yachts and palaces and their billions. But it didn’t comfort them; they still covet the whole hog.

Like most of us, Putin was under the illusion that England and the US were against the USSR for ideological reasons. He thought, “Sure, they dislike communism, like any good capitalist would.” He believed they would be happy now that Russians are enjoying the fruits of private ownership. But it turns out that the Brits and Yanks were never interested in theory. They hated the communists because they kept Russian commodities out of Lord Rothschild’s greedy hands. Now that it is Putin who is standing in the breach, the global banking system has declared him to be the man of evil. '


'The main purpose of the mainstream press seems to be quashing or memory-holing stories that might upset the behind-the-scenes deals between English and Russian oligarchs, many of whom happen to be (coincidentally) Jewish. The entire notion of a Jewish global financial system, although it is at the root of Nathan Rothschild’s historical banking network, has been declared an antisemitic trope by the managed press. The safety of Jews comes first, and the press will fervently misinform the public in pursuit of this goal.'

Nothing to see here, move along now.

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There is this constant psyop to redirect the blame to “the British”. Lots of Zanon shills do it. I’ll be writing about it.

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I'll look forward to your take on it.

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Leaning back and watching this kabuki theatre of self destruction of all the once proud historic entities is all thats left to do today. Usurped by the chaos reign of hysteric cunts of both genders, a wasteland of degenerate collectives of half apes will be the end of it all.

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agree. the like function doesn't work for me except on the article itself or i would have liked.

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"Russia isn’t mobilizing because, as we can see for ourselves, Putin is desperately trying to negotiate his way out of this mess somehow instead of taking the measures necessary to fight a serious war against Kiev + NATO.

But even if he surrenders all of Ukraine, I don’t think there will be peace.

The war will simply expand into Russia proper soon."~ibid

^^As much as I pray & hope you're wrong Rurik, all indicators point towards this ignominious end to Putin's Folly.

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This is why I keep reading, Rurik. You definitely keep it real. The parallels of what's happening to both our peoples is just so stark when you shared that discussion amongst the Russian men.

Pypa is going to save us all though with his Judo Orthodox 5D chess mastery. Personally I think Trump is the man to set us all up for Pike's Third World War. The Israelis have already kicked off the party, killing largely civilians with American munitions.

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as you write, this is literally a tragedy. just unbelievable. we can always hope putin does have 'an ace up his sleeve,' but that's a slim one. excellent, sad chronicle.

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Fess up Rurik what you really meant to write is:

"In practical terms, Moscow’s leading independent military analyst (Colonel Cassad) concluded, the speech was a tactical feint and a strategic deception."

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From the globalist perspective the goals were achieved the moment they blew up the pipeline crippling Germany's nitrogen fertilizer production, interrupted food production in Ukraine, got the war billions flowing and fomented more division and distraction everywhere. The rest has been kicking the can down the road and maybe igniting WWIII. But so far it has been a win win.

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Waterloo. Over and Over

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I was thinking about your assertion, RonaldB, that the fellas at The Duran struck you as being sincere. I f by that what is being inferred is that they harbor a genuine desire to see all wars brought to an end and the will of the people become manifest within their respective homelands so as to bring about a new epoch marked by a true and lasting peace and prosperity for all, then yes, I believe they are just that sort of men. I still believe that they repeat their Kremlin-issued talking points without question, and I find that troubling, to say the least.

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Putin 'stashing years of food in secret nuclear bunker under Siberian mountains'

Wouldn't surprise me.

Anyone got time to check out the Pozdnyakov Telegram channel ?

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