Putin in His Own Words and Me in Mine
Is there enough "early life Putin" out there to start a new mini-series?
On occasion, I’ve taken to posting old videos and speeches of President Putin to explain what his default beliefs were. For years, I thought that this old content could be ignored because Putin had had a change of heart either in 2007 or 2014 or 2022. In retrospect, I think I was just falling for Surkov’s propaganda blitz to portray Putin as the savior of Russia and the champion of everything good against everything bad.
As a Putin shill, it stings to realize that I’ve been had and that I have to accept that the Putin of now is pretty much the Putin of then, the dark days, only he was more honest then.
But I still support Putin 100% on this blog because he is more popular than any other public figure in Russia and I am a populist and therefore cannot go against popular things because God made this world and made it good, so the popular and the powerful must also be blessed by God by the logic inherent in the Septuagint.
And who am I to defy God’s grand design?
Here is an ancient excerpt read by an earlier Nexus 5 model Putin clone from the 00s.
It’s short so I will just translate it quickly and dirtily.
It starts with a non-Russian (probably a Chechen or Georgian) asking Putin to address the rising threat of Russian Nationalism in Russia. He says that certain political parties have used the phrase, “Russia belongs to Russians” in their campaigning materials.
This is probably a reference to the LDPR under Zhirinovsky, who appealed to Russian Nationalism and made a name for himself with his anti-Communist tirades. Initially, Zhiri was pro-Liberal reform because he was anti-Communist. Once he started tapping into Russian nationalism in the second round of elections in the 90s, he got shut down and repressed very heavily. The elections were blatantly rigged against him and the Communists, who would have handily won the elections of the first 20 years at least of “free and fair” Russian elections if it weren’t for active FSB and oligarchic involvement rigging the elections in favor of the oligarch + spook alliance which came to be known, formally at least, as the United Russia party. Very few people in Russia were organically supporting the pro-West, pro-Oligarch reforms of Yeltsin and Putin and the organized spook + crook alliance that they represented. So, Putin came to power illegitimately, in what amounts to an electoral coup that was more blatant than the one that brought the Joe Brendon clone-cabal to power.
However, I maintain that Putin’s popularity did, in fact, organically increase in the subsequent years. There are several reasons for this:
the excesses of state-enforced, Western-subsidized Libertarianism-at-the-barrel-of-a-gun policies were curbed somewhat
the terrorist situation was resolved through Putin’s paying off of the Islamic warlords in the south and incorporating them into the spook state as mercenaries
oil and gas prices went up, increasing state budgets and social welfare programs
supply chain problems from the USSR break-up were resolved through import programs, and the restructuring of supply chains that used to include Ukraine, Donbass, Belarus, Kazakhstan who were now cut out of the manufacturing and distribution process, leading to food deserts, chronic shortages of all essential goods and so on
Putin gradually becoming associated with the heraldry and trappings that come with the office of the president of the Russian Federation (people saw the two-headed eagle behind him and their peasant brains began association l’etat with le Putin, which is the point of symbols and proof that they work)
All major religious figures in Russia pledging allegiance to the KGB, which wisely stopped persecuting them and promoting them instead like all clever rulers used to do to keep the peasants in line
Putin’s propaganda improved, and he stopped attacking things that were popular in Russia, like the good elements of the USSR, or his condemnations of Russian identity or patriotism
Of course, just because someone fine-tunes their message doesn’t mean that they themselves have changed their views or their policies. It only means that they’ve gotten better at wielding influence and power. If you are opposed to a government, the worst thing that can happen is if your opponents are competent and know what they are doing. We are very lucky that the Biden people are so openly anti-American and unpopular. This kind of blatant anti-Americanism has been a mainstay of the American Deep State for decades, but now the mask is coming off for one reason or the other. Hubris or general incompetence, perhaps. My point is that it is better when the enemy admits that they hate you, because it becomes easier to rally against them and their ability to subvert the population diminishes.
I believe Putin is a very competent politician, a person with no firm views on anything, and a humbleness that allows him to follow the advice of people who are better at propaganda than he is are this two greatest political traits. Despite the many crises that have festered in Russia during his reign, he manages to retain power because he is good at doing the power elites’ bidding and even better at PR.
So, without further ado, let me finish translating the rest of the one-minute excerpt above where he answers the concerns of the non-Russian man about Russians reasserting their Russian identity in Russia. The final question was: “why are these parties allowed to say such things in the media.?
Putin says:
That this problem is a top priority for him
People who say that “Russia belongs to the Russians” are bad people and morons or possibly provacateurs
Russia is a multinational country
They want the collapse of the Russian Federation
These people are trying to prove that they are radicals and gain popularity from such sentiments and statements
There are laws on the books for dealing with this and they must be enforced
The situation is comparable to the situation in the West now, where migrants and non-Europeans commit heinous crimes against the natives and the state responds by punishing native discontent harshly. Most recently, in the wake of the murder-by-migrant incident in Dublin, the locals rose up in anger and defiance against the invaders and interlopers and the entirety of the Irish government banded together in demanding that these Irishmen be hunted down for their immorality and brought to justice on hate-crime charges.
Whenever a country is run by a xenocracy of either a religious, ideological or ethnic character (remarkable how often these three traits become synonymous with one another, no?) it relies on Inquisition/NKVD style janissary forces to terrorize the majority of natives into compliance.
It’s like that A Bug’s Life scene.
This movie was based on the older Kurosawa films about samurai. My favorite moment in Seven Samurai was when Kikuchiyo goes into rant about how craven and cowardly the peasants that hired the samurai to protect their village are. The film does indeed seem to indicate that Kikuchiyo is right and that, actually, the samurai who are defending the village aren’t doing it to save the peasants, but to reaffirm their own identity and way of life as samurai. The peasants are just a pretext for the samurai to struggle and fight and die in a manner that befits their caste.
Also, it is quite clear in the movie that he himself is a peasant posing as a higher-class samurai and that is why he knows so much about them and their way of life and why he holds them in such disdain.
Its funny to muse on just how often, historically-speaking, lower-class “men of the people” rose up to occupy the highest offices in the land (even in Japan) and ended up treating the lower classes even worse than their predecessors. You don’t have to be Freud to see why proximity might breed contempt or why self-shame is often meted out as punishment on others.
The best rulers were always nobles from birth, who could afford a kind of condescending affection for the peasantry brought about by their social distance from the objects of their patronage. You get this in Tolstoy and many Romanticist writers too. They idealize the village while living in their Roman-style country estates. You get this among modern-day Liberals in gated communities. But instead of condescending to poor Whites, they’ve found an even more pitiable and miserable group to play the role of condescending savior to.
In reality, the “salt of the earth” people always create crabs-in-a-bucket type hives no matter whether they live in the countryside or the city. Prison is the best place to meet the average lower class peon and prison is the natural habitat that they create around themselves. What is a village if not a large gang with a hetman at its head extracting rent and obeisance from the others? Among our lessers, the lowest common denominator unites to enforce a dreary kind of subservience and a stifling status quo on the few who are by their very nature capable of rising above it.
People who are in some way better than the run-of-the-mill masses in some way have always self-segregated from them, either willingly or at the point of a pitchfork. They’ve fled to temples and monasteries or joined warrior orders or simply sought out the Bohemian anonymity of larger cities or foreign lands to escape the clutches of the average person. Nowadays, this natural elitist impulse has been socially engineered into a mutant genocidal murderous hatred of the masses that comes out in blatantly racialized tirades against “White trash” or “Bydlos and gopniks” that make even my skin crawl.
Having been insulated from the masses for most of my life by my upper middle-class family, I feel that kind of Tolstoy-like fascination with them that allows me to feel sympathy in a way that a Kikuchiyo would not. In fact, I want to preserve and conserve them. To study them and to even interact with them. All from behind the safety of a cage or at a distance, of course.
Putin on the other hand, is a man of the people, unfortunately.
He grew up poor in St. Petersburg, which looked like tragic, bombed-out hellscape with families living 6+ to a single room and shared kitchen and bathroom in the center. Up all the way through to about 10 years ago when this began to gentrify, this is what life in the Paris of the north was like. Of course, when I spent my student years slumming in St. Petersburg, I thought it was thrilling and tittilating to get a taste of this kind of lifestyle. No need to spend every single second of my day studying or learning to play some instrument or boosting my resume. I could smoke and drink in bed while arguing with strangers on the internet in the day, whiling away the hours until I could go out on the town with friends and new people at night.
It was only when one of my neighbors bizarrely ratted me out to the police who were in search of some fugitive that I began to wake up and realize the nature of where I was living. (I’ve never committed a petty crime in my life and don’t think I could because of ingrained conscientiousness). Then I had troubles with three of my landlords who tried to raise the rent on me and who used stiff-armed tactics that took me by total surprise. I got jumped, twice, by swarthies who had begun creeping into hither-to off-limits social circles in Russian society that I thought would remain segregated for a while yet. Oh, and then I got in trouble with an insane elderly lady living above me who reported me for hooliganism when I was just cleaning our shared yard from trash. I kept being invited over to visit some of these people’s places and I kept noticing how they lived. The filth and the hoarding and the squalor. The bad food. The TV constantly running. The way that after speaking with me, I could detect a suspicion dawning on them, as they began to see through my disguise and knew that I was just a tourist visiting their hive, gawking at them.
Paradise was lost.
I felt the same feeling when I used to go on Christian charity missions to blown-out “hollers” in Appalachia. I was thin, intelligent, skeptical, generous and ambitious — everything that salt of the earth people are not. I could romanticize these people — something that a street hoodlum who joined up with an organized crime racket like Putin did simply cannot. There is no noble impulse in Putin. Only a kind of bemused surprise at himself that he managed to climb so far and so fast. He must think that an angel is on his side, guiding him to the top. These criminal types always have a very idiosyncratic “prison-style” version of Christianity that they practice and understand. Over time though, Putin has learned to speak less and let others fill in the gaps of his silence with their own wishes and theorizing.
As for Nationalism, well, it was always a Romanticist, elite-driven project undertaken by people who didn’t know the masses and wouldn’t have liked them if they did. The goal was always to elevate the masses to fit the largely synthetic and syncretic national idea that these intellectuals had been able to cobble together.
Before Pushkin, no one knew Russia’s fairytales and didn’t care. But it became a core component of an alternative identity promoted by the elite to combat the influence of Christianity. It was the same process in Germany with Goethe, Wagner — all the big writers and artists operating on such a high level of sophistication and talent that the modern mind quails at the very thought that such titans of genius and inspiration could have actually existed. In time, perhaps, they will only be remembered as demi-gods and their new divine status accorded to them as a kind of psychological coping mechanism to deal with the lack of talent in current times. That’s probably what happened with the Ancient Greeks at least. But I maintain that it is equally plausible that they were indeed demi-gods that Plato resented for some reason and went to war with.
So, long story short, Putin doesn’t understand Nationalism and never could.
All he knows is the way of the gang. And gangsters don’t recognize any identity or authority higher than the structure of their own organization and the prison that they find themselves in. Chechens, Azeris, ethnic Libertarians — these are good gangsters and people you want in your gang organization because they will help you make money and remove the competition. And the peasants are weak — they deserve to be fleeced! Damn them!
Ponder this, my friends.
Much truth can be gleaned from what first appears to be a resentful and mad man’s tirade against his social betters.
Also, although I may be a bit biased here, I do believe that this is the best analysis of the Putin phenomenon ever written in the English language. Nothing else comes close. Naturally, the cognitive peasants who stumbled on this blog and haven’t been filtered out yet will hate it and I’ll lose subs for writing it.
I know the rules — criticize the bossman and pay the price.
And yet I’ll keep doing it.
Clearly, the incentive for what I do isn’t financial.
I mean, did you see the outcry over my latest metaphysics essay alleging that Plato came first and that the Septuagint was a synthetic form of social engineering putting his principles into play to wage war on the pre-modern world? I insulted the religion of the peasants and now I dare question the divinity of their modern-day goyshiach that will end the globalisms and save the chilluns in da tunnels!
There’s no money in this! How could there be! This is as elitist (in a good way) as it gets!
Only the stupidest of the dumb would make such an allegation in good faith!
Case in point: Alex Jones makes tens of millions hawking his penis pills and prophesying the downfall of the European-style-socialist-eugenics-Chicom-malthusianists-with-Jewish-last-names-admittedly. The “most censored man on Earth” just did a Tucker and an Elon interview. But the people who are actually censored or ignored are largely unknown. A blogger here, a video-essayist there, a book-writer or researcher toiling away in ignominy and obscurity. They don’t do it for the money either. None of us do. Only a peasant thinks this way. He cannot conceive of a higher calling, a kind of soul dharma that someone might have that propels them to act in life beyond the hunger pangs in his stomach, the persistent itchy feeling in his loins or the haunting call of the porcelain throne.
Also, we all have to make a deal with the archons eventually I suppose — that is if we want to become successful or to become the president of Russia someday. The way thing are, I’m going to have to make one too because its been a year since I lost my two normie jobs and, well, I’m not sure whether $1400 a month is going to cut it longterm. I try to stay in the moment though and maintain a kind of alpha-wave Zen state that doesn't think about money or the future, only the need to experience the now as vividly as possible.
I do feel a kind of higher calling to be doing this work though. Like, I don’t see anyone else out there doing what I am doing. I didn’t even intend to make a blog at the time. It really does feel like some kind of higher force compelled me to do get to this point, which I don’t think I’d have been able to say if I started a drop-shipping scam like I initially wanted to. Even more so when I had basically quit writing for several years after getting gaslit and told I was a bad writer by my previous bosses. But then these same guys messaged me with links to my own blog praising it and telling me to check it out! A sign if ever there was one! And the few times I’ve been invited on anyone else’s show, I’ve been able to put on a damn good show. Probably why I never got invited back on, no?
… so this may just be a “victory by attrition scenario” unfolding slowly for me and my theses.
But some of you have proposed that I pivot to doing more Zanon type Christian preacher stuff to make some dough. Makes sense — serve the Demiurge and you get paid. Did the Bible stutter? Them’s the rules! And its a good idea, but this whole farce is winding down and interest will wane once the peasant masses are no longer emotionally convinced that there is a happy ending to this all where the globalists get their just desserts and Jesus returns to this temporal reality.
I think the better money to be made is with the Gaza stuff, or hopefully, with the escalation of the conflict to, say, Lebanon and Iran. At that point, we already have a time-tested and proven formula for financial success. I’ll just say that the mullahs are playing 5D dominoes with the West and that they will usher in the end times and Jesus’ return by defeating the globalists in Jerusalem. As just an art project, I think I could do it without feeling bad about myself or my work.
Plus, it would be very funny.
I think this is the mentality of people like Gonzago Lira, who was recently given a huge shout-out by Elon Musk.
Lira, of course, was telling blatant lies and far-fetched fantasies. But doesn’t deserve to have his eyes scratched out by the SBU as he claimed they were doing to him. You do have to wonder if maybe these supposed dissident samizdat truth-tellers might not be part of a larger network, no? Dissent Inc. And how much could a Judeo-Chilean-American really care about the plight of the Russians in Donbass when they a) don’t live there b) make money off of reporting about how they’re doing fine because Putin is a chessmaster and c) don’t speak Russia or intend to live in Russia or have any connection to Russia at all?
Point being: become a paid sub already.
This fund drive is going to get very annoying and very meta and borderline whiny very quick if you don’t.
There are 5500 of you now. Just step up to the plate and pay me my $50 so that I can tell my dad that I’m fine and doing good and not say it with a quiver of pain in my voice. He sent me a link to Skillshare the other day. It was Code Academy a couple of months ago. I love the guy and I know he’s just looking out for me, but, oof, message received loud and clear. And you guys have really dropped the ball these last two months even though we were doing so well together before that. Our relationship was mutually beneficial, I think. Now though, I’m starting to think its one-sided. All me just givething and no receivething. And what would your god say if he knew that you were STEALING from me, essentially?
I know what mine would say. He’d say:
Sign up to support Rurik’s blog, please. PS: don’t make me smite you. This is a threat.
Now, I went to the liberty of providing the sign-up link here to help you make the right decision. It’s right HERE if you missed it the first couple of times over the first couple of posts. No sweat though. I’m happy to remind you. For as long as it takes.
Right HERE.
Got it?
Thanks in advance and talk to you soon.
I like your work and as long as you continue to write I will enjoy it and share it with others, especially the ones who don't like it.
If you do the Iran thing, it could be fun to get people to lead in.
I wouldn't, however, do the 5D re. anything actually personal like Slavs, America or Christianity. Irony, sarcasm and false faxes eventually become the baseline and take over. We become the act. Never have a gay act or you become a spiritual faggot and then a literal one.
Thanks for your work. we are blessed to imbibe your wisdom and honesty.