I like your work and as long as you continue to write I will enjoy it and share it with others, especially the ones who don't like it.

If you do the Iran thing, it could be fun to get people to lead in.

I wouldn't, however, do the 5D re. anything actually personal like Slavs, America or Christianity. Irony, sarcasm and false faxes eventually become the baseline and take over. We become the act. Never have a gay act or you become a spiritual faggot and then a literal one.

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so true, irony truly is a pathway to homosexuality.

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I have to catch myself frequently with my students. I am sarcastic and ironic out of bitterness, but even when well directed, it is the emotional response of a bitch-who-takes-it rather than one who shapes the world or strives to surpass it.

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yeah i also find that talking to women brings it out. women like this catty kind of talking and reward it with attention and sex. you see it promoted in all television and film. i recently started watching rick and morty. had to stop. it was just so negative i felt bad in my head and gut after watching it.

immediately after i complained a reddit-tier friend told me 'dude its ironic" as if it it justified anything.

people watch and do stuff to be ironic. they cant be genuine. i cant even say something is bad or stupid without them telling me that akshully its ironic. OK, its ironic AND bad and i mean that unironically.

russians dont do irony when they speak. i miss that.

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I enjoyed that show for two seasons, then stopped caring. Reflecting on it, you could really see the extraordinary navel-gazing of modern misery.

Self-indulgence. An imitation of "hard-earned depression" and self-righteous suffering.

Yes, better to be blunt and honest. Sarcasm and irony can make for a funny character, but it's a pitiable one.

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Thanks for your work. we are blessed to imbibe your wisdom and honesty.

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Hey, you really dropped the "I was fooled" on us!

Remember that I'm counting🤣

Admittedly I was fooled too, once I think it's enough though. Once you start to realize how the world moves and the (justified) contempt of the elites for the masses, all idols fall instantly.

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the worst part is that i still hope that he improves.

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Rurik, I do think this is one of the best articles you've written. Admittedly, I've only been on Substack for about eight months, so I certainly haven't read all of them- but I'm trying to catch up. Yours was one of the first blogs I found, because of my interest in the Non-War of course. "The Mighty Russian Bear had finally been poked one time too many, and suddenly there were Z tanks almost surrounding "KEEV" (UGH! I hate that sound!) !!"...But then they just up and left, "WTF??" I thought. So anyway, I began reading more of your blog, and sometimes I bloody HATED you for upending my absolute faith that Russia would Big Arrow all the way to the Dniepr, force Ukraine to lay down it's weapons and say "uncle"! Damn you!...but you always seemed to be RIGHT, damn you again! But your writing style I couldn't help but respect, though sometimes I could never figure if you were being serious or sarcastic (?)... Took a while before I felt confident enough to even write on the comments section, as I didn't want to face ridicule from you or the others in the comments board. But as I continued to hang in there, struggling not to accept that Russia ("Rossiya"-ugh again!) and Amerika are almost interchangeable in so many negative ways, I finally realized that there is no mighty "savior" coming to rescue anyone-hell, not even DONETSK city, for crissakes(!). And I had actually at one time contemplated renewing my passport and moving TO Russia (!). (before it's all over, that STILL may become an option, as The States, according to many on both sides, are already gone beyond hope). I digress badly, but the point is that I saw you as the only blogger I felt was WORTHY of my small pittance. I've paid you for your Work for only a few months now-but you haven't ran me off yet! It's my little "indulgence" from my hard-earned shekels, and you are the ONLY one, out of many, that I'm a paid sub to...It's worth it, even when you anger me lol... I appreciate you sharing some of your personal history : we have a good bit in common, certainly not all of it of course. I understand your outlook much better now, as it's about even with the one I have had all my Life; seems was born with it. Don't give up the Fight, damn you (again!) ! I think , personally, that if you did more articles like these, that interspersed concepts, while injecting the main story as a focal point, maybe more would get off their fat asses and give you what you've EARNED! Just a thought...Again, good job, Rurik.

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Don’t worry I’m just trying to guilt ppl out of money

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Rurik, an excellent post-Thank you. I learned a lot.

I'm sure it is a Higher Calling!

You are right virtually none else is doing it. I do it a few hours a day I do for myself anyway but then add the boring admin of emailing articles- etc, for free for a few dozen friends and family with minimal satisfaction back. But it gets the Energy out there!

You are spot regarding Serving the Demiurge and you get paid! A True Gnostic.

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Zelensky in his own words, is he quite like Putin?


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Why do you call him 'Gonzago'. RS, when he calls himself , and Musk in the excerpt calls him 'Gonzalo'?

I think of him as a 'drifter grifter', who happened to get stuck in Ukraine. He was amusing and personable, got in with the 5D crowd and built a noticeable online presence. I think his audience was Western, mainly American. I doubt many Ukrainians knew about him. The official charges are probably cover for his real 'crime' - he criticised Nuland and the (((neocons))). He was talking less about Ukraine, and more about the crooks running America - to an American audience. I suspect one of those JIPs told the Ukrainians to make him disappear. I doubt he will survive the SMO.

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idk i also got pepes name wrong calling him pablo several times.

i was supposed to podcast with him but he freaked out on me and deleted our chat.

poor pablo...

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These South American socialist journalists have standards to uphold you know. He can't be seen talking to an impoverished 'far-right-extremist', until you can buy him more booze than his 5D friends:


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Maybe try getting your work more out there by reposting on sites like unz as substack can be a bit of a bubble. The subjects are pretty niche and require readers that are not easily insulted, but there have to be more than 5500 people that find this stuff interesting.

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Yeah I do occasionally get on unz but only a handful see it there

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I tried to send Unz one of your articles the last few days. But since I'm not a "frequent contributor" (?), denied me the right to do so...But I have seen a couple on there in the past. That really is a good slot to have, you can take about any position you want on there, as I'm sure you know. But I do sometimes put you on the Substack notes page, whatever it's called (?). I do agree that *IF* I were able (maybe someone else can) to put your book in the Featured Books section, it'd go for very long run.

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More people read unz than you know. But if you dont post every week, it will get buried.

Definately post the meta physics articles.

Its a good way to build up traffic.

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And Scott Ritter in a Twitter post called him Gonzo when he falsely reported he was dead the first time he was arrested. That then caused Pablo Gonzalez to severe any future chats with him. I admit I enjoyed his channel a bit too much he was a good salesman and gave me Kevin Spacey vibes. But it worked to Gorgonzola's advantage to be arrested the both times as he dodged so many key events which upset his narrative. Like from him Russia was on the verge of victory no attrition in site and he just seems to lap up the fart smell of The Duran who had a lot of time for him. One piece where he walked around a bit I think and showed a blow out shop. But jut go back and watch his stuff if it's still up and laugh your arse off what nonesense he spouted though I agreed with a lot of his views on the West. But the debate he did with laser pig was a master class in I don't know crap. He was totally a grifter but I do hope he is ok and I'm sure Gozalo will resurface in the next 12 to 18 months if you know what I mean?

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My sub is auto-renewing in 5 days and it's been my best news/laughs/WTF is he smoking? value of the year. So Merry Christmas and never say Jesus didn't do anything for you.

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LOL...guilty as charged! Threaten the paywall again. That's what finally provoked me into telling my landlord to fuck-off...and I'm satisfied with your work, and didn't get kicked-out, so....Actually, past couple of articles I really found very good, very well done, personably sardonic, with some "irony" intermingled. I'm a natural cynic, and skeptical about almost everything. Your smashing of idols is refreshing, and from my own background, encouraging. Don't quit on me, troop!!

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I'd welcome a jump to Gaza. I really feel like you sleep on your own work tbh. Your book was great and you should put more of it in your articles.

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what do you mean sleep on it? honest q

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you should mention the book more, take quotes from it and stick them in the article in bold lettering

i dont know if its just one of many books you've written or maybe you just consider it a long form article but for me it was a stroke of genius and i can't look at politics or social structures or my place of work the same after it. the books themes are clearly there in this article, but if this is the first article people read of ruriks the spectrum between oligarchy and authoritarianism is not so clear and you should continually lead the horses to the water.

disclaimer: i dont really know how substack works

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oh wow OK thanks for the praise. actually the links that i hyperlink when i demand people sign up are links to the book page.

the long form essays that i am doing about metaphysics now will be part of the new book too, which is why they are so long.

ive finished most of it, but i figure that the metaphysics conspiracy should be the skeleton of the book before i just dive into the rest. i hope to finish the plato part in december. and then i have to finish putting down my thoughts on eschatology. this is proving slightly trickier than i thought because as i started digging, i ended up unearthing more than i bargained for.

i doubt ill make any money or new subs from the second book on metaphysics though.

ppl have messaged me complaining about the plato essays being too difficult as is.

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Unz likes to put photos of arthors books on articles by the arthur. And a lot of people find books that way.

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