Pure gold comrade Rurik. Your blog must be the most undervalued in the blogosphere and yes I did donate some shekels to you some time back as a sign of my appreciation. Unfortunately I am unable to share your work as I am socially isolated due to my political views and there is really nobody out there that would bother to read your stuff , what a shame.
Yeah. I'm pretty isolated myself. I don't know anyone that I could send a link to the
Slavland Chronicles and not just have them cut me off. I would see The Duran readers as being a potential audience, since The Duran tends to take a bird's eye view of Russia and thus idealizes it while Rurik gives the nitty details that tell how the sausage really is made. What it comes down to is how accurate is one's information. According to The Duran, the war is basically already won with just some mopping up to do. This may not be at all an accurate picture. To tell the truth, it galls me that Blinken and Nuland may have been more correct in that their strategy has a good chance of bringing Russia down.
One thing to keep in mind is that the Deep State in the US is just as dangerous to US citizens as it is to Russia. Rurik has always made this a major theme in his posts. A victory over Russia will cement the Deep State of the Western globalists.
It was precisely at this time--post Maidan Putsch--that I began my reappraisal of Putin's (mis)rule. Given how Ukraine has been a preferred route of two western invasions this past century, it stands to reason that any self-respecting Russian leader would ensure that any sitting government in "Keev" would be one on friendly terms with Moscow. While I applauded the seizure of Crimea as both a logical & essential response to secure the Black Sea Fleet's Sevastopol anchorage, his failure to protect the Russophones in the LPR/DPR left me perplexed. Fast-forward to the present, and it is painfully evident that Putin & his claque are merely completing the work begun under Boris Yeltsin.
It is a real pity that Russia today has no organic & organized political opposition to provide pushback against these privateers who are bringing only ruin to such a great country.
" t is a real pity that Russia today has no organic & organized political opposition to provide pushback against these privateers who are bringing only ruin to such a great country. "
I think it got snuffed out by the over the top brutality of the Police response and the sheepish way the yellow vests responded / didnt respond. Covid was just the finishing touch. However, thats not a good example anyhow as they werent a nation and my question still stands.
if they had fought back against the crackdowns instead of falling back on 68er peacenik bullshit it could have been something.
macron's moroccans were literally targeting the protestors eyeballs. we saw the footage. but their leaders were bought out and they told ppl to go home.
same thing happened with the truckers in canada.
although they had far less support because ordinary canadians are such monstrous regime toadies by their nature.
If the Chinese are just running a " counter" opium war why does the video say the fentanyl was also intended for international distribution ? Fentanyl is spreading to Slavic nations and Russia how is that revenge for the opium wars. What China is really doing is helping in the destruction of White homelands in cahoots with their overlords.
IMO fentanil is not a state policy, it's a side effect of China's vast chemical industry and aggressive sales culture.
They already have some of the strictest drugs laws in the world, and control far more precursors than required by international conventions, hence fentanil manufacturing long ago moved to Mexico.
To control this, China would either have to either:
- further expand their controlled chemicals list
- blacklist entire countries
- implement entire end to end traceability
This would be a beaurocratic nightmare and would place a huge cost on China's chemical industry. China's economy is not doing great nowadays, so this would not be politically popular.
Ultimately, it's not a Chinese chemical problem, it's an American spiritual problem.
It's up to the US to police and control its own borders. We know the spook agencies use drugs as an off-books revenue source. My impression is that a lot of fentanyl deaths come from the fact that the user doesn't know the drug he's taking has fentanyl as an ingredient. So, the "spiritual" problem is more a criminal problem.
Well, I think the issue is that the fentanil class of drugs need to be diluted more than the morphine class opioids, and more dilution means more chance for weighing or mixing errors, giving concentration variations and hot spots.
It's a spiritual problem because the victim has to feel their life is truly devoid of higher meaning before they'll risk it by dabbling in opioids.
" Ultimately, it's not a Chinese chemical problem, it's an American spiritual problem. "
Who's to blame though, the hooker or the john ? Either way, Fentanyl is an intentional operation the Chinese are just in on the fun. Its a Happy Merchant attack against the White population which is spreading to the rest of the world also. Is the whole world spiritually sick ? Maybe.
Yeah i can certainly believe the prescription opioids are a deliberate attack, but I'd have to see more evidence of government assistance before I believed the same about fentanil.
As far as I can tell, the precursors are sold by aggressive Chinese sales people who simply care about hitting their numbers so they're not fired (it's super competitive over there), the manufactureis done by Mexican cartels who threaten/bribe the local police, and the distribution is done by whoever has the connections. The DEA fights against them, so the US government appears to be de facto against the trade.
On the other hand, if you've unearthed anything like Freeway Ricky Ross's testimony of how the CIA supplied cocaine to destroy black communities then I'd be very interested.
Trump is threatening sanctions over specific issues like Fentanyl already , he might extend that to specific asset confiscation against Chinese investments in the US . Xi is not a popular figure with the people or the military at present and has been in an intense struggle with his top military commanders for the past couple of years. There is a constant intense power struggle going on in China. The military top brass lead by the Rocket Force do not want their billions of dollars of assets and businesses tucked away in the West confiscated and sanctioned. The same goes for a ALL of the Chinese elites. They have seen what has happened to Russia's overseas assets and capital held in the West. China has five and a half TRILLION dollars invested in the US alone and will lose the lot in case of a war . The more assets that the Chinese pile up in the West the less likely they are to go to war IF economic common sense prevails. The Western companies and Japan have mostly already withdrawn their capital back to safety , but the Chinese will never bring their capital home , in fact capital flight is still raging. If China goes to war against Taiwan , which is Xi's great legacy dream , the transfer of wealth to the West will be the single largest wealth transfer in history. The economic damage to China if it invades Taiwan will be catastrophic compared to any economic gains as the West will wean itself off all the Chinese imports just as Europe has weaned itself off Russian imports. That would be a huge positive for the West but really bad for Australia as we are one of the few countries with a trade surplus with China. Remember it is always about the Benjamins.
Sounds eeerrrilly similar to another nation ;) The Zanon crowd will loose their shit if they ever can put enough brain cells together to realize this.
One thing they dont realize is that the ZioWest has already won by the mere fact that all the populations of the world have been brained washed to see the "ZioWestern lifestyle" as the ultimate pinnacle of human development. They all worship at the altar of Mammon just where the happy merchants want them.
If the elites of a nation dont trust said nation enough to even store their own wealth there, then its game over no matter what.
Those elites of those so called non western nations envy the west, they want to be slaves to the western empire, every time with a Putin or Assad or a Xi or their elites, they all have their children and wealth parked in the west.
BRICS was probably a trap set to see which nations are secretly trying to go against ZioAmerica , now that they have publicly announced their BRICS intentions , ZioAmerica will commence with the punishments. Once the BRICS crowd is beaten into submission no other group of nations will even dare to think of challenging the Zios. Thanks China ! Thanks Russia ?
" , Putin left behind that long tank column of vehicles and supplies for Kiev to pick up. As I reported before, the victorious Syrian rebels have been observed to have new Russian weapons in their possessions and Russian vehicles and equipment. "
So say it with me Rurik, " These wars are fake" . They start when planned and end right on time.
Rurik, please do a long article on the Chernobyl accident. I am sure we have not been given even 10 percent of the truth. I am sure it had to do with ethnic pornographers.
There are a few interesting conspiracy theories regarding the Cheronbyl incident. Have a look at the link below if you're interested, it relates to the Duga (over the horizon radar) facility that was/is located just under 6 miles from the melt down site.
I suspect the disaster served several purposes, I'd be curious what Rurik has to say too, he always has fresh ideas and perspectives based on excellent research from Russian sources.
Human nature hasn't changed much and human sacrifice has been documented as ritual all over the world. From that perspective the Zionist banker wars are seen as mass human sacrifice for Moloch by some.
Born during WW2 in occupied country, only alive because German officers disobeyed orders, changed my perspective on so called "elites" irreversibly to Moloch's morons and Mammon's minions.
Allow me to convey my sincere joy that you're here with us. (For some reason the previous version of this comment said "insincere joy" which is the exact opposite of my feeling).
No, apart from the undeniable moral / ethical effects on behavior I'm not interested in religion (beliefs in general). Quite a few mammalian species have been observed to show an inborn sense of fairness and in the case of humans that can conflict with orders. Also having worked in chemistry (among others, now forbidden pesticides) I'm experientially familiar with the issue.
" Sadly, literally no except myself is even bothering to cover it. Even this this information is absolutely sensational. You won’t find a single “independent” or “alternative” blogger touching this story because of how bad it makes all of the top names look. "
Doesnt this answer your question from the previous post ?
" During the coup, Yanukovich called up Moscow for help, and instead he was told to step down and flee the country. The Kremlin ordered him not to send in the military or even Berkut to put down the protestors who at that point were using guns and "
Question: How did Putin have this supposed power over a president of another nation ? If he did, then that would mean that the West was right when it said that Yanukovich chose the deal with Russia, over the West, under duress. Wouldnt it ?
My understanding is that ideally, Yanukovich wanted to navigate between Russia and the EU axis. Also, ideally, the primary focus was on economic relationships rather than war preparation. Victoria Nuland and the US State Department wanted a US puppet rather than a semi-independent government in Ukraine. But for direct military assistance, Yanukovich would have had to turn to Moscow. NATO would not have sent in troops at that point.
Well he did pack up all of his priceless objects of art and his stolen billions and moved to Russia , not Brussels, that must point to something about his affiliations.
I understand, but a leader of another nation told him to stand down his military against his own good. That strongly implies that he was strong armed into agreeing to the deal with Russia, that makes the West's accusations true.
If true, that makes the whole Ukraine debacle even more suspect. If Putin strong armed him into the deal, why did Putin prevent Yanukovich from fighting back ? Seems counterproductive unless, like I and many others keep pointing out, it was a setup for the "war".
Friendly hint: The US three letter agencies know every detail of every bitcoin transaction and have ways to interject, but Putin is a genius so I'll shut up.
- Russia is using bitcoin in foreign trade, finance minister says -
His (Mercouris') neverending perorations on the meter by meter advances in Bakhmut are the stuff of legends. Clown world legends :)). Before the so-called SMO, they were at least much more balanced, but now they are Z-plan patriots all the way.
This might seem off topic to most as it relates to the topics discussed here ,however, in the grand scheme of things it isnt, so without further delay, I challenge anyone to explain how these vases were made with cooper chisels and stone hammers. Good luck everyone.
PS: you have to watch the whole video to fully understand my challenge.
The 5D Chess Club, led by commentators like Pepe Escobar, Scott Ritter, Alexander Dugin and Matt Ehret, are possibly just as difficult to wake up from their multipolar sleep walking, as the woke lefties, who lined up obediently, took the toxic waste injections, and then posted congratulatory photos of themselves online with little bandaids on their arms. https://open.substack.com/pub/worldnotenough/p/china-covid-brutality-how-to-shut?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=o786d abso-fkn-lutely
Matt Ehret is excellent on exposing the US and British Deep State and Greater Israel. He has videos on the fascist connection of the early Zionists. Matt is faculty on the American University in Moscow so his material on contemporary Russia is quite skimpy. He talks extensively on Russian aid to the US North during the Civil War and 19th Century Russian plans to connect the US and Russia by rail through the Arctic.
I think Matt talks more about the Belt and Road initiative, to build connecting infrastructure linking China and the stan Republics to Africa and Russia by railroad and roads. I don't think Matt has said a whole lot about BRICS.
I've watched him and whenever someone (Michael Yon with his Darien gap, Tucker Carlson etc.) said something even mildly not extremely positive about China or Xi or mentioned the 'non-existent' social credit system, he would go on these unhinged rants, so he's definitely a paid shill PoS, nobody is that attached to these BS ideas out of idealist goodness of one's heart...
Heres that whole " timing" thing again. Why now Pootie, scared of something? As always, Putin is laying down impotent red lines again, with disclaimers of course.
- Putin toughens punishment for ‘armed rebellion’
Leading a plot to overthrow the Russian government MAY result in life behind bars -
Chew on that, ZAnon PoS grifters!
Pure gold comrade Rurik. Your blog must be the most undervalued in the blogosphere and yes I did donate some shekels to you some time back as a sign of my appreciation. Unfortunately I am unable to share your work as I am socially isolated due to my political views and there is really nobody out there that would bother to read your stuff , what a shame.
I know that feel
Yeah. I'm pretty isolated myself. I don't know anyone that I could send a link to the
Slavland Chronicles and not just have them cut me off. I would see The Duran readers as being a potential audience, since The Duran tends to take a bird's eye view of Russia and thus idealizes it while Rurik gives the nitty details that tell how the sausage really is made. What it comes down to is how accurate is one's information. According to The Duran, the war is basically already won with just some mopping up to do. This may not be at all an accurate picture. To tell the truth, it galls me that Blinken and Nuland may have been more correct in that their strategy has a good chance of bringing Russia down.
One thing to keep in mind is that the Deep State in the US is just as dangerous to US citizens as it is to Russia. Rurik has always made this a major theme in his posts. A victory over Russia will cement the Deep State of the Western globalists.
It’s crazy that this is a cut-offable offense but it do be like that.
It was precisely at this time--post Maidan Putsch--that I began my reappraisal of Putin's (mis)rule. Given how Ukraine has been a preferred route of two western invasions this past century, it stands to reason that any self-respecting Russian leader would ensure that any sitting government in "Keev" would be one on friendly terms with Moscow. While I applauded the seizure of Crimea as both a logical & essential response to secure the Black Sea Fleet's Sevastopol anchorage, his failure to protect the Russophones in the LPR/DPR left me perplexed. Fast-forward to the present, and it is painfully evident that Putin & his claque are merely completing the work begun under Boris Yeltsin.
It is a real pity that Russia today has no organic & organized political opposition to provide pushback against these privateers who are bringing only ruin to such a great country.
" t is a real pity that Russia today has no organic & organized political opposition to provide pushback against these privateers who are bringing only ruin to such a great country. "
However, do you know of any country that does ?
The "Gillettes Jaunes" in France I felt held some promise; then came "Covid Year Zero" which promptly snuffed it out.
I think it got snuffed out by the over the top brutality of the Police response and the sheepish way the yellow vests responded / didnt respond. Covid was just the finishing touch. However, thats not a good example anyhow as they werent a nation and my question still stands.
Why isn't it a good example?
Actually it was, I misread your response.
if they had fought back against the crackdowns instead of falling back on 68er peacenik bullshit it could have been something.
macron's moroccans were literally targeting the protestors eyeballs. we saw the footage. but their leaders were bought out and they told ppl to go home.
same thing happened with the truckers in canada.
although they had far less support because ordinary canadians are such monstrous regime toadies by their nature.
Xi is a smart guy and had a baptism of fire growing up so is tough and no fool. The Chinese know all too well about the West and its schemes.
They are playing for keeps. This is going to get nasty.
Kathleen Winchell ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸🇺🇸
What’s going on in Canada? This apparently!!
4:57 AM · Dec 28, 2024
🇺🇸 Yoo Peterson 🇺🇸
Fentanyl is the modern day version of Opium wars. I think it is true.
Kathleen Winchell ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸🇺🇸
Seems so
If the Chinese are just running a " counter" opium war why does the video say the fentanyl was also intended for international distribution ? Fentanyl is spreading to Slavic nations and Russia how is that revenge for the opium wars. What China is really doing is helping in the destruction of White homelands in cahoots with their overlords.
IMO fentanil is not a state policy, it's a side effect of China's vast chemical industry and aggressive sales culture.
They already have some of the strictest drugs laws in the world, and control far more precursors than required by international conventions, hence fentanil manufacturing long ago moved to Mexico.
To control this, China would either have to either:
- further expand their controlled chemicals list
- blacklist entire countries
- implement entire end to end traceability
This would be a beaurocratic nightmare and would place a huge cost on China's chemical industry. China's economy is not doing great nowadays, so this would not be politically popular.
Ultimately, it's not a Chinese chemical problem, it's an American spiritual problem.
It's up to the US to police and control its own borders. We know the spook agencies use drugs as an off-books revenue source. My impression is that a lot of fentanyl deaths come from the fact that the user doesn't know the drug he's taking has fentanyl as an ingredient. So, the "spiritual" problem is more a criminal problem.
Well, I think the issue is that the fentanil class of drugs need to be diluted more than the morphine class opioids, and more dilution means more chance for weighing or mixing errors, giving concentration variations and hot spots.
It's a spiritual problem because the victim has to feel their life is truly devoid of higher meaning before they'll risk it by dabbling in opioids.
" Ultimately, it's not a Chinese chemical problem, it's an American spiritual problem. "
Who's to blame though, the hooker or the john ? Either way, Fentanyl is an intentional operation the Chinese are just in on the fun. Its a Happy Merchant attack against the White population which is spreading to the rest of the world also. Is the whole world spiritually sick ? Maybe.
Yeah i can certainly believe the prescription opioids are a deliberate attack, but I'd have to see more evidence of government assistance before I believed the same about fentanil.
As far as I can tell, the precursors are sold by aggressive Chinese sales people who simply care about hitting their numbers so they're not fired (it's super competitive over there), the manufactureis done by Mexican cartels who threaten/bribe the local police, and the distribution is done by whoever has the connections. The DEA fights against them, so the US government appears to be de facto against the trade.
On the other hand, if you've unearthed anything like Freeway Ricky Ross's testimony of how the CIA supplied cocaine to destroy black communities then I'd be very interested.
Being in Canada suggests the primary target is the US.
China has the economic muscle to stand by itself. Why should it kowtow to anyone?
The Chinese are patient.
Like they say they’ve had a couple of bad centuries.
China is not doing so good, they rely on western markets to stay relevant. The SMO showed they are pro West and not Pro Putin.
" Being in Canada suggests the primary target is the US. "
Maybe, but I'm very sure that wasnt the only lab.
" China has the economic muscle to stand by itself. Why should it kowtow to anyone? "
All right then, let China put an embargo on the US, no more goods. we'll wait.
Check out Michael Yon. The US is being invaded in real time:
Trump is threatening sanctions over specific issues like Fentanyl already , he might extend that to specific asset confiscation against Chinese investments in the US . Xi is not a popular figure with the people or the military at present and has been in an intense struggle with his top military commanders for the past couple of years. There is a constant intense power struggle going on in China. The military top brass lead by the Rocket Force do not want their billions of dollars of assets and businesses tucked away in the West confiscated and sanctioned. The same goes for a ALL of the Chinese elites. They have seen what has happened to Russia's overseas assets and capital held in the West. China has five and a half TRILLION dollars invested in the US alone and will lose the lot in case of a war . The more assets that the Chinese pile up in the West the less likely they are to go to war IF economic common sense prevails. The Western companies and Japan have mostly already withdrawn their capital back to safety , but the Chinese will never bring their capital home , in fact capital flight is still raging. If China goes to war against Taiwan , which is Xi's great legacy dream , the transfer of wealth to the West will be the single largest wealth transfer in history. The economic damage to China if it invades Taiwan will be catastrophic compared to any economic gains as the West will wean itself off all the Chinese imports just as Europe has weaned itself off Russian imports. That would be a huge positive for the West but really bad for Australia as we are one of the few countries with a trade surplus with China. Remember it is always about the Benjamins.
Sounds eeerrrilly similar to another nation ;) The Zanon crowd will loose their shit if they ever can put enough brain cells together to realize this.
One thing they dont realize is that the ZioWest has already won by the mere fact that all the populations of the world have been brained washed to see the "ZioWestern lifestyle" as the ultimate pinnacle of human development. They all worship at the altar of Mammon just where the happy merchants want them.
If the elites of a nation dont trust said nation enough to even store their own wealth there, then its game over no matter what.
Those elites of those so called non western nations envy the west, they want to be slaves to the western empire, every time with a Putin or Assad or a Xi or their elites, they all have their children and wealth parked in the west.
Thats why the game is over unless humanity realizes several things very quickly.
All countries bow to the western Empire. Those who think a BRICs will save them are fools.
BRICS was probably a trap set to see which nations are secretly trying to go against ZioAmerica , now that they have publicly announced their BRICS intentions , ZioAmerica will commence with the punishments. Once the BRICS crowd is beaten into submission no other group of nations will even dare to think of challenging the Zios. Thanks China ! Thanks Russia ?
" , Putin left behind that long tank column of vehicles and supplies for Kiev to pick up. As I reported before, the victorious Syrian rebels have been observed to have new Russian weapons in their possessions and Russian vehicles and equipment. "
So say it with me Rurik, " These wars are fake" . They start when planned and end right on time.
Rurik, please do a long article on the Chernobyl accident. I am sure we have not been given even 10 percent of the truth. I am sure it had to do with ethnic pornographers.
There are a few interesting conspiracy theories regarding the Cheronbyl incident. Have a look at the link below if you're interested, it relates to the Duga (over the horizon radar) facility that was/is located just under 6 miles from the melt down site.
I suspect the disaster served several purposes, I'd be curious what Rurik has to say too, he always has fresh ideas and perspectives based on excellent research from Russian sources.
" Olympics serve that purpose as a kind of ritual act of compliance. "
Let me fix this:
" Olympics serve as a ritual act . "
Human nature hasn't changed much and human sacrifice has been documented as ritual all over the world. From that perspective the Zionist banker wars are seen as mass human sacrifice for Moloch by some.
Kudos, good sir, kudos. Think Palestine and Ukraine. A " feast" is in progress.
Born during WW2 in occupied country, only alive because German officers disobeyed orders, changed my perspective on so called "elites" irreversibly to Moloch's morons and Mammon's minions.
Allow me to convey my sincere joy that you're here with us. (For some reason the previous version of this comment said "insincere joy" which is the exact opposite of my feeling).
" Born during WW2 in occupied country, only alive because German officers disobeyed orders, "
Are you a Happy Merchant ?
What's a "Happy Merchant"?
Oy Vey !
No, apart from the undeniable moral / ethical effects on behavior I'm not interested in religion (beliefs in general). Quite a few mammalian species have been observed to show an inborn sense of fairness and in the case of humans that can conflict with orders. Also having worked in chemistry (among others, now forbidden pesticides) I'm experientially familiar with the issue.
Then what orders did the "evil" Nazees disobey ?
The Olympics are a striking pile of corrupted dog's vomit.
Tell us how you really feel.
" Sadly, literally no except myself is even bothering to cover it. Even this this information is absolutely sensational. You won’t find a single “independent” or “alternative” blogger touching this story because of how bad it makes all of the top names look. "
Doesnt this answer your question from the previous post ?
" During the coup, Yanukovich called up Moscow for help, and instead he was told to step down and flee the country. The Kremlin ordered him not to send in the military or even Berkut to put down the protestors who at that point were using guns and "
Question: How did Putin have this supposed power over a president of another nation ? If he did, then that would mean that the West was right when it said that Yanukovich chose the deal with Russia, over the West, under duress. Wouldnt it ?
My understanding is that ideally, Yanukovich wanted to navigate between Russia and the EU axis. Also, ideally, the primary focus was on economic relationships rather than war preparation. Victoria Nuland and the US State Department wanted a US puppet rather than a semi-independent government in Ukraine. But for direct military assistance, Yanukovich would have had to turn to Moscow. NATO would not have sent in troops at that point.
Well he did pack up all of his priceless objects of art and his stolen billions and moved to Russia , not Brussels, that must point to something about his affiliations.
I understand, but a leader of another nation told him to stand down his military against his own good. That strongly implies that he was strong armed into agreeing to the deal with Russia, that makes the West's accusations true.
If true, that makes the whole Ukraine debacle even more suspect. If Putin strong armed him into the deal, why did Putin prevent Yanukovich from fighting back ? Seems counterproductive unless, like I and many others keep pointing out, it was a setup for the "war".
The irony is off the charts with this one.
Friendly hint: The US three letter agencies know every detail of every bitcoin transaction and have ways to interject, but Putin is a genius so I'll shut up.
- Russia is using bitcoin in foreign trade, finance minister says -
Ever wonder why RT , " Russian Television, never criticizes the Happy Merchants and worships at the feet of the multicult ?
" Roy Laor, from the Israeli start-up developed the new platform that is now used by RT.
Blackrock run the new commenting section, via Openweb, with its headquarters in New York.
OpenWeb is an Israeli/Blackrock controlled company, just as Twitter/Facebook and the rest of the Alphabet outfits! "
Looks like the Baltics are going to be rewarded for their gross stupidity.
Was this the other end of the Syrian deal?
His (Mercouris') neverending perorations on the meter by meter advances in Bakhmut are the stuff of legends. Clown world legends :)). Before the so-called SMO, they were at least much more balanced, but now they are Z-plan patriots all the way.
Sunday pastime:
This might seem off topic to most as it relates to the topics discussed here ,however, in the grand scheme of things it isnt, so without further delay, I challenge anyone to explain how these vases were made with cooper chisels and stone hammers. Good luck everyone.
PS: you have to watch the whole video to fully understand my challenge.
The 5D Chess Club, led by commentators like Pepe Escobar, Scott Ritter, Alexander Dugin and Matt Ehret, are possibly just as difficult to wake up from their multipolar sleep walking, as the woke lefties, who lined up obediently, took the toxic waste injections, and then posted congratulatory photos of themselves online with little bandaids on their arms. https://open.substack.com/pub/worldnotenough/p/china-covid-brutality-how-to-shut?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=o786d abso-fkn-lutely
China is the social model they plan on rolling out across the planet.
Matt Ehret is excellent on exposing the US and British Deep State and Greater Israel. He has videos on the fascist connection of the early Zionists. Matt is faculty on the American University in Moscow so his material on contemporary Russia is quite skimpy. He talks extensively on Russian aid to the US North during the Civil War and 19th Century Russian plans to connect the US and Russia by rail through the Arctic.
But he's a piece of shit shill of contemporary brics BS and shit
I think Matt talks more about the Belt and Road initiative, to build connecting infrastructure linking China and the stan Republics to Africa and Russia by railroad and roads. I don't think Matt has said a whole lot about BRICS.
I read Slavsquat's devastating article on BRICS as the white hope of the nationalists: https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/would-you-like-know-what-brics-just?utm_source=publication-search . And yet, I think we're far better off with two globalist, competing networks like EU and BRICS than with just one globalist network. It gives real nationalists like Orban room to maneuver.
I've watched him and whenever someone (Michael Yon with his Darien gap, Tucker Carlson etc.) said something even mildly not extremely positive about China or Xi or mentioned the 'non-existent' social credit system, he would go on these unhinged rants, so he's definitely a paid shill PoS, nobody is that attached to these BS ideas out of idealist goodness of one's heart...
Heres that whole " timing" thing again. Why now Pootie, scared of something? As always, Putin is laying down impotent red lines again, with disclaimers of course.
- Putin toughens punishment for ‘armed rebellion’
Leading a plot to overthrow the Russian government MAY result in life behind bars -
Putin seems to be a ready and willing stooge when Trump becomes President. He feels accepted again by western partners.