Maybe the Corruption Machines have sucked almost all the money they can get from the war in Ukraine. The USA has announced that it will no longer send money to pay much of the Ukie budget. Times may become even more 'interesting' in another month or so when many civil servants and soldiers are no longer paid and the logistical system evaporates. Even the mercenaries are moving to Israel. The Ukie crooks are already squabbling. Who will inherit Zelensky's loot? Will he escape or will his guards torture him to get his bank codes? Unhappy Christmas and New Year may be coming.

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 12, 2023

Please explain how the "corruption machines" "suck ... money". How is Dennis Pushkin looting Donetsk as Rurik pointed out he is doing?

I am not being facetious. I would like to know how the politicians, CEOs, banks, etc. are manipulated. How is the fiat currency funneled into an account? Apparently there were some profitable industries in the USSR and somehow people got them for "pennies on the ruble." If it was an illegal transaction, how have they managed to hang onto their ill-gotten gains? How are state industries bought and sold through political favor or blackmail or whatever and the oligarch still gets to keep it? How did Bill Browder manage to get his hands on a few hundred million rubles or "dollars" or whatever form of wealth he now possesses? Let's say I would like to use the system to funnel a few billion of whatever fiat currency into my control and use it to buy real goods and services, how could I?

From another angle, how did Shoigu divert military funding into his pocket? Was Gerasimov a necessary part of the scheme?

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There are some topics which you might research, and then let us know the details.

At this level it is well known that politicians, especially in America, funnel money and pass laws as directed by their donors and owners. Also the 'Ten Percent for the Big Guy' is organised, not quite in the open, but the Bidens could explain just how that works

- although unfortunately they won't have to do so in court because the donors have corrupted all the institutions of justice and society and media.

It's not just nice to sit on a huge stack of dollars with which to bribe people - that's the elementary level. When Rothschild said that he cared not who wrote the laws provided he controlled the currency, he meant more than that he could enrich himself, but that he could manipulate and influence everything about money and its uses and corrupt morals and values.

You might like to consider the origins of money and debt creation. Astle's book The Babylonian Woe could be a start. Graeber has also written on debt as money creation since antiquity. Certain people seem to have been able to create preferences such as silver in the east and gold in the west, and arbitrage between them.

More recently, pre-revolutionary America served as an example of how 'merchants' became very rich using British gold currency to buy devalued American paper money to purchase tobacco, cotton etc which could be sold very profitably for gold and the cycle continued. There's an interesting article on the Prussia Gate substack about that, and how such manipulations involved an intricate web of finance, laws, politics, family links and personal contacts etc. They weren't all (((Prussians))) but that would be the way to bet.

It's not only using a monetary system, but being able to influence what is used as money, and how prices are set and what is produced and why it is valued, and how purchasers can afford to buy them and who they will be.

I don't know about Gerasimov, but Shoigu reportedly has a lovely oriental palace with slightly upturned eaves in the Chinese style. Obviously no honest minister or bureaucrat could afford that, but I doubt that he will ever be subject to legal investigation.

There's an old story about a Russian minister of defence who asked a defence contractor for a bribe. The businessman said he could not make a profit if he paid the bribe. "Who said you need to deliver any goods?" the minister replied.

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Thank you, but I would like the details of how people such as Dennis Pushlin, President of Donetsk, loot the people, as Rurik wrote and further said that if Pushlin did not pass on some of the loot, he would not be president. I understand how terrorist agencies such as the IRS and the California Franchise Tax Board rob people under color of law. But those goons don't get to stick the cash in their own pockets, it goes into a government account to be doled out to "special interests" and redistribution agencies which consume most of it internally.

I will not by any means join the ranks of the demons who rule, but I would like to know the details of how they are robbing me. I understand fiat currency inflation, gold confiscation, and how the EPA, OSHA, IRS destroy and how Joe Biden used his position to have a Ukrainian prosecutor removed, but I mean how does Pushlin or Putin use the system for personal wealth with so many eyes on them?

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Lest we forget....how much 'They' hate 'us' all, here's a reminder:


'This whole time, I somehow totally forgot to reference the Rabbinical religious directive to “burn out the seed of Amalek.”

People don’t even know about the Jews, bro. This is from Chabad.org:

Jews have a stated religious directive to commit genocide. They called Germans Amalek, rabbis in the “Ukraine” have called Russians “Amalek,” and all of Israel identifies Palestinians and to a lesser extent all Arabs as “Amalek.'

Just as people may turn from one wine to another, 'They' may be temporarily sated with Ukrainian and Russian blood, and are now have a thirst for Arab blood. They'll be back.

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how does one know what the bible says about amalek and remain a christian?

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I think they do it in two ways. Firstly they say that those people must have been really bad for G-d to have set his Chosen upon them. Secondly they claim that G-d has transferred his favour to Christians, giving them all the privileges previously attached to 'Israel', hence justifying any of their own murders. Ignorance also shields a lot of people from even having to know about Amalek and the real doctrines and behaviour of the Self-Chosen.

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Very easily! Read the Bible, but it seems you cannot figure out the Old Testament is about the coming Redeemer from all that mankind was doing to mankind and the New Testament is the act of redemption, abrogation of the law of sacrifices, ceremonies, and dietary restrictions, demonstration of life after death, demonstration that God accepted the propitiatory sacrifice of his Son, Jesus the Christ, as payment for the sins of God's elect, a glimpse of eternity after our stint on earth, and the marching orders to the Christian to institute the Kingdom of God on earth. That means that everyone recognizes that God alone is our legitimate authority and everyone follows God's law however imperfectly, recognizing that is the only means for mankind to live in prosperity.

The obvious creation of the earth, the universe, living things, and mankind is the general revelation of the existence of God. God's revelation of himself in the Holy Bible (literal versions that is) is special revelation. Special revelation can only be received by those elect of God for salvation from the eternal wrath of God.

All the oligarches die. The Jews do not get away with anything, eternity is a long time to burn.

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>All the oligarches die. The Jews do not get away with anything, eternityu is a long time.

None of this is true.

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It's all true.

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Could you detail how the oligarches loot the country? How is it done at all? Easy to say the powers that be loot the peasants, but how exactly is it done except through taxes and spending inflated fiat currency first? At least I do not see the bureaucrats running people out of their houses except in Israel or wherever the Israel has ordered the US military to invade.

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Were there definite strategic goals for the SMO other than orgiastic ritual bloodletting and profits? It seems clear now that the initial attack was abortive. But the ball was rolling so to speak and the primitive tactics the Russians employed as highlighted by Strelkov are consistent with panic/unpreparedness. Strelkov saw it as "agreements" i.e. collusion/treachery. Stage managed "warfare." Vietnam redux. Arms sales $$$.

Many thousands were slaughtered for no gain. And yet the Ukies did much the same thing with the failed counteroffensive. Similarly in WW1 Germany emulated the suicidal tactics of the Allies. Madness, as though more casualties was the aim - it was certainly the result. Ritual sacrifice? It certainly wiped out the cream of the crop.

It appears there has been a definite shift in momentum, Russia looking better now and support for Ukraine is wavering in the West. A year ago Aleksei was confident Ukraine would evict Russia but has since changed to gloom after the suicidal counteroffensive. As he admits the West can dial it up or down by the supply of armaments etc. Political ambition seems to be his prime motivation. I think he was correct presuming the same level of Western support, but that is no longer there and he has shifted his position to reflect the reality of the situation. I really don't know his real motivations but his observations track my own fairly well.

Whatever the outcome, it will have been managed not fought out.

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Anyone who thinks they can introduce change for the betterment of his citizens democratically is dreaming. It doesn't happen. Established power players will not entertain a threatening upstart - that is reality. Prigozhin threatened and found out.

So it doesn't matter how much truth is uttered by anyone as long as they don't pose a real threat. When 9/11 was pulled off it was realised that for most postmodernism is a reality i.e most people are dumfuks. Not much grounds for optimism.

As Frank Zappa put it: “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

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For sure Russia gets to keep the annexed territory with maybe some caveat . I think not only the Russians are tired of it , I imagine a lot of the Ukys have had enough too as well as most of the world. NATO membership will be the West's "victory". This motherland thing is so dumb. Surely your motherland is the country you are born in not the country of your ancestors , especially when your ancestors had vacated from said territory for a couple of millenia. I cannot imagine Ozzy's claiming the once Great Britain as their motherland although the Indian immigrants here still claim India as their motherland and most Chinese would too I expect. The Jews will destroy us all , that is our destiny , blame it all on Yaweh , Jesus and the warlord Mohammed . Funny that the whitey Jews are being pissed on now by those woke leftys that they created , surprise! they eat their own you know! Having organised the Islamisation of the West for their own advantage , I wonder if that was not a short sighted policy . Riddle me this, what happens to Israel when the West is fully Islamised? Where does Israel suck the blood and treasure from then? Who is going to supply the fleet of Naval ships to sit off the coast and fly the drones required to keep them on top of the situation? Short term it was a good play but the tipping point is not far away. Then Russia will get them all , or most of them , lucky Russia.The world will be a lot browner and violent and oppressive by the end of this century and folk will wonder why. Change, like rust never , never sleeps , get used to it whitey.

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They habitually create a Golem, that then turns on them...(how many times, at least in known recorded history-114 times? -or is it 120?? Basically, EVERYWHERE, eventually). Unfortunately, Whitey has to take the brutal brunt of their wrath while they safely ensconce themselves in "Flah-rida", and New Ukraine. The Russians won't touch them, count on it. And certainly not Bible-thumpers in Mukah!

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>War in Russia

They run to Wasreal

> War in Wasreal

They run to Russia

Where are the Russians gonna go? Taiga maybe,hard life but better than the cities.

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Part 4:

Putin: First, everyone must have comfortable living conditions, including housing and affordable transport, energy and public utility infrastructure. Plus environmental welfare, something that must not be overlooked.

Second, everyone must be sure that they will have a job that can ensure sustainable growth of income and, hence, decent standards of living. Everyone must have access to an effective system of lifelong education, which is absolutely indispensable now and which will allow people to develop, make a career and receive a decent pension and social benefits upon retirement.

Third, people must be confident that they will receive high-quality and effective medical care whenever necessary, and that the national healthcare system will guarantee access to modern medical services.

Fourth, regardless of the family income, children must be able to receive a decent education and realize their potential. Every child has potential.


North: This is his plan for Russia.

Putin: "A strategy, also being implemented by my country, hinges on precisely these approaches. Our priorities revolve around people, their families, and they aim to ensure demographic development, to protect the people, to improve their well-being and to protect their health. We are now working to create favorable conditions for worthy and cost-effective work and successful entrepreneurship and to ensure digital transformation as the foundation of a high-tech future for the entire country, rather than that of a narrow group of companies.

We intend to focus the efforts of the state, the business community and civil society on these tasks and to implement a budgetary policy with the relevant incentives in the years ahead."

North: He offered no specifics. It has been almost 30 years since the USSR was scrapped. Why did this plan take so long to launch? He sees that national governments do not agree on these issues. So, the world needs harmony.

Putin: "The reality is such that really different development centers with their distinctive models, political systems and public institutions have taken shape in the world. Today, it is very important to create mechanisms for harmonizing their interests to prevent the diversity and natural competition of the development poles from triggering anarchy and a series of protracted conflicts.

To achieve this we must, in part, consolidate and develop universal institutions that bear special responsibility for ensuring stability and security in the world and for formulating and defining the rules of conduct both in the global economy and trade."

North: Problem: Who is going to "create mechanisms for harmonizing their interests to prevent the diversity and natural competition"? How? The United Nations is impotent. That was Richard Gardner's observation in 1970.

Putin did not say.

Schwab never says.

Davos never says.

The blueprint is missing.

Putin ended with this.

Putin: "It is very important to honestly assess the situation, to concentrate on real rather than artificial global problems, on removing the imbalances that are critical for the entire international community. I am sure that in this way we will be able to achieve success and befittingly parry the challenges of the third decade of the 21st century."

North: There is nothing in his speech that offers specifics.


North: In a brief Q&A between Schwab and Putin, Putin added this.

Putin: "Only one thing matters: we need to approach the dialogue with each other honestly. We need to discard the phobias of the past, stop using the problems that we inherited from past centuries in internal political processes and look to the future. If we can rise above these problems of the past and get rid of these phobias, then we will certainly enjoy a positive stage in our relations."

North: We have heard this for eight decades. There has to be dialogue. Dialogue is going to lead to the promised land. Talk, talk, talk. Jaw, jaw, jaw. Yada, yada, yada. Blah, blah, blah. We also need to overcome the phobias of centuries. We need to do this Real Soon Now. Time is running out.


Schwab's Great Re-Set is not coming until there is a world government that can impose negative sanctions. Putin is correct. "The pandemic has exacerbated the problems and imbalances that built up in the world before. There is every reason to believe that differences are likely to grow stronger." These people are tired old men. They replaced tired old men who grew tired trying to implement this vision.

Meanwhile, the free market is overcoming poverty on a scale that would have seemed utopian in 1991.

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Part 3:

Putin: "I have been to Davos many times, attending the events organized by Mr. Schwab, even back in the 1990s. Klaus just recalled that we met in 1992. Indeed, during my time in St Petersburg, I visited this important forum many times. I would like to thank you for this opportunity today to convey my point of view to the expert community that gathers at this world-renowned platform thanks to the efforts of Mr. Schwab."

North: So, he and Schwab go back to 1992. The Soviet Union was dissolved by Gorbachev on December 25, 1991. Schwab did not waste any time in identifying a future leader in Russia. He recruited Putin early.


Putin sees what is happening: fragmentation, not unification. He is alarmed.

Putin: "Indeed, it is difficult to overlook the fundamental changes in the global economy, politics, social life, and technology. The coronavirus pandemic, which Klaus just mentioned, which became a serious challenge for humankind, only spurred and accelerated the structural changes, the conditions for which had been created long ago. The pandemic has exacerbated the problems and imbalances that built up in the world before. There is every reason to believe that differences are likely to grow stronger. These trends may appear practically in all areas."

North: He identified key areas of confrontation. At bottom is . . . wait for it . . . populism!

Putin: "We are seeing a crisis of the previous models and instruments of economic development. Social stratification is growing stronger both globally and in individual countries. We have spoken about this before as well. But this, in turn, is causing today a sharp polarization of public views, provoking the growth of populism, right- and left-wing radicalism and other extremes, and the exacerbation of domestic political processes including in the leading countries.

All this is inevitably affecting the nature of international relations and is not making them more stable or predictable. International institutions are becoming weaker, regional conflicts are emerging one after another, and the system of global security is deteriorating."

North: He was saying that this time, time really is running out on the NWO.

Putin: "There is a chance that we will face a formidable break-down in global development, which will be fraught with a war of all against all and attempts to deal with contradictions through the appointment of internal and external enemies and the destruction of not only traditional values such as the family, which we hold dear in Russia, but fundamental freedoms such as the right of choice and privacy."

North: Ah, yes, fundamental freedoms of the right of choice and privacy -- traditional Russian freedoms, he insisted. I mean, when people think of the right of choice and privacy, don't most of them think of Switzerland, the United States, and the nation formerly known as the Soviet Union? Of course they do. (ed. Sarcasm)

He says that there are looming crises in three areas. As soon as I read them, I knew that some bureaucrat had written the speech. These three areas are socioeconomic, socio-political, and international problems. He is extremely worried about economic inequality, as are Davos people generally. What is the solution? More state power, especially internationally. "An increasing role of the state in the socioeconomic sphere at the national level obviously implies greater responsibility and close interstate interaction when it comes to issues on the global agenda."

He is a Davos man. He has a plan. His plan is the plan of every welfare state policy advocate in the West.

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Part 2:

never comes to grips with real-world issues.

I am going to dissect this speech. The speech would not be relevant except for these facts: (1) Putin gave it; (2) he gave it to the WEF.

What is significant is this: it was indistinguishable from hundreds of other speeches and articles by lesser figures in the West over the last eight decades. This is the Establishment line: the integration of Russia and the West. One-world government is coming.

In 1953, the Reece Committee investigated America's major tax-exempt foundations. The investigator, Norman Dodd, later reported on his interview of the head of the Ford Foundation, H. Rowan Gaither. He quoted Gaither.

Gaither "Of course, you know that we at the executive level here were, at one time or another, active in either the OSS [predecessor of the CIA -- G.N.], the State Department, or the European Economic Administration. During those times, and without exception, we operated under directives issued by the White House. We are continuing to be guided by just such directives…. The substance [of these directives] was to the effect that we should make every effort to so alter life in the United States as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union."

I knew Dodd. I had a meeting with him in the late 1960's. He still adhered to his story. I have posted G. Edward Griffin's 1982 interview of Dodd. View it here.

Similar statements have come from other national leaders.

Gaither "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." [David Rockefeller, Memoirs, p. 405]

“Here is one optimist's reason for believing unity will prevail over disunity, integration over disintegration. In fact, I'll bet that within the next hundred years (I'm giving the world time for setbacks and myself time to be out of the betting game, just in case I lose this one), nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. A phrase briefly fashionable in the mid-20th century – “citizen of the world” – will have assumed real meaning by the end of the 21st.

“All countries are basically social arrangements, accommodations to changing circumstances. No matter how permanent and even sacred they may seem at any one time, in fact they are all artificial and temporary. Through the ages, there has been an overall trend toward larger units claiming sovereignty and, paradoxically, a gradual diminution of how much true sovereignty any one country actually has.’ [Strobe Talbott, “America Abroad: The Birth of the Global Nation,” Time (July 20, 1992). He served as Deputy Secretary of State from 1994 to 2001. That was the #2 job in the State Department.]

“Thus, while we will not see world government in the old-fashion sense of a single all-embracing global authority, key elements of planetary planning and planetary management will come about on those very specific problems where the facts of interdependence force nations, in their enlightened self-interest, to abandon unilateral decision-making in favor of multilateral processes.” [Richard N. Gardner, “Can the United Nations Be Revived?” Foreign Affairs (July 1970), p. 563. Foreign Affairs is the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations. He served as America’s ambassador to both Italy and Spain.]

North: This was Schwab's introduction.

Schwab: "Russia is an important global power, and there’s a long-standing tradition of Russia’s participation in the World Economic Forum. At this moment in history, where the world has a unique and short window of opportunity to move from an age of confrontation to an age of cooperation, the ability to hear your voice, the voice of the President of the Russian Federation, is essential."

North: Note the timeframe: short. It is always short. It is just like global warming: we are running out of time to take action. But we are never told that time has run out. That would end the NWO's calls for one-world government. So, time will never officially run out. It is like the doomsday clock of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Year to year, it varies from five minutes to midnight to 100 seconds, where it is these days. This has been going on ever since 1947. Putin began with this.

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Nov 12, 2023·edited Nov 12, 2023

Part 1:

Remnant Review - Vladimir Putin: Davos Man

Gary North, Remnant Review

As I have written, I think Klaus Schwab's Great Re-Set is an empty shell. It is verbiage without sanctions. The globalists are in desperation mode. Read my presentation here: https://www.garynorth.com/members/22084.cfm.

They are facing what Martin Gurri calls the revolt of the public. I have written about this repeatedly. (See the links at the bottom of this page.) Social media are creating centripetal social and political forces that are undermining the nation-state. The world is not heading for international cooperation. It is heading toward political breakdown and decentralization.

The globalists have a word for this: populism. They contrast populism with their favorite word: democracy. They refuse to face this reality: populism is democracy on steroids. Populism is the revolt of the public.


On January 28, 2021, Putin made a keynote address to the World Economic Forum. It was a virtual presentation. There was no Davos gathering this year because of COVID-19. The speech was reprinted by the Russia Briefing site. It is here.

The speech was written by a committee of Russian bureaucrats. It was one of those bureaucratic speeches that offers broad generalizations, lots of politically correct slogans and catch phrases, and few specifics. It was a standard New World Order performance.

No politician speaks like this except when addressing other world leaders at a public relations showcase conference. I have read such puffery for over half a century. It is always without content. It never comes to grips with real-world issues.

I am going to dissect this speech. The speech would not be relevant except for these facts: (1) Putin gave it; (2) he gave it to the WEF.

What is significant is this: it was indistinguishable from hundreds of other speeches and articles by lesser figures in the West over the last eight decades. This is the Establishment line: the integration of Russia and the West. One-world government is coming.

In 1953, the Reece Committee investigated America's major tax-exempt foundations. The investigator, Norman Dodd, later reported on his interview of the head of the Ford Foundation, H. Rowan Gaither. He quoted Gaither.

Gaither "Of course, you know that we at the executive level here were, at one time or another, active in either the OSS [predecessor of the CIA -- G.N.], the State Department, or the European Economic Administration. During those times, and without exception, we operated under directives issued by the White House. We are continuing to be guided by just such directives…. The substance [of these directives] was to the effect that we should make every effort to so alter life in the United States as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union."

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I enjoy your long essays, but if it's blogging now, great! The more posts the better...always a good read, Skywalker. Just one request, if I may? The one regarding the NKVD and the Occult...if that is at least almost ready(?). If not, I'm patient enough. As I said though, the more the better. Keep 'em coming.

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"We are taking a break from long essays, finally!" It's so over. Now this will just be another telegram channel.

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