Sep 11Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Hi Rurik,

Do you know anything about the "billionaire" Magomed Gadjiev ? He seems important and appears to play the role of a high-level double agent. Or is he simply a traitor ?

I live in the London on Nightmare Island, as you called it. The population here is no dupe. They vote in the elections but have a negative view of all first and second line politicians. Every few years they vote in someone else. Still things worsen year by year for the common man.

The people who were arrested and sentenced heavily for demonstrating against immigration were young, rarely older than 35. They were all posting publicly on social media under their real names. This is normal here because common decency is widespread and trust in the police and justice persists. Yes, it is still so, I have no idea why. The judicial system was outright evil to the demonstrators that fell in their clutches. They also innovated by sentencing persons that did not commit a crime or prepared to commit one; they sentenced some to years in jail for intending to commit a crime ! Human rights for the English whites.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11

I'd be very careful to post anything under your real name in the west. The more this multicultural systems blows up in their face the harder measures they will take to enforce it.

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I watched like 5 hours of the Kay Briggs interview you linked on your last writeup. Navy SEALs and most higher ups in the military being killers & bumdrillers was quite surprising and she had all her receipts for it too. Love a good link like that, surprised it was still available on youtube. Drop some more of those sorts of links if you got em, its hard to come across them nowadays as most of the truther forums are on some Q and flat earth bullshit.

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I looked for Kay Briggs on Rumble and didn't find it. It turns out she's under "Kay Griggs" on Rumble. https://rumble.com/v4vvlyz-the-kay-griggs-story.html So, there is some alternative.

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There's this weird pipeline that runs all across Ukraine - a war zone - from Sumy on the Russian border, to Poland or someplace - and it's from Russia. And despite Ukraine being an active war zone, somehow this pipeline has never been hit - not once in 31 months. Such amazing luck, here... And Russia pays Ukraine millions of dollars for this transport, and guess where the money probably goes... it probably helps to worsen the demographic crisis - but "let not your right hand know what your left hand is doing" or something like that... or someone is letting someone else play them for suckers.

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Thats because the Soviets coated it with a special, experimental material making it impervious to most human weapons. Both the Ukrainians and Russians ignore the pipe for that reason, at least thats what I learned on Moon of LaLabama.

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And when you point this out to the Ziggers they literally cannot say anything

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I hope we have a metaphysics post sometime soon.

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Very well.

Remember that you asked for it.

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Sep 11Liked by Rurik Skywalker

"Oops, there I go philosophizing and alienating potential donors again!"

That's when you're at your best.

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Hypocrisy is to narcissism what corruption is to power. The gaslighting going on around us at the moment is so huge that if the flame goes out the whole world will explode soon after.

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I think the Kremlin and the West are afraid their said narratives are no longer working, people no longer believe in this war. Like a few days ago Lavrov said in some interview that they do have 'Red lines'!! I mean who is he trying to convince? Nobody believes all this bull anymore. And in order to fight an extermination war you have to believe in a said narrative. Those largely don't exists now or have been disproven as false. Ziggers are cheering about death Ukrainians are empty grainfields and bombed out Stalingrad type rubble towns that are captured at huge losses like some kind of football game. And you have Ukrainians cheering about the death of Putins asiatic hordes from the east and complaining America is holding them back. Meanwhile you have these crazy stories about Ukraine every day to keep the people invested in this whole spiel (like covid back then).

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What if I enjoy watching sports AND reading books?

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Then you are only 50% of the problem.

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Nothing to worry about...

NEW - The U.S. Defense Department has ordered a study to simulate the impact of a nuclear conflict on global agriculture.




Remember, if unemployment hits 18% the government will be happy to give you a job fighting WWIII.

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The outlet additionally said that a Russian communications center was among the sites targeted as part of the operation.

And the Russians ain't gonna do nuffin' about it

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How many Russians were killed to get in there ?

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When I last visited Russia in 2010, most of the locals I met were politically apathetic, but relieved that the Putin-Medvedev duo had brought some measure of stability to the country after the post-Soviet collapse & chaos of the Yeltsin era. Though I'd now imagine the bureaucratic--never mind logistical--hurdles being much harder today, I'd still relish the opportunity to return to Russia and converse with the locals to see & hear what they really think of the state of Russia 2024. Now that this war--er, "Special Military Operation"--is knocking on Moscow's door by drone, it will be interesting to see for how much longer the Russian people will remain largely silent about this conflict.

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“Worse, the slightly cleverer ones may choose to cargo-cult the behavior despite having none of the prerequisites for being taken seriously (money, power)” - this is exactly what Uncle Ted described as “oversocialization” in his magnum opus. Reddit and pre-ubermusk twitter have the same function of training people to repeat the ON.

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When the next war breaks out I'm starting 2 websites. On one I'm cheerleading for the one side, and on the second one for the other one. Hyper-cheerleading is where the money is, not this realism, complexity, empathy, facts, critique BS. https://x.com/marmar_ae/status/1833680369541058654

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Your idea's are spreading.

Check this out.

How Putin Intentionally Ruined the Russian Army https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vM9j-P15HCc

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Dosvidania, Capt'n fucking Obvious, whatcha gonna do about it?




6 m

NEW - Putin on the potential use of Western long-range weapons against Russia: "This would mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European nations are at war with Russia."

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Russian women had more children during WW2 than they are having now. Even the gazans have had 60 000 babies since their invasion by Israel, so clearly war is just a pretext for not having babies.

The issue is that Russian culture is in the same hands as in the west and there are no role models on TV (or of course in sports or politics). No one is able to see what a large happy family looks unless they happen to live the same building.

In our selfish materialist culture, very few want babies.

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Fertility is a complex issue.

A comment on Slavsquat's original post brought up the point that cities and urban areas have much lower birth rates than rural areas with individual houses. Therefore, one strategy is to reverse the trend towards urbanization and give young people the opportunity to live in one-family houses.

The fertility of women goes down dramatically after the age of 30. Graduate school for women of childbearing age is death to a population. Undergraduate universities give women a chance for assortative mating to males of somewhat higher status and similar cultural background.

I don't know of studies showing this, but it seems to me a sense of community is extremely important. Childbearing families should have the opportunity to live in homogeneous neighborhoods of common ethnicity and culture. Robert Putnam in "Bowling Alone" reported (posthumously because he was actually a liberal) that the more homogeneous the environment, the higher the community trust and happiness.

In the US prior to the civil rights era, real estate brokers would maintain neighborhood homogeneity by simply refusing to show houses to people who wouldn't fit into ethnic neighborhoods. In the 1960's cities like Chicago instituted draconian penalties on any real estate broker who considered ethnic background in showing a house.

Just paying people a bonus for having babies won't cut it. You have to allow them a supportive and conducive environment.

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Yeah i can see that in the street. When mothers with pushchairs can sit down somewhere comfortable with each other and share their problems and solutions, their burden becomes so much easier to bare and the resistance to having subsequent children reduces.

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