Feb 13, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

If its true that even Surovikin was tentatively involved in some anti Shoigu measures thats a good sign in a way. It means that at least dissatisfaction with the current state affairs goes fairly high up the military chaine of command. I want to believe if true that he wasnt acting purely in pursuit of selfish interest and that like Prigozhin and Kadyrov he understands wait awaits him and Russia if the war is lost. I guess if any organisation with in the Russian state understands that full well its GRU, and GRU knows FSB should know therefore GRU is must be concluding FSB is just a rats nest of kretins and traitors to use Strelkovs terminology.

Speaking of Strelkov his buddy Murz is also accusing FSB of covering for whoever killed Bereg:


In regards to Prigozhin its interesting that his gloomy prognosis comes directly after he is cock blocked from recruiting zeks. He also said in response to a Ukrainian executing possible Wagner guys who surrendered that Wagner would not reciprocate in kind but that traitors should be shot. What traitors was he refering to?

Remember the recent story about Zelensky firing a bunch of high level functionaries and you were reasoning that it might be because they were talking to the Russians? That would definitely be FSB and it appears that FSB has their own preferred method of ending the conflict and becoming real and TRVE respected partners of Zog. Find more Medvedchuks in Ukraine, put them in power somehow and make Minsk 3 with Medvedchuk clones instead of Zelensky and Poroshencko. Have your new Ukrainian elite dependent on FSB and in the spooks pocket to mutual benefit etc etc. Its stupid, already failed multiple times, but it would bring maximum benefit to the spooks and they wouldn't have to share any credit with the military or people like Prigozhin. Since FSB apparently controls access to Putin they very well could be telling him "we almost have enough medvedchuk clones lined up to end the SMO cleanly and in a few days at most. No need to escalate because our contacts will just hand us everything East of the Dniper. The only thing they are requesting is stop sending zeks to the front because it will be easier for them to publicly switch sides if we arent perceived as a country sending convicts to its dirty work".

As for Shoigu its pretty damn clear at this point that his entire job is to prevent any patriotic group of high ranking officers from forming and leveraging their influence to the benefit of the military and Russia in general. Probably even with in military you have Shoigus guys, the apathetic, and maybe a 3rd group around GRU and that might be where Surovikin was. Hence putting Gerasimov over him to keep him muzzled and harmless.

Its all so gay and painful.

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

There was a story on a dead GRU colonel, who was blamed for the Ugledar disaster and loss of like 30 tanks in a frontal assault. Haven't found more details, but it read like they built up GRU as fall guys to blame. Who knows what dirty thing goes on there?

> I can think of another country that thought that Got Mit Uns and let me tell you, you don’t want to know what happened to them.

People should know., it what makes on both sides in this theater the BS stick sadly.

The chief social democrat clown in Berlin is by his own words "close to marxist ideals" while being literally owned by Warburg Bank. Look up his "cum-ex " scandal.

clown welle reported ...


His mental green midgets are driven by hate, and only have one goal, destroy everything "nazi", which is everywhere, everything, according to them, replaced by kind of eco-Stalinist utopia whispered in their empty skull by the WEF(tribal US 'german' Marshall fund). The Greens are the Frankfurt school as political clown party.

I could call it from "God with us" to "God forsaken".

In that sense, they have waged a decades long terror and war campaign on the Germans, the official "fight against the right wing"( read "nazi", read German) which has been official doctrine.

Consider the bewilderment, if you hear the 5th column Kremlin or DC cohorts skillfully scream "nazi" all the time, everywhere, everything is "nazi" to the occupation establishment. Thinking is, math is, everything, even writing, if it does not conform to the official doctrine.

I guess it sounds in a way wee bit similar to post Soviet Russia, but there are two to three 5th columns here, Moscow and DC/London, and Paris with EUSSR drive. From bird view, all the same turd, just the color varies.

In short, I know what happened, I would love to not know, but I see this degeneracy every day.

If there should be a need to read a more detailed rant on the state of German "alternative media", provide me a puke bucket and I will shoot.

Comes down to two options, 5D flat erf, Q, Putin and SHAEF chess 'nazi' hunters vs ukrop 'nazis', EU & US 'nazis' ,"we must denazify finally"

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Criticism from Prigozhin:

The advance of the assault detachments of PMC "Wagner" in Bakhmut is not going as fast as we would like, the city could have been taken by the New Year, if not for the "monstrous military bureaucracy". This was stated by the founder of the military company Yevgeny Prigozhin, answering questions from journalists.

Surrounding Bakhmut:

I think it's March-April. It's very hard to guess though. They are now getting new types of weapons. We will destroy these "Leopards" one hundred percent, we will figure out one hundred percent how to burn them, but this is also the most important factor. (Maybe we should let the Duran know).

If there were three to five Wagner PMCs in Russia, then today we would rinse our socks in the Dnieper


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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Call me crazy, but I don't see how Russia has two more years. If they aren't able to pick up the pace Russia will become just another colony of the Empire.

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Sigh...once again I disagree with you Rolo. First of all Prigozhin comments, even though were fasciteus were widely used in the Western media, to perpetuate their view of the "Russian ineptitude' - but that's changing too even among the biggest Ukraine supporters in the recent articles in the Telegraph, the NYT etc...

Bakhmut or soon to be Artemievsk is heavily defended town in what's known as a second out of three rows of the Zelensky line. From Bakhmut over Soledar to Avdeevka.

But I've seen defeatism among the pro-Russian bloggers and so called 'experts' all throughout this campaign so it's nothing new.

I'd suggest The Duran, The New Atlas for a realistic views of the front and Geopolitics.

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This makes no sense. No one in the Russian sphere ever said the remainder of the war would go fast. 2-3 years is of course realistic and just fine. The Chechen wars took much longer. This is not some kind of scandalous or alarming statement. Everyone in the Russian military sees the reality of the situation so I'm failing to see how this is some sort of 'gotcha' from the 'doomer' crowd to the '5d' crowd. The premise of this entire piece is flawed, though admittedly I'm not a 'doomer'. Russian military has no problems fighting this for years if it takes, and again, everyone knows it will take that long and many have signaled this already for a long time.

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No idea on how to bait some 5D blogger into a debate. Why care, it's as if you believe pundits' popularity is a zero-sum game.

Besides, it may not be the right moment to do so, the Russian winter offensive is imminent.

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It's = it is. Its = belonging to it. It's is getting overused.

Rounding up pessimistically: one and a half becomes two and three becomes several.

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When they mean taking Kosovo, they probably only mean the small Serb areas. Serbia would be much better off reunited with the Bosnian Serbs and taking Montenegro with it access to the sea, than wasting effort in Kosovo Muslim areas.

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It is possible Kremlin considers Wagner too powerful and it will create another, competing group that is similar to Wagner.

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I listened to the audio version of this and the robot narrator pronounced 5Ders as “five durrs” lmao

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Here is a very good take on what is likely to be the long-range plan of Zelensky.

From the article:

Zelensky's calculation is likely based on the belief that by offering Ukraine as a tool for NATO to use against Russia, he will constantly mobilize Western support and thereby ensure his own survival, and that of his associates.

As a result, Zelensky expects that even if he is defeated and loses part of his territory, he will remain in power as the military leader the West needs for the new Ukraine, which will be the main anti-Russian outpost on NATO’s eastern borders. One that will be armed to the teeth, saturated with Western economic aid and that will provide its citizens with an acceptable standard of living.

I believe that Zelensky is genuinely convinced he will succeed in turning Ukraine into something like Israel, a paramilitary state in a hostile environment, and living with a sense of constant military threat. I do not exclude the possibility that even in the worst-case scenario, where there is a complete collapse of his government, Zelensky expects to find himself and a group of his closest associates in exile in the West. Once there, they will actively advocate a continued policy of containment and defeat of Russia. History shows that this prospect has every chance of materializing.


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There's that global culture again! - it's deeply sedimented in all of us! -Re: PMC recruitment video: "taste of Napalm in the morning" and Ride of the Valkyries (forgotten for global culture purposes, that the composer was a world-class anti-Semite) - very famous elements from Kubrick's Apocalypse Now (1979). Is Naplam itself even in use at this point? - or is now just pure trope?

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History is the history of intra-class struggle.

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What a freaking quagmire. How long before all these players are exhausted (yet again)?

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023

Oh the sweetness of ‘I told you so!’ 🙂 Let it be your well-earned medal. Anyroad, can’t force myself into being mad, if only for the based ‘their odds of dying in a helicopter crash’ metric. ‘Grow the fuck up’ looks like the best option of all open to all 😊 Plain sheer shame that takers are few and far between. Tall task indeed.


PS to acknowledge nice plays 👌: #1 lynch-pin, #2 twitter sleeper-force ruse. Not sure about Got(t) [Mit Uns] 🤔

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