20 hrs agoLiked by Rurik Skywalker

Man, this sobering reality stuff is worlds apart from the hopium shit ZAnon emeffers are spewing... sadly, the big audience is, still, with them, I am doing all I can to open as many eyes as possible

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Putin’s Army of barely trained cannon fodder is now surpassing Czar Nicholas II’s hapless WWI army in levels of institutional corruption, blatant criminality, and a sadistic indifference to the well-being of men being asked to fight in this war—er, “Special Military Operation”. These troops should turn their guns on their officers!

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On a more pleasant side note... glad to see confirmation of the Segal money-laundering hypothesis. That would explain a lot, including why everything is shot in some random E. European location, and usually involves a combination of drug gangs and special forces ops. For fun, check out Space Ice on YT, he produces bitterly sarcastic mini-reviews devoted to Segal's "mega-blockbuster hit movies" along with the usual absurd Hollywood dreck.

I doubt if Segal's waddling and no-aim shooting would be much help, but perhaps he can send over one or two of his many body doubles.

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Perhaps the purpose of this "war" isn't to "win", it's to create a Brave New World kind of society. Kill off 90% of the working and middle classes - anyone with IQ in range 110 down to about 80. That leaves a stratum of people in range 110 to 130 (Huxley's "Betas") - the people who do management of the "human resources" to be brought in from Africa - IQ 80 to 60 ("Gammas" and "Epsilon semi-morons") to replace restive Muslims and tribal populations and the low IQ criminal/semi-rural class - to function as a semi- or non-literate slave class. And it leaves the class of people with IQ 130 and above ("Alphas") to figure out the AI which runs things for the Master class - Putin/siloviki/etc. So the SMO is Progressive Eugenics in action, without the gas chambers.

"Eugenicists on both sides of the Atlantic argued for a two pronged programme that would increase the frequency of “socially good” genes in the population and decrease that of “bad genes.” One prong was positive eugenics, which meant manipulating human heredity or breeding, or both, to produce superior people; the other was negative eugenics, which meant improving the quality of the human race by eliminating or excluding biologically inferior people from the population.

In Britain between the wars, positive eugenic thinking led to proposals (unsuccessful ones) for family allowances that would be proportional to income. In the United States, it fostered “fitter family” competitions. These became a standard feature at a number of state fairs and were held in the “human stock” sections. At the 1924 Kansas Free Fair, winning families in the three categories—small, average, and large—were awarded a governor’s fitter family trophy. “Grade A” individuals received a medal that portrayed two diaphanously garbed parents, their arms outstretched toward their (presumably) eugenically meritorious infant. It is hard to know exactly what made these families and individuals stand out as fit, but the fact that all entrants had to take an IQ test and the Wasserman test for syphilis says something about the organisers’ views of necessary qualities." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1127045/ and

"“In 1928, 376 college courses were dedicated to the subject of eugenics,” he wrote. During that time, popular economist Irving Fisher co-founded the American Eugenics Society, which was accompanied by the American Race Betterment Society established in 1906 and the American Breeders Magazine that began publication in 1910.

“Hundreds, perhaps thousands of Progressive Era scholars and scientists proudly called themselves eugenicists,” Leonard observed.

The state of Indiana, reported Leonard, passed its forcible sterilization law in 1907, “the first of more than thirty American states to do so.” Included among them was New Jersey’s forced sterilization law signed by then-governor and future president Woodrow Wilson. That law targeted “the hopelessly defective and criminal classes.” https://fee.org/articles/the-progressive-ideas-that-fueled-america-s-eugenics-movement/

Of course, sending "meat waves" to certain death is the most effective means of sterilization...

The "vaccines" functioned as an IQ test as well - very few PhDs got "vaccinated"... and they had the side effect of sterilization - as does "transition" surgery and hormone treatment.

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The Brave New World scenario may be closer to the truth. There are plenty of articles written (pre 2020) about test bed smart cities planned for eastern Ukraine. Destruction of cities and removal of populations makes this easier.

Wars are preplanned with predetermined outcomes.

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Could be some good investment opportunities coming up. I've heard Kiev property prices are down 80% since their peak. If a rebuilding is planned, everything left standing will do great.

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I wouldn't say very few phds got vaccinated. Less than masters and undergrad degree holders, yes, but still high.

But then again, phd women spend their fertile years studying and then emerge with too high standards and no money, so I wouldn't say that phds enhances fecundity.

Now perhaps if unvaxxed phd men started fucking unvaxxed uneducated village women, the birth rate would increase. But wouldn't this just regenerate the middle intelligence class again?

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"If it were up to me, Russia would invade Uzbekistan first and force-conscript all their men into penal battalions to then be flung at NATO forces, two birds one stone style. And I’d repeat the same thing with all the other ‘stans once the Uzbeks ran out." One of the most sensible and logical things I've read that you've written. More of this please. Now that's how Russia could actually win!

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Trump may not get a chance to call off the war in Uktaine

This is getting really freaky


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فوكس نيوز: بايدن حذر إيران بأنه سيعتبر أي محاولة لاغتيال ترمب "عملا حربيا" #العربية_عاجل

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Fox News: Biden Warned Iran He Would Consider Any Attempt to Assassinate Trump an 'Act of War' #العربية_عاجل

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11:16 AM · Oct 15, 2024


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