What do you think, will Belarus be included in the target list of the next bombing campaign, or maybe later, or not ?

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PS: about Girkin maybe he is right under the fact that him and the other guy Khodakovsky not being killed. Also in a situation like this SMO everything can be a honeypot thus you can trust only your close ties

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You ask why the people allow them to lie? Same reason they shut the fuck up about the jabs & lockdowns I expect.

Trump will be looking at $ Billions of grift in “Rebuilding Ukraine “(Build back Better) so peace is essential.

Will those aircraft really have Ukie pilots, or mercenaries with “the right stuff “ or maybe suffer from’Boeing syndrome’ downright bloody dangerous flight risk.

Anybody who buys take away coffee but won’t pay Rurik for his work is a pi’s-ant freeloader, pony up you pikers

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The last take is quite interesting, as propaganda-enjoyers seem to be clinging onto bs like a deeply faithful person to their beliefs.

I still haven't found any meaningful way to break this spell.

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I wasn't able to convince a single person to stop worrying about covid or to not take the shot. The Milgram experiment (and other pyschology experiments) shows that only 20 % of the people are able to think for themselves if someone in authority tells them something different to what their 5 senses tell them.

I also don't know how to break this spell

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Yes, Milgram and Ash experiment were both very important things to understand during the C19 shitshow. We all probably saw human abysses that we never thought were possible back then, amongst known and beloved people.

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Strelkov being in jail does not suggest that he is a good one. It is just as likely that he has served his purpose already, as you state is routinely done.

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If Biden is elected, then it's four more years of war unless Russia runs out of money/resources/willing troops or gets so far in hock to China that Putin puts an end to it. In the just concluded NATO conference, Biden negotiated quite a few bilateral security agreements between NATO members and Ukraine, which effectively put Ukraine under NATO protection - de facto but not de jure.

If Trump gets elected, my bet is that he tells Putin to announce a ceasefire on the current front, same case for Zelenskyy, with a firm promise to Zelenskyy to supply sufficient weapons for Ukraine to win back the part of Donbass that it doesn't control, and potentially Crimea as well, if Putin does not comply with the ceasefire. It's Trump's aim to stop the war and to prevent further hostilities - which, given the results seen so far - a stalemate between both sides in which neither side can effectively mount offensive operations and in which thousands are slaughtered and maimed to no effect - makes a lot of sense, unless killing Slavs is a goal.

As for the F-16s, they're more military surplus destined for the scrapyard, just like the 30-year-old HIMARS systems and so forth - they're fighter jets, not bombers, we're not talking about B-52s here.

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"Milosovic started an “SMO” by sending groups of paramilitary volunteers into Kosovo to “help” the separatist Serbs in Republika Srpska (under Bosnian government)"

As a Serb from one of the Serbian lands with 100% guarantee I can say that

everything in this sentence is absolutely wrong!

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ok, explain

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Kosovo was in Serbia, then still called Yugoslavia. It was not SMO like in Ukraine. It started with terrorist attacks while still under Serbian control and escalated in civil war. After local Albanians didn't proved valuable as boots on the ground, NATO started with bombing campaign and...

I could write about this for hours but it's your blog.

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1. It's Milosevic not Milosovic.

2. Kosovo is not in Republila Srpska, it is in Serbia.

3. Republika Srpska was not under Bosnian government. Bosnia was one of the federal states in Yugoslavia that declared independence over night while Serbian parliamentarians were not present. That made Muslims(Bosnians is nation invented by communists after WWII) and Croats in charge of the country that consisted of almost 50 % Serbs.

3. Milosevic was not arming Serbs in Bosnia. Serbs from Serbia were coming in Bosnia and in Croatia as voluntaries.

4. In Croatia and Bosnia Serbs had a large front against united enemy that was armed and trained by West. Only in Serbia Serbs are majority, and in Bosnia and Croatia minority.

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Thank you for pointing the youtube channel of Стратег Диванного Легиона. Very good information even if is hard for me to follow up with him in russian.

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He axed u 2x fer dat exta muny clik... Othr cats, lik yo fren PCR, gots a cofee buttn an sum gots othr things but dat smart azz Vikin aint got nuutin. Xcuuze me man. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeee..............

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Probably a critical inflection point was when the Istanbul Agreement was rejected by the West. At that point, Putin's plan to nudge Ukraine into an agreement to stay out of NATO was destroyed. So that was an optimal time for total mobilization.

I would think the present time is another inflection point. Trump has a shallow view of events and will not pull Putin's chestnuts out of the fire if Russia is losing the Ukraine war when Trump is elected. If, however, Ukraine is clearly losing and Russia gearing up to totally overrun Ukraine, Trump will likely consider entering into an agreement when he is in office. But the longer such a move is put off, the more susceptible Trump would be to the charge that Putin is trying to influence his policy. Trump is not a good basket to put all your eggs into.

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