Really interesting discussion..always enjoy the exchange of ideas. Just a random thought about the egregor in modern culture. Are we seeing this kind of effect from the adoration of Hollywood actors and music stars. They have acquired a godlike status. Not finished listening yet due to time restraints but will finish it tomorrow and will definitely be replaying.

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Excellent Podcast Rurik! Tom Montalk knows many things especially:

Our Higher Selves, The Divine, Consciousness, Thought Forms, Divine Entities can't be bought and The Darkside/Demons.

Rurik please don't let Christianity (Abrahamic Religion BS) block you. Understanding Reincarnation (Controlled by Darkness but very real) will help you.

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This was great, Rurik. Loved the wide-ranging exploration, and enjoyed the opportunity to hear Montauk. More of this kind of discussion, please. Thanks.

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According to very well informed people, NASA has around twelve dedicated, independent and completely separate sub-organizations that are tasked to discover evidence of extra terrestrial life.

These agencies have unlimited budgets and access to unlimited technology. They have been looking for it since before the manned program.

NASA*s mission statement, to those who know, is: to discover extra terrestrial life. As of today they have scanned over one billion stars. According to the latest news they have not found so much as one amoeba. Now, it is not completely clear how they could detect an amoeba many millions of light years away, that technology is really classified, but the point is emphatically made that there has been no intelligent structure observed in over a billion possibilities.

Furthermore NASA has not found even one other solar system similar to our own; that is several planets with moons on the same plane in circular orbit around a star.

This is it.

We are the only life in the known galactic universe.

And this simple fact could be the proof God created the universe and all of its complexity is necessary to maintain life on our Earth. And it exists just for us.

We are the crown of Creation.

We are made by God and in His image, and we just cannot allow ourselves to be converted into animals at the pharaoh*s farm.

I believe that this is not hostile to your expressed philosophy - which I greatly appreciate.

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Nice one, thank you RS.

Regarding the higher Apollonian and Dionysian, and getting back to what originally Love of Wisdom meant before it was degraded into Love of Argument, you might like the work of the Lithuanian philosopher Algis Uzdavinys, particularly 'Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth'.


If you are interested in the technology of the production of entheogenic drugs and what was the 'purple' and how it was used, (pre-Christian 'Christs'), the very complex mixtures of poisons ('dotes' and 'anti-dotes' used in the Mysteries) that would bring people to a state of death and recovery you may be interested in the Lady Babylon site.


This could be considered Lower Dionysian. If you can get past the 'Satanic' larping, and the Dionysiac Rout of leftists and transvestites that follow Dr. Ammon Hillman , (who has degrees both in biochemistry and Clasiscs) he provides scholarly references to the Ancient Greek sources that have been suppressed, ignored or mistranslated by Judaism and Christianity.

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This just landed in my mailbox... Can't wait to listen!

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