The Earth is Flat and Putin is a Secret Anti-Globalist Christian Patriot
Strap in as I reveal what the mainstream media doesn't want you to hear!
I was involved in a recent Substack Notes spat with the host of World War Now, a Kremlin-sponsored ZAnon project pushing the standard #AxisofResistance line about Eastern Europe, the Middle-East, and China (probably). WWN always struck me as being incredibly astroturfed for several reasons:
I’d never heard of these guys before the Not-War and they blew up overnight
Conrad isn’t Russian, doesn’t speak Russian, was invited to visit Moscow on two occasions by the FSB forum for “Russophiles” run by Pepe Escobar
They claim to have high-level friends and patriotic insiders (like Pepe and the rest)
Each episode gets almost no comments and is extremely boilerplate with some EXTREME nuances that I will get into in a moment
They have almost no engagement with their content, but still have 23k subscribers now when two years ago they had no one
In contrast, I have 8K subscribers, of which maybe 40% are hate-readers who still believe in the Z-propaganda. But I get more than 30x the comments on average despite having the paywall turned on for comments. Quite the difference.
Strange, no?
Anyway, my goal for 2025 is to start breaking through the cordon of silence that these Z-people have set up on the topic. Conrad in particular was one of the first people to come out swinging at me and my blog, more than two years ago at this point.
Back then he called me a CIA-Satanist-Incel and blocked me on Twitter. That is a shame, but it is oh-so-typical behavior from that crowd. Another person told me in private that he had also been hounded by Conrad for refusing to toe the Z line and also accused of homosexual CIA-ism. They always use the same smear tactics! Fast-forward to today (or yesterday) and Conrad was back at it on Substack.
Here is the thread in which we clashed if you want to sink your teeth into some e-drama:
And here are some highlights:
There’s also a second thread where I try to get Conrad to agree to debate me. See, he’d already agreed to a debate in the past. What happened was that I was posting my theses in the Geopolitics and Empire chat and Conrad flew in to denounce me as a CIA-Satanist and to defend Putin’s honor. I asked if he would simply have the debate with Hrovje hosting (I had reached out to Hrovje beforehand) and he agreed. But I think what happened is that he didn’t realize that he was speaking with me in the chat, and so he was simply posturing and claiming that he’d take on all comers to win the argument without realizing that I was actually going to follow up on this and hold him to account.
I brought this all up on Notes.
Conrad responds to my requests to have a chat with more unhinged spite.
You can practically feel the spittle and the drool coming out of his mouth as he shouts these hysterical, womanly denunciations and takes his petty little cheap shots. Like a spiteful ex, he also claims that I had dm’d him something nasty (you used to beat me!), but then refuses to provide proof (I didn’t).
The highlights from that thread:
Conrad is actually afraid of me and refuses to debate me or address any of the arguments that I make. As you can see for yourselves, his stated reasons for behaving this way are the following:
I am not Orthodox therefore my facts are wrong
I am too small for this attention
I am a bad person (don’t support Putin)
I don’t know his arguments
On the last point, actually I do. I took the time to do some research and listen to his stuff. In particular, what drew my attention was their advocacy for Biblical Flat Earthism.
Put simply, the WWN team seems to believe that the world is flat and covered by a dome (the firmament). They believe that this is the correct Orthodox Christian position to take against the Copernican heresy, which they urge their listeners to reject. In one recent episode, their guest brings up St. Basil in his arguments for Flat Earth theory. The WWN cast claims that the Church Father took a very literal interpretation of scripture and urged his congregation to reject anything other than the Hebrew fundamentalism contained in the pages of the Torah.
I ran the information through the AI and yeah, the information checks out:
This is, of course, used as a serious argument by these WWN people for their positions and not taken as further confirmation of how wrong Abrahamism is on everything. Of course, their argumentation is simple; the Bible is the word of God and we know this because that is what the Bible itself says about itself. Therefore, if it says that the earth is a dome, then it is a dome, case closed. Oh, and here are some Orthodox holy men who believed this as well to buttress the point as an added bonus! They brought up plenty of examples of these learned elders and their Hebrew science, believe me!
In contrast, readers of my blog might look at all the scientific (read: Satanic/pagan) evidence that points to the idea that our planet is round and then look at these “holy” men and their “holy” texts and realize that they were actually wrong. We’d then ask, if the Bible is wrong about the Earth being flat, maybe it was wrong about some other stuff too?
But we can’t have the masses asking such uncomfortable questions now can we?
Now, it is important to understand that this conversation about whether or not the Earth is flat is not occurring in a vacuum. There is a large Flat Earth community that overlaps heavily with the larger conspiracy community. They are recent additions and seen by many veterans as the black sheep of the sphere. Others believe that they are a deliberate spook disinfo op to discredit conspiracy theorists and lead people down time and energy-wasting rabbit holes that go nowhere.
And if you think that Flat Earthism is contained to just Protestantism, you would be very wrong. After all, the examples brought up by the WWN crew are proof enough that this is standard Orthodox Christian teaching. But a related point is that the Flat Earth stuff is being pushed much harder in American Orthodox churches than in the churches of Eastern Europe. This marks it as a uniquely Western-spook curated phenomenon, to my mind.
As an example, I remember following closely the story of Roosh V, a pick-up artist who made the Earth-shattering (flat) discovery that Polish women were actually by and large vapid whores who like to sleep around with strangers, and made a career exploiting this cultural cheat code and selling books on the methods that he developed to maximize his appeal while there.
If I sound like I’m being pejorative, I assure you that this is not the case.
I was actually a big fan of Roosh’s writing for a long time. And, frankly, it is true that Slavic women are encouraged to seek relationships with Turkish-looking men by the cultural programming they are exposed to. This is probably because there are many shows that depict Turkish men as richer and more in-touch with their emotions (sissy-boys) than Slavic men. This programming extends to Georgians or to Italians as well, sadly. These Swarthland cultures was actually held up in the USSR as being superior to the Slavic one and the men of these cultures were routinely depicted as being sensual lovers. There is even a popular Soviet film about a swash-buckling gypsy Casanova that made women in theaters swoon.
Most of the programming work was done in the 90s and the 00s by ethnic Bolshevik media moguls though and the drama shows that they put on daytime TV.
I know this because nationalists complained to me about it, of course.
Anyway, Roosh had a mental breakdown almost a decade ago and decided to convert to Armenian? or Russian Orthodoxy. He deleted all of his old work explaining to Western men how to have sex with Polish women and started posting exclusively about saints and sacraments and his new monkish life past that point. At the time, I was also a fervent Orthodox “convert” (I was already baptized as a child) and so I continued reading him through this transition with enthusiasm.
But the first real jarring slap to the face was when Roosh started pushing Flat Earthism on his audience. It was only a handful of articles in which he casually said that he would rather trust the fathers over the current scientific theories about the earth and that the Bible would be his end all be all authority on truth from that point onwards. He said that he no longer believed that the Earth was older than 6K years and that he now had no reason to continue believing that we lived on a round planet anymore because this contradicted the teachings of God.
During that time, I was also listening to content produced by White Church Orthodox-Nationalists in America. That is, to content produced by Americans who had converted to Russian Orthodoxy because they thought that it was a religion compatible with nationalism.
Here is an example of what I mean: The Orthodox Nationalist podcast.
Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson looks at reasons why ‘flat earth theory’ has resurfaced and explains how the entire premise of people once believing the earth was flat is false.
The hard sciences such as biology are deeply politicized. “Science” is a mystification. There's only a “scientific establishment.” Like in my own field, the serious work of criticism is occurring outside of academia, meaning its done by Amateurs. Amateurs are needed.
The “buffs” are significant in that they ask the questions that keep experts on their toes, but they're not experts themselves. I have no acumen in the hard sciences, but I certainly do in the history and philosophy of science. My dissertation was on Michael Oakeshott's Hegelian critique of the scientific method among the Positivists. When it comes to space travel, I'm an amateur who's forced into the field due to the Flat Earth hypothesis. The Flat Earth idea, held by only a tiny handful of people, is a visceral reaction to the insularity and arrogance of the scientific establishment. To that extent, its a welcome development. It's ultimately false, and today, its being used to attack Creationists in general.
There was never a time – never – when the earth was believed to be flat. That myth seems to come from the 19th century polemics against Catholicism. Books such as John William Draper's History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science (1874) and Andrew Dickson White's A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (1896) popularized the idea that “medievals” thought the earth was flat. Yet, Aristotle proved the earth to be round and both Christianity and Islam, as a result, accepted his point of view.
To argue a Flat Earth is to take seriously the myth that, prior to 1492, Christians considered the earth to be a flat surface rather than a globe. This never existed. There are good reasons, both historically and philosophically, to question the accuracy of NASA's science, but this emotional reaction isn't one of them.
This broadcast doesn't attempt any sort of technical analysis of the field since I'm conscious of the fact that I'm not qualified. My comments remain in the historical and philosophical arena. I just wish those in the scientific world would be as equally self-aware when they pontificate on theology and political ideology.
So kudos to Dr. Johnson. He believes that the world is NOT flat, and that all of the Christian fundamentalists saying that it is all over YouTube and in churches are misguided. But he lies when he says that the Church doesn’t teach that it is flat either. Needless to say, the evidence that was presented by the WWN cast proves that Dr. Johnson is simply doing damage control for Orthodoxy.
So yeah, the Orthodox do believe that the Earth is flat.
It’s not just a Protestard thing, believe me.
Look: I understand the sentiment behind a lot of this cope because I used to perform the same dance and jig myself — all with the best intentions, I assure you. Hell, I was cheering on Putin on the internet and offering to do translations for The Saker and SouthFront a decade ago for crying out loud! I was Orthodox too!
PutinAnon? I was part of that! I drank the Kool-Aid! That was me! I am that guy!
Even now in Russia, the diehards among the church-attending Orthodox do interpret the Torah very literally. Actually, the schismatics that are critical of the Moscow Patriarch are the ones most prone to Bible fundamentalism. I admit this despite the fact that I agree with their political beliefs in large part. The schismatics or the catechumens believe that Putin is literally an agent of Satan and you can find good political commentary from them outlining the myriad of ways that Putin and his cabal are selling Russia out.
That being said … the Earth is not flat.
Believe me, I can find a lot of commonality with fundamentalists of all kinds. At least on their Moralitarian teachings.
Yes, women should be forced to wear veils or head-scarves again.
Yes, homosexuals are a menace to society.
Yes, the powers that be are in league with a dark supernatural force of some kind.
But all of that is just the bait with which they pierce the hook. You start out repulsed and revolted by Tranny Queen Story Hour, but end up in some Hebrew cult ranting about how the world is flat and if you don’t stop to reflect and ask yourself, “wait, what? How did I get here?” you end up lost and damned forever.
Related to all of this: there is a pipeline that takes young idealists and pulls them into an international spook network under false pretenses. This is a very real operation — the recruitment of young idealistic minds to become agents of subversion. As I’ve explained before, I was offered to work for them myself, so I know on a personal level just how real it all is. Two nodes of the global network are located in Moscow and Tehran to suck up disaffected Westerners. Obviously there are others, and the Anglosphere is nothing but a giant spook-run rat maze, of course. But with Moscow and Tehran, what happens is that they entrap naive ideologoyim that have fallen into one or the other ideological trap into working for them, thinking that they are fighting against tyranny by doing so.
Many have good intentions when they start.
I mean, who isn’t against Washington’s globe-spanning empire of lies and mass-murder?
With Moscow, they mostly rely on Christian and Communist sympathizers, obviously.
With the latter we have the stark and clear example of Jackson Hinkle, who was invited to visit Moscow at the tender age of 20/21? out of the blue after which he was landing interviews with Lavrov, Shapiro/Soloviev and all of the big names and the #1 Twitter Resistance personality literally overnight. Previous to this, Hinkle was a literal D-list actor contracted by a talent agency and some sort of over-the-top beanie-wearing SJW activist. Quite the career jump, wouldn’t you agree?
Yes, overnight, he was reconstituted and cast to play the role of representative of traditional Proletariat Manly Values Abrahamic Alliance Tradition Russia.
But the Orthodox sympathizers are clearly treated as a second, inferior sort of sympathizer though.
This is because the head of Western-aimed propaganda is an ethnic Bolshevik and Leninism defender named Kiriyenko, who outranks Putin in the Kremlin.
Usually, the Orthodox-sympathizers are told that the FSB is an Orthodox patriot organization. That’s how they get pulled in initially. They’re even given a tour of some monasteries that the FSB has close ties with and they’re impressive, by all accounts. But in Russia, organized Orthodoxy literally IS the FSB. Many priests were informants and FSB agents. All of the higher-ups were. There’s practically no difference now because of the overlap of agents that were high-level Church officials and just how much money and energy the FSB sank into the Moscow Patriarchate after the collapse of the USSR.
As an aside, perhaps I ought to pick up my series on the hidden history of the Orthodox Church? The last one proving that the Synod overthrew the Tsar wasn’t that well received. I think the information was simply too shocking for people to process. They weren’t ready for it.
Actually, most of my readers are older Christian men!
When I tell the truth about Abrahamism, I don’t do it for the money but for the love of the game. Christians always lie about my intentions with the blog and claim that I am making money off of attacking Orthodoxy. This literally couldn’t be further from the truth. I would be at least 3x larger if I bent the knee to Yahweh and their demonic religion. Maybe I will, eventually, to make some more dough.
Conrad also uses religious prophecy to make sense of geopolitics.
Again: this is self-admitted and if you peruse his content, it figures very prominently. They turn to the Church fathers and the Bible to make sense of geopolitics in 2025 and use this as a selling point. And it is the basic Christian prophecy regarding the End Times that everyone is more or less familiar with that is his template.
But how does Russia factor in?
Well, Conrad joins many American evangelicals and Israelies in labeling Russia as one of the major combatant empires in the End Times who will eventually fall apart in the ensuing wars, ushering in Doomsday and the reign of the Antichrist. This is considered a good thing, because, after the bad times, Jesus will return and forgive everybody and raise all the buried people from the graves and battle Satan and basically enact Third Impact i.e., destroying individual human consciousness, to restore the undifferentiated state of being we had during our sentence in the Zoo of Eden under the watchful eye of the blind archon that ruled there.
Now, in Russia, you have a storied tradition of dooming and glooming that was built on the frame of this basic Christian Doomsday prophecy.
The key idea was that Russia would play the role of willing martyr and self-immolate to save the world.
Yes, you even have Dostoevsky playing around with this idea in his work, and it was how he was able to reconcile his Christianity with his Russian nationalism. In other words, he said that yes, Russia is special (even though it is not mentioned anywhere in the Hebrew scripture) but this is because Russia is destined to fulfill the role of the nation of martyrs needed to trigger prophecy and the end/salvation of the world.
Why is this important to understand?
Well, if you didn’t know, this is the source of the bizarre claim made by ZAnonists that Moscow is secretly at war with Tel-Aviv and supporting the #AxisofResistance! It is what Russia is supposed to be doing based on the prophecies of these Church figures! Therefore, applying Christian logic to the situation, Putin is secretly battling Israel or arming proxies to do battle with them because that would be in accordance with this religious programming. Secular propagandists may not even know the original source of this claim, but they repeat it as if it is geopolitical fact, when in reality it is nothing more than prophecy.
This is so, so, so important to understand.
When I say that ZAnon is a religious cult, I mean that very literally. It is a Doomsday cult that uses the programming present in the Book of Revelation and pre-seeded cultural narratives to hoodwink people. This is how good “NLP” propaganda works, by the way. All you have to do is get people to make mental connections between what they already believe in and what you want them to believe in now. So, basically, you tell them that Zelensky is like Harry Potter. Or that he’s like the Rebel Alliance. You hire Mark Hamill to read out bomb shelter warnings to Ukrainians in the Kiev metro system and end his addresses with “may the Force be with you”. No, really — they did that.
With soyqueer libfarts, they use more recent propaganda franchises to make their associative propaganda work. So, basically it’s just “you should support ____ because ____ is just like Harry Potter, Avengers, Star Wars, Dune, Rambo, Hunger Games etc.” you name it.
And with conservatards, they simply use the Bible.
Simple as.
As the defeat of Hamas, Hezbollah and Assad proved, Russia isn’t involved in any “Axis of Resistance” in any positive way. In fact, Moscow has very close ties to Tel-Aviv because President Putin is what we might call “aspirationally Jewish” and most of the top names in the Kremlin either have or are eligible for Israeli citizenship, to say nothing of the “private” sector, which is almost completely monopolized by Israelies. You can just look at the top names in Russia and see for yourself that I am telling the truth.
Read this:
Or this:
But they don’t care!
Because ZAnoners believe in prophecy, see? Facts and logic have no meaning to them. Truth is only ever used in service of Higher Truth i.e., religious propaganda. And the prophecies claim that Russia will be heaped on a giant funeral pyre to eventually trigger the return of Jesus Christ. No, I am not even exaggerating in the slightest. This is what these people pray for when they go to Church! The Orthodox diehards literally pray for the destruction of Russia and the scouring of the Russian people for their moral sins. They want the death and destruction because they see it as necessary for Jesus’ return. A giant blood sacrifice, essentially, to atone for the sin of being born. Again, no exaggeration here. The truth of what these people believe is so shocking and anti-Russian and anti-life, frankly, that it needs no embellishment.
Now, during the Communist years, the Orthodox Christians believed that this was the prophesized final sacrifice that would usher in the End Times. So did many Westerns as well. There were nukes in play, after all.
They were all wrong, obviously because here we still are, a century later.
Now, I’m not discounting the prospect of doom and gloom in the near future.
The Stalkers know that this blog is built on dishing out a steady gruel of doom and gloom to its readers. And I am not a secular materialist — far from it. So, I don’t discount the power of otherworldly forces and their meddling in our worldly affairs. I just have a problem with the Abrahamic programming because it calls for the destruction of everything that I hold dear in the name of some supposed “sins” that my people committed for having the temerity to be born in the first place.
There are just far more interesting doomsday prophecies to work with.
Some come from Baba Vanga, who was by all accounts a true witch-seer. Hers are far less vague than the standard Christian ones:
Checks out!
But I actually try and stay clear of using this kind of stuff in my analyses. I don’t need Baba Vanga to tell you guys that Trump plans to escalate the war in Ukraine, not de-escalate it.
Another interesting prophecy that I’ve mentioned, but haven’t covered yet is the Moscow Patriarchate’s cover-up of the final remains of Nicholas II. They presented a fake corpse in Ekaterinburg that they then ritually buried in St. Petersburg, on Petrogradskaya. I went there to pray at his remains several times when I lived there. I didn’t even know about the prophecy at the time.
The only problem then is that the bones are fake and a psy-op perpetuated by the same Church that ritually deposed Nicholas II and helped Kerensky and his revolutionaries take power.
Perhaps I ought to cover this conspiracy as well?
Let me know in the comments.
Maybe if I got those 10 paid subs that I asked for … well …
My point here is that we live in a new dark age of superstition and social-engineering (religion). I also believe that the intelligence agencies are to blame for the resurgence in Abrahamism in the 20th and 21st centuries. They resuscitated it as a counter to the rising threat of Nationalism and to promote Zionism. In America, you had Woodrow Wilson and Dwight Eisenhower explicitly outline their agenda to bring back Judeo-Christianity as an alternative to the rising popularity of European-style Socialist-Nationalism. The two World Wars were sold as Christian crusades to the American public. America was founded as a secular nation by the founders, and the project to secularize Americans had largely succeeded until the religious renewals of the early 20th century. Fast-forward to the 00s and all of a sudden we had George Bush talking about “Crusades” in the Middle-East and now Trump has literally been appointed the Moshiach by prominent Israeli religious groups for his Zionist foreign policy.
Over in the Slavlands, when the USSR collapsed, Orthodoxy was brought back to prevent the rise in Russian nationalism. Like Critias and the Thirty Tyrants, the social-engineers had tried to enact early Platonism in Russia and failed (The Republic) and so fell back on a more moderate form of Platonism (Laws). History may not repeat, but the elites certainly follows the same principles of social engineering over and over and over again to maintain their control of the masses, which ensures that history at least rhymes.
These prophecies are actually very real in the sense that powerful people work to effect them. They also know that many people in the world believe in the superstitions that they themselves seeded into the population over the centuries. Many are waiting for the Kwisatz Haderach to appear and they believe that either Trump or Putin or the next puppet-leader is their savior. Because of this, they are easy to lead by the nose. If you know the script, you can predict how people will react and easily trick them!
This should be a simple concept to understand, but Abrahamists simply don’t get what I just said.
They really need to read and reread Frank Herbert’s Dune books to understand the concept of “seeding” prophecy or superstition into the populace and then using these superstitions to manipulate the people to serve a political agenda. Herbert modeled his Bene Gisserit on the Jesuit order. The new Dune: Prophecy series on HBO is about their origins 10K years prior to the events of the books. It seems promising.
Anyway, my role in this farce is to be the heretic calling out the learned elders and trying to wake people up to the con. For that they will hate and denounce me, of course. But I am motivated by a greater and more powerful force than my opponents. I am motived by a deep and unnegotiable love for my own people. I love them more than any prophecy or religion. I don’t want them to be immolated for the sake of Yeshua’s return. I wouldn’t sacrifice a single Slavic life to move the Christian prophecy forward a single step. I would rather finish what the Bolsheviks started and remove the cancer of religion from the Slavlands root and stem once and for all. If this “God” does not have a place for Russians in his future utopia, then this fell deity will have no place in our lands as well.
So, in conclusion:
The Earth is not flat.
Putin is not a secret anti-globalist patriot.
Conrad is a lying FSB-asset who won’t debate me.
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As of last week I was still eagerly checking my Judging Freedom and Dialogue Works YouTube subscriptions to see what Pepe Escobar, Alastair Crooke, Scott Ritter, Andrei Martyanov and company had to say. Zanon? What's that?
Now I know. Thanks for blowing my mind Rurik. It must have needed it. Glad to be reading.
This flat earth shit is so recent as well, it was always there lurking in the background but it didn't get any traction until they really needed to discount conspiracy theories around 2020, I remember youtube atheists dunking on flat earth in like 2014. Crazy how that happens, all of a sudden conspiracy fudd is everywhere.