New here.

As of last week I was still eagerly checking my Judging Freedom and Dialogue Works YouTube subscriptions to see what Pepe Escobar, Alastair Crooke, Scott Ritter, Andrei Martyanov and company had to say. Zanon? What's that?

Now I know. Thanks for blowing my mind Rurik. It must have needed it. Glad to be reading.

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Welcome to the dark side.

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Nice to see you in Stalkerville, Troy.

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This flat earth shit is so recent as well, it was always there lurking in the background but it didn't get any traction until they really needed to discount conspiracy theories around 2020, I remember youtube atheists dunking on flat earth in like 2014. Crazy how that happens, all of a sudden conspiracy fudd is everywhere.

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Did you see the recent trip to Antarctica where they honestly thought that they’d find that the sun doesn’t stay up in the summer?

I mean good on them for testing the theory I guess.

They could have gone to like St. Petersburg though no need to go to Antarctica 🇦🇶

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Yeah I don't understand why the hell they went to Antarctica, the north pole circle is much cheaper and more accessible. Also doesn't have all that conspiracy baggage about being controlled by the NWO for nefarious reasons.

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I think they wanted to see the ice wall.

I’d go down there but to find the hollow earth entrance instead. You know, the one that Hitler went down with his loyalist followers to prepare a new army underground. 🇦🇶 💪🏻🇩🇪

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Whether that version is true or not, I wouldnt mock the possibility of underground civilizations. The ancients had no problem with the notion.

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Oh I’m a hollow earth advocate

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Fair enough, but its probably just certain parts,. not the whole thing :)

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BS, they went to the moon and founded Von Braun city, here's a top secret picture :


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There are structures on the moon however. Whom they belong to is another matter.

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This one was honestly a bit surprising. This other guy who is trying to wildly panic-reframe your simple questions comes off very badly.

Given your alignments on other topics like viruses, I was surprised to find you coming out so virulently (sorry everyone) on the flat earth stuff. I don't think its a very orthodox thing. Even this eric dubay guy seems to be deep into gnosticism, as do a lot of the others who are deep into it.

There are certainly major problems with everything NASA shows us, and some very common sense arguements that the globe models don't match up with. These things seem to align with your excellent earlier post about truth vs belief. There are quite a few suppositions and observations one can make against our current understanding of a globe model that are very hard to explain.

I have always been wary of the flat earth stuff as a "poisoning of the well" or distraction from more pressing and immediate concerns such as our impending genocide. Just the same, there are much more solid arguements than I would have thought possible. Simply the sheer amount of fakery in nasa photos begs the question as to why it would be necessary.

Whichever way one ultimately comes down on it, I think its worth a look of only to show how utterly shaky almost every form of knowledge we have is. Same thing with viruses, nukes, the lost millenium, etc.

Anyway, I'm certain you have more actual human readers than that other guy, not sure it would be worth letting him on your show. Also he does not seem like the humble Christian sort of fellow, being all effeminate and dishonest like that. I would have a hard time trusting anything he would have to say.

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OK yeah most science is a hoax. But flat earth is only promoted by biblical literalists. Its not an alt-science theory like say Electric Universe. It's just pure Hebraism,

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I think TPTB use it as a means of tarring by association anyone who doubts their 'scholarly consensus' on anything else.

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It's toroidal, most likely, with some big cavities

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I don't mind Tolkien's Silmarillion cosmological model, it gives us the luxury of both a flat earth and a globe. Everyone can be satisfied.

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Agreed, Ive settled on agnosticism in regards to the shape of the earth. There definitely are serious problems with the standard globe model but they dont prove the earth is flat. Likewise people saying they see the southern cross or whatever Northern lights doesn't prove it's round. We don't know shit really about the actual nature of reality and that includes the shape of the earth.

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What are the serious problems with the standard globe model?

It's not exactly spherical - it's squashed a bit at the poles, and it's got mountains and suchlike. Also we're really just guessing what's inside beyond a few miles down. But in general, the globe model seems accurate. Where's the problem?

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The first thing is that there aren't any authentic images from space, even nasa admits they are all digital, because they "have to be"".

They frequently are obvious fakes where, say, florida takes up half the planet.

Why do we see the same stars when we should be facing out at opposite ends of the globe?

Why does the day night cycle not continuously rotate to make the night an hour longer and the day last an hour longer, and we have to constantly adjust our clocks tp account for the shift to avoid 6am dawn in december (this is rather loosely explained but I'm trying to just summarize a few common sense objections)?

Why can gravity pull the tides and keep planets in orbit for a million billion miles but people can float around in space (to say nothing of the green screen mistakes they constantly make)?

The sun has local hotspots and the "god rays" point towards a local sun?

Why does the sun, even when it has supposedly sunk beyond the horizon, light clpuds as if it was slightly above them instead of underneath?

The supposed curvature of 8 inches per mile keeps failing t9 hide pbjects from view that they cleary should.

There are straight line photos for hundreds and hundreds of miles with the new nikoni nfinite zoom camera, before it became suddenly unavailable.

You can really go on for hours, I had always assumed there was so much proof of a globe that a flat earth was ludicrously unsupportable. I was shocked at how hard it was to actually try to prove anything related to a globe.

There are quite a few pagan and gnostic flat earthers and even Christiand of a sort who are specifically marcionite and anti-yahweh, though they are not always super obvious about this. Eric dubay is a gnostic who has some of the best introductory material, such as 200 proofs earth is not a spinning ball.

They have repeatedly been caught faking videos of the 24 hour sun in Antarctica.

They use fisheye lenses to show curvature, this has been proved extensively.

Anyway, didn't mean to post a wall of text, but this can be a fun thought experiment, amd I did want to add that there is a sizable contingent of non biblical yahwhists wgho pursue this line of thought on a logical and scientific basis, as well as there being a surprisingly massive amount of material that is accesible, repeatable, and simple to see for your self, vs pretty much nasa, who has repeatedly been caught lying and faking its material, as well as ham handedly admitting that we cannot get past the van allen belt.

I'm not trying to advance the theory in Rurik's comment section, but this is a very fun thought experiment vis a vis the underpinnings of things all of us at one point thought were absolutely proven.

They could easily put this to bed with unretouched photos, which would apso undoubtedly show stars and other things by which comparisons could be made for accuracy. They could rotate a camera 180 out in space.

Regardless of your intention to entertain the possibility, it is absolutely worth a watch of all of the moon landiings and space walks from other countries. Some of the originals are clearly a cloth with holes in it being pulled past a lamp. The claymation style russian automated moon landing was fun. India's was probably the worst and that with modern day CGI.

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Globe skepticism seems to be the default with the Old World/Tartaria crowd who usually are more new age/gnostic than normative Christian so yeah it's not strictly an Orthodox thing. Regardless of what the shape of the earth actually is space is definitely fake imo. Lol@ having an atmosphere in a vacuum and having the same constellations visible in predictable patterns plus stationary Polaris while we are apparently on a spinning ball tumbling and rotating through space at millions of miles per hour. Just no

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Yes its kind of like coming from being a biblical literalist, as soon as you allow yourself to question it, it falls apart quickly. Now that very model where the sun is a basketball keeping a golf ball in orbit 3 cities away while they are all spinning and corkscrewing through space at a trillion miles a year or whatever, and yet everything keeps its alignment and nothing changes....

I don't know about the tartaria stiff but its kind of the same story as space and the holocaust, the narrative is wildly at odds with important facts on the ground and common sense. I think that is why the stance has always been to laugh and call dissidents a racist, a denier, a flat eather, its essential there be maintained an air that there is so much evidence on one side and the other side is just crazy.

It was very hard to even look at the problems with space, it was one more label I really didn't need. I initially started looking at it as a lark, jokingly thinking, well, everything else is fake so why not. I was very surprised to find how serious and sibstantial the arguements were.

A big part of being open to it was realizing so much in this world points to it being a metaphysical plane, rather than the dead matter of early last centuries scientific thought. Some of Rurik's podcasts on how the laws of physics were fluid and can change was very interesting in that regard.

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" A big part of being open to it was realizing so much in this world points to it being a metaphysical plane, "

Hear, hear !

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The one argument from anti globers that I find compelling enough is that earth is mapped and navigated using flat baselines. Thats the one Ive never seen convincingly addressed at all. No bully please because again Im not saying it's flat or any other shape, it's just when it comes to "science" and the nature of the realm and reality Im pretty much a nihilist.

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Unless its all a hologram, why would the Earth be the only flat object in the solar system when we can clearly see other spherical planets spinning on their axes ?

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'I wouldn’t sacrifice a single Slavic life to move the Christian prophecy forward a single step. I would rather finish what the Bolsheviks started and remove the cancer of religion from the Slavlands'

Thank you for that statement Rurik! I don't recall you ever putting it so straight and plain. The Slavs got hoodwinked into this 'religion' business and are still blindfolded paying an inordinate price for it. Hope they can get their act together on that. If there's any 'messianic' (lots of inverted commas please) role for them, I'd say that's it!

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" 'The Slavs got hoodwinked into this 'religion' business and are still blindfolded paying an inordinate price for it. "

Thew whole White world got Hoodwinked I would say.

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Indeed, excellent Commissar - except that the Slavs allowed themselves to become each other's best enemies, while the west ended up getting - kind of - united in 'capitalism'. And in the EU... which should cause them to fall apart again.

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True, at this point the West is post-Christian for all effective purposes and it will collapse due to its own warped inertia, All done on purpose of course. The Slavs might be their own worst enemies , but the Whites in the West are even worse as they have been convinced to hate themselves. They have come to be their own enemies in a sense. Very sad.

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Since we're on these topics and its Sunday.

- The presentation attempts to provide a metaphysical explanation of N-o-a-h-i-d-e Laws, and the larger project, in particular, the sub-law: S-a-n-h-e-d-r-i-n (57--A), which entails the e-x-e-c-u-t-i-o-n-s of Christians be means of b-e-h-e-a-d-i-n-g. -


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I will say that the flat earth claims/ delusions are always amusing to me, and a sign not to take someone seriously (big grifter vibes from these guys). I can't say I agree with you 100% on the religious stuff as a total farce, but for sure the evangelicals and many others are just willing dupes and supporters for groups with less-than-ideal agendas. I appreciate the analysis as always!

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Yeah flat earth thread here is a bit alarming. A client and friend of mine is an exec at a rocket company that does commercial launches. We wouldn’t have satellites if flat earth theories were true.

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Fascinating that Russian Orthodoxy has their own Scofield Bible, do they have a John Haggee too? It's true that there's some scary doomsday cults around, American military is full of them, too. Why do you think they're in such a hurry to make it come true? Maybe time's up for Baal Abrahamic worshippers?

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Nice one, thank you RS. However, remember that the life of a Truth Teller is likely to be 'solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short'. Wheeler's Aphorism is a useful rule of thumb for judging matters; 'Nothing True Is Popular. Nothing Popular Is True.'

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So Zanon is a doomsday cult? Makes sense. People must subconsciously feel doomed, and go along with it to relieve cognitive dissonance. Maybe like Extinction Rebellion.

But to what extent does this doomsday cult permeate real Russian culture? Is that why Russian culture is so pessimistic, nihilistic, and accepting of crapness in general?

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Contrary to what lower functioning "peons" believe , and willingly mock on command, alternate history, suppressed archeology, metaphysics, the occult, esoteric knowledge, and so forth hold truth hence they are scoffed at. Basically, the peons know something is off but they are in a state of constant cognitive dissonance as they are programmed to suppress any feelings of doubt or inquiry. Psychologically, this is a BIG " no no " and the results should be obvious around us in our daily lives.

Once accepted, truth always leads to happiness. Yet we live in a world of constant lies.

At the upper levels, all spook agencies are inter meshed with secret societies, hence they partake of what I stated above. Look into the names below to start research into the US side. Maybe Rurik can fill us in on the Russian versions. For instance, how many FreeMason lodges in Russia ? How many B'nai B'rith outposts ? I wont even mention the Chabad houses.

Jack Parsons

Michael Angelo Aquino

Ron HUbbard

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You align with Christopher Jon Bjerknes in denouncing the flat earth psy-op, I would still really love to hear you two talk about kabbalah and your divergent views on Vladimir Vladimirovich

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Sometimes I like CJB, just as often I don't. Reminds me of Michael Hoffman in that regard. He befriended Adam Green for a while, delving deeply into Jewish esotericism, then accused Green of plagiarism, even tho Adam's never written a book.

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Is Green a Happy Merchant ? That might explain the falling out.

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No, many accuse him of this because Green can be a Jewish name. But he's not, both his appearance and his untiring critique of Jewish religion show otherwise. Christians don't like him, but they should pay attention to his evidence.

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Michael Hoffman is pretty good on all of his issues, especially the psy-op / evil fun house.

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Michael Hoffman lost my unconditional support and my paid subscription to his newsletter when he started in on Hitler being the worst thing that ever happened to Germany. He deplored the invasion of the SU (Barbarossa). That might sound reasonable if you haven't read Suvorov's Icebreaker or The Chief Culprit, which lay out how Stalin was set to invade Europe imminently. Hitler beat him to the punch and saved Western Europe from post war communist occupation. Hoffman in his recent book doesn't engage Suvorov's evidence.

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Do you have a link, there are many Hoffmans out there ?

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Forget the Kabbalah. The Zohar is where its at ;)

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Your record speaks for itself but I can’t say the same for the rest. It is also most concerning that they push returning to Russia which I find a ludicrous idea in the current geopolitical situation

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"We’d then ask, if the Bible is wrong about the Earth being flat, maybe it was wrong about some other stuff too?"

I Kings 7:23 "And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: [it was] round all about, and his height [was] five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about."

That should be thirty one and a half cubits, a cubit equal to roughly 16 inches, if the height of a man is 64 inches. An error of one and a half cubits would be, therefore, 1.5 x 16 inches = 24 inches, which is two feet - and that would be noticeable. OOOPS! Someone screwed up here...

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They also mess up the math behind the genealogies. Embarrassing. 🙈 logos incarnate my left nut

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The flat earth / Armageddon because God loves you concept is simply a ruse that demonstrates the formidable power of the deep state over the minds of many..

A statistically significant segment of the population will believe and act to support anything they are told to support. They will adopt new religious beliefs as soon as they are told to.

Yes, please report on the Church's participation in the regicide.

And, I was always staggered to learn that the Attorney General of the Czar also worked for Lenin, and Stalin and retired with full pension around 1938. Do you have anything on that?

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The Trashfather ™



21 h

Patriots in control.*

*Patriots refers to Jewish Silicon Valley defense contractors that want to import infinity Indians


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Silly rabbits. The earth is neither flat nor round. It just has an unusual amount of water, which most likely came from somewhere else.


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