Yes! Thank you, Rurik. Unfortunately, most Maga cultists are beyond redemption...

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"TDS" is a multi-faceted illness. For Q-tards, their affliction is "Trump Delusion Syndrome".

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Interesting take on Russia's FED [1][2].

FYI: Russia's FED head, Elvira Nabiullina, is Russia's version of Greenspan/Bernanke/Yellen/Powell.


Excerpt from [1]: Obviously, knowing what we know, she’s [the head of the Russian Central Bank] not a member of the Russian government, but rather a personal representative of the banking cartel.

Excerpt from [1]: Putin was hand selected to run Russia and not talk back to the central bank.

Excerpt from [1]: The Bank of Russia is owned by the same private banking families as those who owned the Soviet Gosbank and Vladimir Putin is shrewd enough to never make the same mistake Lenin made. Putin will never talk back to his owners and to the shadowy individuals who made his rise to power possible.


[1] The Russian government is as controlled as the US government – The Great Reset is the Great Tribulation: https://www.terminaleconomics.com/2024/11/22/the-russian-government-is-as-controlled-as-the-us-government/


[2] Nabiullina vs. Stagflation: Can Putin's Top Technocrat Save the Russian Economy Once Again? - The Moscow Times: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/11/21/nabiullina-vs-stagflation-can-putins-top-technocrat-save-the-russian-economy-once-again-a87089


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> ❗️In response to the "Oreshnik" strike, the Americans hit back with Oreshkin asymmetrically to Nabiullina. They detonated a mine planted under our financial system and caused a programmed collapse of the ruble from abroad.


This confirms again what Sergei Glazyev said: That the biggest damage done to Russia financially by the West was not done through sanctions, but rather through the floating ruble FX rate (monetary policy) that Putin allowed and Wall Street used for their "games".

For more details, see my comment under previous Rolo's article: https://slavlandchronicles.substack.com/p/a-brief-history-of-russian-economics/comments#comment-79202417


Nabiullina is essentially a foreign agent that GloboVlad, if you'd believe it, actually forced to stay in her Russia's FED chairman post after she tried to elope like Chubais did.


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Forgot to mention: And that is exactly why China keeps its Yuan (CNY) to USD FX rate fixed! For protection! And that is why US "economists", like Paul Krugman complain about it!

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"Over the past two years, Kellogg has taken a position closer to the "hawks" regarding Russia. That is, he has always proposed ending the conflict in Ukraine through force and pressure on Moscow.

Why would Trump pick this guy if he was trying to put this Not-War on ice?"

Simple, if you're going to negotiate a contract, whether it's a peace deal or a plea bargain with the District Attorney, you're not going to play nicey-nice. You're going to let the DA know that you're going to take the case to trial, you're going to do your own investigation (and of course, not rely on the police report), you're going to interview every witness you can find, get sworn affidavits and subpoenas for good witnesses (for you), and you're going to put on a full court press to win the case. You'd be shocked how willing prosecutors are willing to make deals, to drop felony charges - I had one client charged with three felonies, we wound up pleading to an infraction - all the felony charges got dropped. If I'd played nicey-nice, my client would have been sitting in state prison for five years. So you don't do that. It also helps if you've won three out of the first four cases you've tried to a jury - but you don't do the nicey-nice thing.

Same case for negotiating a peace deal with a tough guy like Putin, you've got to know where he's weak, you've got to know what he really needs, and you have to be willing to walk on negotiations and go back to unpleasantness, and he's got to know that. And he's going to do the same thing with you, and in the end, you wind up working out a deal. And that's how things work in real life.

Now, both Russia and Ukraine are at the ends of their ropes, the ruble is in trouble, Russia is in hock to China big time, Russia has run out of hard currency and is paying North Korea in oil, and so on. Putin can't continue to draw down men, materiel, and weapons - my bet is that the use of the IRBM on Dnipro is directly related to the drawdown of Russian missile stocks, not that the pearl-clutching pantywaists of the Western media would ever figure that out. And both Russia and Ukraine are using press gangs to get more bodies in their respective armies. It's essentially at the point where both sides are like punch-drunk boxers flailing away at each other, to see which side loses first, and worst, and there are no guarantees it won't be both of them at the same time. There are sane people on both sides who have probably figured that out - so Putin and Zelenskyy may have to be edged to one side, so people can get down to making a deal. If that doesn't happen pretty quick, it will be disaster for both sides - and Putin will have to deal with the Chinese very possibly seizing the Far East as collateral on Russia's war debt, which is much more likely to happen if the ruble goes into the toilet. Putin's Russian Army by that point will be no match for the PLA, and he and Russia will be royally screwed. So there's a good reason or two to call it a day and work out a deal... on both sides.

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Zanon vs Qanon incoming

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It was about 18 months ago I predicted (here) that 🇵🇱 Poland & 🇷🇴 Romania would seek to annex traditional lands lost to Ukraine. As for the British I would lay my wager on them chasing “that old chestnut“ Crimea. (Crimea river)

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Let's not forget how Trump said he would have kept Bagram Air base near Kabul. Peace presidsent my ass...

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Putin bro it's so over just get in the Bunker you fucked up the Kyiv blitzkrieg now they're going to have 500k Storm Shadows pointing at the Moscow suburbs

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Damn he really has screwed the pooch. The SMO to save lives and silence NATO.......WTF?

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Listen pal War is Peace and Strength comes through Joy.

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NEW - Ukraine's Zelensky said he is willing to cede territory to Russia to end the war for the first time.



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Friendly reminder:

" By now, the more astute among would have noticed how neatly all these "unprecedented" events dove tail into each other. How highly choreographed the "dance" is. "

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I find it hard to believe that German troops will keep the peace in Eastern Ukraine, that is in Kharkov and the Dniepr valley. The current German army is largely pussified and inept. German politicians are indecisive. Plenty want to resume purchasing Russian gas and normalising relations with Russia.

https://www.quora.com/profile/Roland-Bartetzko then pick his answers on the Bundeswehr

In general what you quote from the SVR report does not sound serious. Romania would be reluctant to enter Ukraine without Russia's permission. No Romanian politician, businessman, or general wants to do anything adventurous. They are craven and obsessed with money. Entering Ukraine would not bring anything to Romania but would create diplomatic and military risks with Russia and others. The ideal position for Romania would be like Switzerland and Austria : formally neutral, engaging with everyone to make money, surrounded by NATO, de facto-integrated with NATO but not part of NATO so as not to have a concrete military commitment. But they are so craven that they do not have the courage to exit NATO and adopt such a posture. And if somehow Romania is to be brought into Ukraine they would occupy the regions with Romanians and Greek Catholic Ruthenians in the north and the Bugeac/Budjak region on the shores of the Black Sea because the Russian Old Believers there are the cousins of the Russian Old Believers in Romania. Going beyond would be a huge stretch.

That SVR report is fishy.

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yeah i think it might be disinfo.

it would probably be french and british troops if it came to that and not so many.

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You seem to be missing the point!

I'm quite certain that GloboVlad (aka Bald Judas, as patriots call him) made a promise to NATO way back that he would not hurt a single NATO soldier no matter where and no matter what.

That is how NATO is planning to freeze the conflict to recoup Ukis. They will just tell Putin that they are going to show up somewhere in the area, and Putin will immediately order freeze on all military activity to protect NATO soldiers!

We all remember when Russians obliterated some Turkish soldiers in Syria, who were mixed with terrorists without Russians knowing, As soon as Kremlin realized that, Putin immediately called Erdogan and apologized. The fact that Turkey was invading Russia's partner, was of no relevance to him.

Also, it seemed that every time NATO soldiers would show up somewhere in Syria, Putin would immediately order withdrawal of the Russian troops from the area and would send back only MP to patrol, that were an easy target for the terrorists. Who knows how many Russian soldiers were killed by terrorist thanks to Putin.

Why was Erdogan allowed to constantly humiliate both Russia and Putin? Have you seen videos on YT from Syria where Americans are literally and physically harassing Russian soldiers on the road (US humvee pushing Russian humvee off the road just for fun) and Russians are just taking it? They are most likely on strict orders from Putin not to hurt a single NATO soldier there no matter what, and Americans know it, for Putin himself promised complete safety for all NATO soldiers in Syria!


[1] Why Is The West Suddenly Revealing Its Troop Presence In Ukraine? | 2024-03 | ZeroHedge: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/why-west-suddenly-revealing-its-troop-presence-ukraine


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Most western countries can barely afford to put together a Division or brigade worth of troops. I think nobody in the west wants to fight in Ukraine anyhow as nothing protects you from drones and cruise missles and its for all to see.

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You are overly pessimistic old mate.

"its POWs in Israeli hands, with no rocket barrages launched on Northern Israel like they threatened. "

Huh , doncha know that ten thousands settlers homes in the North have been destroyed, levelled.

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have they though?

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" The end of the era of flags

I see that they have begun to criticize the Russian group in Aleppo. They said that they were sitting, silent and could not repel the blow. I visited our guys a week ago. The movement and accumulation of militants was regularly recorded, truthful reports went upstairs.

Russia's problem is not in intelligence officers, but in the lack of understanding of the changed realities of the war. If Internet analysts knew the size of the Russian group in Aleppo, they would not write stupid posts. Aleppo has always been an Iranian city. We were present there, but we did not manage the processes.

According to the old tradition, we relied on the Russian flag and its authority. Like, if there is our post with the tricolor at the front, then the militants will not dare to attack. After all, behind our banners are the agreements of great people!

The Turks also hoped for the power of their flag, but when in 2020 their posts were simply bypassed, they stopped thinking in the old categories and introduced a group of thousands. In addition to flags, Turkish interests in Syria are protected by about 15,000 soldiers with artillery and armored vehicles. Who will be able to resist Turkish interests in Idlib? Our posts 4 years ago were defended by a couple of machine guns and one flag, and since then nothing has changed. Although no. Changed. The number of Russians in Syria has decreased.

The system of international relations and agreements is rapidly collapsing. From now on, interests can only be protected by force. The agreements will be fulfilled only when they are painfully beaten on the head for violating them. Without leverage, these are not agreements, but an exchange of pleasantries that do not commit to anything. And this applies not only to Syria, but also to any Russian projects.

Alexander Kharchenko "

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I have a somewhat different view of inflation. Inflation is basically a historical index of prices more or less relevant to the consumer. If prices for the consumer are going up, we say we have inflation.

Why does raising interest rates "squeeze" inflation out? Because raising interest rates dampens business expansion and business expansion is an investment in the future. Business expansion also consumes a lot of resources that would otherwise go to consumers. So raising interest rates is a way to settle consumers down by feeding them in the present. But dampening business expansion and production sacrifices the future. If inflation is a reflection of the fact that businesses are competing with consumers for resources, then inflation is a positive measure.

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but interest rates are rarely able to control inflation in practice

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Good to know. So, the assertion that raising interest rates brings inflation down (at least in the short term) is an urban legend like the assertion that you need to vaccinate if Covid is detected in your area.

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By now, the more astute among would have noticed how neatly all these "unprecedented" events dove tail into each other. How highly choreographed the "dance" is. How every " actor" arrives or leaves the stage just in time.With The latest being the "HTS" offensive in Syria. Pure cohencidence I'm sure, 2030 approaches.

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> collapse of the ruble

Still well off the '22 lows; that large shooting-star candle this week could even mark a turning point, let's see..


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