Jan 11, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

It really looks like your friend is grasping at the Ukrainians alleged massive casualties as being some kind of game changer. You could lump me in with those who believe that Ukrainian dead+maimed beyond further use troops is on the high end, like between 75-100k somewhere. But still even if my higher end estimate is real its just not enough to have any sort of decisive impact on anything.

I also wouldnt assume the danger of a Ukrainian offensive is passed, as a matter of fact if you are confident of a lower end for Ukrainian dead and permanently maimed like in the 30-50k range than they have more than enough guys to launch real strategic level offensives. Stanislav assumes higher end like me apparently but theres no debating at this point that the AFU is actually larger and better equipped now than last February. They are more dangerous, more confident and the AFUs upper level leadership honestly seems more competent than their Russian counterparts.

Im not taking anything away from Russias troops, as Ive said before given the crippling disadvantages imposed on them, the quality of their opponents (35-55 year old Ukrainian conscripts seem to be immovable objects, until they are dead you just arent getting past them) and how badly led they are from above Russias troops have been performing miracles. Mariupol was genuinely the most impressive victory of the war so far, with no significant numerical or equipment advantages the Russians beat Ukraines supposedly best troops who were defending in urban terran behind human shields. Wagner clawing Soledar away from the Ukrainians with no numerical advantages in shells or men is actually more impressive than anything NATO/the Ukrainians have pulled off so far. So im 100% pro Russia here but nonetheless I think Rosskovskey and Zhukov would rate Ukraines upper level military leadership much higher than Russias right now.

Also if stuff like this is true:


that Ukraine is forming corps that contain divisions as opposed to just Brigades than the Ukrainians certainly arent doubting their offensive prospects. As a matter of fact it looks like the Ukrainians are learning the relevant lessons from the war whereas the Russian generals are just typically apathetic. Our 5D wizards are assuring us that none of the cool kids are interested in offensives that have sufficient mass and concentration to achieve large cauldrons and decisively influence the course of campaigns but the Ukrainians seem to be changing their force structure to do just that.

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I slowly deleted all the pro-russians twitter accounts I followed since the beginning of the war.

The 3 last ones were praying the "victory" of Stalingrad.

I can understand than this is a victory for Russians and, maybe, for Poles, but watching west-europeans (or east-europeans except Poles or Russians) considering Stalingrad as a "victory", sorry, I can't.

2022 had started like a tunder of love and admiration, from me, to Russia, everything Russia did, make, etc. (I had even start considering, maybe...maybe fascists were the bad pig).

And this feel was aggravated by my awfuls readings (Martianov, his friend Larry, Xavier Moreau...even, time to time -I confess- the Saker...

Now, it's january 23, all my illusions are gone. No, Russia will not save western Europe. She just can accelerate, indirectly, the fall of our wokist regimes, by those crazy energetic (auto-)"sanctions". But I see Russia as a paralyzed giant, full of corruption, brainwashed by sovokism and liberalism.

Maybe it's too extreme....Probably, Russia is not a saint neither this absolute garbage (starting a war with 200 000 soldiers ! God !)

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Oh gosh, Thomas, thank you so much. I have been hesitant to kill anyone as yet but now that I have been formally diagnosed as a homocidal maniac I am free. Several saints have visited me in dreams and commanded me to destroy the heretics. I am doing God's work. But I have to say, this is hotter than I imagined. And it never mentions in the holy texts that you have to replace every stake after each burning. Worse, the bones don't burn and have to be carted to the dump. And now I am in trouble because dogs follow me each time and the council is asking awkward questions. Still, at least now I am on the right track. And I also now know you are not a Doubting Thomas. Thank you for your inspiration.

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The Bottom Line seems to be, 'Russian forces selected the battlespace (Soledar and Bakhmut) and are advancing - while Ukraine is collapsing their defensive line rearward in a semi-orderly way.'

What makes the above significant, in my opinion, if true, is that a Russian advance overrunning strongly defended positions (such as Soledar and Bakhmut) suggests the attacking Russian force may have ALREADY exceeded the "3:1 Rule," (attacking forces should be at least three times the force/size of the defender). I suspect the Russian force-ratio may already be much higher than 3:1. Maybe it's 5:1? 10:1? Who knows? I don't know. But what I do know, and what the ground gains indicate - whatever the ratio is - is that Ukraine appears to be withdrawing under pressure from superior force numbers.

Military doctrine teaches that when overwhelming "force concentration" is brought to bear, the difference in numbers itself acts as a force multiplier. Ukraine can't take a Russian gut-punch breakout in the East and simultaneously defend in the Northwest. Maybe that's why Ukraine is defending so tenaciously at Bakhmut. All the tectonic fault lines in Ukraine are under stress.

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In winter, the salient issue is fuel for warmth, and the primary logistics issues. It does not matter how many men either side has deployed if one side cannot supply its army; which is why Russia should be putting its efffort into sendng missiles into distant bridges, generators, administration buildings, water acquifers, and factories. ie cut off supply routes.

What I have understood from the outset is that Russia has double impact superiority in missiles, over the US. That should be the deciding factor. But if Russian supplies are running out, and factories are not re-engaed in production, then we US-occupied countries need to be informed of the truth. We need to know if Putin is the cautious leader of a nation whose bureaucracy is in the hands of the enemy... which is the emerging picture.

That being the case, we must plan our national sovereignty recovery without help, direct or otherwise.

I am so fucking sick of constant talking about issues that are irrelevant, such as how many dead on the Ukrainian front, or (from the global medical front) how many are dead from the jab. I want a calculation of when Putin is going to use his top missiles on his enemies, and when the global jabbed can be expected to die. These are the statistics that guide other participants in WWIII.

I am at the point of abandoning efforts to keep informed about anything that is happening on the Euro-continent because it is increasingly irrelevant. Nobody is watching the US/Japan abandonment of Fukushima contaiment, which means it is only a matter of time before the 3500 fuel rods reach flashpoint and render the northern hemisphere uninhabitable. Then both sides on the Ukrainian from will die, as will most of the US west coast. The rest of Americans will then be in a race to die from radioactivity or starvation.

Ukraine is a serious distraction from more urgent issues. Somebody explain this to the Russian generals and ask then why Zelensky is not already dead, along with his administration. And even more saalient, why has the EU administration not being warned it is in the cross-wires.

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What do you mean?

Nobody is watching the US/Japan abandonment of Fukushima contaimen

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I urge you to seek help, you are one sick puppy.

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Aw,,,Thomas, you might at least explain your insights into my terminal condition. It is so unethical to tell your patient he is ill, but then withhold diagnosis, prognosis, and prescription. Nervertheless, it is wonderful that you recognised my subliminal call for help. I will listen avidly but first, I need some time to chew up this shoe and then shit on the carpet. After that you will have my full attention. До скорого

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Diagnosis: Homicidal Maniac with paranoia and delusions of genocide.

Prognosis: Terminal

Prescription: Repent and ask the Lord to cure you of your blood lust.

So GFY dictator lover, or better yet, join the mass mutual masturbators at MoA and Telegram. Bunch of fuckwits you all are.

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Schizo and a homosexual walk into a bar..

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Removed (Banned)Jan 12, 2023
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Thank you, Kiko. I was unaware of that move. That must have been a kamakazi move. But I am happy to hear about that retrieval because I hunt fish in southern waters and I plan to make biodiesel out of shark livers. I'm not sure how good radioactive diesel will go in my landcruiser.

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Interested in your take on the Russians With Attitude boys in general.

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Oh they're midwit morons. But I have personal beef with them too.

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Removed (Banned)Jan 12, 2023
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They literally quit Russian nationalism because they were scared of me. The reason that RWA exists is because they decided to give up on Russian-language content.

They refuse to even utter my name, for it is a killing word to them.

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Removed (Banned)Jan 12, 2023
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They are, kind of.

They're basically just racist liberals who don't like Communism.

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When do you think the offensive will ultimately come? I was under the impression it was being postponed by the weather, as we wait for the ground to freeze -- however, it doesn't seem like we're going to get a sustained freeze this winter, as we keep getting periods of warmer weather.

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My Amerikan point of view is that both sides are probably working together behind the scenes and are dragging it out to kill as many young men and starve as many people as possible....installing the biometric system in Russia under cover of war is very telling....

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Marilynne... tsk tsk... you are so cynical. Unfortunately, your proffered perception is very likely the most accurate therein presented because it explains so much. ie If it quacks like a duck...

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