[Praying the Globalist Away, Rejecting the Black Pill Label, The Unravelling of the Social Contract, Elections as a Form of Worship, Is More Liberalism the Answer? Defeating the Leviathon and more!]
I really like how you do interviews. You allow your guests to speak but you also finish your points which is great because it builds upon the conversation. This is great stuff.
I don’t think you are a doomer. You just point out reality and people do not want to confront that reality. I was deep into Orthodoxy but you have valid critiques of the christian paradigm and what it seems to lead to. It is difficult to confront that. You are doing the Lords work! We need these truths
I agree that the "Doomer" critique is nuts. Why is there a requirement that if you point out the flaws or inaccuracies in a presentation, you are a spoiler unless you present an alternative? I'll give an example: in the 1890's many American Indians became embroiled in the Ghost Dance cult which claimed adherents would be immune to bullets. This inspired some Indian revolts culminating in the massacre at Wounded Knee.
Imagine someone who disagrees with the thesis that adherents of the Ghost Dance cult become immune to bullets. A critic would say "well, you criticize the Ghost Dance doctrine, but you present no other way to get rid of the White man. So stop telling our people they can be killed by bullets until you give them another way to get their lands back."
enjoyed a lot of this. not yet all the way through it. one thing about the quandary over why did Canada produce all these 'rightest' types for alternative media. the Canadian jew Ezra Levant got involved with setting up the e-girls in 2015 and Jordan Peterson. Peterson graduated from an all-jew high school so we can draw conclusions. how anybody could be of the opinion Peterson is some sort of intellectual writing smart books is beyond me. he's a banal dreary thinker with a voice perpetually tearful and pleading. Canadians have a inferiority complex which makes it ripe to generate subversives, beta level or lower with the aggressiveness that comes with inferiority. this was suitable for American males of similar quality, e-girls with Jordan Peterson were a Combination and were set upon the alternative media, by the usual suspects. Tucker Carlson eventually mainstreamed Peterson as per whatever his handlers tell him.
You might check out the videos by Mathew Ehret, a Canadian who constantly points out that Canada never really broke the umbilical cord with the British and thus never developed an independent identity. I should note that Rurik considers Ehret a spook, although I myself do not see evidence for that.
Women's suffrage point is a very subversive untruth, it was functionally the exact same at the "Civil Rights Movement", he can identify current top down moves but, not older ones? Very weird. The same People who did the CRM also funded the Terrorist Suffragettes.
People find it hard to understand the very simple founding concepts you set out for a tightly-knit, organised group capable of protecting itself from external control and, above all, internal betrayal.
We have a lot to relearn from the Jews in an organisational sense. Everything is done so that we hate each other and society collapses. We've swallowed it all like idiots and we're going to pay for it. There will only be a handful left among the ruins to rebuild everything.
Mercouris just said Turkey wants Russia to stay in Syria to give them leverage with the Americans. What kind of fucking kool aid do these people shoot in the vein? I guess leading the gullible ZAnon sheep pays enough to make it worth it to make a fool of yourself repeatedly
And if any Western leader had gone on national tv and announced that the entire Covid thing was a conspiracy and they were going to do absolutely nothing about it and every one should see it as a massive scam and ignore it???
That leader would have been removed in 24 hrs. by the fearful mobs of citizens and possibly stoned to death in the public square. No leader could have told the truth and survived because the public totally believed it and were experiencing extreme fear.
Re Trump , so we think that the people should have elected Kamala? Folk can only vote for the tools at hand.
Well the three African presidents / prime-ministers and the president of Haiti that went against the covid scam narrative are all swimming with the fishes
I'm afraid it is all a deadly charade - there are no good guys at the top. NATO and Russia are pals at the top. A protracted mostly conventional war is planned.
All dissent will be silenced, once at war. Wide powers will be assumed including food allocation - all for the war effort; anyone who complains will be a traitor - just like Goring said at Nuremberg.
1984 writ large.
Eventually a totalitarian regime is desired by the controllers so it is likely Russia will be favored.
It wouldn't surprise me if, at some point, The West and Russia align to fight China.
Russia has been nurtured by Western financiers since the revolution - and supplied with high-tech: nukes, MIRVs etc. The most sensitive things imaginable.
I'm sure the Chinese have their own plans and that doesn't include being under foreign domination.
Speech from the 1960s. Major George Racey Jordan was responsible for fascilitating the transfer of American Arms and Technology to the USSR during WWII under the Lend Lease Program. He kept a detailed diary including Primary Source documentation.
" Russia has been nurtured by Western financiers since the revolution - and supplied with high-tech: nukes, MIRVs etc. The most sensitive things imaginable. "
Why did the US literally create China's economy for them at the expense of " itself " ?
The mistake is to assume that both “sides” are thinking, when this isn’t the case. Both “sides” to the extent that they are real - and not manufactured fakes - are reacting emotionally to each other - which is what social media is designed to do. It is designed to capture attention, and the way it does that is to feature content that evokes strong emotion, usually outrage and fury, and censors reason (“against our community standards”) - and this is for a reason, see https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/fear-outrage-amygdala-hijack-social. The “sides” are just a tool used in this process of subjugation, by destroying the capacity for rational thought and critical analysis - and destroying attention span. It’s “how do you react to that” rather than “what do you think about that” - for the former, a reflexive response is called for, a reaction to a stimulus, for the latter, you have to step back and think. And for would-be totalitarians, thought of any kind is the enemy. If you extend the analysis to cults, an important - even vital - tool used is the process of "thought stopping" by various means - "In many cults, a simple technique is taught to people in order to keep away doubt from their minds: every time they have a thought that veers towards asking questions or criticizing something, they are taught to think some phrase over and over, such as “just believe,” in order to drown out that thought. We call these phrase “thought-stoppers.” This technique, by the way, is also used positively by people who suffer from certain mental disorders, so don’t think thought-stopping is all bad.
Another thought-stopping technique is the fear of punishment. If you expect to get punished for expressing doubt, you will naturally repress those doubts and eventually come to rationalize the suppression of doubt as a whole. In time, people naturally internalize the external enforcement of certainty. We observe this to be true in most, if not all, areas of life.
Granted, our social institutions are not as concentrated as a cult, so their thought-stopping methods will necessarily be more diffuse. And unlike the area of religion where naked, arrogant ignorance (faith) is still considered laudable, people require more persuasion to adopt this attitude in other areas of society.
There is the manichean worldview and its “we are the good guys, everything we do is good” perspective. I’ve already talked about this at length, so I will not repeat myself here. Suffice it to say that if you consider everything “your side” does as being good by definition, then this will necessarily shut down the capacity to criticize and seek out better alternatives to what is being done in your society. For instance, “this way of things is American, therefore if you oppose it, you are anti-American.”
Another thought-stopper is the exhortation to “think positive” and to not think about the negatives. According to the motivational speakers and other scamsters who push this nonsense, thinking positively makes us happy and fulfilled, and magically improves our lives. Being around “negative people” drags us down and makes our life worse (as echoed by Scientology’s sinister PTS/SP doctrine), and so does focusing on the negative side of things." https://francoistremblay.wordpress.com/2011/02/13/some-thought-stopping-techniques/
I'm a bit more optimistic than you. Look at how much effort by the totalitarian state to suppress even the expression of contrary information and opinions. For example, the vicious suppression of physicians and others expressing doubt about the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccine (or any vaccine, for that matter).
This seems to imply that the mere presence of contrary opinion is enough to challenge orthodoxy, in spite of all the mechanisms in place to stop people from thinking.
'A well-informed Moscow source comments there is no surprise in Moscow at Putin’s decision-making to favour Israel and Turkey at the expense of the Arabs and Iran. The source also warns that the surprise expressed by Anglo-American podcasters who support Putin in the Ukraine war “reflects their readiness to say what they believe the Kremlin wants to hear – with or without reward.”
An accurate guide to the Kremlin propaganda line right now, the source indicates, is a Moscow-based American academic named Andrew Korybko. He has turned the General Staff’s warning upside down, defending Putin’s decision to accommodate Israel and Turkey in Syria as reflecting the realistic military balance in the Middle East right now. “Putin is a proud lifelong philo-Semite,” Korybko says, “who never shared the Resistance’s unifying anti-Zionist ideology, instead always expressing very deep respect for Jews and the State of Israel…Russia dodged a bullet by wisely choosing not to ally with the now-defeated [Arab-Iranian] Resistance Axis since it would have needlessly ruined its relations with Israel, the undisputable victor of the West Asian Wars. Putin made the right choice, which was always driven by his rational calculation of what was in Russia’s objective interests as a state, not due to ‘Zionist influence’.”
“This is toadying,” the Moscow source comments, but indicative. “The toad is giving voice to those who think, plan, decide. He is giving the clearest official line on it all.” '
About that close alliance with China:
'Ex-President Dmitry Medvedev was then sent to Beijing on December 12 to explain and assure President Xi Jinping. Xi has not been reassured. The General Staff messaged Putin, “We told you so”.
Xi does not mean to end with Putin's Zionist knife in his back.
Recently, Elon Musk announced that his artificial intelligence program GROK, soon to be running on X Premium, will provide a summary to the active legislation on the Congressional docket.
GROK will summarize the basic ideas of the proposed legislation, and make it accessible to the public. Hopefully, this will allow the citizens to understand the "real purpose" of these laws.
The member of Congress, who, has admittedly not read the proposed legislation, may get to see more of what it’s about, if they have the time look, before making it the law of the land.
Everyone should get on board and ask Mr. Musk to include the line item RATIFY / ANNUL / UNDECIDED feature so that the will of the people can be made known about each and every matter of government importance.
All new laws must be Ratified in order to be put on the books or Annulled to take them off the books.
But why stop there?
The business of the State Legislatures should be included too.
The twelve thousand county commissioner’s country wide vote on hundreds of billions of dollars of activity every month…. And the local school board needs help too.
# A1. Should the US Congress allow the Citizens they represent to ratify or annul the laws, programs and policies they are governed by?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Undecided
# A2. As lawful agents of the Citizens should the US Congress and the State Legislatures create an enhanced voting franchise specifically designed to enable the demonstrably sapient segment of the population to ratify or annul the Laws, Policies and Programs of their own government bodies?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Undecided
# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?
a. citizens only - Yes No
b. natural born citizens only - Yes No
c. natural born citizens with four natural born grandparents - Yes No
d. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No
e. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No
f. anyone with a drivers license – Yes - No
# 2. Ages of Voter
g. minimum18 years
h. minimum 21 years
i. minimum 25 years
j. minimum 30 years
k. minimum 33 years
l. minimum 35 years
# 3. Sex of Voter
a. Male – Yes - No
b. Female – Yes - No
c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No
d. Transgender - Yes - No
# 4. Competence of Voter
e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No
f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No
g. tax exempt persons – Yes - No
h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No
i. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No
j. those receiving WIC – Yes - No
k. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No
l. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No
m. those that will pay a $5000 poll tax - Yes - No
n. those that have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax for their combined jurisdictions in excess of any received via SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ATFWDC - Yes - No
# 5. Genetic presence of Voter
a. Male without children – Yes - No
b. Male with children – Yes - No
c. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No
d. Female without children – Yes - No
e. Female with children – Yes - No
f. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No
g. Only married males with children, never divorced can vote. – Yes - No
# 6. Who should be trusted with the responsibility and power of public
a. Only those authorized to vote in the general election - Yes No
b. Male without children – Yes - No
c. Male with children – Yes - No
d. Female without children – Yes - No
e. Female with children – Yes - No
f. Only married males with children, never divorced can hold public office – Yes - No
g. Depends on the office - Yes - No
h. minimum18 years - Yes - No
i. minimum 21 years - Yes - No
j. minimum 25 years - Yes - No
k. minimum 30 years - Yes - No
l. minimum 33 years - Yes - No
m. minimum 35 years - Yes - No
#7. How long should a legally arrived, non-working, never worked in America, elderly
immigrant have to wait before they start collecting social security?
a. Six months
b. One year
c. Two years
d. Five years
e. never
#8. Presently the pharmaceutical companies that make “vaccines” are immune from liability.
QUESTION: should the makers of “vaccines” be immune from product safety liability?
Always good to hear a new podcast. Just have to say that 009 is not on the same level with Rurik or some of the other guests before. He scratches the surface but falls for many of the, a little bit deeper, propaganda narratives. "Women's were suppressed over thousands of years", "Ww2 was good democracies vs. bad totalitarian states", "Christianity will make everything good again". But always good to talk, as I like to say "in a good discussion everyone puts his presents of knowledge on the table". You can decide if or what presents you want to take. No knowledge is forced on anybody!
I enjoyed that discussion, there is so much there to unpack. You are definitely not a "doomer" as some may accuse you to be. One should never underestimate the power of TRUTH as a transformational force and those that close themselves off to such a force are either incapable or too fearful to sense and identify it.
Also, although both of you at times were in strong disagreement with one another you were both able to keep the discussion respectful, well mannered and flowing, kudos for that.
Despite differences between "dissidents", "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Trump has already surrendered to Putin. H still loves Putin for running that troll farm that tried to help Trump get elected in 2016. He still gets his info from RT , him and Tulsi share posts. Remember in Helsinki when Trump stood alongside Putin and said I trust Putin more than I trust the FBI? Imagine Putin just could not believe his luck , the Americans were shooting them selves in both feet and the head, in Russia , at Putin's side on the world stage! It was a true statement but displayed Trump's absolute lack of any situational awareness , the howls of treason were justified. Even after Solovyov ( Shapiro) and his smirking crew recently showed the naked photos of Melania on Russian national tv Trump remained in Putin's kennel , the two big dogs are soul mates in Trump's eyes. He has already lost the deal , his ego being bigger than the universe he just could not help but promise he would stop the war in 24 hours. To do that he has to agree to whatever Putin demands otherwise....no deal! He has never disguised his contempt for Zelensky and Ukraine and he has stated that attacking Russia inside her borders if verboten. He has declared he will stop the flow of arms on the first day in office......so his bargaining chips are what exactly? Well none , he has thrown down his cards and Putin wins by a royal flush . Putin will get the lot, all the stolen territory , no NATO or EU for Ukraine plus total disarmament and neutrality , Zelensky will be sent packing and Trump will select a Putin puppet to replace him , maybe Yanakovich will get a third term? Remember Trump's Jews are not Biden's Jews , the Ukrainian jews. Trumps Jews are the New York and Russian Jews , his son inlaw's Jews , Nuland is out ! So get the champers ready on ice Rurick , all your wet dreams are about to come true. Xi is cueing the Taiwan invasion as we speak , after all Trump has spoken , it is a free for all folks , invade and take what you want , we are no longer a player.
Bolshevik Hollywood Jews (Biden's Jews) are still subservient to Zionist Jews.
Communism and Zionism, the nation-destroying world-revolution and the new, nation-creating, ruling-class. The one has incited the mob; the other has gained mastery over rulers. Both were trendy activities in Imperial Russia for the Jewish population
Anyway, Dr. Chaim Weizmann’s book is the best single source of information about the twin roots of Communism and Zionism and their convergent purpose.
He explains that the Jews in Russia were divided into two groups.
They were divided by a vertical line which split households and families, including Dr. Weizmann’s own house and family. Both groups were revolutionary; that is to say, they agreed in working for the destruction of Russia. The dissension was solely on the point of Zionism. The “Communist-revolutionary” group held that full “emancipation” would be achieved when the world-revolution supplanted the nation-states everywhere. The “Zionist-revolutionary” group, while agreeing that the world-revolution was indispensable to the process, held that full “emancipation” would only be achieved when a Jewish nation was established in a Jewish state.
Bolshevik Jews just serve Israel's expanisionist aims. Trump will oversee the expansion of the greater Israel project.
The Kushner's are very close with th Netanyahu's and Trump's friend of 50 years Ron Lauder put Netenyahu in power .
I agree totally! But even when you point out this very lazy lack of discrimination to the Putin lover , it has no effect ! I was there , I was , I hated our Western governments and I loved Putin , now I don't hate him or love him , but to some degree I now understand him .The turning point was the failure of the SMO. Suddenly all my beliefs were in doubt. So I had to investigate and find out the truth as much as I could , after all I can't read minds , not yet. Then god's grace descended on me via his cleansing power and enlightening power ,The Slavland Chronicles and I was saved. Hallelujah! Now my point of view is that there are no , or very few if any good guys out here. Both sides , all sides are A-holes.There is no body coming to save us stalkers, no-one and I am at peace with that. The truth resolves all mental confusion and suffering .
Most Putin lovers either live in the west, but i doubt they will ever want to live in Russia. The other part of the Putin lovers are either non-westerners who hate the west and want to see it destroyed. They are jealous.
Rurik has pointed out that much of the tension between the US-globalist government and Russia has been that Russian oligarchs want more of the pie for themselves and the EU globalists are unwilling to share. That works for me. Instead of assuming one side is all good, you assume each side has its own interests and can be manipulated for your benefit. Finland very successfully maneuvered between the USSR and the West, until it inexplicably fell off the cliff and threw in its jewels with the EU and NATO.
The "saving grace" or better yet, the "coup de grace", is the exponential function - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZA9Hnp3aV4 - there are hard limits to economic growth, of which markets - and earnings growth dependent economies - are blissfully unaware...
I really like how you do interviews. You allow your guests to speak but you also finish your points which is great because it builds upon the conversation. This is great stuff.
I don’t think you are a doomer. You just point out reality and people do not want to confront that reality. I was deep into Orthodoxy but you have valid critiques of the christian paradigm and what it seems to lead to. It is difficult to confront that. You are doing the Lords work! We need these truths
I remember your post on that. I might even use it as a springboard for another essay.
I agree that the "Doomer" critique is nuts. Why is there a requirement that if you point out the flaws or inaccuracies in a presentation, you are a spoiler unless you present an alternative? I'll give an example: in the 1890's many American Indians became embroiled in the Ghost Dance cult which claimed adherents would be immune to bullets. This inspired some Indian revolts culminating in the massacre at Wounded Knee.
Imagine someone who disagrees with the thesis that adherents of the Ghost Dance cult become immune to bullets. A critic would say "well, you criticize the Ghost Dance doctrine, but you present no other way to get rid of the White man. So stop telling our people they can be killed by bullets until you give them another way to get their lands back."
enjoyed a lot of this. not yet all the way through it. one thing about the quandary over why did Canada produce all these 'rightest' types for alternative media. the Canadian jew Ezra Levant got involved with setting up the e-girls in 2015 and Jordan Peterson. Peterson graduated from an all-jew high school so we can draw conclusions. how anybody could be of the opinion Peterson is some sort of intellectual writing smart books is beyond me. he's a banal dreary thinker with a voice perpetually tearful and pleading. Canadians have a inferiority complex which makes it ripe to generate subversives, beta level or lower with the aggressiveness that comes with inferiority. this was suitable for American males of similar quality, e-girls with Jordan Peterson were a Combination and were set upon the alternative media, by the usual suspects. Tucker Carlson eventually mainstreamed Peterson as per whatever his handlers tell him.
You might check out the videos by Mathew Ehret, a Canadian who constantly points out that Canada never really broke the umbilical cord with the British and thus never developed an independent identity. I should note that Rurik considers Ehret a spook, although I myself do not see evidence for that.
Women's suffrage point is a very subversive untruth, it was functionally the exact same at the "Civil Rights Movement", he can identify current top down moves but, not older ones? Very weird. The same People who did the CRM also funded the Terrorist Suffragettes.
Older folks have their own civic religion related to the civil rights movements. Very hard to break through that and the White self-hatred.
Yes, I agree with you. It is I suppose a good thing that, People do not live forever, and what certainly cannot last forever is the Great Lie.
People find it hard to understand the very simple founding concepts you set out for a tightly-knit, organised group capable of protecting itself from external control and, above all, internal betrayal.
We have a lot to relearn from the Jews in an organisational sense. Everything is done so that we hate each other and society collapses. We've swallowed it all like idiots and we're going to pay for it. There will only be a handful left among the ruins to rebuild everything.
Mercouris just said Turkey wants Russia to stay in Syria to give them leverage with the Americans. What kind of fucking kool aid do these people shoot in the vein? I guess leading the gullible ZAnon sheep pays enough to make it worth it to make a fool of yourself repeatedly
What was it that Friedrich Nietzsche quipped about truth & illusions?
This guy is asleep. I recommend Alan Watt of Cutting Through The Matrix. Much more accurate on how the world works. He is stuck in the exoteric.
And if any Western leader had gone on national tv and announced that the entire Covid thing was a conspiracy and they were going to do absolutely nothing about it and every one should see it as a massive scam and ignore it???
That leader would have been removed in 24 hrs. by the fearful mobs of citizens and possibly stoned to death in the public square. No leader could have told the truth and survived because the public totally believed it and were experiencing extreme fear.
Re Trump , so we think that the people should have elected Kamala? Folk can only vote for the tools at hand.
Well the three African presidents / prime-ministers and the president of Haiti that went against the covid scam narrative are all swimming with the fishes
Lukashenko survived!
That is correct
For the inside on all the machinations,this is essential:
Kay Griggs pulls back the veil:
There have ben some lame attempts to discredit Griggs but they all fall flat, having heard what she says.
Wrong link
Rumsfeld and Kissinger were tight in NATO expansion and there are massive armed underground bases in Norway. Already set
And, Kissinger and Putin were buddy-buddy.
This is not good.
I'm afraid it is all a deadly charade - there are no good guys at the top. NATO and Russia are pals at the top. A protracted mostly conventional war is planned.
All dissent will be silenced, once at war. Wide powers will be assumed including food allocation - all for the war effort; anyone who complains will be a traitor - just like Goring said at Nuremberg.
1984 writ large.
Eventually a totalitarian regime is desired by the controllers so it is likely Russia will be favored.
All in my IMO, of course.
" I'm afraid it is all a deadly charade - there are no good guys at the top. "
Welcome aboard.
" Eventually a totalitarian regime is desired by the controllers so it is likely Russia will be favored. "
No, think China.
Wak, waka
It wouldn't surprise me if, at some point, The West and Russia align to fight China.
Russia has been nurtured by Western financiers since the revolution - and supplied with high-tech: nukes, MIRVs etc. The most sensitive things imaginable.
I'm sure the Chinese have their own plans and that doesn't include being under foreign domination.
Speech from the 1960s. Major George Racey Jordan was responsible for fascilitating the transfer of American Arms and Technology to the USSR during WWII under the Lend Lease Program. He kept a detailed diary including Primary Source documentation.
" Russia has been nurtured by Western financiers since the revolution - and supplied with high-tech: nukes, MIRVs etc. The most sensitive things imaginable. "
Why did the US literally create China's economy for them at the expense of " itself " ?
The mistake is to assume that both “sides” are thinking, when this isn’t the case. Both “sides” to the extent that they are real - and not manufactured fakes - are reacting emotionally to each other - which is what social media is designed to do. It is designed to capture attention, and the way it does that is to feature content that evokes strong emotion, usually outrage and fury, and censors reason (“against our community standards”) - and this is for a reason, see https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/fear-outrage-amygdala-hijack-social. The “sides” are just a tool used in this process of subjugation, by destroying the capacity for rational thought and critical analysis - and destroying attention span. It’s “how do you react to that” rather than “what do you think about that” - for the former, a reflexive response is called for, a reaction to a stimulus, for the latter, you have to step back and think. And for would-be totalitarians, thought of any kind is the enemy. If you extend the analysis to cults, an important - even vital - tool used is the process of "thought stopping" by various means - "In many cults, a simple technique is taught to people in order to keep away doubt from their minds: every time they have a thought that veers towards asking questions or criticizing something, they are taught to think some phrase over and over, such as “just believe,” in order to drown out that thought. We call these phrase “thought-stoppers.” This technique, by the way, is also used positively by people who suffer from certain mental disorders, so don’t think thought-stopping is all bad.
Another thought-stopping technique is the fear of punishment. If you expect to get punished for expressing doubt, you will naturally repress those doubts and eventually come to rationalize the suppression of doubt as a whole. In time, people naturally internalize the external enforcement of certainty. We observe this to be true in most, if not all, areas of life.
Granted, our social institutions are not as concentrated as a cult, so their thought-stopping methods will necessarily be more diffuse. And unlike the area of religion where naked, arrogant ignorance (faith) is still considered laudable, people require more persuasion to adopt this attitude in other areas of society.
There is the manichean worldview and its “we are the good guys, everything we do is good” perspective. I’ve already talked about this at length, so I will not repeat myself here. Suffice it to say that if you consider everything “your side” does as being good by definition, then this will necessarily shut down the capacity to criticize and seek out better alternatives to what is being done in your society. For instance, “this way of things is American, therefore if you oppose it, you are anti-American.”
Another thought-stopper is the exhortation to “think positive” and to not think about the negatives. According to the motivational speakers and other scamsters who push this nonsense, thinking positively makes us happy and fulfilled, and magically improves our lives. Being around “negative people” drags us down and makes our life worse (as echoed by Scientology’s sinister PTS/SP doctrine), and so does focusing on the negative side of things." https://francoistremblay.wordpress.com/2011/02/13/some-thought-stopping-techniques/
I'm a bit more optimistic than you. Look at how much effort by the totalitarian state to suppress even the expression of contrary information and opinions. For example, the vicious suppression of physicians and others expressing doubt about the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccine (or any vaccine, for that matter).
This seems to imply that the mere presence of contrary opinion is enough to challenge orthodoxy, in spite of all the mechanisms in place to stop people from thinking.
Or the orthodoxy is unstable, unsure, and downright paranoid - and as time goes on they have more real reasons to be paranoid...
Here's Helmer's criticism that Korbyko is the real Kremlin toady.
'A well-informed Moscow source comments there is no surprise in Moscow at Putin’s decision-making to favour Israel and Turkey at the expense of the Arabs and Iran. The source also warns that the surprise expressed by Anglo-American podcasters who support Putin in the Ukraine war “reflects their readiness to say what they believe the Kremlin wants to hear – with or without reward.”
An accurate guide to the Kremlin propaganda line right now, the source indicates, is a Moscow-based American academic named Andrew Korybko. He has turned the General Staff’s warning upside down, defending Putin’s decision to accommodate Israel and Turkey in Syria as reflecting the realistic military balance in the Middle East right now. “Putin is a proud lifelong philo-Semite,” Korybko says, “who never shared the Resistance’s unifying anti-Zionist ideology, instead always expressing very deep respect for Jews and the State of Israel…Russia dodged a bullet by wisely choosing not to ally with the now-defeated [Arab-Iranian] Resistance Axis since it would have needlessly ruined its relations with Israel, the undisputable victor of the West Asian Wars. Putin made the right choice, which was always driven by his rational calculation of what was in Russia’s objective interests as a state, not due to ‘Zionist influence’.”
“This is toadying,” the Moscow source comments, but indicative. “The toad is giving voice to those who think, plan, decide. He is giving the clearest official line on it all.” '
About that close alliance with China:
'Ex-President Dmitry Medvedev was then sent to Beijing on December 12 to explain and assure President Xi Jinping. Xi has not been reassured. The General Staff messaged Putin, “We told you so”.
Xi does not mean to end with Putin's Zionist knife in his back.
Recently, Elon Musk announced that his artificial intelligence program GROK, soon to be running on X Premium, will provide a summary to the active legislation on the Congressional docket.
GROK will summarize the basic ideas of the proposed legislation, and make it accessible to the public. Hopefully, this will allow the citizens to understand the "real purpose" of these laws.
The member of Congress, who, has admittedly not read the proposed legislation, may get to see more of what it’s about, if they have the time look, before making it the law of the land.
Everyone should get on board and ask Mr. Musk to include the line item RATIFY / ANNUL / UNDECIDED feature so that the will of the people can be made known about each and every matter of government importance.
All new laws must be Ratified in order to be put on the books or Annulled to take them off the books.
But why stop there?
The business of the State Legislatures should be included too.
The twelve thousand county commissioner’s country wide vote on hundreds of billions of dollars of activity every month…. And the local school board needs help too.
# A1. Should the US Congress allow the Citizens they represent to ratify or annul the laws, programs and policies they are governed by?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Undecided
# A2. As lawful agents of the Citizens should the US Congress and the State Legislatures create an enhanced voting franchise specifically designed to enable the demonstrably sapient segment of the population to ratify or annul the Laws, Policies and Programs of their own government bodies?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Undecided
# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?
a. citizens only - Yes No
b. natural born citizens only - Yes No
c. natural born citizens with four natural born grandparents - Yes No
d. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No
e. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No
f. anyone with a drivers license – Yes - No
# 2. Ages of Voter
g. minimum18 years
h. minimum 21 years
i. minimum 25 years
j. minimum 30 years
k. minimum 33 years
l. minimum 35 years
# 3. Sex of Voter
a. Male – Yes - No
b. Female – Yes - No
c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No
d. Transgender - Yes - No
# 4. Competence of Voter
e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No
f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No
g. tax exempt persons – Yes - No
h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No
i. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No
j. those receiving WIC – Yes - No
k. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No
l. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No
m. those that will pay a $5000 poll tax - Yes - No
n. those that have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax for their combined jurisdictions in excess of any received via SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ATFWDC - Yes - No
# 5. Genetic presence of Voter
a. Male without children – Yes - No
b. Male with children – Yes - No
c. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No
d. Female without children – Yes - No
e. Female with children – Yes - No
f. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No
g. Only married males with children, never divorced can vote. – Yes - No
# 6. Who should be trusted with the responsibility and power of public
a. Only those authorized to vote in the general election - Yes No
b. Male without children – Yes - No
c. Male with children – Yes - No
d. Female without children – Yes - No
e. Female with children – Yes - No
f. Only married males with children, never divorced can hold public office – Yes - No
g. Depends on the office - Yes - No
h. minimum18 years - Yes - No
i. minimum 21 years - Yes - No
j. minimum 25 years - Yes - No
k. minimum 30 years - Yes - No
l. minimum 33 years - Yes - No
m. minimum 35 years - Yes - No
#7. How long should a legally arrived, non-working, never worked in America, elderly
immigrant have to wait before they start collecting social security?
a. Six months
b. One year
c. Two years
d. Five years
e. never
#8. Presently the pharmaceutical companies that make “vaccines” are immune from liability.
QUESTION: should the makers of “vaccines” be immune from product safety liability?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Undecided
Always good to hear a new podcast. Just have to say that 009 is not on the same level with Rurik or some of the other guests before. He scratches the surface but falls for many of the, a little bit deeper, propaganda narratives. "Women's were suppressed over thousands of years", "Ww2 was good democracies vs. bad totalitarian states", "Christianity will make everything good again". But always good to talk, as I like to say "in a good discussion everyone puts his presents of knowledge on the table". You can decide if or what presents you want to take. No knowledge is forced on anybody!
I enjoyed that discussion, there is so much there to unpack. You are definitely not a "doomer" as some may accuse you to be. One should never underestimate the power of TRUTH as a transformational force and those that close themselves off to such a force are either incapable or too fearful to sense and identify it.
Also, although both of you at times were in strong disagreement with one another you were both able to keep the discussion respectful, well mannered and flowing, kudos for that.
Despite differences between "dissidents", "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Trump has already surrendered to Putin. H still loves Putin for running that troll farm that tried to help Trump get elected in 2016. He still gets his info from RT , him and Tulsi share posts. Remember in Helsinki when Trump stood alongside Putin and said I trust Putin more than I trust the FBI? Imagine Putin just could not believe his luck , the Americans were shooting them selves in both feet and the head, in Russia , at Putin's side on the world stage! It was a true statement but displayed Trump's absolute lack of any situational awareness , the howls of treason were justified. Even after Solovyov ( Shapiro) and his smirking crew recently showed the naked photos of Melania on Russian national tv Trump remained in Putin's kennel , the two big dogs are soul mates in Trump's eyes. He has already lost the deal , his ego being bigger than the universe he just could not help but promise he would stop the war in 24 hours. To do that he has to agree to whatever Putin demands otherwise....no deal! He has never disguised his contempt for Zelensky and Ukraine and he has stated that attacking Russia inside her borders if verboten. He has declared he will stop the flow of arms on the first day in office......so his bargaining chips are what exactly? Well none , he has thrown down his cards and Putin wins by a royal flush . Putin will get the lot, all the stolen territory , no NATO or EU for Ukraine plus total disarmament and neutrality , Zelensky will be sent packing and Trump will select a Putin puppet to replace him , maybe Yanakovich will get a third term? Remember Trump's Jews are not Biden's Jews , the Ukrainian jews. Trumps Jews are the New York and Russian Jews , his son inlaw's Jews , Nuland is out ! So get the champers ready on ice Rurick , all your wet dreams are about to come true. Xi is cueing the Taiwan invasion as we speak , after all Trump has spoken , it is a free for all folks , invade and take what you want , we are no longer a player.
Bolshevik Hollywood Jews (Biden's Jews) are still subservient to Zionist Jews.
Communism and Zionism, the nation-destroying world-revolution and the new, nation-creating, ruling-class. The one has incited the mob; the other has gained mastery over rulers. Both were trendy activities in Imperial Russia for the Jewish population
Anyway, Dr. Chaim Weizmann’s book is the best single source of information about the twin roots of Communism and Zionism and their convergent purpose.
He explains that the Jews in Russia were divided into two groups.
They were divided by a vertical line which split households and families, including Dr. Weizmann’s own house and family. Both groups were revolutionary; that is to say, they agreed in working for the destruction of Russia. The dissension was solely on the point of Zionism. The “Communist-revolutionary” group held that full “emancipation” would be achieved when the world-revolution supplanted the nation-states everywhere. The “Zionist-revolutionary” group, while agreeing that the world-revolution was indispensable to the process, held that full “emancipation” would only be achieved when a Jewish nation was established in a Jewish state.
Bolshevik Jews just serve Israel's expanisionist aims. Trump will oversee the expansion of the greater Israel project.
The Kushner's are very close with th Netanyahu's and Trump's friend of 50 years Ron Lauder put Netenyahu in power .
" Bolshevik Hollywood Jews (Biden's Jews) are still subservient to Zionist Jews. "
However, both of them are subservient to the true power. The Zohar / Kabbalah Jews.
I really like your guest, but you are trying to turn him into yourself, I hope he resists.
I agree totally! But even when you point out this very lazy lack of discrimination to the Putin lover , it has no effect ! I was there , I was , I hated our Western governments and I loved Putin , now I don't hate him or love him , but to some degree I now understand him .The turning point was the failure of the SMO. Suddenly all my beliefs were in doubt. So I had to investigate and find out the truth as much as I could , after all I can't read minds , not yet. Then god's grace descended on me via his cleansing power and enlightening power ,The Slavland Chronicles and I was saved. Hallelujah! Now my point of view is that there are no , or very few if any good guys out here. Both sides , all sides are A-holes.There is no body coming to save us stalkers, no-one and I am at peace with that. The truth resolves all mental confusion and suffering .
Most Putin lovers either live in the west, but i doubt they will ever want to live in Russia. The other part of the Putin lovers are either non-westerners who hate the west and want to see it destroyed. They are jealous.
Amen, brother
Rurik has pointed out that much of the tension between the US-globalist government and Russia has been that Russian oligarchs want more of the pie for themselves and the EU globalists are unwilling to share. That works for me. Instead of assuming one side is all good, you assume each side has its own interests and can be manipulated for your benefit. Finland very successfully maneuvered between the USSR and the West, until it inexplicably fell off the cliff and threw in its jewels with the EU and NATO.
The "saving grace" or better yet, the "coup de grace", is the exponential function - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZA9Hnp3aV4 - there are hard limits to economic growth, of which markets - and earnings growth dependent economies - are blissfully unaware...