16 hrs agoLiked by Rurik Skywalker

Thank you, Rurik. Great job once again. They should have you over at RT running the show.

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That’ll be the day lol 😂

Thanks 🙏

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Yes. Rurik would be a far better troll than that chick that's running it now.

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The military is the ideal way to steal yourself to fortune, if not fame, just build crappy stuff, charge billions in graft, and watch as it all gets blown up to cover your tracks - what a scam - the sky's the limit, and the evidence is blown to pieces - the perfect crime. And if people protest, they're just not patriotic...

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Or blow it up yourself, who would have thought an actual war would happen oi vey

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Should NoT have taken that damn red pill

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But what is esteemed military analyst Martyanon saying about this non-event (if it happened at all, that is)? Or multipolar pepe? Is Russia days/hours/minutes away from total victory still on their channels?

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As you are a somehow sophisticated and educated man, Rurik, you certainly can follow: You finally (I know I'm slow, but sometimes even I arrive at the truth) remind me of Kassandra. I just don't remember for what she was punished with the gift of being a seeker and simultaneously no-one believing her. What have you done, in this or in a former life?

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She promised her pussy to Apollo in exchange for the gift, then reneged on the deal

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The situation is so depressingly bad in Russia. Why is Putin okay with being humiliated like this? And why wouldn't the oligarchs want Russia to win? Wouldn't a victorious Russia be more profitable for them?

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And, yeah, I guess this is a conspiracy but still...

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Actually, the oligarchs make their money by skimming it off government enterprises. So the most profitable situation is a perpetual war where the economy is centralized on war production. The real question is, wouldn't it be in their interests to not have Russia decisively lose the war? If the Russian oligarchs come to feel they will be persecuted as Russians in the case of a decisive defeat, would that move them to stop skimming off defense expenditures and support a really effective effort?

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🇷🇺🇺🇦🇵🇱⚡- Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has proposed 'transferring Crimea' to a 'UN mandate state'.

Wouldn't be at all surprised if they did it and both sides proclaiming victory about it

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Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the lower house and a member of Putin's Security Council, made it clear that Ukrainian strikes against Russia by Western missiles will lead to a world war with the use of nuclear weapons and that Moscow's response will be with powerful more weapons.

He threatened also that"Europeans should understand that Russia's RS-28 Sarmat inter-intelling ballistic missile (s: known in the West as Satan II) would take just 3 minutes and 20 seconds to hit Strasbourg, where the European Parliament meets."

Getting to the eff you stage, now

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The satellite company Maxar has published images of the fire at the 107th ammunition arsenal in the city of Toropets, Tver region.

It is worth noting that a significant part of the fires is located outside the perimeter of the site, not within it. This suggests that at least some of the storage facilities (apparently the newer ones, built with more modern technologies) have successfully fulfilled their purpose and preserved the ammunition.

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I would think the older facilities are at the center, with newer facilities being built around the center as auxiliary storage.

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Dont exaggerate Rurik. The ammo depot was actually storing old Soviet supplies, which were out of date and waiting to be de-commissioned. The Ukies actually did Russia a favor and saved it lots of money. You must be a Western troll / bot / agent / A.I. or something.

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There's no evidence in all your references that the Toropets explosion was nuclear. In fact, they say the determination might need to be made by experts monitoring the situation. Untrained observers would not be able to make a definite determination. Thus, your assertion is speculative: possible but not proven.

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There is no proof for the agenda-driven.

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I read the references pretty carefully. Your logic is: If A then B; B exists; Therefore A.

In other words, there are commonalities between a nuclear explosive and conventional. An expert might be able to tell the difference. No such determination was made in the cases you cited. Therefore the conclusion is speculative.

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Then again, the corrupt Rooskies could have constructed the ammo bunkers out of cowshit and straw - the ammo being ignited by two little boys playing with matches.

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Once again, the very best thing the grunts fighting & dying on the frontline can do is turn their guns on their officers and end this senseless fratricide.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

They can't, most people have no concept of how big Ukraine is, when you are dumped at the frontline you are basicly stuck there and its usually a one way trip. If a drone spots you then you are likely gone. Meanwhile the commanders sit far back in cozy little bunkers. Probably having a phone line to the Ukrainian command aswell.

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One day they will have troops on the ground and Belarus will be on the way. They will have, then, to get rid of Lukashenko, because he is no traitor.

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I continue to be astonished by stories like this about Russia. Damn , what a shemozzle!

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