Could say he was “Earmarked” for the Presidency huh

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The real rulers had accomplished about as much as they could with the Demon Rats, so for a while they will use the Rhinos.

I think Trump was s'elected' for two reasons. One is that he is now no longer a loose cannon but a known quantity who is completely subservient to the 'Israel Firsters'. He is not a threat, just a yid with an un-yiddishly engaging extrovert personality who can pose as a useful front-goy and have his MAGAs cheering for the chance to pay and die for Israel.

The second reason is that the constitutional government of the USA is just a false-front for the real rulers, who use non-electoral institutions - the corporations, the media, academia, the spook-state, Christianity, entertainment and advertising etc to control how people are allowed to feel and think and behave, and drive the goyim to their self-inflicted destruction. None of the totally controlled politicians, least of all Trump will allow any recognition of this obvious fact, let alone oppose it. To the limited extent that the official political facade has any influence, it is completely controlled.

It has been statistically demonstrated that the USA is not a democracy, or a 'constitutional Republic'.

Back around 2014, I think it was Stanford or Yale did a statistical study on how power is exercised in the USA. They reached two conclusions. One was that the wishes of the public had 'no discernible influence' on the legislation that was passed. The second was that the success of the various lobbyists promoting possible laws was 'directly proportional to the money spent'. Ain't Democracy wonderful ? Maybe they'll try it some day if somebody removed the kakistocratic kleptomaniac plutocratic bureaucratic xenocrats who actually rule.

Relax and enjoy the show as a character who escaped from a TV series presides over the next stage of American collapse. The ratings will be 'YUGE'!

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That study sounds interesting. Any chance for the name of the article or a link?

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I’ve linked it before I’ll try to remember where

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Not after a decade! Your internet search skills may find it.

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I've read articles which have mentioned this phenomenon.

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Time will tell. However there are a few things that you did not consider and I'd like your thoughts on them:

1. Your numbers comparing the votes for 2020 and 2024 are flawed. Your basic premise holds but you are comparing total vote counts for 2020 with preliminary vote counts for 2024 as there are still many stays counting votes even now (which is strange in itself). After all votes are counted I doubt Trump will have less votes than 2020, and Kamala's vote gap will have lowered to maybe around 10 to 13 million. It's still a lot but not as much as you claim.

2. There are plausible reasons why it was harder for the dems to cheat this time:

- There were way more citizen observers watching making any indication of fraud going viral on X

- There was even an election integrity community on X created by Elon Musk for this putpose

- Lara Trump had a team of 3500 lawyers (500 per swing state) and 230,000 poll observers ready. They aggressively pursued lawsuits against many counties and states preventing anything that violated election law such as accepting mail in ballots past the deadline, closing polling locations early and stopping the count overnight before a state got called.

Again I'm not saying you are wrong but these are at least some arguments why it might be plausible. I think we'll have to judge the Trump administration on their deeds.

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>- Lara Trump had a team of 3500 lawyers (500 per swing state) and 230,000 poll observers ready. They aggressively pursued lawsuits against many counties and states preventing anything that violated election law such as accepting mail in ballots past the deadline, closing polling locations early and stopping the count overnight before a state got called.

I don't think this is true.

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Do you think she just made up all of the stuff she posted on Twitter?


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Yeah, she’s just a pretty face. Boomer-bait.

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Yes. I follow Robert Barnes who is in the thick of the legal work to protect the integrity of the election. According to Barnes, it was the mail-in ballot fraud and the massive loosening of ballot verification that allowed the swing states to go for Biden by very small margins. And you're correct that he described the large Republican effort to monitor ballot integrity and to ensure that mail-in ballots came from the people they were supposed to come from. https://vivabarneslaw.locals.com/

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Barnes is a fat fraud. His “analysis” of the rittenhouse trial was so completely wrong. All predictions fell flat. Self-aggrandizing fat moron of a man.

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I'm tempted to ask for a link for your version of where Barnes went wrong on his analysis of the Rittenhouse trial. Seems to me his predictions on the election were pretty spot on. He predicted a Trump landslide and Republican control of Congress. He also heads a corporation, 1776 Law Center, that does pioneering work in maintaining the legal rights of Americans. All in all, I'm very impressed with Barnes' work as far as it goes on American issues. I'm not so onboard with his analysis of Middle East affairs. I think he vastly downplays the tyranny of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.

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So Barnes is an Israel supporter eh?

🍕 🖥

He has that look.

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Barnes avoids commenting on current Israeli actions although he makes it clear he's not at all sympathetic to Hamas or the Palestinian authority.

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He went on a diatribe condemning antisemitism on the right several times to boot. I believe it was part of a smear campaign targeting Nick Fuentes accusing him of being a foreign agent/fed.

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Here is a triumphant account of just how the Deep State managed to skirt election integrity laws in the 2020 election and enable massive mail-in ballot fraud in swing states. The laws were bypassed on an "emergency" basis due to the Covid hoax. The whole mess was given cover through extra-legal understandings between progressive judges and compliant state secretaries of state:


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Why did they want Trump to win this time? Simple. They believe the Trump/Vance ticket will be more effective at implementing the ZWO agenda than the Harris/Walz ticket would have been.

Now we wait and see if they actually sacrifice the gentile messiah with an "Iranian illegal immigrant terrorist." I give it 60% odds at this point.

Coupled with a cyberattack on the banks by "Iranian hackers," they get some of the biggest things on their wishlist - war with Iran, CBDC'S, and digital ID's. With the orange haired clown out of the way and Peter Thiel's boy (toy?) Vance in charge, they could implement the agenda with far less resistance. People would be begging to be enslaved. The Republican House and Senate would rubber stamp all of the pre-written freedom killing legislation presented to them. Heck, they may even conduct a "legal" war by congress declaring war.

Hopefully not much happens other than a clown show like last time, but I have a bad feeling we may be in for a wild ride.

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Any puppet was better then Biden at this point, he was a total demented nutcase spewing gibberish and making a fool out of himself. He was just a walking clown, which they had to spend alot of time and energy into. They dont want that, so Trump was the better candidate as he is bought and paid by jews and married his daughter off to one.

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A bit of a thread hijack, but the Butler Pennsylvania assassination attempt did seem to be a very big deal for a lot of people but anybody who saw the 12-day-later ear photo of now president elect Trump knew that 2 cm had never been clipped away by a bullet. No scab, very little evidence of any previous wound, except maybe of a little WWE-style self inflicted nick.

Hoping to get somebody to tell me I'm full of it, but Kevin Barrett recommended this video by John Hankey titled Trump in the Crosshairs. https://www.unz.com/audio/kbarrett_john-hankey-discusses-his-new-film-on-fake-trump-shooting-in-butler/

It contains video from that day that shows at the time of the first shots the alleged shooter was not visible over the crown of the gently sloped roof and his body's final location was at least 10 feet back. The shape of his "gun" was not an ar-15 but was a lot like a commercially available rubber training "gun". Three police snipers were at all times about 50 feet behind him in the next building back.

Somebody please save me from the conclusions I'm drawing, because nicking your own ear is good theatre, but killing Comperatore is beyond sinister.

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Couldn't resist, eh?

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I'll wade into the dross pit of political prognostication:

-On Day 1 Trump will announce some sort of performative action vis-a-vis the nimrods who fell for the bait on Jan 6. A blanket pardon across the board would be surprising as all get out. He'll leave some to rot, probably the ones who actually beat up on some cops that day. And the dude who took a dump on Pelosi's desk(but not the guy who snapped the picture of it.)

-For the first 100 days(ALWAYS a gay-as-hell agenda every single frickin' administration insists upon hyping up for the media's benefit It's a requirement, and it's lame) there will be some tepids-grade deportation field exercises. Some impressive-sounding number of Coolies Without Papers will be rounded up. A couple hundred of thousand at the most. There will be Congressional quibbling over funding, logistics, recruitment of new agents, blah un blah. Some number of the trash heap will be flung back over the fence. Not enough. The actual courts and, more importantly, the court jesters of public opinion will mewl and wail , "The horror! The horror!" and some unrelated, disastrous event will take center stage just as the Barcalounger Brigade starts to cry foul. The focus will shift to The New News and people will lose interest. By then Trump will have already begun to backslide on the whole mass deportation legerdemain; "Well, if we deport them all it will actually cause inflation to rise, sharply. You said you wanted lower grocery prices, so..."

-They'll try to pull some shit with Iran. I don't think it's going to work. Even the retards in my country are getting hip to the scheme. No one is going to sign up willingly to die for this butthole nation. It will be a bust.

-At that point I think it is a distinct possibility that they will wax Trump for real. Get V.P. Vishnu to go on camera, all tears in his eyes and mascara running down his soft, doughy cheeks, howling for blood. Even that won't work, as enough people will be privy to some Internet outlet for sense and sensibility and will know better than to fall for this clap-trap. Then the Jews will bomb some heartland type gatherings, a couple of Big Ten homecoming games, really ratchet up the body count. That will work. They'll take down the Internet while useless men and women march off to war, never to be heard from again.

-By then it will be mid-term election season and The Reconstituted Demos will have a new selection to choose from. Project MAGA will be totally FAGA and no one will fucking care anymore and the balance of power will swing back the other way.

-And all the while our country looks, smells, and feels shittier and shittier by the day.


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I already knew Trump was going to win when he was talking with Zelensky and the media was making a big deal out of it before the election. No one even mentioned Kamala Harris and Zelensky wasnt even bothered talking to the bitch.

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100% accurate, except for the comment about Waltz being a normal guy.

The obviously-staged ‘assassination attempts’ (that included a public execution) couldn’t have made it any more clear that Trump was/is the rulers’ chosen one, and the entire media establishment was in on it. And it also made clear that Trump is a monster who will do anything for his cult.

Of course Kamala is a cult member too, with a faked family history, but the problem with her was that too much of her base has at least some aversion to mass slaughter (except if it’s in Ukraine, it seems). The dems would’ve increasingly lost their base with an expanded Middle East war. Trump and his blood-thirsty fake Christians, who cheer and rally for the cult that openly intends to wipe them out, are needed for the coming wars, same as they served the Bushes.

My suggestion is, write about US politics whenever you feel inclined, as almost nobody else can get their mind out of the propaganda stream.

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Don't make me crack the whip on you, Rurik, get to work exposing the ethnic Mafia!

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I like RFK Jr, especially if he gets put into the health/agriculture roles he was gunning for - I hope he doesn't get dropped because they don't need him for optics anymore

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Apparently he's a bit of a nut job and that's why his second wife killed herself. But I too love the media image that has been crafted for him and even though he is establishment he helps shift the Overton window. I think any role he's put in will require both hands tied behind is back and toothless. Hope I'm wrong.

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This is the best explanation I have seen:

No attack of conscience from the Dems and no cabal selection of Trump.




Not too big to rig, too much late same day volume and large R early turn out. They got to 90% too quickly on the count, the only way to push the numbers needed would be to roll that back to 75% and restart the count. Too much volume too late for them to finish their steal.

11:09 PM · Nov 6, 2024




Nov 6

Many military couldn’t vote, my bro and his wife overseas never got their ballot




Nov 6

It's worse that that, and sorry. They pulled out all the same stops as in 2020, they just could not match the volume. They did not expect the early vote numbers to be as comparable as they were and that left them unprepared for same day volumes.




Nov 6

And not, this was not a "totally" legit election. Still looking like 10-15% of the votes are actually just thin air with D's next to them. Bit of oddities in TX as well. Penn, Wis, and Mich are very suspect. The numbers should be much higher for the R's in all 3 states.

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I mean Trump had Rudy Giuliani pursue the electrical rigging in the courts. But it seemed quite toothless the argument they were focusing on compared to everything else that was known about how it was rigged. And then he hung him out to dry. But that's 911 Rudy. Just do a Deep Dive on him. 3rd time around they knew how Trump could be changed. Peter Thiel is basically the president even more so than before. Look how the economy boomed. They have their man. If they go into Iran there will need to be a 911 false flag event to drum up support or they could just kill Trump blame it on Iran and with Vance boom.

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Electrical rigging?

Yeah Giuliani is dirty as fuck. One of the key actors in the post-9/11 coverup

They won't get rid of Trump tho. Vance is a nobody. But Trump can convince millions of stupid white men to fight for Israel.

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Amen, brother, preach it!

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Today was kind of an exception to the rule.

I just subscribed again hoping that you continue your thoughts like these - would aprreciate it.

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Hello . After the results of the 2020 election, I remember something similar to Trump saying he had done so much for Israel and that Bibi had betrayed him. I took this to mean that Israel flipped the election in Biden's favour. In the end, if we want to really speculate, I would think an intellectually weakened American Biden-Harris presidency stacked with a series of pro-Israel ministers and admins would be perfect for eventually setting up an American government incapable of opposing a Likud organised 7 October attack on Israel and the future genocide of the Palestinians. Ironically by losing the election, in some ways Trump was spared the embarrassment of the 7 October attack and its consequences during his presidency. Trump was blessed by now being put in a position where he can come in and be a so-called peace maker both in the Ukraine and Gaza. Obviously this will not stop the Israelis from entering Gaza with their economic development programs to build on the rubble they created, thus appropriating the lands through aid initiatives sponsored by international organisations controlled by Israeli financiers. The Hamas and Hezbollah organisations Israel created - even Israeli newspapers agree they were financed and organised by Israel, are in a constant phase of being eliminated because they no longer serve a useful purpose - a lesson to be learnt ! I do not see Trump leading the States into a major war. Many older prophecies predicted the years 2025-27 being the period of the great war. If I were to predict, I would say China during this period will attack the West with Israel by its side. Those Chinese in positions of power today who read 'Wolf Totem' at the beginning of 2000 realise their sense of power as a 'pack'. They are now in positions of authority and feel they can conquer whatever and whomever stands in their path. And thanks to Israel's control of the cyber space, many nations will be toast ... burnt and without butter. And so life goes on ...

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Hello . And so I insist ... Gaza is China's port on the Mediterranean for its Belt and Road Initiative. Israel is simply opening the door. China is full of Western technology provided by Israel .. however, think Hamas pagers which were backdoored ! Trump is the goy Chabad Rebbi. He'll support Israel as obliged to do by his campaign patrons. But his America First program will be toast ... burnt and without butter. And life goes on ...





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