Trump has had 8+ years to assemble the "best people," and he's once again chosen the ultimate fanatical blowhard, Seb Gorka, for a top National Security job that's not even subject to Senate confirmation. "Trump gets tricked into poor personnel choices" is laughable at this point
What would've happened if the USSR never de-Stalinized? Would've Beria, Malenkov, or Molotov succeeded Stalin? How would've the Cold War played out?
in 1953, Beria was briefly the strong man. He released prisoners and wanted reforms such as more personal freedom, semi-autonomy for the Baltic States and Ukraine, and a slow transitions to a capitalist system with good relations with the West.
He was executed because his policies were seen as being too radical.
In 1954, the Soviet leadership wanted to join NATO, transition slowly to a capitalist society, and introduce a multi party system, basically what Beria had aimed for a year earlier.
This was supported by all NATO countries except the US.
The 1954 minutes of the National Securing Council meetings under Eisenhower are chilling to the bone. It was decided the Soviet Union needed to be destroyed, having them as a friend and ally was not an option. The existing war plans were updated to include biological attack options for Strategic Air Command. There were three options:
All out nuclear attack followed by biological strikes. This was part of Project Control.
Continuing to support dissident forces within the Soviet Union and try to start a civil war. This was a continuation of Project Wiggart.
Destroy the Soviet Union economically by increasing the arms race. This is what happened as Wiggart failed and the advent of the R-7A ICBM meant the Soviets could now hit US soil so Control was abandoned.
The Cold War would have played out the way it did historically. The US wanted to destroy the Soviet Union no matter what which is exactly what happened. Luckily the nuclear attack options with additional biological attacks never materialized.
The biological warfare options were so horrible that in 1958 General LeMay formally asked Eisenhower Strategic Air Command be relieved of biological warfare attacks (they had 45 B-29 converted for such attacks).
Basically, it didn’t matter what happened inside the Soviet Union, the US wanted the country destroyed.
"Our assessments made 10 to 15 years ago are coming true.
When the Americans withdrew from the ABM [Anti-Ballistic Missile] Treaty, they said they would deploy their positioning areas in European countries for the sole purpose of defending against Iran and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
We analysed their plans and the way they looked and said right away that this had nothing to do with Iran, but was rather an attempt to create unilateral advantages in a face-off with our country, to ratchet up tensions and to pursue a policy to contain Russia.
All of our assessments have come true."
Excerpt from remarks and answers by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to questions following his participation in the 15th Sir Bani Yas International Forum, Abu Dhabi, November 15, 2024.
What Zanon does not understand that while Ukraine might have less manpower than Russia, they are fighting on the Defense, and are willing to trade a grainfield or a bombed out town in order to inflict massive casualties on the advancing Russians. This is the tactic most German generals only dreamed of during ww2 but were forbidden to use by Hitler. Also this latest ICBM attack by Putin is a joke, it seems it was more for increasing popularity back home than to scare Zelensky or NATO. Pro Z chatgrounds went wild with Putin latest new toy claiming that Putin was getting very serious now and how Russia could use these weapons to kill Zelensky and win in Ukraine with a push on a button. But then again the news came out that Putin warned his dear western partners in the US 30 minutes before he launched this supposed new terror weapon.
Giving Ukraine Nucleair weapons may be a game changer move, western banks and corporations have invested too much money in Ukraine to let it go now, so if Ukraine starts to loose more and more ground they probably will get nukes as a deterrant and safe guard for western interests. The Russian economy is already on its knees with massive inflation and shortages. The prospects are not looking good for ordinairy Russians with a traitor and incompetent like Putin at the helm.
The internet meme among the red-blooded, red-pilled Dissident Right was the Biden's cabinet was full of Jews, who saw the world in terms of "It's always 1939!" or "It's another Munich!"
["Munich" being shorthand for "Hitler's successful avoidance of war through fair and just compromise, only to have war forced on him by Churchill's Jewish masters"]
Now we have Trump appointing the apparently goyishe Gorka, who claims Putin's invasion is "another Sudetenland!"
Zelenskyy is going to vaporise 100m Slavs and Putin is just going to sit there in his bunker asking his Generals why the Su-57 Dorito spinner didn't intercept them, isn't he?
Also wtf is this shit: "He says Ukraine will fight not just to the last man, but to the last 12 year
old -- "They will fight to the last child" American's are a disease (this also will not happen).
I agree though and the Jackson Hinkle cope will be hard, but just know that he will likely be the one collecting and sending all of the target coords *back to the CIA*.
Also comparing the Russian Army to the SS & the Wehrmacht lol get real Putin in less than 1000 days the German's had entered Moscow (and then had been pushed back to Bavaria *using American Weapons* <sounds familiar this story>)
YES , YES , YES, Let loose the nukes of war , what a story to tell the grandkids, " I was present when the nikes flew ", what an experience it will be , I love it!
I think you're 100% right, that Trump will end up sending nuclear weapons to Ukraine. If he didn't like the "Biden" escalation policy, he would have already said something. Instead, his admirers are forced to resort to playing a "re-surfaced" campaign video, hoping that no one will notice how old it is.
But, I'm not convinced that the Oreshnik was such a dud. Speculation has it that the warhead consisted of 36 metallic slugs totaling about 800 kg of earth penetrating bunker-buster, which would be equivalent to about 6 tons of TNT exploding well below the surface. If that's true, you wouldn't expect to see much from outer space.
Yeah, I'm one of those miscreants who pays both you and Simplicius, and I even read Scott Ritter (for free). I think you're all looking at different parts of the same elephant.
And of course you're right that ZAnon are always wrongly predicting Ukraine's military failure. Not sure if they're slyly encouraging NATO to send more money and arms to Ukraine, or whether they're just endlessly "optimistic" and looking at the future through rose red tinted glasses.
You're also right that Ukraine has been bombing Russian targets located deep behind the front lines, for a year now. Using Western components and technology for their home-built drones and missiles, and Western intelligence for targeting. So this new deal with ATACMS is not as huge a difference as Putin is making it out to be.
The Russian MOD keeps indicating that most of these drones and missiles get shot down, and that the overall damage amounts to a mere pinprick. From your Russian sources, do you get any sense of how bad the damage really is? What portion of the stockpiles, or percentage of annual production, is being destroyed? Or in other words: how long can Russia keep taking what Ukraine and NATO dishing out?
If you see the amount of gains the Russians made this year compared to 2022 its a big joke and not really something to write about. Its like during the battle of Stalingrad where they were celebrating the capture of invididual buildings or fields. The war now is largely a stalemate and being fought by drones and later robots.
Territory is only changing hands slowly, but you win wars by destroying armies, not taking land. Ukraine is bleeding out its last easy manpower reserve. If Ukraine is forced to rely on resentful conscripts and prisoners their combat power will degrade and they’ll start losing land to Russia more quickly.
That’s why i don’t think this round of warnings is Ukrainian fundraising - pointing out AFU is running out of men is a lie e doomer take bc there is no amount of foreign aid that can make up for not having enough boys willing to fight and die for their side.
There is zero appetite for putting NATO boots on the ground in Ukraine in western societies, so ringing the alarm bell in Ukrainian manpower will not help the west escalate support, it will just demoralize Ukraine supporters.
Ukraine is sacrificing and taking high attrition in some units in Kursk because they want to hold it for negotiation. Russians there use fiber optic drones because they are fighting in their own land and which are un-counterable by jamming. In Don Bas its still the old grinding story of massive Russian attacks across open mine fields while Ukraine just pulls back and bleed the Russians with drones,artillery and mines. I agree the land and towns the Russians capture are useless and unimportant. Only when they get to the Dnepr and threaten major cities like Kharkov,Dnepropretrovsk or Zaporizhia it will have and meaning, but i don't see this happening in the next 5 years if the war will last that long. And the west is not going to let Ukraine lose, they invested to much so it will either be settled with NATO stepping in and giving Ukraine nukes or a deal that will be made which i think is more likely. This war is unsustainable for Russia in the long run with already low birthrates and big economic problems.
What's mysterious to me is, if Russia is really in such poor shape, why isn't China more overtly supporting Russia? Both the MEGA hawks and the MEGA doves seem to view China as the next enemy to be confronted. And it's easy to provoke a war with China: just get Taiwan to declare independence.
Logically, China should be doing everything possible to support Russia. As it is, China is basically observing US sanctions on Russia and Chinese banks are even turning down Russia's SWIFT alternative to avoid US sanctions. Why isn't China as a matter of overriding security, supporting Russia completely?
I myself can only think of one reason. Rurik has documented the difficulty Russia has in acting in its own self-interest to the point that the Ministry of Defense kingpins siphon off funds intended to supply troops. And with no accountability whatsoever.
Is it possible China judges Russia's war to be unwinnable as long as Russia tolerates this type of corruption? It's like trying to help a passive-aggressive person. The PA person will always self-sabotage any effort to help him because his self-image is as a loser. If that's the case, China might as well eek out all the profit to be made from US transactions, even at the expense of Russia.
This is, of course, my thoroughly non-expert opinion informed only by what I read in The Slavland Chronicles.
> ... why isn't China more overtly supporting Russia?
> Why isn't China as a matter of overriding security, supporting Russia completely?
Great question!
Answer: That's because they know Putin's treacherous ways. They know that he worships the West and wants to be in that club, as pretty much everyone in Kremlin, hence they estimate that Putin would betray China in an instant if the West offers him a bone. China saw how he betrayed Serbia, Libya, Armenia, North Korea, and pretty much everyone West targeted, so they act accordingly.
Putin was scouted by Primakov (Kremlin deep state / swamp player), screened and approved by Kissinger, and trained by Schwab [1][2]. He actually attended Schwab's Young Global Leaders' training with Angela Merkel and Tony Blair, after which they were deployed in their respective countries.
E.g. Putin already imported 15 million Muslims into Russia, following the exact same NWO plan as in Germany and the rest of EU.
[1] Klaus Schwab in 2019 speaks of Putin (1952), Tony Blair (1953), and Angela Merkel (1954) as his Young Global Leaders back in the 90s - fast forward to 1:14
" What's mysterious to me is, if Russia is really in such poor shape, why isn't China more overtly supporting Russia? "
There are many games of " good cop, bad cop " being played concurrently right now. However, when the music stops two countries will show to have been gaming the rest. Guess which, and Israel is not an option.
Nukes are nasty. Low yield tactical nukes are arguably worse than full scale nukes, since they spread lots of radioactive waste without having as much to show for it.
We're talking about soil that grows cancer-causing crops for up to 300 years. It'll get into the global food chain and poison people all over the world.
Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) suggests Putin won't be able to accept any of the conditions the US proposes for Ukraine. "We have to face the fact that not all wars end in a peace agreement," says Rounds. "The outcome is one that may very well not be anything except victory for Ukraine"
One of the things making me think the West will not give Ukraine nukes is that I don't think there's much doubt that if Zelenskyy gets nukes, he will use them. If nukes are actually used against Russian forces, I doubt that Putin will be able to continue his balancing act. He's answerable to the oligarchs and perhaps the West, but also to the Russian people. Putin arrests opponents and critics but I doubt if he could do much to dampen mass dissatisfaction if Russia is actually subject to a nuclear attack.
So the logic of nuclear proliferation kicks in. If Zelenskyy uses nukes, Russia is almost certain to respond with nukes, tactical or otherwise. The West would likely feel itself compelled to reply with nukes, tactical or otherwise. There's no way it wouldn't escalate into a full nuclear war.
So, even if Biden wishes to destroy the US, and I have no doubt he does, he and his family are too likely to get caught in a nuclear exchange even in government bunkers. I doubt that Putin could stay in Russia if he didn't reply to a nuclear attack in kind. And Putin knows once he puts himself under Western protection, he'll either end up on meat hooks like Mussolini or spend the rest of his life in solitary confinement in the Hague.
Trump has had 8+ years to assemble the "best people," and he's once again chosen the ultimate fanatical blowhard, Seb Gorka, for a top National Security job that's not even subject to Senate confirmation. "Trump gets tricked into poor personnel choices" is laughable at this point
BBBBUT , MAGA , MAGA....!!!!!!
From Quora: Thierry Etienne Joseph Rotty
Former Central Planning at NATOOct 30
What would've happened if the USSR never de-Stalinized? Would've Beria, Malenkov, or Molotov succeeded Stalin? How would've the Cold War played out?
in 1953, Beria was briefly the strong man. He released prisoners and wanted reforms such as more personal freedom, semi-autonomy for the Baltic States and Ukraine, and a slow transitions to a capitalist system with good relations with the West.
He was executed because his policies were seen as being too radical.
In 1954, the Soviet leadership wanted to join NATO, transition slowly to a capitalist society, and introduce a multi party system, basically what Beria had aimed for a year earlier.
This was supported by all NATO countries except the US.
The 1954 minutes of the National Securing Council meetings under Eisenhower are chilling to the bone. It was decided the Soviet Union needed to be destroyed, having them as a friend and ally was not an option. The existing war plans were updated to include biological attack options for Strategic Air Command. There were three options:
All out nuclear attack followed by biological strikes. This was part of Project Control.
Continuing to support dissident forces within the Soviet Union and try to start a civil war. This was a continuation of Project Wiggart.
Destroy the Soviet Union economically by increasing the arms race. This is what happened as Wiggart failed and the advent of the R-7A ICBM meant the Soviets could now hit US soil so Control was abandoned.
The Cold War would have played out the way it did historically. The US wanted to destroy the Soviet Union no matter what which is exactly what happened. Luckily the nuclear attack options with additional biological attacks never materialized.
The biological warfare options were so horrible that in 1958 General LeMay formally asked Eisenhower Strategic Air Command be relieved of biological warfare attacks (they had 45 B-29 converted for such attacks).
Basically, it didn’t matter what happened inside the Soviet Union, the US wanted the country destroyed.
Say hello to useless idiot Captain Fkn Obvious:
"Our assessments made 10 to 15 years ago are coming true.
When the Americans withdrew from the ABM [Anti-Ballistic Missile] Treaty, they said they would deploy their positioning areas in European countries for the sole purpose of defending against Iran and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
We analysed their plans and the way they looked and said right away that this had nothing to do with Iran, but was rather an attempt to create unilateral advantages in a face-off with our country, to ratchet up tensions and to pursue a policy to contain Russia.
All of our assessments have come true."
Excerpt from remarks and answers by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to questions following his participation in the 15th Sir Bani Yas International Forum, Abu Dhabi, November 15, 2024.
What Zanon does not understand that while Ukraine might have less manpower than Russia, they are fighting on the Defense, and are willing to trade a grainfield or a bombed out town in order to inflict massive casualties on the advancing Russians. This is the tactic most German generals only dreamed of during ww2 but were forbidden to use by Hitler. Also this latest ICBM attack by Putin is a joke, it seems it was more for increasing popularity back home than to scare Zelensky or NATO. Pro Z chatgrounds went wild with Putin latest new toy claiming that Putin was getting very serious now and how Russia could use these weapons to kill Zelensky and win in Ukraine with a push on a button. But then again the news came out that Putin warned his dear western partners in the US 30 minutes before he launched this supposed new terror weapon.
Giving Ukraine Nucleair weapons may be a game changer move, western banks and corporations have invested too much money in Ukraine to let it go now, so if Ukraine starts to loose more and more ground they probably will get nukes as a deterrant and safe guard for western interests. The Russian economy is already on its knees with massive inflation and shortages. The prospects are not looking good for ordinairy Russians with a traitor and incompetent like Putin at the helm.
Kill Zelensky? After promising not once, not twice, but thrice to fellow Chabadnik Naftali that he won't? He's a goy of his word, man!
The internet meme among the red-blooded, red-pilled Dissident Right was the Biden's cabinet was full of Jews, who saw the world in terms of "It's always 1939!" or "It's another Munich!"
["Munich" being shorthand for "Hitler's successful avoidance of war through fair and just compromise, only to have war forced on him by Churchill's Jewish masters"]
Now we have Trump appointing the apparently goyishe Gorka, who claims Putin's invasion is "another Sudetenland!"
Truly, a mandate for change!
Zelenskyy is going to vaporise 100m Slavs and Putin is just going to sit there in his bunker asking his Generals why the Su-57 Dorito spinner didn't intercept them, isn't he?
Also wtf is this shit: "He says Ukraine will fight not just to the last man, but to the last 12 year
old -- "They will fight to the last child" American's are a disease (this also will not happen).
I agree though and the Jackson Hinkle cope will be hard, but just know that he will likely be the one collecting and sending all of the target coords *back to the CIA*.
Also comparing the Russian Army to the SS & the Wehrmacht lol get real Putin in less than 1000 days the German's had entered Moscow (and then had been pushed back to Bavaria *using American Weapons* <sounds familiar this story>)
YES , YES , YES, Let loose the nukes of war , what a story to tell the grandkids, " I was present when the nikes flew ", what an experience it will be , I love it!
I think you're 100% right, that Trump will end up sending nuclear weapons to Ukraine. If he didn't like the "Biden" escalation policy, he would have already said something. Instead, his admirers are forced to resort to playing a "re-surfaced" campaign video, hoping that no one will notice how old it is.
But, I'm not convinced that the Oreshnik was such a dud. Speculation has it that the warhead consisted of 36 metallic slugs totaling about 800 kg of earth penetrating bunker-buster, which would be equivalent to about 6 tons of TNT exploding well below the surface. If that's true, you wouldn't expect to see much from outer space.
Yeah, I'm one of those miscreants who pays both you and Simplicius, and I even read Scott Ritter (for free). I think you're all looking at different parts of the same elephant.
And of course you're right that ZAnon are always wrongly predicting Ukraine's military failure. Not sure if they're slyly encouraging NATO to send more money and arms to Ukraine, or whether they're just endlessly "optimistic" and looking at the future through rose red tinted glasses.
You’ve come a long way, Jerry.
Keep pushing forward
Thanks Rurik!
You're also right that Ukraine has been bombing Russian targets located deep behind the front lines, for a year now. Using Western components and technology for their home-built drones and missiles, and Western intelligence for targeting. So this new deal with ATACMS is not as huge a difference as Putin is making it out to be.
The Russian MOD keeps indicating that most of these drones and missiles get shot down, and that the overall damage amounts to a mere pinprick. From your Russian sources, do you get any sense of how bad the damage really is? What portion of the stockpiles, or percentage of annual production, is being destroyed? Or in other words: how long can Russia keep taking what Ukraine and NATO dishing out?
If you see the amount of gains the Russians made this year compared to 2022 its a big joke and not really something to write about. Its like during the battle of Stalingrad where they were celebrating the capture of invididual buildings or fields. The war now is largely a stalemate and being fought by drones and later robots.
Territory is only changing hands slowly, but you win wars by destroying armies, not taking land. Ukraine is bleeding out its last easy manpower reserve. If Ukraine is forced to rely on resentful conscripts and prisoners their combat power will degrade and they’ll start losing land to Russia more quickly.
That’s why i don’t think this round of warnings is Ukrainian fundraising - pointing out AFU is running out of men is a lie e doomer take bc there is no amount of foreign aid that can make up for not having enough boys willing to fight and die for their side.
There is zero appetite for putting NATO boots on the ground in Ukraine in western societies, so ringing the alarm bell in Ukrainian manpower will not help the west escalate support, it will just demoralize Ukraine supporters.
Ukraine is sacrificing and taking high attrition in some units in Kursk because they want to hold it for negotiation. Russians there use fiber optic drones because they are fighting in their own land and which are un-counterable by jamming. In Don Bas its still the old grinding story of massive Russian attacks across open mine fields while Ukraine just pulls back and bleed the Russians with drones,artillery and mines. I agree the land and towns the Russians capture are useless and unimportant. Only when they get to the Dnepr and threaten major cities like Kharkov,Dnepropretrovsk or Zaporizhia it will have and meaning, but i don't see this happening in the next 5 years if the war will last that long. And the west is not going to let Ukraine lose, they invested to much so it will either be settled with NATO stepping in and giving Ukraine nukes or a deal that will be made which i think is more likely. This war is unsustainable for Russia in the long run with already low birthrates and big economic problems.
If these stories are leaking Ukriane’s manpower crisis is going to lead to battlefield defeat by this time next year unless you have western combat formations deploying with western air forces.
What's mysterious to me is, if Russia is really in such poor shape, why isn't China more overtly supporting Russia? Both the MEGA hawks and the MEGA doves seem to view China as the next enemy to be confronted. And it's easy to provoke a war with China: just get Taiwan to declare independence.
Logically, China should be doing everything possible to support Russia. As it is, China is basically observing US sanctions on Russia and Chinese banks are even turning down Russia's SWIFT alternative to avoid US sanctions. Why isn't China as a matter of overriding security, supporting Russia completely?
I myself can only think of one reason. Rurik has documented the difficulty Russia has in acting in its own self-interest to the point that the Ministry of Defense kingpins siphon off funds intended to supply troops. And with no accountability whatsoever.
Is it possible China judges Russia's war to be unwinnable as long as Russia tolerates this type of corruption? It's like trying to help a passive-aggressive person. The PA person will always self-sabotage any effort to help him because his self-image is as a loser. If that's the case, China might as well eek out all the profit to be made from US transactions, even at the expense of Russia.
This is, of course, my thoroughly non-expert opinion informed only by what I read in The Slavland Chronicles.
> ... why isn't China more overtly supporting Russia?
> Why isn't China as a matter of overriding security, supporting Russia completely?
Great question!
Answer: That's because they know Putin's treacherous ways. They know that he worships the West and wants to be in that club, as pretty much everyone in Kremlin, hence they estimate that Putin would betray China in an instant if the West offers him a bone. China saw how he betrayed Serbia, Libya, Armenia, North Korea, and pretty much everyone West targeted, so they act accordingly.
Putin was scouted by Primakov (Kremlin deep state / swamp player), screened and approved by Kissinger, and trained by Schwab [1][2]. He actually attended Schwab's Young Global Leaders' training with Angela Merkel and Tony Blair, after which they were deployed in their respective countries.
E.g. Putin already imported 15 million Muslims into Russia, following the exact same NWO plan as in Germany and the rest of EU.
[1] Klaus Schwab in 2019 speaks of Putin (1952), Tony Blair (1953), and Angela Merkel (1954) as his Young Global Leaders back in the 90s - fast forward to 1:14
[2] “So we penetrate the cabinets”, Klaus Schwab in 2017 ... | Twitter
" What's mysterious to me is, if Russia is really in such poor shape, why isn't China more overtly supporting Russia? "
There are many games of " good cop, bad cop " being played concurrently right now. However, when the music stops two countries will show to have been gaming the rest. Guess which, and Israel is not an option.
Nukes are nasty. Low yield tactical nukes are arguably worse than full scale nukes, since they spread lots of radioactive waste without having as much to show for it.
We're talking about soil that grows cancer-causing crops for up to 300 years. It'll get into the global food chain and poison people all over the world.
Land mines are bad, but this is worse.
Dismantle Russia and let China take the Western oblasts allowing for a nice little scare to prep for WW3.
Uh-oh, patriot peacemaker alert!
Michael Tracey
14 h
Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) suggests Putin won't be able to accept any of the conditions the US proposes for Ukraine. "We have to face the fact that not all wars end in a peace agreement," says Rounds. "The outcome is one that may very well not be anything except victory for Ukraine"
Here is Rurik's part 2 of the interview (oh, by the way, George Bush's New World Order speech was made on September 11, 1990)
One of the things making me think the West will not give Ukraine nukes is that I don't think there's much doubt that if Zelenskyy gets nukes, he will use them. If nukes are actually used against Russian forces, I doubt that Putin will be able to continue his balancing act. He's answerable to the oligarchs and perhaps the West, but also to the Russian people. Putin arrests opponents and critics but I doubt if he could do much to dampen mass dissatisfaction if Russia is actually subject to a nuclear attack.
So the logic of nuclear proliferation kicks in. If Zelenskyy uses nukes, Russia is almost certain to respond with nukes, tactical or otherwise. The West would likely feel itself compelled to reply with nukes, tactical or otherwise. There's no way it wouldn't escalate into a full nuclear war.
So, even if Biden wishes to destroy the US, and I have no doubt he does, he and his family are too likely to get caught in a nuclear exchange even in government bunkers. I doubt that Putin could stay in Russia if he didn't reply to a nuclear attack in kind. And Putin knows once he puts himself under Western protection, he'll either end up on meat hooks like Mussolini or spend the rest of his life in solitary confinement in the Hague.