It is a masterful play by Washinton, go full on escalation these last weeks when Biden is still in and put Putin into a corner and risk ruining a peace deal with Trump if he decides to retaliate. My bet is that Trump will continue to support Ukraine and they played Putin for a fool all along. In essence Putin already gave up, why would they want to keep low and take some kind of deal with Trump if the SMO is going succesful and according to plan? Nato is smelling the weakness, even Putin's nucleair threats and brushed off and called a bluff. Which i believe is correct, Putin has been making these Nuke threats since the late 90s and early 2000s. Also gas is still being pumped through Ukraine even to this day and Russian raw materials are still traded with the west to make tanks,artillery and shells to kill Russians.
Most people don't understand that Trump is a con artist sales man, now that he knows he is getting into office he is already changing his tune. Putin is going to get some sleepless nights now, i heard he is already ordering construction of bomb shelters in Moscow.
Never any solution from you Rurik, only witty remarks and so-called factual observations. I heard your voice in that interview you did. You sound like a disgruntled mid 30’s Westerner who proclaims love for Russia and hopes to help her by keeping pressure up on it. Maybe that’s partially true. But the fact of the matter is you sound just like every other Jingoist retard in JFK’s inner circle during the Cuban Missle Crisis. Pick a side already you fucking faggot, nothing worse than a cynical pussy throwing jabs and offering no solutions. To be, you’re just another CIA nigger acolyte keen on watching the world burn just because you are not part of either clique. Have a nice time, enjoy your subscription money while you plan your next article making jokes about the possibility of the world coming to an end! 😇
Solution? Just vote harder, go to Church, donate to Ritter and move to Russia.
And thanks for the financial support, you fucking mouth-breathing ape.
I see from your subs that you donate money to Simplicius and Ritter too lmao. No wonder you're seething. By the way, I can still ban you from commenting if you continue slurring me. Unlike your idol Putin, I actually enforce my red lines. Besides, you already paid the money, so ..
Nice strawman. I also donate to your substack, so whats that make me? Also to Seymour, John M., Bloomberg News and the London Times. Jeez, all it took was for me to call you a faggot/pussy/glowie and you revert to strawmanning?
I never said you were wrong. I never said vote, move to Russia or donate to Ritter.
Have you nothing else to say for yourself but putting words in other peoples mouths?
Unlike you, I can actually take criticism without reverting to logical fallacies.
1. I'm an annual paying subscriber because I value your opinion.
2. I also value keeping a pulse on what A)
Mainstream media and B) "Alt-Lite" media have to say.
Nonetheless, the insane amount of bravado and smug attitude coming from your last 30 posts as you do victory laps celebrating that you dunked on....uh...The Duran and General Telegram keyboard commanders? lol?
Congratulations, you are winrar amongst tards!
Ex-RT, western educated and “High-Class” nomadic pseudo-intellectual playing armchair general and Gnostic-In-Training? 😂
Before commenting this reply, I had no intention of cancelling my subscription. I enjoy criticism and critique of the powers that be. But after reading your other comments/notes, I can see your just another nihilistic black-pilled yuppie faggot who cries over the “death-knell of our race” (your words, not mine)
That's a weak move on your part, simply because you 'slurred' him with personal invective right back, and then tell him he'll be banned for 'slurring'. That's called hypocrisy. There are more mature ways of dealing with that situation...
So, when an actual investigative journalist gives you the facts of a story, do you insist the story is irrelevant unless the reporter gives a workable solution? The job of reporters and commentators is to get the officials to do their job. It's not to do their jobs for them. Why would someone not in power spend time and effort in constructing detailed solutions that would likely be ignored?
One immediate action that can be taken from Rurik's information is that if you're planning to move to Russia to get away from the oppressive Deep State and away from population replacement, then think twice or three times.
James seems like a good guy, he just wants to believe that's all. The Unz Review has been selling the BRICS/Putin will save the world for years now, like most "alternative" media.
The Stormer has been hosted in Russia for years now, maybe it has something to do with it, Anglin knows Putin isn't what he would like his readers to think, he's not dumb.
"Russian internet services companies present another option for extremist websites like the Daily Stormer.
After using a DNS hosted in China, the website switched to a .su address—the top-level domain for what used to be the Soviet Union. Until Saturday, Russian-owned DDoS-Guard was providing distributed denial-of-service attack protection to the Washington state-based hosting company VanwaTech, which, in turn, was providing hosting services to the Daily Stormer and 8kun, the forum formerly known as 8chan"
"According to the Guardian, DDoS-Guard “was registered under a limited partnership, a financial structure in Scotland that allows non-residents to create companies with little scrutiny, on 24 November 2017 by Aleksei Likhachev and Evgeniy Marchenko—two Russian businessmen who remain owners of the company.” The partnership under which DDoS-Guard is registered is called Cognitive Cloud and is listed at an address in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Among DDoS-Guard’s reported rogue’s gallery of a client list compiled by cybersecurity expert Brian Krebs are HK Leaks, a website dedicated to doxxing Hong Kong protesters and journalists—an activity that has been promoted by groups linked to China’s Communist Party. Other clients, according to Vice, include the Russian Ministry of Defense, the FSB (the Kremlin’s secret service), and, as Krebs reported, the official website of Hamas, the Palestinian group labeled a terrorist organization by the U.S. government."
Not that I trust freaking Foreign Policy and he did lose the .su domain, but hey it kinda checks out.
The company names change all the time, they're either in Moscow or Saint Petersburg, it was even Yandex Cloud at some point, it's been that way for some years, at least since 2022 when they switched to the current .in domain, I don't remember before that.
Why do they keep changing companies all the time I have no clue. Their Registrar is based in Mumbai though.
Tsar Botox has now really painted himself, and the country he purports to lead, into a proverbial corner. Given Zion Don’s designate “defense “ secretary—the utterly unhinged & abhorrent Pete Hegseth—the Biden claque are merely teeing up more tension between Washington & Moscow to ensure either a prolongation of this oh so profitable fratricide, or force the 5D chess master to accept the most ignominious terms for a truce that will merely buy more time for Ukraine & NATO to prepare for the next phase of Russia’s dismemberment.
"Biden claque are merely teeing up more tension between Washington & Moscow to ensure either a prolongation of this oh so profitable fratricide" - it's called "pissing in Trump's cornflakes", trying to get a hot ground war going, like what the CIA and the MIC tried to do with JFK in the Bay of Pigs in 1961...
You seem to forget that JFK ran to the right of Nixon in 1960 peddling the spurious "missile gap" with the USSR. As for Trump, just look at the warmongers he's surrounding himself with.
That was the original case with JFK, that's correct - but things changed, when he was confronted with a fait accompli at the Bay of Pigs. He didn't fold and fall into line as expected, it went the exact other way, resulting in his firing of Allen Dulles and his comment “I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind.” See for details.
As for Trump, he accurately does not see Russia as a military threat, and in fact may see it as a potential ally against the Chinese, who are a definite threat to Russia - note China's policy moves in the Far East and Siberia - and to the US, especially Chinese acquisition of port facilities in Central and South America.
Moscow Facing Ever Greater Problems Getting Troops to Fight in Ukraine
Paul Goble
Executive Summary:
Moscow is facing ever greater problems filling the ranks of its invasion force. Increasing signing bonuses and pardons for those who serve are less effective than advertised.
The Kremlin is turning to ever more repressive and deceptive measures, but these are not working well either. Activists are spreading awareness and even helping soldiers evade service through desertion, flight, or open revolt.
Despite polls suggesting the contrary, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war is unpopular, negatively impacting the Russian army in the field and the public perception of its veterans, whom Putin plans to build a new elite around.
Ever since Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his expanded invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Moscow has faced serious problems in filling the ranks of his invasion force. Plans in the fall of 2022 for a partial mobilization sparked a massive emigration from the Russian Federation, forcing the Kremlin to seek other means to fill the ranks. The most prominent has been expanding soldier’s eligibility to include older and less physically fit men as well as immigrants and foreigners such as North Koreans (Window on Eurasia October 11, October 12; see EDM, September 13, October 31, 2023, August 7, October 10). The Russian government has additionally been offering increasingly larger signing bonuses to entice potential recruits (see EDM, October 24). Convicts have been pardoned, and cases are being dropped against the accused if they agree to serve. For the latest and, in some ways, the most disturbing case, Russian officials are suggesting that those not yet charged or convicted in the Dagestan anti-Semitic attacks should be allowed to serve in Ukraine as an alternative to prison (, November 15).
Until recently, these approaches have allowed Moscow to maintain, if not significantly increase, the number of men in its forces in Ukraine. The Kremlin’s tactics, however, have also had negative consequences for unit cohesion and undermined the image of the army as former criminals return home as veterans and commit new crimes (Window on Eurasia, February 4, March 5, June 24; see EDM, September 24;, November 14). These instances have led Russians to question Putin’s much-ballyhooed plan to build a new Russian elite around such veterans (see EDM, July 29).
In recent months Moscow’s problems regarding recruitment have increased as Russian combat losses in Ukraine have risen to 30,000 or more a month. This has made service there less attractive, regardless of how large the bonuses Russian officials are prepared to pay or even the pardons they are willing to offer. Russian officials are not only increasing all three of these efforts but also expanding to other more repressive and deceptive tactics to maintain the number of effectives in its ranks (see EDM, October 10). This is a matter of concern for officials in Moscow, but it is not something on which the government media has reported. A growing network of anti-war activists inside the Russian Federation, however, is collecting such data (Window on Eurasia May 10, November 16). Among the most prominent of these groups are Let’s Go into the Woods, the Draftees’ School, the Soldiers’ Mothers of St. Petersburg, the Movement of Committed Refuseniks, and Call to Conscience First Line. These groups pooled their findings in a 3,000-word report that the independent Holod news agency posted online a week ago (Holod, November 12).
The compilation reports on the tactics Moscow is increasingly adopting to try to fill the ranks. These tactics include the use of false advertisements promising one kind of work, but after signing up, the individuals are sent to the front; threatening former convicts with new charges and prison sentences; suggesting evidence will be planted on them to ensure people are convicted unless they agree to join the military; and telling draftees that they will be sent into combat unless they sign up for longer terms of service, and then sending them to the frontlines anyway. These anti-war groups provide information about numerous cases for each deception, changing only the names so as not to land those involved in more trouble. Even though they are not in a position to provide statistics about how widespread these problems are currently, their reporting points to the problems that Moscow is facing in raising men for its invasion force and highlights issues that many observers have been pointing out in recent months. Despite the Russian people’s widespread but largely passive support for Putin’s war, that support does not extend as far as volunteering to fight.
An even more immediate problem for Moscow regarding force levels in Ukraine may be the revolt at a Russian military base near Novosibirsk. A group of soldiers who were about to be sent to Ukraine chose to revolt and flee rather than risk service on the frontlines (Sibreal, November 16). This is not the first revolt among soldiers resisting being sent to Ukraine. Similar occurrences took place in December 2022 in Kaliningrad and Murmansk, but according to the SibReal news portal, what happened on the outskirts of Novosibirsk was “one of the largest after the beginning of the war against Ukraine.” According to that portal, Russian military courts have already handed down more than 10,000 sentences against Russian soldiers who have sought to avoid service in Ukraine. As such, the Novosibirsk rising may well be a harbinger of what will happen at other Russian bases if, as in this case, officers try to send soldiers who are near the end of their service times or who may already have served a tour in Ukraine back to the frontlines.
If the past is any indication, the Putin regime will seek to solve this problem by increasing repression, bringing more criminal charges against those who refuse to join the military or follow orders to go to the frontlines. This, however, may not be the solution the Kremlin thinks it is if an increasing number of Russian men would rather go to prison than fight and risk death. Even if such men can be forced to go into the Russian military, it is a virtual certainty that they will be less disciplined and enthusiastic soldiers than the Kremlin and their commanders on the scene want and need. In turn, as long as Russian combat losses remain high, the clock is ticking for Russia, whose military may not be able to sustain recent gains, however many problems the Ukrainian forces arrayed against them now suffer.
Well, it's still a propaganda channel, so they most likely pump those rookie numbers up. Do you have credible estimates from the non-ZAnon Russian side as to their losses?
Well now people have the internet, so they know what happends to their comrades. In past conflicts people never saw the whole picture. Now even the most low IQ idiot soldier can smell that something is up in this shady un-winable war. Its on of the main reasons also Putin banned Youtube and cracked down on social media. Putin at this point failed his people and is possibly one of the biggest traitor's Russia ever had. He will likely end up lynched or end up at the Hague if he does not die of stress and old age.
"The Turkish proposal envisages the creation of a demilitarized zone in the eastern Donbas region of Ukraine where Russia has controlled large swathes of territory since 2014. Erdogan will suggest that international troops could be deployed there as an additional guarantee and that Ukraine would be assured of military supplies to compensate for agreeing to be left out of NATO.”
This is the same thing I suggested here in a blog comment a little over a year ago, that both sides, like punch-drunk fighters - both sides, mind you - would just get sick and tired of the whole mess and quit the fighting and come up with a solution like this:
"Putin wants Ukraine and Crimea for reasons no one is talking about: Russia's economy is based on extraction/production of fossil fuels and mineral resources. Russia continues to sell low and moderate enriched uranium to the US and the West, about $1 billion worth to the US alone, and the Gazprom pipeline across Ukraine is still operating, through which billions of dollars worth of natural gas and potentially oil flows to Europe - oddly enough, being in an active war zone, this pipeline (unlike the rather more inaccessible Nordstream pipelines) has never come under shell or rocket fire. Most of this extraction/production activity is now in Russia's Far East and Siberia - and that's where a lot of Russia's heavy machinery production is, in places like Omsk, Khabarovsk, Chelyabinsk, and Barnaul, as well.
And this region is highly vulnerable to Chinese incursion - all it takes is a quick move over the Amur river - you can see China from Omsk. And the Chinese have attempted it before, in the 1970s, when Chinese forces got nearly to Irkutsk, before the Soviet Army threw them back across the border. The Russian Army isn't close to being as strong as the Soviet Army, and the Chinese PLA is far, far stronger than the PLA of 50 years ago. And the Chinese have redrawn their maps and have laid claims to this Far East and Siberian territory, and perhaps it is a matter of time before the Chinese will figure that the Russian Army has been attritted sufficiently for the Chinese to make a move which will be highly advantageous to them - right now they import about 85% of their energy resources, a lot from Russia.
Ukraine is rich with fossil fuels and rare earth mineral resources - the second largest stock of lithium ore in Europe, amongst other rare earth minerals, especially in Eastern Ukraine (and stretching across to Romania), and in Crimea and in the Black Sea south of Crimea and Odessa - there has been a lot of exploratory drilling going on in this area and has been since 2014. Turkey is active in this as well. And these parts of Ukraine and Crimea have warmwater port facilities (at Sevastopol, and Feodosia on Crimea, and Mariupol and Taganrog on the Sea of Azov adjacent to the Black Sea), unlike Vladivostok, so transport of resources can go on year round - and there is no threat of Chinese incursion. So there are very good reasons, that Putin, with his PhD in Natural Resource Economics (1997) from the St Petersburg Mining University, wants Ukraine and Crimea, so badly.
And this could be part of a peace deal, because, as Putin has found out, the infrastructure for extraction, processing, storage, and transshipment of fossil fuels and minerals (lithium burns in air an makes for spectacular fires which can't be put out until the lithium is gone) is highly vulnerable to rocket attack - and without a peace deal in place Putin will be unable to use these resources even though he may have captured the land. So there are these considerations as well that could come into play.
OK, so here’s the plan:
A cessation of hostilities to take place on 21 January, at 21:21:21 Moscow/Kyiv time - that’s 9:21:21 pm. Full stop, no more weapons fired after this time, no more ordnance arriving on target after this time - which would involve a bit of calculation as to flight time, but it can be done. Explosions of land mines do not count, but no new mines to be laid after this time.
Hostilities cease at the stop lines achieved by the two sides at 21:21:21 Moscow/Kyiv time, this stop line will be the western/northern border of the Autonomous Regions of Luhansk/Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaporhizhzhia/Zaporhozhia, and Kherson.
A group of Autonomous Regions will be formed, as follows:
The western/northern border will be the stop line as mentioned above in Paragraph 2, the northern/eastern/southern border of the Autonomous Regions will be the border of the Russian Federation adjacent to Luhansk/Lugansk and Donetsk Oblasts; a line midway between the lands of the Russian Federation and the lands of Donetsk and Zaporhizhzhia/Zaporhozhia in the Azov Sea beginning at the border of the Russian Federation at the northern land extent of the Azov Seam, and continuing down to the Kerch Strait; then to a line midway between the lands of the Russian Federation in Krasnodar Krai, such parts of Georgia occupied by the Russia Federation lying on the Black Sea, and the land of Georgia, and the coastlines of Crimea and Kherson Oblast; terminating at a line drawn from North to South in the Black Sea, originating at the western border of Kherson Oblast, and terminating at that point in the Black Sea either defined as international waters, or recognized to be a part of Turkey on the south. It may be more convenient to make the Autonomous Regions - including Crimea - one contiguous and united region, under one name, although comprised of the regions mentioned above, as a confederation.
This Autonomous Region (or set of regions, or confederation thereof) shall not in any way be a part of either the Russian Federation, or Ukraine. It may be a part of both BRICS and the EU, or neither, but it may not be a part of BRICS and not of the EU, or vice versa - it’s both or none. It will not be a part of NATO, or any Russian-involved or -led counterpart; it will maintain its own armed forces and police to an extent necessary to assure domestic order, and the citizens will have a right to keep and bear military arms. A duty of the citizens between the ages of 16 and 50 to keep, bear, and become and remain proficient in the use and care of military arms, and other aspects of the military sciences, may be prescribed as a disincentive against invasion by either Russia or Ukraine.
The ownership of the resources of the Autonomous Regions shall lie with the Autonomous Regions. They may enter into lease agreements with Ukraine, or Russia, or both, or neither, to make arrangements for extraction and sale of these resources. The leases shall not operate as a sale or other alienation of the lands of the Autonomous Regions, but merely as a license to extract, process, and transport said resources. Reversion, whether by operation of law or in the event of breach of lease conditions, shall always be to the lessor, the Autonomous Regions; no lease shall cede sovereignty over its lands, and lands within the Autonomous Regions shall not be sold to any person not a citizen of the Autonomous Regions. No company operating in any way on the lands of the Autonomous Regions and incorporated therein shall have more than 49% of foreign ownership, and only companies incorporated in the Autonomous Regions shall have the right to do business therein. It is expected that some part of the profits from these business concerns will go towards rebuilding and restoration of the lands and towns in the Autonomous Regions for civilian usage - to include demining and removal of military hardware and materiel - and when safe, to bring those people forced to seek refuge in other places back to their home places."
This war had nothing to do with liberation - except for the "liberation" of fossil fuel resources. Putin could have done it for a lot cheaper - maybe hiring Trump to negotiate the mineral resources leases, for which Putin would steal the 11 trillion rubles that Shoigu stole back from Shoigu, and build Trump a Gelendzhik II on the Black Sea, probably including a golf course and hotel and sea- and airport facility - but it didn't work out that way, too simple, too clean, and no depopulation to satisfy Putin's WEF masters...
n.b. - I didn't predict Trump's re-election, nobody is perfect...
> Prior to the elections, I also wrote about how there would now be a Serbia-style mass bombing campaign over Russia, like the kind that was used to bring the Serbs to heel after their failed Special Military Operation into Bosnia in the wake of the break-up of Yugoslavia. I compared Putin’s inaction or disastrous half-actions to the behavior of Milosovic, who was revealed to be a CIA asset the whole time and who thought that he would be rewarded for his disastrous undermining of the Serbian military and national interests by his handlers.
This not the first time you are saying all this with no basis in any reality.
If this was not sarcasm, then you are repeating MSM/NATO lies, endless lies against the Serbian people.
If this was sarcasm, then it is not funny, as Serbia was fighting the whole NATO all alone, while treacherous Russia stabbed Serbia in the back for the 100th time.
Milosevic betrayed Serbs in both Contemporary Nazi Croatia and Jihad Bosnia even more than Putin betrayed Russians in Ukraine. There was no Milosevic SMO of course. Quite the opposite - it was Reverse SMO - he collaborated with NATO and Croats in operation "Oluja" (Storm) that destroyed remaining indigenous Serbs there, as NATO promised to leave him alone if he helps them just one more time. Analogous would be Putin helping Zelensky to kill all Russian in those territories in Ukraine. So, Milosevic went way further compared to Putin.
E.g., he imposed sanctions on Serbs in Bosnia and threaten to bomb them when they refused to die so that the West would leave him alone, or so he thought they would, as he had no command over them.
Milosevic was not a CIA asset, he was just a high-profile traitor who was just looking who next to throw under the bus, hoping that would be the last deal of his with NATO. We know how that "clever" plan worked out for him.
Once they got Milosevic and since they could not find any crimes of his anywhere (Occupied Kosovo, Jihad Bosnia, Contemporary Nazi Croatia, etc.) they murdered him [1] and then exonerated him of all charges [2].
What am I lying about, exactly? I call the half-assed attempt to fight the anti-Serb forces an "SMO" and you say that I am besmirching the honor of the Serbian people?
There's was no even half-assed attempt by him. Milosevic never sent any troops anywhere. He wanted all those Serbs outside of Serbia to just die so that NATO would stop bothering him to help them murder them all.
His wife (Mira Markovic) said, "Serbs in Croatia are Croatia's problems and not Serbia's!"
Serbian generals had trouble getting him to allow them to defend Province of Serbia called Kosovo properly.
People, after reading what you wrote, may think that Milosevic sent troops there, which is the exact propaganda Contemporary Nazi Croatia and Jihad Bosnian Muslims peddle. Yugoslav National Army withdrew from all former republics after they were recognized in May 1992.
The only people that could not withdraw were the Serbs that lived there for thousands of years, i.e., what's left of them after WW1 and WW2 + Vatican Holocaust (genocide of the Serbian people), and had to defend their homes from WW2 Nazi Germany partners (Croats, Bosnian Muslims, Slovenians) this time labeled by MSM/NATO as "victims" of some "aggression".
Just from Contemporary Nazi Croatia, more than 600,000 Serbs civilians were expelled and who knows how many murdered. Contemporary Nazi Croatia is more than 95% Croats.
Anyway, do not want to argue - just some input for those interested.
there were serbians sent into bosnia jsut like what happened with russians in donbass. and the consequences were the same. that is the point i made. i didnt besmirch serbia. if you keep this up ill start writing articles about how Jesus was an Albanian, i swear to allah.
Those were individuals/volunteers, just like when Strelkov came to Bosnia in the 90s to help his Serbian brothers, and just as some Serbs came to Donbas [1][2].
Hurling an ICBM on a low trajectory at a defense plant in eastern Ukraine is quite bombastic, but it isn’t cost-effective or sustainable. It’s a one-off, a circus shot that you won’t be doing much of.
A revelation that you have access to a new type of Iranian missile would be a lot more significant for the war’s trajectory. However as a show of force, saber-rattling with imported products doesn’t exactly scream strength for a great power.
Putin needs to consult the esoteric scriptures that Roman Abramovich left behind to understand how fucking silly you have to be to trust the United State's Intelligence Services which is really just the Israeli Foreign Legion .
It is a masterful play by Washinton, go full on escalation these last weeks when Biden is still in and put Putin into a corner and risk ruining a peace deal with Trump if he decides to retaliate. My bet is that Trump will continue to support Ukraine and they played Putin for a fool all along. In essence Putin already gave up, why would they want to keep low and take some kind of deal with Trump if the SMO is going succesful and according to plan? Nato is smelling the weakness, even Putin's nucleair threats and brushed off and called a bluff. Which i believe is correct, Putin has been making these Nuke threats since the late 90s and early 2000s. Also gas is still being pumped through Ukraine even to this day and Russian raw materials are still traded with the west to make tanks,artillery and shells to kill Russians.
I think you’re right about trump
Most people don't understand that Trump is a con artist sales man, now that he knows he is getting into office he is already changing his tune. Putin is going to get some sleepless nights now, i heard he is already ordering construction of bomb shelters in Moscow.
Never any solution from you Rurik, only witty remarks and so-called factual observations. I heard your voice in that interview you did. You sound like a disgruntled mid 30’s Westerner who proclaims love for Russia and hopes to help her by keeping pressure up on it. Maybe that’s partially true. But the fact of the matter is you sound just like every other Jingoist retard in JFK’s inner circle during the Cuban Missle Crisis. Pick a side already you fucking faggot, nothing worse than a cynical pussy throwing jabs and offering no solutions. To be, you’re just another CIA nigger acolyte keen on watching the world burn just because you are not part of either clique. Have a nice time, enjoy your subscription money while you plan your next article making jokes about the possibility of the world coming to an end! 😇
Solution? Just vote harder, go to Church, donate to Ritter and move to Russia.
And thanks for the financial support, you fucking mouth-breathing ape.
I see from your subs that you donate money to Simplicius and Ritter too lmao. No wonder you're seething. By the way, I can still ban you from commenting if you continue slurring me. Unlike your idol Putin, I actually enforce my red lines. Besides, you already paid the money, so ..
Hey, what about Escobar, why isn't he getting paid??? Imma tell Zakharova right away!
that's a good point, Putin is only a couple more patriotic donations away from defeating NATO!
Nice strawman. I also donate to your substack, so whats that make me? Also to Seymour, John M., Bloomberg News and the London Times. Jeez, all it took was for me to call you a faggot/pussy/glowie and you revert to strawmanning?
I never said you were wrong. I never said vote, move to Russia or donate to Ritter.
Have you nothing else to say for yourself but putting words in other peoples mouths?
Unlike you, I can actually take criticism without reverting to logical fallacies.
1. I'm an annual paying subscriber because I value your opinion.
2. I also value keeping a pulse on what A)
Mainstream media and B) "Alt-Lite" media have to say.
Nonetheless, the insane amount of bravado and smug attitude coming from your last 30 posts as you do victory laps celebrating that you dunked on....uh...The Duran and General Telegram keyboard commanders? lol?
Congratulations, you are winrar amongst tards!
Ex-RT, western educated and “High-Class” nomadic pseudo-intellectual playing armchair general and Gnostic-In-Training? 😂
Before commenting this reply, I had no intention of cancelling my subscription. I enjoy criticism and critique of the powers that be. But after reading your other comments/notes, I can see your just another nihilistic black-pilled yuppie faggot who cries over the “death-knell of our race” (your words, not mine)
Enjoy the afterlife!
I’ll show you how red lines work right now.
1) I warned you not to slur me with personal invective again
2) you went ahead and did just that
3) you get nuked
Simple and educational.
That's a weak move on your part, simply because you 'slurred' him with personal invective right back, and then tell him he'll be banned for 'slurring'. That's called hypocrisy. There are more mature ways of dealing with that situation...
It's funny that guy talked like a white nigger. And he wanted to know which shop to rob.
So, when an actual investigative journalist gives you the facts of a story, do you insist the story is irrelevant unless the reporter gives a workable solution? The job of reporters and commentators is to get the officials to do their job. It's not to do their jobs for them. Why would someone not in power spend time and effort in constructing detailed solutions that would likely be ignored?
One immediate action that can be taken from Rurik's information is that if you're planning to move to Russia to get away from the oppressive Deep State and away from population replacement, then think twice or three times.
I've sent Rurik posts to people who were seriously thinking of moving to Russia. They did appreciate the alternative view
Martyanov, is that you? LOL!
Here's Martyanov test - his "favorite" Putin video [1]
[1] Putin wears high heels. Putin’s Napoleon complex ... | YouTube
(<4 min short video, fast forward to the 30-second mark)
I think he’s from daily stormer.
They’re a Catholic Futurist BRICS-enthusiast internet subculture.
It's just funny how much AA loves Putin and completely ignores all the warning signs.
P.S. I still think that guy is Martyanov. His "vocabulary" matches one TUR poster (i.e., another M's account) that posts M's videos all the time: James of Africa
no way that martyanov knows who Terry Davis is (the guy's avatar).
Somebody could have suggested Terry to him for better deception.
BTW, it seems that Andrei Martyanov lives in Seattle USA!
He also meets with his CIA colleagues publicly. KGB/FSB and the CIA - just like old times [1]!
[1] America’s Last War: Andrei Martyanov Talks Ukraine and Decline of US Military - YouTube:
James seems like a good guy, he just wants to believe that's all. The Unz Review has been selling the BRICS/Putin will save the world for years now, like most "alternative" media.
The Stormer has been hosted in Russia for years now, maybe it has something to do with it, Anglin knows Putin isn't what he would like his readers to think, he's not dumb.
theyre not hosted in russia they were banned immediately years ago
"Russian internet services companies present another option for extremist websites like the Daily Stormer.
After using a DNS hosted in China, the website switched to a .su address—the top-level domain for what used to be the Soviet Union. Until Saturday, Russian-owned DDoS-Guard was providing distributed denial-of-service attack protection to the Washington state-based hosting company VanwaTech, which, in turn, was providing hosting services to the Daily Stormer and 8kun, the forum formerly known as 8chan"
"According to the Guardian, DDoS-Guard “was registered under a limited partnership, a financial structure in Scotland that allows non-residents to create companies with little scrutiny, on 24 November 2017 by Aleksei Likhachev and Evgeniy Marchenko—two Russian businessmen who remain owners of the company.” The partnership under which DDoS-Guard is registered is called Cognitive Cloud and is listed at an address in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Among DDoS-Guard’s reported rogue’s gallery of a client list compiled by cybersecurity expert Brian Krebs are HK Leaks, a website dedicated to doxxing Hong Kong protesters and journalists—an activity that has been promoted by groups linked to China’s Communist Party. Other clients, according to Vice, include the Russian Ministry of Defense, the FSB (the Kremlin’s secret service), and, as Krebs reported, the official website of Hamas, the Palestinian group labeled a terrorist organization by the U.S. government."
Not that I trust freaking Foreign Policy and he did lose the .su domain, but hey it kinda checks out.
Back in 2017 yeah I remember, but if you do a Whois lookup that's what you find :
IP Location Russian Federation - Moskva - Moskva - Mt Finance Llc
ASN Russian Federation AS214822 MTFINANCE-AS MT FINANCE LLC, RU (registered May 27, 2024)
The company names change all the time, they're either in Moscow or Saint Petersburg, it was even Yandex Cloud at some point, it's been that way for some years, at least since 2022 when they switched to the current .in domain, I don't remember before that.
Why do they keep changing companies all the time I have no clue. Their Registrar is based in Mumbai though.
Geotool also locates the IP from Moscow, sometimes Geotool and Whois give you different results, they agree this time at least.
Tsar Botox has now really painted himself, and the country he purports to lead, into a proverbial corner. Given Zion Don’s designate “defense “ secretary—the utterly unhinged & abhorrent Pete Hegseth—the Biden claque are merely teeing up more tension between Washington & Moscow to ensure either a prolongation of this oh so profitable fratricide, or force the 5D chess master to accept the most ignominious terms for a truce that will merely buy more time for Ukraine & NATO to prepare for the next phase of Russia’s dismemberment.
"Biden claque are merely teeing up more tension between Washington & Moscow to ensure either a prolongation of this oh so profitable fratricide" - it's called "pissing in Trump's cornflakes", trying to get a hot ground war going, like what the CIA and the MIC tried to do with JFK in the Bay of Pigs in 1961...
You seem to forget that JFK ran to the right of Nixon in 1960 peddling the spurious "missile gap" with the USSR. As for Trump, just look at the warmongers he's surrounding himself with.
That was the original case with JFK, that's correct - but things changed, when he was confronted with a fait accompli at the Bay of Pigs. He didn't fold and fall into line as expected, it went the exact other way, resulting in his firing of Allen Dulles and his comment “I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind.” See for details.
As for Trump, he accurately does not see Russia as a military threat, and in fact may see it as a potential ally against the Chinese, who are a definite threat to Russia - note China's policy moves in the Far East and Siberia - and to the US, especially Chinese acquisition of port facilities in Central and South America.
IMHO both Beijing AND Washington view Russia as a resource rich cake to be sliced up between them.
Trumps wall did not go up,
Zelenskyy’s bridges did not come down.
Trump the midway barker,
Putin the ephemeral clown.
Zelinskyy the porn king patriot.
Hit & Run Biden not sticking around
'It is fascinating to see just how bad a situation can get without people ever “waking up”.'
Yup. Exactly. This.
Jamestown Foundation again:
Moscow Facing Ever Greater Problems Getting Troops to Fight in Ukraine
Paul Goble
Executive Summary:
Moscow is facing ever greater problems filling the ranks of its invasion force. Increasing signing bonuses and pardons for those who serve are less effective than advertised.
The Kremlin is turning to ever more repressive and deceptive measures, but these are not working well either. Activists are spreading awareness and even helping soldiers evade service through desertion, flight, or open revolt.
Despite polls suggesting the contrary, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war is unpopular, negatively impacting the Russian army in the field and the public perception of its veterans, whom Putin plans to build a new elite around.
Ever since Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his expanded invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Moscow has faced serious problems in filling the ranks of his invasion force. Plans in the fall of 2022 for a partial mobilization sparked a massive emigration from the Russian Federation, forcing the Kremlin to seek other means to fill the ranks. The most prominent has been expanding soldier’s eligibility to include older and less physically fit men as well as immigrants and foreigners such as North Koreans (Window on Eurasia October 11, October 12; see EDM, September 13, October 31, 2023, August 7, October 10). The Russian government has additionally been offering increasingly larger signing bonuses to entice potential recruits (see EDM, October 24). Convicts have been pardoned, and cases are being dropped against the accused if they agree to serve. For the latest and, in some ways, the most disturbing case, Russian officials are suggesting that those not yet charged or convicted in the Dagestan anti-Semitic attacks should be allowed to serve in Ukraine as an alternative to prison (, November 15).
Until recently, these approaches have allowed Moscow to maintain, if not significantly increase, the number of men in its forces in Ukraine. The Kremlin’s tactics, however, have also had negative consequences for unit cohesion and undermined the image of the army as former criminals return home as veterans and commit new crimes (Window on Eurasia, February 4, March 5, June 24; see EDM, September 24;, November 14). These instances have led Russians to question Putin’s much-ballyhooed plan to build a new Russian elite around such veterans (see EDM, July 29).
In recent months Moscow’s problems regarding recruitment have increased as Russian combat losses in Ukraine have risen to 30,000 or more a month. This has made service there less attractive, regardless of how large the bonuses Russian officials are prepared to pay or even the pardons they are willing to offer. Russian officials are not only increasing all three of these efforts but also expanding to other more repressive and deceptive tactics to maintain the number of effectives in its ranks (see EDM, October 10). This is a matter of concern for officials in Moscow, but it is not something on which the government media has reported. A growing network of anti-war activists inside the Russian Federation, however, is collecting such data (Window on Eurasia May 10, November 16). Among the most prominent of these groups are Let’s Go into the Woods, the Draftees’ School, the Soldiers’ Mothers of St. Petersburg, the Movement of Committed Refuseniks, and Call to Conscience First Line. These groups pooled their findings in a 3,000-word report that the independent Holod news agency posted online a week ago (Holod, November 12).
The compilation reports on the tactics Moscow is increasingly adopting to try to fill the ranks. These tactics include the use of false advertisements promising one kind of work, but after signing up, the individuals are sent to the front; threatening former convicts with new charges and prison sentences; suggesting evidence will be planted on them to ensure people are convicted unless they agree to join the military; and telling draftees that they will be sent into combat unless they sign up for longer terms of service, and then sending them to the frontlines anyway. These anti-war groups provide information about numerous cases for each deception, changing only the names so as not to land those involved in more trouble. Even though they are not in a position to provide statistics about how widespread these problems are currently, their reporting points to the problems that Moscow is facing in raising men for its invasion force and highlights issues that many observers have been pointing out in recent months. Despite the Russian people’s widespread but largely passive support for Putin’s war, that support does not extend as far as volunteering to fight.
An even more immediate problem for Moscow regarding force levels in Ukraine may be the revolt at a Russian military base near Novosibirsk. A group of soldiers who were about to be sent to Ukraine chose to revolt and flee rather than risk service on the frontlines (Sibreal, November 16). This is not the first revolt among soldiers resisting being sent to Ukraine. Similar occurrences took place in December 2022 in Kaliningrad and Murmansk, but according to the SibReal news portal, what happened on the outskirts of Novosibirsk was “one of the largest after the beginning of the war against Ukraine.” According to that portal, Russian military courts have already handed down more than 10,000 sentences against Russian soldiers who have sought to avoid service in Ukraine. As such, the Novosibirsk rising may well be a harbinger of what will happen at other Russian bases if, as in this case, officers try to send soldiers who are near the end of their service times or who may already have served a tour in Ukraine back to the frontlines.
If the past is any indication, the Putin regime will seek to solve this problem by increasing repression, bringing more criminal charges against those who refuse to join the military or follow orders to go to the frontlines. This, however, may not be the solution the Kremlin thinks it is if an increasing number of Russian men would rather go to prison than fight and risk death. Even if such men can be forced to go into the Russian military, it is a virtual certainty that they will be less disciplined and enthusiastic soldiers than the Kremlin and their commanders on the scene want and need. In turn, as long as Russian combat losses remain high, the clock is ticking for Russia, whose military may not be able to sustain recent gains, however many problems the Ukrainian forces arrayed against them now suffer.
30k a month losses is a lot, idk if I buy that
Well, it's still a propaganda channel, so they most likely pump those rookie numbers up. Do you have credible estimates from the non-ZAnon Russian side as to their losses?
Well now people have the internet, so they know what happends to their comrades. In past conflicts people never saw the whole picture. Now even the most low IQ idiot soldier can smell that something is up in this shady un-winable war. Its on of the main reasons also Putin banned Youtube and cracked down on social media. Putin at this point failed his people and is possibly one of the biggest traitor's Russia ever had. He will likely end up lynched or end up at the Hague if he does not die of stress and old age.
as a jew incites WWWIII might we get a little relief from imposed holocaust guilt please?
"The Turkish proposal envisages the creation of a demilitarized zone in the eastern Donbas region of Ukraine where Russia has controlled large swathes of territory since 2014. Erdogan will suggest that international troops could be deployed there as an additional guarantee and that Ukraine would be assured of military supplies to compensate for agreeing to be left out of NATO.”
This is the same thing I suggested here in a blog comment a little over a year ago, that both sides, like punch-drunk fighters - both sides, mind you - would just get sick and tired of the whole mess and quit the fighting and come up with a solution like this:
"Putin wants Ukraine and Crimea for reasons no one is talking about: Russia's economy is based on extraction/production of fossil fuels and mineral resources. Russia continues to sell low and moderate enriched uranium to the US and the West, about $1 billion worth to the US alone, and the Gazprom pipeline across Ukraine is still operating, through which billions of dollars worth of natural gas and potentially oil flows to Europe - oddly enough, being in an active war zone, this pipeline (unlike the rather more inaccessible Nordstream pipelines) has never come under shell or rocket fire. Most of this extraction/production activity is now in Russia's Far East and Siberia - and that's where a lot of Russia's heavy machinery production is, in places like Omsk, Khabarovsk, Chelyabinsk, and Barnaul, as well.
And this region is highly vulnerable to Chinese incursion - all it takes is a quick move over the Amur river - you can see China from Omsk. And the Chinese have attempted it before, in the 1970s, when Chinese forces got nearly to Irkutsk, before the Soviet Army threw them back across the border. The Russian Army isn't close to being as strong as the Soviet Army, and the Chinese PLA is far, far stronger than the PLA of 50 years ago. And the Chinese have redrawn their maps and have laid claims to this Far East and Siberian territory, and perhaps it is a matter of time before the Chinese will figure that the Russian Army has been attritted sufficiently for the Chinese to make a move which will be highly advantageous to them - right now they import about 85% of their energy resources, a lot from Russia.
Ukraine is rich with fossil fuels and rare earth mineral resources - the second largest stock of lithium ore in Europe, amongst other rare earth minerals, especially in Eastern Ukraine (and stretching across to Romania), and in Crimea and in the Black Sea south of Crimea and Odessa - there has been a lot of exploratory drilling going on in this area and has been since 2014. Turkey is active in this as well. And these parts of Ukraine and Crimea have warmwater port facilities (at Sevastopol, and Feodosia on Crimea, and Mariupol and Taganrog on the Sea of Azov adjacent to the Black Sea), unlike Vladivostok, so transport of resources can go on year round - and there is no threat of Chinese incursion. So there are very good reasons, that Putin, with his PhD in Natural Resource Economics (1997) from the St Petersburg Mining University, wants Ukraine and Crimea, so badly.
And this could be part of a peace deal, because, as Putin has found out, the infrastructure for extraction, processing, storage, and transshipment of fossil fuels and minerals (lithium burns in air an makes for spectacular fires which can't be put out until the lithium is gone) is highly vulnerable to rocket attack - and without a peace deal in place Putin will be unable to use these resources even though he may have captured the land. So there are these considerations as well that could come into play.
OK, so here’s the plan:
A cessation of hostilities to take place on 21 January, at 21:21:21 Moscow/Kyiv time - that’s 9:21:21 pm. Full stop, no more weapons fired after this time, no more ordnance arriving on target after this time - which would involve a bit of calculation as to flight time, but it can be done. Explosions of land mines do not count, but no new mines to be laid after this time.
Hostilities cease at the stop lines achieved by the two sides at 21:21:21 Moscow/Kyiv time, this stop line will be the western/northern border of the Autonomous Regions of Luhansk/Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaporhizhzhia/Zaporhozhia, and Kherson.
A group of Autonomous Regions will be formed, as follows:
The western/northern border will be the stop line as mentioned above in Paragraph 2, the northern/eastern/southern border of the Autonomous Regions will be the border of the Russian Federation adjacent to Luhansk/Lugansk and Donetsk Oblasts; a line midway between the lands of the Russian Federation and the lands of Donetsk and Zaporhizhzhia/Zaporhozhia in the Azov Sea beginning at the border of the Russian Federation at the northern land extent of the Azov Seam, and continuing down to the Kerch Strait; then to a line midway between the lands of the Russian Federation in Krasnodar Krai, such parts of Georgia occupied by the Russia Federation lying on the Black Sea, and the land of Georgia, and the coastlines of Crimea and Kherson Oblast; terminating at a line drawn from North to South in the Black Sea, originating at the western border of Kherson Oblast, and terminating at that point in the Black Sea either defined as international waters, or recognized to be a part of Turkey on the south. It may be more convenient to make the Autonomous Regions - including Crimea - one contiguous and united region, under one name, although comprised of the regions mentioned above, as a confederation.
This Autonomous Region (or set of regions, or confederation thereof) shall not in any way be a part of either the Russian Federation, or Ukraine. It may be a part of both BRICS and the EU, or neither, but it may not be a part of BRICS and not of the EU, or vice versa - it’s both or none. It will not be a part of NATO, or any Russian-involved or -led counterpart; it will maintain its own armed forces and police to an extent necessary to assure domestic order, and the citizens will have a right to keep and bear military arms. A duty of the citizens between the ages of 16 and 50 to keep, bear, and become and remain proficient in the use and care of military arms, and other aspects of the military sciences, may be prescribed as a disincentive against invasion by either Russia or Ukraine.
The ownership of the resources of the Autonomous Regions shall lie with the Autonomous Regions. They may enter into lease agreements with Ukraine, or Russia, or both, or neither, to make arrangements for extraction and sale of these resources. The leases shall not operate as a sale or other alienation of the lands of the Autonomous Regions, but merely as a license to extract, process, and transport said resources. Reversion, whether by operation of law or in the event of breach of lease conditions, shall always be to the lessor, the Autonomous Regions; no lease shall cede sovereignty over its lands, and lands within the Autonomous Regions shall not be sold to any person not a citizen of the Autonomous Regions. No company operating in any way on the lands of the Autonomous Regions and incorporated therein shall have more than 49% of foreign ownership, and only companies incorporated in the Autonomous Regions shall have the right to do business therein. It is expected that some part of the profits from these business concerns will go towards rebuilding and restoration of the lands and towns in the Autonomous Regions for civilian usage - to include demining and removal of military hardware and materiel - and when safe, to bring those people forced to seek refuge in other places back to their home places."
This war had nothing to do with liberation - except for the "liberation" of fossil fuel resources. Putin could have done it for a lot cheaper - maybe hiring Trump to negotiate the mineral resources leases, for which Putin would steal the 11 trillion rubles that Shoigu stole back from Shoigu, and build Trump a Gelendzhik II on the Black Sea, probably including a golf course and hotel and sea- and airport facility - but it didn't work out that way, too simple, too clean, and no depopulation to satisfy Putin's WEF masters...
n.b. - I didn't predict Trump's re-election, nobody is perfect...
> Prior to the elections, I also wrote about how there would now be a Serbia-style mass bombing campaign over Russia, like the kind that was used to bring the Serbs to heel after their failed Special Military Operation into Bosnia in the wake of the break-up of Yugoslavia. I compared Putin’s inaction or disastrous half-actions to the behavior of Milosovic, who was revealed to be a CIA asset the whole time and who thought that he would be rewarded for his disastrous undermining of the Serbian military and national interests by his handlers.
This not the first time you are saying all this with no basis in any reality.
If this was not sarcasm, then you are repeating MSM/NATO lies, endless lies against the Serbian people.
If this was sarcasm, then it is not funny, as Serbia was fighting the whole NATO all alone, while treacherous Russia stabbed Serbia in the back for the 100th time.
Milosevic betrayed Serbs in both Contemporary Nazi Croatia and Jihad Bosnia even more than Putin betrayed Russians in Ukraine. There was no Milosevic SMO of course. Quite the opposite - it was Reverse SMO - he collaborated with NATO and Croats in operation "Oluja" (Storm) that destroyed remaining indigenous Serbs there, as NATO promised to leave him alone if he helps them just one more time. Analogous would be Putin helping Zelensky to kill all Russian in those territories in Ukraine. So, Milosevic went way further compared to Putin.
E.g., he imposed sanctions on Serbs in Bosnia and threaten to bomb them when they refused to die so that the West would leave him alone, or so he thought they would, as he had no command over them.
Milosevic was not a CIA asset, he was just a high-profile traitor who was just looking who next to throw under the bus, hoping that would be the last deal of his with NATO. We know how that "clever" plan worked out for him.
Once they got Milosevic and since they could not find any crimes of his anywhere (Occupied Kosovo, Jihad Bosnia, Contemporary Nazi Croatia, etc.) they murdered him [1] and then exonerated him of all charges [2].
[1] Murder at The Hague? | Neil Clark
[2] Milosevic exonerated, as the NATO war machine moves on | Neil Clark
Perhaps you should abstain from commenting about topics you are not familiar with?
Thank you in advance.
P.S. It's Milošević (pron. Meeloshaveetch)
What am I lying about, exactly? I call the half-assed attempt to fight the anti-Serb forces an "SMO" and you say that I am besmirching the honor of the Serbian people?
Chill out.
There's was no even half-assed attempt by him. Milosevic never sent any troops anywhere. He wanted all those Serbs outside of Serbia to just die so that NATO would stop bothering him to help them murder them all.
His wife (Mira Markovic) said, "Serbs in Croatia are Croatia's problems and not Serbia's!"
Serbian generals had trouble getting him to allow them to defend Province of Serbia called Kosovo properly.
People, after reading what you wrote, may think that Milosevic sent troops there, which is the exact propaganda Contemporary Nazi Croatia and Jihad Bosnian Muslims peddle. Yugoslav National Army withdrew from all former republics after they were recognized in May 1992.
The only people that could not withdraw were the Serbs that lived there for thousands of years, i.e., what's left of them after WW1 and WW2 + Vatican Holocaust (genocide of the Serbian people), and had to defend their homes from WW2 Nazi Germany partners (Croats, Bosnian Muslims, Slovenians) this time labeled by MSM/NATO as "victims" of some "aggression".
Just from Contemporary Nazi Croatia, more than 600,000 Serbs civilians were expelled and who knows how many murdered. Contemporary Nazi Croatia is more than 95% Croats.
Anyway, do not want to argue - just some input for those interested.
there were serbians sent into bosnia jsut like what happened with russians in donbass. and the consequences were the same. that is the point i made. i didnt besmirch serbia. if you keep this up ill start writing articles about how Jesus was an Albanian, i swear to allah.
Those were individuals/volunteers, just like when Strelkov came to Bosnia in the 90s to help his Serbian brothers, and just as some Serbs came to Donbas [1][2].
[1] Dejann Bericc | Telegram: Contact @SrbijaRusija
[2] Dejann Bericc | YT Channel | YouTube Channel
P.S. I'm glad that you are no longer in Russia, i.e. outside of Putin's reach, which is great! Enjoy your freedom!
Jesus may have been Albanian but God is a Serb, it's a scientific fact :
You make some good points there
Hurling an ICBM on a low trajectory at a defense plant in eastern Ukraine is quite bombastic, but it isn’t cost-effective or sustainable. It’s a one-off, a circus shot that you won’t be doing much of.
A revelation that you have access to a new type of Iranian missile would be a lot more significant for the war’s trajectory. However as a show of force, saber-rattling with imported products doesn’t exactly scream strength for a great power.
Putin needs to consult the esoteric scriptures that Roman Abramovich left behind to understand how fucking silly you have to be to trust the United State's Intelligence Services which is really just the Israeli Foreign Legion .
Milosevic was a CIA asset? Wow! Where was this discovered?
in my article
Practically all the politricksters who hastened Yugoslavia’s ignominious collapse in the early 1990’s (Milocevic, Tudjman, & Izetbegovic) were.