How are the Russians going to arrest you when you don't live in the Slavlands any more? If I were you, I'd be more worried about the long arms of the Five Eyes.

Is it possible that Russian patriots have more in common with American "patriots" (including such as myself, a former Democratic Party sympathizer and likely RFK Jr voter) than we do with either Putin or the Neocons, with their little ballet dance of a fake war?

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RFK Jr is a carbon climate alarmist. Literally the same group of midwit "the science" people as covid.

The government will never give up the pandemic and censorship rules, they are permanent. Now bring in someone against those rules but happy to use them to lock us down for climate and antigun, so toss in a false flag gun grab. No thanks.

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Nobody is perfect, but Kennedy's position on climate change is more nuanced than you're suggesting. In this podcast with Charles Eisenstein at about 14:55, he says: "the kind of war footing on carbon, has played into the hands of the kind of Davos billionaires who are preparing solutions that are repressing civil rights, repressing human rights, controlling humanity and imposing these huge high profit, high capital geoengineering projects that will make them richer, that will make democracy poorer." He goes on to criticize Bill Gates and the hypocrisy of environmentalists in private jets.


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civil rights = end of freedom of association

human rights = globo homo 'moral' code

democracy = criminal racket bread and circus hence why elites like it so much. Although none of these countries are even democracies... republic is closer

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Thank you for the feedback.

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Murz was saying yesterday what I've been saying in the comments constantly.


Any bad peace and Putin is done. I don't see the Kremlin being able to spin defeat as the new victory and in the interview there he says that the liberals will overthrow Putin. He states correctly that the patriots are all at the front and the only people in Moscow with the means and cohesion to get rid of Putin is the Liberals. Murz was explaining this in the context of why he doesn't support revolution right now despite disliking the current authorities but this aligns with my general suspicions perfectly.

I think the court liberals that Putin has kept around are not only just trying to sabotage the war for financial/ideological reasons but they might very well be banking on a coup as well by getting Putin to be the face of a bad peace. The shitlibs do still have a decent stranglehold on the Russian media and in the event of a new Brest treaty and Russian national humiliation they very well can mobilize the media against the Kremlin.

Furthermore the Ukrainians dont even want peace and even if the liberals maneuver Putin into surrendering there is no chance the Ukrainians will stop and Washington won't force them to. That is the Ukrainians will lunge and grab up as much of Russia as they can after a surrender and Zog wont interfere or force them to give it back. Via that sort of post surrender back stab you can set the disintegration of the RF into motion and of course the liberals would be fine with that.

Basically Im starting to seriously suspect a concerted effort to maneuver Putin into committing political suicide by sabotaging the war and feeding him BS about how all is fine. Tartarskys murder comes to mind.

And Yevich isn't the only patriot the spooks are harassing:


Ukrainian bloggers complained to Russian prosecutors about a Russian journalist. And the Russian prosecutors actually responded. His possible crime is being too anti Ukrainian. Fvcking incredible. Russian prosecutors will literally respond to Ukrainians whining about Russians being too anti Ukrainian.

Another example of the parallel Ukrainian and Russian universes:


Not only will Russian prosecutors eventually respond to Ukrainians complaining about Russians being too anti Ukrainian but the study of the Ukrainian language might become fairly common in Russian public education. Words absolutely fail me. But just imagine that given those 2 examples, Russian prosecutors harassing a Russian journalist on behalf of Ukrainians, and the Ukrainian language becoming a part of Russian school curriculum that there still people out there, whether 5D special ed wizards or blue checkmark shitlibs that think the people who run Russia are actually waging a serious war against Ukraine.

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"Let someone else bleed for this multi-polar world of happiness and harmony for once."

No shit. Russia is taking it on the chin so far. If America is willing to fight to the last Ukrainian, so far it seems China is willing to fight to the last Russian.

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They get to kick back and hoover up russias resources on the cheap... the art of the deal.

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Fighting to the last Ukrainian can be called "ethnic cleansing" under Zelensky/Biden

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Whate was Blinken doing in China? Helping to draw lines on the pie chart?

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China [edit - typo] cannot afford a Russian defeat, otherwise it will remain without the Russian nuclear shield.

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Not only that, but they will also loose the only reliable land based (not over the seas they do not control) of food, energy and many materials. Not to speak of possibility that current border with Russia could become much riskier for China. Therefore I am surprised that they are still predominately only watching...

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What can the Chinese do though? They can't win the war for Russia, just like the mobilised nationalistic Donbass guys in the trenches can't do it in spite of their treasonous commanders. And who will believe Russia anyway, after 1917, 1991 and 2014?

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What do you mean by 1917, 1991 and 2014?

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It would be a liability to China if they allied with Russia... the clownlin has proven it lacks the cohesion to squash a craphole like ukraine. And China needs trade with the west, expect the terse neutrality to remain.

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Yes, but it will be much larger problem if what I wrote happens - if they lost the most realiable/safe supply (route) of energy & food & many other commodities and if they get a new hostile land border.

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True, and the winning strategy is patiently waiting till the Asian economy overtakes the West, with the West already committing both a cultural and a genetic genocide on itself. A war right now only reinvigorates the West for the ultimate showdown. If Russia loses, the whole world will respect America one final time.

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While this is certainly not news, it does further document that the entire war in Ukraine is the creation of Washington. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/04/10/pers-a10.html?pk_campaign=newsletter&pk_kwd=wsws

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I read the WSWS every day, but I've been banned from the comments section for complaining about their Coronavirus coverage.

And besides, I'm not sufficiently Trotskyite. I'm inclined to believe the rumors that Trotsky was a Nazi collaborator.

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Utopians are all about the ends

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Jerry, I agree with you 100% on the WSWS's absurd, hysterical response to Covid - they have it exactly wrong. If you want to know the truth about the plandemic, follow the excellent work of Dr. Meryl Nass, James Corbett & Dr. Joseph Mercola. The globalist WEF/WHO's "One Health" is gunning the engines on the international pandemic treaty which makes assertions with no evidence, forces medical "treatments" & makes everything mandatory. Tellingly, not only is One Health in the treaty, it's also in the NDAA in the US - for the Pentagon, it's all about biosecurity. This is all a dangerously anti-human agenda. It started with the climate change agenda. The UN "Sustainable" Development Goals are all about the billionaire/corporate ruling class' systematic actions to monopolize the earth's resources & control humanity. The central bankers are behind Net Zero. There are not enough natural resources on Planet Earth to convert to all renewable sources of energy and in fact, the environmental DESTRUCTION caused by the mining & extraction of lithium & other necessary resources constitutes an ecological atrocity.

The globalist ruling class is reinstituting feudalism. The WHO Amendments were written by the State Department which also blew up the Nordstream Pipelines. The amount of greenhouse gases emitted from the explosions is equal to what the City of Paris emits in 9 months - so much for concern about the environment! Bottom line: enriching the few while impoverishing billions in a global slave plantation.

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Are you a proponent of the idea that the Western élites are trying to reduce global population, perchance? Because if so, I just don't see it - the entire history of the West has shown all they do is breed non-Europeans wherever they go. The population of the Philippines, Japan, Iraq and Afghanistan has increases by tens of millions - under the American occupation.

Believe me, if the Western élites wanted to reconstitute feudalism, I would be their most ardent supporter. Yet it seems like a scary story for the American rednecks and Russian Marxists (à la Andrei Fursov).

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One can sum up this entire phony war by the fact that in Putins Russia you can go to jail for 8 years as a patriot for talking bad or giving critizism about this 'special operation', yeah its really special until you end up crippled crawling in the Ukrainian mud because some Ukrop drone dropped a bomba on you for the world to see on youtube. Yet anti Russians, liberals and other enemies of the state so to speak are able to move freely and leave the country without any harrasment for the NKVD/FSB. No wonder there is so much partisan activity in Russia with bombs, mystery fires and sabotage because no one fears the Russians and they know they are weak. You see thats the problem with olicharchy, if the bottomfeeders ( Russian Civilians and Patriots) find out then the whole thing can collapse. Like in the Tsars army in ww1, they were starting to ask question what where they fighting and dying for? Well ordinary Russians are starting to ask questions as to why they are dying in suicidal attacks planned by Corrupt and incompetent commanders and for what? The more Russians are dying the more questions are being asked. Ukraine and the US knows this thats why they are happy contiueing this war because sooner or later people are going to ask questions about this whole so called war to Putin. If repression is the only answer then the Russian government is in big trouble and it will demoralise the Russian soldiers further if their friends or family back home are locked up if they speak out. And this is what the US/Nato/Ukraine is counting on. Not a victory on the battlefield but a victory inside Russia that will overthrow the Russian Olicharcical regime.

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Russian and American prosecutors must all go to the same school. Dissent is not to be tolerated and will be persecuted, err prosecuted. I would imagine mounting an effective defense is just as expensive as it is in the US. As always "pour encourager les autres."

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It seems to me that Zelenskyy, a Jew born in a Russian speaking City of Kryvyi Rih, has managed to sustain an ethnic cleaning of Ukrainian undesirables under the guise of combat with Russia. Is this the Biden agenda?

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"And that’s really what we are all waiting for at this point - some kind of recognition or political will from Putin demonstrating that he is aware that changes need to be made."

It seems that Lavrov isn't the only one being tricked. You have enough information to know to cut back your expectations, to switch from exhortation to exposition.

Please, do more coverage of compromising oligarchs like Patrushev, so we can get a clue about the forces behind the dysfunctionality. (Thanks also for your coverage of Shoigu annd Tuva). I'm afraid that hoping corruption will go away won't make it happen, but shining light into the corners where the roaches live might help.

For instance, the question your story raise here is, what bureaucrat is behind the persecution of Yuri Yevich? And if possible, pls give name rather than political inclination; we already know he must be a liberal, right?

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How about a brief summary of all that's wrong on the Russian side?

Point by point.

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Just check Sofa Legion Strategist's videos on YouTube? Or Igor Strelkov if that's too strong meat to you. But to summarise, a few points.

1. The initial Russian advance in 2022 was an exercise in stupidity, with around 8 main attacks on all fronts, with no results to show for it in any area aside from Kherson.

2. After the success at Kherson/Guliaipole, the Russians were ordered not to take any step forward - without seeing the enemy for months later in summer.

3. The retreat from Kiev was a total rout, with a needless pull-out all to the very border, while both Chernigov and Sumy could have been easily captured, and at least Russian borderlands protected from further Ukrainian attacks.

4. The only offensives on the entire front the Russians have conducted after the initial disasters have been in the Donbass - the best-defended region of the Ukraine.

Should I go on? No UAVs, no guided munitions, communications bought by volunteered on AliExpress, no camouflage nets, for crying out loud! This is all on Igor Strelkov's VK page, no idea why English people refuse to read the truth.

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Thank you for that but not what I had in mind.

Biggest part of it, for instance, is what 'was' wrong.

Not to dispute its accuracy or worth for what it is, just saying it is not what I was looking for.

But relevant to what you've said I queried elsewhere today a post I found on Telegram which looks like Wagner is appealing to the general public for funds to buy arms and equipment. Is that for real? Telegram for desktop (linux version) would not give me a link to the post which was in russian from evgeny prigozin channel but here is the translation of it:


Dear friends, our defenders🪖 from the Kherson direction have approached us. The guys urgently need drones as the enemy is preparing to attack and is trying to break through the defense in every possible way.

Our defenders require:

• DJI MAVIC 3T - 2 pcs.

• AUTEL EVO 2 - 3 pcs.

• FIMI 8 - 5 pcs.

• DJI MAVIC MINI - 5 pcs.

• Tailhooks for dropping ammunition.

• Diesel generator.

• Baofeng radios.

• Active headphones.

The total amount to be collected is 2,450,000 rubles❗️

❗️ 1,750,000 has been collected ❗️


Dear friends, we had to postpone the shipment for one day as we did not manage to collect the entire amount. We still need to collect 700,000 rubles, and we ask for your help. We understand that many people may not find this interesting and that the war may not affect them directly, but know that if we do not help now, later on, people who think that this does not concern them will ask for help for their husbands and sons. Do not abandon our guys, they are fighting for us❗️

You can help by using this bank card number:


Is this the norm?

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Based Sberbank

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During the intitial days the Russians could litteraly walk in to cities of Sumy,Kharkov ect without encountering any resistance at all, they even asked the locals where they could buy food. Then the Ukrainians started to organize resistence and push out the lightly armed Russian scouting troops, which couldnt hold anything because they lacked infantry forces. Then Superior Ukrainian/NATO/US communications and control together with attack drones routed and demoralised the Russians and made them retreat and forcing them to re-organize and change tactics and plans. This gave Ukraine time to mobilze,prepare defenses and dig in. And now its basicly a ww1 stalemate, unwinable by both sides at this point unless they are willing to take very heavy losses for some small shit hole village or some irrelevant fields.

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Wrong, the Russians blockaded Sumy and lost in Kharkhov (that's sad, but true). On the other hand, they could have put way more forces on either of the directions and won - and even in late March when they withdrew, they could have focused on Chernigov and Sumy, consolidating the front line before a future repeat of a Kiev offensive.

Instead, they went to the Donbass which has 0 (zero) strategic value, literally the worst place to attack with no benefits at all.

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I'm not wrong, i had relatives who told me this in Sumy. The Russians didnt even succesfully blocked Sumy or Kharkov as they could still just leave and drive out of the city. Chernigov i did not mention but there the Ukrainians were prepared. The Don Bas is the most resources rich area of Ukraine with the most heavy industry so calling this place without strategic value is just stupid. I do agree its a bad move from Russia to focus their attacks here as it is the most fortified part of the line.

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> "the Russians could litteraly walk in to cities of Sumy,Kharkov ect without encountering any resistance at all"

They did walk into Kharkhov, and few walked out - this is what I called wrong. Sumy was indeed a murky affair. Back in early March 2022, I was watching the propagandist Podoliaka (not to be confused with Podoliak), he was calling Sumy captured "any moment now".

> "The Don Bas is the most resources rich area of Ukraine with the most heavy industry so calling this place without strategic value is just stupid."

Aleight, you're not as bright as I thought.

1. The Donbass will be ruined to a Moon surface if turned into a theatre of operations.

2. Advancing through the Donbass is the most useless thing for a victory over the Ukraine, because it's the Ukrainians' strongest point, and because it can easily be outflanked - something that the Russians are not doing.

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You write about offense as if numbers count the way they used to. But they don't. Defense, especially MPAT weapons can stop any armoured thrust. Let's hope the Ukrainians don't realize this.

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So guys with MPAT weapons are invincible? They cant be blown up well planned and executed artillery preparation of the break through point? They cant be suppressed by mortar fire and infantry supporting the armour? Do you even look at pictures of destroyed tanks in the SMO zone that are on telegram every day? Most have the turrets blown clean off. Light anti tank weapons dont do that, artillery does. Artillery is the main tank killer in the SMO. Your more high tech and large anti tank weapons used by infantry arent exactly highly mobile. Setting one up and guiding in the missile takes a few minutes and a well trained crew. That is they are used to pick off armour that made it through the mines and artillery barrage or they are used against small groups armour that aren't particularly well supported by artillery. They play a supporting role and can be suppressed by overwhelming fire power.

Its just that Russia hasnt demonstrated any particular skill at large combined arms warfare that involves tight integration of artillery working in conjunction with a large armoured break through force.

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the russian military machine to my mind has not demonstrated any particular skill at all. note I do not postulate this. I say again 'to my mind' and I am a layman.

after months of watching and reading and reflecting upon it all i now believe the onground slaughter to be a mere sideshow. a window dressing. a necessary sideshow. necessary window dressing but nevertheless. a kind of very large very loud sabre rattling. but the real war is up in the clouds there and is not being reported to us at all. It has something to do with the multipolarity and petrodollar etc and setting the stage for a future world of different alliances and power blocs than we have now; than the US will permit us to have now.

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i think its another distraction,another theater to push tighter control and change and give 'war' as an excuse, the timing of this special operation that started just after all the corona talk ended cant be a coincidence.

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If MPATs can be suppressed by overwhelming firepower, how come Russia, which has the artillery, hasn't done so? I agree completely with your general criticism of Russian tactics. Given the hundreds, if not thousands, of tanks and AFVs sent to the front, where are they? We see pictures of one or two tanks fighting together when we should see hundreds advancing at the same time. And they're all on the roads. Who sticks to roads in wartime?

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The Russians still don't have sufficient UAVs and communications - things that helped the Ukrainians to repel the initial Russian advance. Of course, all these things should be viewed in the context of the Russian treason and of Putin being an American agent - no sensible government would keep up the same suicidal strategies after a year of a full-blown war.

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but that is the point. it has not been a year of full blown war. certainly not from the allied side. what little I have seen of your posts would seem to indicate you'd agree with that - in fact if i red you right it is your main complaint. but also not on the Kiev/US side. clearly the US could have provided an order of magnitude more support.

when assessing the allied poor performance i often wonder how the allies managed to dispose of Kiev's enormous war machine well prior to today's date if they really are performing so poorly? such as doug macgregor even claim the allies have destroyed two Kiev armies and are not working on the third.

if true that strikes me as a somewhat tremendous feat worthy of writing in the annals but it really never gets a mention in any explanatory detail. so it is is myth? or what?

and I always find myself reflecting on the supposed goals of the allies when reading such criticisms. i mean the critics ascribe either overtly or implicitly certain goals which may or may not be really the goals of the allies. and in that context it is worth considering that the Ukrainian allies wouldn't be sharing all the same goals as the Russian allies. For the Ukrainians contingent safety from persecution and preservation of their own lands would probably just about cover it. For the Russians preservation of the whole of Russia would be in question.

So mixed goals quite clearly.

It is all not a simple thing and there is no one thing about it that is an 'only truth'.

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> "it has not been a year of full blown war. certainly not from the allied side."

It has been a rather real war for Russia, with mortal risks, and hundreds of thousands mobilised. That the Russians have wasted thousands of their missiles to no effect does not mean they are not spent.

> "i often wonder how the allies managed to dispose of Kiev's enormous war machine"

They did? The front line is not moving. If you look at any other war, it's not an argument for either side's victory.

I also don't get who the "allies" you are speaking of are.

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Yep, well that's the problem. while the Western masses think it is a war simply between all the poor little Ukrainian people (to their minds) on the one side and the big huge aggressive Russia on the other they simply plump for the 'underdog' and go along with supporting Kiev with further billions.

Fondly thinking they are supporting Ukrainians against Russians.

Do you see?

Almost no one does.

But it is a war of propaganda and the first item of propaganda misleading here is that: the idea that it is a war of ALL Ukrainians against an invasion from Russia. Pure and simple.

Which it clearly is not. I won't extend this post by arguing that again.

But that's where the 'Allies' are: Donbas separatists and Russia.

Yes I know they are supposedly federated with Russia now and therefore they could be called 'Russians' but we all know damn well that's refuted entirely by the West and is immaterial in any case: the point being it was while they were in Ukraine that Ukraine attacked them and took most of their land. Which they still have not yet got back.

So that's the problem. People don't 'get it'. As exemplified by yourself. The truth is just not getting out there. So the war continues. And men keep dying and the nation keeps getting destroyed.

I hope you get it now. I hope. My fault for not being good at explaining.

And yes, apparently, according to such as Ritter, Macgregor, the Duran and others the whole pre-existing massive Ukrainian army which was poised to annihilate the Donbas and which caused Russia to come in when it did has been destroyed. And the next army they built in short order with US and NATO help of all kinds has also been destroyed. And, their narrative is, they are now building their third army.

I cannot prove it. I ask the same question as you - they did? Yes. I want to see some evidence and I want to know how they did it. Where they did it. At Mariupol? There's been very few pitched battles, no massive tank battles, for instance, that I know of.

Yes the front line is not moving. There could be good military reasons for that. There could be even better political ones. I don't know, No one seems to know.

But either way it says little about 'winning' and 'losing' for they're not defined. And there's many goals. In a state of emergency the looters come out, each with their own goal and many achieve great success. Just the same in any war like this. Many different people and factions have their own goals. Some get there some don't.

Russia has profited mightily in clearing the decks and ridding itself of the shackles of restraint that the USA imposed on it. All pretence is thrown away now. And the world has profited by the same thing. And millions of people in the world will be the better off for a multipolar world in which trade can flourish instead of being crippled by American edict. So there's a 'win'.

And to be free of the American SWIFT money exchange/movement system is a huge victory. It was a tool of American oppression.

And so on...

We don't know what's going on but while we're waiting to find out we can know that much for sure because it has always been true: there's many 'wars' going on at the same time and many 'winners' and 'losers' and, of course, the greatest losers of all are those that think they are 'winning': the sacrificial lambs, the poor dumb soldiers in the trenches.

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> "Russia has profited mightily in clearing the decks and ridding itself of the shackles of restraint that the USA imposed on it."

This is why Abramovich was feeding tiramisu to the Azov fighters?

> "And the next army they built in short order with US and NATO help of all kinds has also been destroyed."

The second Ukrainian army was built with the help of all the captured Russian tanks and vehicles (thousands of them). And it has gone on two successful offensives.

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yeah this almost feels like german ww1 and ww2 stab in the back sabotage, like how the germans didnt develop the jet fighter before the war, delayed production of the mp44 and the nazi spy chief giving away secret intel to the western allies and soviets before and during the war.

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The Germans still almost won, and there were numerous unknowables back then (the jet fighter was a mistaken concept in those circumstances anyway). For example, the Douhet doctrine was disproven in the course of the war.

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