the "strongmen" that Washington puts in charge of countries are never actual strong men. They are puppets acting as tyrants, controlled by the intellectual powerhouses likes Victoria Nuland. Of course they are disposable. In fact disposal and replacement of puppets is a must, otherwise the projection of power from the DC sewer doesn't hold.
A lot of it is redacted but it gives you some idea of his mindset. Even thinking he'd be used as an asset to fight extremism and terrorism in the region thanks to his unique understanding.
One bombshell Saddam could have detonated at his kangaroo court trial would have been his role in acting directly on POTUS Carter's behalf when he invaded Iran in September 1980 IMHO, just two months before the general election in order to tighten the screws on the Ayatollah Khomeini to release the 52 U.S. diplomatic & USMC hostages held at the U.S. Embassy compound.
This goes a long way in explaining why both Moscow and Washington hate Lukashencko. It goes a long way in explaining why Moscow has dragged its heels so much in recognising the Taliban. It explains why Moscow for so long wanted nothing to do with North Korea. The overall thesis makes sense, why is the US okay with neo nazis in Ukraine right now? Well here you go lol and it has nothing to do with the CIA being based followers of Hitler and Evola. Ukraine still needs the "right wingers" to suppress any sort of alternative Nationalism that doesn't agree with the following statement: "trannies and McDonald's is bad but not having them is even worse because of Russia". When its time for phase 3 and Ukraine doesn't need the death squads anymore they will either be bought off or killed, its their choice.
"Nationalism" bullies and suppresses Nationalism to pave the way for oligarchy with dildos. They did it in the entire FSU. The Baltics did nationalism that was framed as exclusively anti Russia to make way for foreign capital and trannies. Kazakhstan being islamic did the Islamic version which is the same minus the dildos in public for now.
Expecting Russia to follow this model just like the Baltics and Ukraine would be a mistake simply because the Ukraine, Baltics, Kazakhstan etc are normal countries and Russia is an Empire. The US judeo oligarchy will absolutely not sign off on an empire doing any nationalism at all. Russia was expected to go straight into hyper austerity phase 3 immediately with the caveat that Russia would still be an equal imperial partner. At least that is apparently the deal as the Kremlin understood it. Now its apparent that the US and jews are absolutely fine and quite like Komi, Kuban, Ukrainian, Belarussian, Siberian, Dagestani etc nationalism but they will not tolerate Russian nationalism...that is the US wants Russia to be a bunch of easily manageable nations and getting them there requires some petty, servile, piss ant, pro Western in the bad sense Nationalism. And the Kremlin to this fucking day agrees not to allow any Russian Nationalism. Its either Stockholm syndrome, cuckery or treason and most likely a combination of all 3 are at work to various degrees in the people running Russia.
Again, great essay, the best in awhile. It explains a lot and helps me understand the knee jerk distaste ive always had for pro EU/NATO nationalism regardless of the aesthetics. Like I always had a gut revulsion to say "based" Croatian neo Utashe LARPers or Polish Kurvas. My gut was right but I could never truly formulate why I couldn't stand them other than "well America likes them so they cant be good". Of course some might say its than irrational for me to be pro Russia but than anyone who has been following this blog for awhile should know by now that the Kremlin is viewed by Russian Patriots as a bunch of pro Western sell outs and cucks. So i dont see any big contradiction.
A rather interesting piece, Rurik. It really is all a stage. On a side note, there's the added ritualistic benefit of killing a "king." We know how the ethnics love their bloody rituals.
I agree with you on Iraq. Part 2 only featured about 150k American soldiers. The Iraqis may not have won but they definitely could have put up a better fight. I wonder what the reward was for selling out ones own people.
Once I made the Phoenician, Cathaginian, Babylonian connection, it was like "bam, they've embraced the Demiurge." The original Israelites were replaced and welcome to the Six pointed cult of Saturn. All of those sick fucks embraced blood rites and magick.
Yeah i think the Phoenicians = God's Chosen explains a lot.
But there is probably more nuance to it too. Like, the Palestinian ones adopted the Platonic Torah whereas the ones in Spain kept to the older magic tradition probably, which influences the later Kabballah.
Is the Phoenician = Hebrew equation spelled out somewhere? I must have missed it, tho I'd heard about a Sea People - Hebrew connection which I didn't follow up on.
This is a really good introduction to the historical argument and totally blows up the khazarian nonsense. The "Star of David" has no basis in the Torah.
Thank you. A long read, but a conclusion that reconciles various Jewish hereditary and religious anomalies makes it worthy of serious consideration. The Hebrews apparently got a Phoenician/Canaanite upgrade by assimilating their more sophisticated, sea-faring, alphabet-creating, empire-sustaining, Semitic cousins.
Honestly it still didn't turn out all good for Zog, most the insurgents where in fact either former Iraqi military or Iranian backed Shia militias and they gave Zog hell during the occupation. To this day Iraq isnt the reliable puppet state they wanted. Yeah they have a colonial occupation government but its authority barely reaches outside the US embassy compound. The project to install an Afghan civic Nationalist government just flopped when it crashed against the rocks of basic Pashtun tribalism.
The assholes can be beaten... just maybe it takes resetting society to an Afghan tier level which goes backs to those EMPs Pinchuk was talking about. Im down...but only in Minecraft and in full compliance with all relevant laws and so on and so forth.
It definitely wrecked a lot of the normy patriotism. Iran has stepped in nicely to keep Iraq from becoming a complete disaster thankfully. Now if the Taliban starts burning the poppies again, Afghanistan could get interesting but then again the CIA has largely switched to fentanyl so there is that.
I truly hope we don't have to burn it all down in Minecraft to free our avatars. I rather like refrigeration, running water, sanitation, etc.
For my own purposes of priming myself to relinquish any attachment to the ludicrous concept of any "significance" to existing as a human in this wretched iteration of consciousness, I will say that the explorations you undertake are valuable in the extreme. The more I read from you and the more I listen to your conversations with your guests, the less unsettled I am by the transpiring of developments upon the world stage. Let it bleed, man.
You have successfully refuted the Bush II cowboy doctrine. " Never mis-underestimate the enemy of your enemy, who is with you or with the terrerists, shame on me , fooled me twice."
I'm not convinced that the guy they killed in Iraq, was really Saddam Hussein. The guy in the picture doesn't look much like him. What do you think, Rurik? You're the expert on face recognition and analysis here.
It seems to me that these puppet-rulers would be much more comfortable selling out their people, if they know they can count on a trip to the Hidden Resort.
I'm starting to see the effects. So many people are losing any kind of intellectual subtlety, of the few that had some to start with, of course. The rest are deteriorating as well.
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: "Depending on where the vaccine damage occurs, a wide variety of neurological and psychiatric illnesses can occur. Nerve failures and paralysis, but also dementia, psychoses and personality changes are on agenda for vaccinated people. The unbelievable horror story doesn't end there. Chopped DNA fragments have been found in large numbers as vaccine contaminants. Fragmented DNA sequences have increased propensity to be incorporated into the chromosomal DNA. The possible consequences are endless. The finely tuned network can be disrupted that controls cell division and differentiation. Cancer and developmental disorders can result. Mutations in sperm and fertilized eggs could make altered characteristics heritable."
It's super interesting and super alarming but it's still largely unmanifest. Most vaxed people seem healthy and not much different. How long do we have to wait before SHTF on a big scale? 10 years? Never?
As a neuroscientist, I know I will end up looking at brains infected with #H5N1 soon. How do I know that? The story of the last months summarized chronologically in 4 papers:
"The truth is that Iraq could have held off America long enough to win and anyone telling you otherwise fell for the 4th gen demoralization info-warfare waged by the spooks. All the neat gadgets and high-tech toys that the Americans had were impressive (and deadly) sure, but the simply arithmetic of the war was entirely in Iraq’s favor. Sending hundreds of thousands of men thousands of miles overseas put America at a severe disadvantage against a very large Iraqi army that they had themselves armed at some point and which had been reinforced by Russian missile defenses since then."~ibid
^^I will respectfully, but strenuously, disagree with this almost "Baghdad Bob"-like appraisal of the Iraqi armed forces pre-invasion in 2003.
Just like Iraq as a whole, the Iraqi military was chafing under the weight of U.N. sanctions applied with unremitting vigor since 1990. After 13 years of such an onerous burden, both Iraq's civilian & military infrastructure had been hollowed out to a husk. IMHO, it was testament to the valor individual units--such as the defenders of Umm Qasr--that succeeded in prolonging the ground campaign for the three weeks it lasted.
Arguably the REAL war for Iraq commenced after L. Paul Bremer's decree dissolving the Iraqi armed forces and security apparatus, thus rendering tens of militarily trained men unemployed--and unemployable--in a post-Saddam, post-Sunni Iraq.
One of the companies running the digitalisation of Kazakhstan is UK based called Westminster Digital. It's recently changed from being a PR agency to more of a digital consultancy:
It's CEO Jonah Wilder went to Virginia Commonwealth University and LSE and looks like a bit of an intelligence asset when looking at his background or lack there of. Something very fishy here.
You also need to do a Deep Dive on the Sergei and Yulia Skripal poisoning of 2018 and then death of Dawn Sturgess. Bear in mind this also lead to the closing of local shops and businesses and people who lived in that area being told not to go out and work from home. Now where have I heard this before?
The pump and dump of placeholder leaders is indeed n established pattern of Empire. Sadam asked permission from the American Ambassador to invade Kuwait in 91. He was tired of their side drinking and stealing from Iraqi oilfields. The dethroned Shah was seen running around in London asking everyone where his millions stashed were vanished to. Gadaffi famously financed Sarkosis election campaign only to be savaged for Total. He had training camps for all kinds of regime change troops going back to the 1970 when it was called strategy Gladio style of tension for brigade Rossa and raf that turned out to be spooks run. Keeping a lid on Africa refugees until they saw fit to turn Libya a failed state and lots of boat people.
I am impressed at the depth of thought and explanation of your postings. I do subscribe to Mathew Ehret and his genius wife Cynthia Chung, who considers Zionism to be the tool of British Intelligence, rather than the other way around. Ehret attributes much of the spook predilections to be a result of their mystic occult cultish beginnings starting with the Roman empire and perhaps earlier.
The problem with Ehret and Chung are they are so damn prolific, it probably takes them less time to produce an article or blog than it does me to read it or listen to it. In general, their world view dovetails very nicely into Rurik's.
Great work! I am getting more than my $50 worth!. I have only skimmed through the article as time is limited right now. I don't see a lot of references to the fact that US/NATO policy has been controlled by Yaweh's chosen few since at least 1913. All of history must be viewed through that lense imho.
the "strongmen" that Washington puts in charge of countries are never actual strong men. They are puppets acting as tyrants, controlled by the intellectual powerhouses likes Victoria Nuland. Of course they are disposable. In fact disposal and replacement of puppets is a must, otherwise the projection of power from the DC sewer doesn't hold.
Indeed nothing “strong” about them. Nothing “elite” about the elite either.
Ok but what's the mechanism? WHY didn't Saddam defend himself?
That's the question indeed.
WHY won't Iran just acquire nukes already for that matter? WHY won't China detonate the dollar? WHY won't Putin mobilize the country?
Is it really just child-rape kompromat? hm.
Iran: Because nukes are hard to make and they don't have any insiders at Oak Ridge to pass them plutonium.
China: Because that would cause them hardship too. Chinese people always avoid confrontation, even if it screws them up long term.
Child rape kompromat won't even work past this year. AI can generate anything, and it'll just devolve into experts arguing over pixels.
But really, Rurik, you've opened a can of worms with your Saddam story. Now I'm genuinely interested as to how it all works.
You should read the book: Debriefing the
President: The Interrogation of Saddam Hussein
by John Nixon
A lot of it is redacted but it gives you some idea of his mindset. Even thinking he'd be used as an asset to fight extremism and terrorism in the region thanks to his unique understanding.
One bombshell Saddam could have detonated at his kangaroo court trial would have been his role in acting directly on POTUS Carter's behalf when he invaded Iran in September 1980 IMHO, just two months before the general election in order to tighten the screws on the Ayatollah Khomeini to release the 52 U.S. diplomatic & USMC hostages held at the U.S. Embassy compound.
This goes a long way in explaining why both Moscow and Washington hate Lukashencko. It goes a long way in explaining why Moscow has dragged its heels so much in recognising the Taliban. It explains why Moscow for so long wanted nothing to do with North Korea. The overall thesis makes sense, why is the US okay with neo nazis in Ukraine right now? Well here you go lol and it has nothing to do with the CIA being based followers of Hitler and Evola. Ukraine still needs the "right wingers" to suppress any sort of alternative Nationalism that doesn't agree with the following statement: "trannies and McDonald's is bad but not having them is even worse because of Russia". When its time for phase 3 and Ukraine doesn't need the death squads anymore they will either be bought off or killed, its their choice.
"Nationalism" bullies and suppresses Nationalism to pave the way for oligarchy with dildos. They did it in the entire FSU. The Baltics did nationalism that was framed as exclusively anti Russia to make way for foreign capital and trannies. Kazakhstan being islamic did the Islamic version which is the same minus the dildos in public for now.
Expecting Russia to follow this model just like the Baltics and Ukraine would be a mistake simply because the Ukraine, Baltics, Kazakhstan etc are normal countries and Russia is an Empire. The US judeo oligarchy will absolutely not sign off on an empire doing any nationalism at all. Russia was expected to go straight into hyper austerity phase 3 immediately with the caveat that Russia would still be an equal imperial partner. At least that is apparently the deal as the Kremlin understood it. Now its apparent that the US and jews are absolutely fine and quite like Komi, Kuban, Ukrainian, Belarussian, Siberian, Dagestani etc nationalism but they will not tolerate Russian nationalism...that is the US wants Russia to be a bunch of easily manageable nations and getting them there requires some petty, servile, piss ant, pro Western in the bad sense Nationalism. And the Kremlin to this fucking day agrees not to allow any Russian Nationalism. Its either Stockholm syndrome, cuckery or treason and most likely a combination of all 3 are at work to various degrees in the people running Russia.
Again, great essay, the best in awhile. It explains a lot and helps me understand the knee jerk distaste ive always had for pro EU/NATO nationalism regardless of the aesthetics. Like I always had a gut revulsion to say "based" Croatian neo Utashe LARPers or Polish Kurvas. My gut was right but I could never truly formulate why I couldn't stand them other than "well America likes them so they cant be good". Of course some might say its than irrational for me to be pro Russia but than anyone who has been following this blog for awhile should know by now that the Kremlin is viewed by Russian Patriots as a bunch of pro Western sell outs and cucks. So i dont see any big contradiction.
"great essay, the best in awhile"
A rather interesting piece, Rurik. It really is all a stage. On a side note, there's the added ritualistic benefit of killing a "king." We know how the ethnics love their bloody rituals.
I agree with you on Iraq. Part 2 only featured about 150k American soldiers. The Iraqis may not have won but they definitely could have put up a better fight. I wonder what the reward was for selling out ones own people.
Yes this occult component is probably why they kill the tinpot kings/dictators they set up in the first place.
Once I made the Phoenician, Cathaginian, Babylonian connection, it was like "bam, they've embraced the Demiurge." The original Israelites were replaced and welcome to the Six pointed cult of Saturn. All of those sick fucks embraced blood rites and magick.
Yeah i think the Phoenicians = God's Chosen explains a lot.
But there is probably more nuance to it too. Like, the Palestinian ones adopted the Platonic Torah whereas the ones in Spain kept to the older magic tradition probably, which influences the later Kabballah.
Is the Phoenician = Hebrew equation spelled out somewhere? I must have missed it, tho I'd heard about a Sea People - Hebrew connection which I didn't follow up on.
This is a really good introduction to the historical argument and totally blows up the khazarian nonsense. The "Star of David" has no basis in the Torah.
Thank you. A long read, but a conclusion that reconciles various Jewish hereditary and religious anomalies makes it worthy of serious consideration. The Hebrews apparently got a Phoenician/Canaanite upgrade by assimilating their more sophisticated, sea-faring, alphabet-creating, empire-sustaining, Semitic cousins.
Honestly it still didn't turn out all good for Zog, most the insurgents where in fact either former Iraqi military or Iranian backed Shia militias and they gave Zog hell during the occupation. To this day Iraq isnt the reliable puppet state they wanted. Yeah they have a colonial occupation government but its authority barely reaches outside the US embassy compound. The project to install an Afghan civic Nationalist government just flopped when it crashed against the rocks of basic Pashtun tribalism.
The assholes can be beaten... just maybe it takes resetting society to an Afghan tier level which goes backs to those EMPs Pinchuk was talking about. Im down...but only in Minecraft and in full compliance with all relevant laws and so on and so forth.
From your lips to the Creator's ear.
It definitely wrecked a lot of the normy patriotism. Iran has stepped in nicely to keep Iraq from becoming a complete disaster thankfully. Now if the Taliban starts burning the poppies again, Afghanistan could get interesting but then again the CIA has largely switched to fentanyl so there is that.
I truly hope we don't have to burn it all down in Minecraft to free our avatars. I rather like refrigeration, running water, sanitation, etc.
See what Lord Miles in Afghanistan is getting up to. It doesn't seem that bad.
For my own purposes of priming myself to relinquish any attachment to the ludicrous concept of any "significance" to existing as a human in this wretched iteration of consciousness, I will say that the explorations you undertake are valuable in the extreme. The more I read from you and the more I listen to your conversations with your guests, the less unsettled I am by the transpiring of developments upon the world stage. Let it bleed, man.
You have successfully refuted the Bush II cowboy doctrine. " Never mis-underestimate the enemy of your enemy, who is with you or with the terrerists, shame on me , fooled me twice."
I'm not convinced that the guy they killed in Iraq, was really Saddam Hussein. The guy in the picture doesn't look much like him. What do you think, Rurik? You're the expert on face recognition and analysis here.
It seems to me that these puppet-rulers would be much more comfortable selling out their people, if they know they can count on a trip to the Hidden Resort.
Add this to the mix.
I'm starting to see the effects. So many people are losing any kind of intellectual subtlety, of the few that had some to start with, of course. The rest are deteriorating as well.
Fun times ahead.
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: "Depending on where the vaccine damage occurs, a wide variety of neurological and psychiatric illnesses can occur. Nerve failures and paralysis, but also dementia, psychoses and personality changes are on agenda for vaccinated people. The unbelievable horror story doesn't end there. Chopped DNA fragments have been found in large numbers as vaccine contaminants. Fragmented DNA sequences have increased propensity to be incorporated into the chromosomal DNA. The possible consequences are endless. The finely tuned network can be disrupted that controls cell division and differentiation. Cancer and developmental disorders can result. Mutations in sperm and fertilized eggs could make altered characteristics heritable."
Most military ppl have been vaxxed.
Where is the private company making a fortune from unvaxxed blood, plasma, eggs and sperm etc? Surely one exists and I wonder what screenings they do.
It's super interesting and super alarming but it's still largely unmanifest. Most vaxed people seem healthy and not much different. How long do we have to wait before SHTF on a big scale? 10 years? Never?
Apparently not all batches were created equal. Inadequate temperature control has disabled many as well.
The spike protein is damaging in many ways so repeated infections are likely to have the same result.
Danielle Beckman
As a neuroscientist, I know I will end up looking at brains infected with #H5N1 soon. How do I know that? The story of the last months summarized chronologically in 4 papers:
Which 4 papers?
BTW. Your empty substack reminds me of the good old days of Geocities, where every page was constantly under construction. Fun memories!
The World is not ready!
John FitzGiraffe Kennedy, Ministry Of Hopaganda
It's going to be bad.
How do we know? Many people had COVID and hence have a weakened blood brain barrier, a weakened or dysregulated immune system, and more.
7:26 AM · Jun 15, 2024
"The truth is that Iraq could have held off America long enough to win and anyone telling you otherwise fell for the 4th gen demoralization info-warfare waged by the spooks. All the neat gadgets and high-tech toys that the Americans had were impressive (and deadly) sure, but the simply arithmetic of the war was entirely in Iraq’s favor. Sending hundreds of thousands of men thousands of miles overseas put America at a severe disadvantage against a very large Iraqi army that they had themselves armed at some point and which had been reinforced by Russian missile defenses since then."~ibid
^^I will respectfully, but strenuously, disagree with this almost "Baghdad Bob"-like appraisal of the Iraqi armed forces pre-invasion in 2003.
Just like Iraq as a whole, the Iraqi military was chafing under the weight of U.N. sanctions applied with unremitting vigor since 1990. After 13 years of such an onerous burden, both Iraq's civilian & military infrastructure had been hollowed out to a husk. IMHO, it was testament to the valor individual units--such as the defenders of Umm Qasr--that succeeded in prolonging the ground campaign for the three weeks it lasted.
Arguably the REAL war for Iraq commenced after L. Paul Bremer's decree dissolving the Iraqi armed forces and security apparatus, thus rendering tens of militarily trained men unemployed--and unemployable--in a post-Saddam, post-Sunni Iraq.
**tens of thousands**
One of the companies running the digitalisation of Kazakhstan is UK based called Westminster Digital. It's recently changed from being a PR agency to more of a digital consultancy:
It's CEO Jonah Wilder went to Virginia Commonwealth University and LSE and looks like a bit of an intelligence asset when looking at his background or lack there of. Something very fishy here.
You also need to do a Deep Dive on the Sergei and Yulia Skripal poisoning of 2018 and then death of Dawn Sturgess. Bear in mind this also lead to the closing of local shops and businesses and people who lived in that area being told not to go out and work from home. Now where have I heard this before?
Be careful of putting too much faith in Assange. Snowden deserves our respect and appreciation.
It would be great if you could have a discussion on this topic with RealThomas777
The pump and dump of placeholder leaders is indeed n established pattern of Empire. Sadam asked permission from the American Ambassador to invade Kuwait in 91. He was tired of their side drinking and stealing from Iraqi oilfields. The dethroned Shah was seen running around in London asking everyone where his millions stashed were vanished to. Gadaffi famously financed Sarkosis election campaign only to be savaged for Total. He had training camps for all kinds of regime change troops going back to the 1970 when it was called strategy Gladio style of tension for brigade Rossa and raf that turned out to be spooks run. Keeping a lid on Africa refugees until they saw fit to turn Libya a failed state and lots of boat people.
I am impressed at the depth of thought and explanation of your postings. I do subscribe to Mathew Ehret and his genius wife Cynthia Chung, who considers Zionism to be the tool of British Intelligence, rather than the other way around. Ehret attributes much of the spook predilections to be a result of their mystic occult cultish beginnings starting with the Roman empire and perhaps earlier.
For instance, the origin of the US spook state:
Or the influence of British intelligence on the development of Zionism:
The problem with Ehret and Chung are they are so damn prolific, it probably takes them less time to produce an article or blog than it does me to read it or listen to it. In general, their world view dovetails very nicely into Rurik's.
The movie the Jones Plantation explains the workings of the world perfectly. Here's a link.
It will be required viewing for home schooled children
Great work! I am getting more than my $50 worth!. I have only skimmed through the article as time is limited right now. I don't see a lot of references to the fact that US/NATO policy has been controlled by Yaweh's chosen few since at least 1913. All of history must be viewed through that lense imho.