Why do you think Ritter is better paid than Johnson? or Martyanova? Well, I don't know how much you can charge for lies and propaganda, I really have no idea... I have to admit that at the beginning I listened to the Gonzalo Lira's podcast (R.I.P.), here and there, and then there were the guests listed above and many others, for example Pepe Escobar (one more, right?)...then when they started calling the battlefield a "meat grinder" - then I was done with them forever. That was my red line, as Putin would say - but, for me, only one, last line. That's why I can't praise you and Edward, and through your recommendations other people, for presenting reality and moving away from these propagandists.

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I'm curious. Why would calling a battlefield a "meat grinder" turn you off? I can't think of a more neutral but more true statement. I listen to the Duran so I never found Gonzalo Lira to have any different or more insightful ideas. Although that didn't justify his being tortured to death in a Ukrainian prison. And reading Rurik has opened an entirely new perspective to me.

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I think he's referencing the attitude that a "meat grinder" style war is ok and some form of 5d chess Judo move. Russia could have literally ended this war within a year by just going full mobilization. This mindset is why I stopped reading Zman.

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the best part about hiring foreigners to do your propaganda for you is that they can refer the the ppl you are ostensibly fighting to liberate as "meat".

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Answer to that question is very simple and very personal. The country I live in was at war, so I was too. I wasn't on the front lines, but I saw dead, burned, massacred people. Noone human, of whatever side he/she is, is not just flesh. Not even dead are... That's it, as I said at the beginning - it's very simple. Today, some smell wafts into my memory when I look at all that killing around the world - so you can imagine how I feel, and that term "meat grinder" is a disgusting insult for every poor person out there on the front lines. Kind regards

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To me, referring to a battlefield as a "meat grinder" implies death, destruction and torturous killing of people. Many US Civil War battles were undoubtedly "meat grinders" and I have emotional connections with both sides. In no way, to my mind, does referring to a battle or war as a "meat grinder" necessarily imply approval or unconcern. Although it doesn't exclude them either.

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What happened to the good old days when spook/journalists would get paid by getting cushie jobs while still getting their G9 payroll checks. There ain't no Russians and there ain't no Yanks, just corporate criminals playing with tanks.

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I am not really sure about all this yet , time will provide clearer answers.......the media , all of it is just so fucked... there IS NO alternative media except here at the sacred feet of Saint Rurick . Damn I used to love going online and getting into stuff but now it is all so much about money and money and propaganda , clickbait wankers everywhere all the sites youboob and Dumble ... such wasted spaces. Does anybody have any tips on any good aggregation sites or ANYTHING that is not all about the Benjamins AND I know , yes Rurick you hard working straight shooting doods need to eat and I do give you my shekels most willingly but out of the one hundred or so utoob subs I have only have a handful left that are worth a click, the mma ones are still of some value but the UFC is also fucked now......woe is me my media addiction needs new and better drugs!

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Man, Putler was sure taken to the cleaners (unless, as you suggest, it was just a money-laundering operation). I recall some years ago someone calculated that you could buy a congress-critter, lock stock and barrel, for about $2500, and lamented how cheap they were. And those guys actually pass legislation, not just shoot their mouths off on the internets.

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I don’t think they’re allowed to get involved in politics.

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When Ritter said that the death of Progoshov, the Wagner guy, was an accident that did it for me. He had mutinied and so it was OK to murder him rather than have a long trial. I have no problem with that. But Ritter was obviously lying through his teeth

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Fwiw, Mark Sleboda was trying to pass off the Wagner coup as "maskirovka" at one point. I don't know if he ever admitted to being mistaken because I almost entirely stopped listening to his takes at that point.

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It explains AussieCossack $$$

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literal petty criminal. stole from his own family. beat up an old lady. met with strelkov on spook island in russia (vallaam). threatens me on air. i'm sure there's more.

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What a bunch of losers: a mud shark, a soy boy, and 2 faggots. Now I KNOW Russia is just as fake and gay as the US.

Lol about Ritter. Just fucking LOL. I still owe you a debt, Rurik, from the last time that I engaged a Ritter fan. We all knew he was a dancing monkey.

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what happened?

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Some Zanon that showed up in one of Riley's comments and literally knew nothing about Russia. He couldn't wrap his mind around the krisha concept so his response was NAZI! You threw some helpful comments in. Your Generation [P]utin article made him quite upset.

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He was also quite upset that I considered Ritter an unreliable degenerate.

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I wonder how much they pay Xavier Moreau, and Lucien Cerise who are the French equivalents to Ritter and Tim Pool ? Xavier Moreau and Lucien Cerise are always on Alain Soral's site which is the top dissedent site in the french language.

Alain Soral has a massive audience to whom he sells books and even Trump busts, https://kontrekulture.com/produit/buste-trump/ , but he has also some very interesting content. Alain Soral however gets very angry if anyone brings up the chabad lubovitch connection of Putin and Trump. There is therefore good possibilty that Soral is also on the Kremlin payroll

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Was listening to Gerald Celente (Trends Forecast) speak to David Knight Show about his “Occupy Peace” rally in Westchester New York this month. His Special guest speakers are Scott Ritter & Judge Napolitano. Who’s fooling who or are they all fooling us?

We hear the immortal words “It’s a big club & you ain’t in it” haw haw sheesh he’s right, it’s funny because it’s true.

Well it’s not friggin’ funny, all these spook agencies are the ‘pretorian Guard’ for “The New Order for the Ages” & if you ain’t in it, you’re in the way.

As for the “meat grinder” analogy, remember the Pink Floyd movie “The Wall” the (animation) of the teacher feeding the school kids into a sausage machine? Once our minds become mush (pink slime) from conditioning (cognitive dissonance) we will readily form human waves of futile resistance to mechanised & technological “carbon reduction processes” which they can belatedly justify as necessary (under the Luciferian decree) because those people refused to accept progress in the name of “Planetary Salvation” or whatever their high priest lawyers come up with

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Fwiw, Charles Johnson offers the following insights on Tim Pool & Dimitri Simes:


<i>"Back to Tim Pool and David Rubin….

Pool got his start from Vlad Teichberg, a strange Russian-Jewish derivatives trader whose family left the Soviet Union and who linked up with Pool around Occupy Wall Street...

Dimitri Simes, intimately connected with the Kristol family and the neoconservative project, was arrested alongside his wife Anastasia Ryurikov Simes.

Today’s indictment against Dimitri and Anastasia Simes for Providing Services to Sanctioned Russian Broadcaster mentions that the money was laundered via Armenia.

Simes, whose father was involved with the Ukranian Jewish mafia in Odessa, was the former president and CEO of The Center for the National Interest, where he served from 1994 to 2022. Simes was involved in arranging Donald Trump's April 27, 2016 pro-Russian speech at the Mayflower Hotel.

With the indictment of Simes I was remembering my dear Professor Harry V. Jaffa who tried to teach us to avoid the Russian Jewish neoconservative op." </i>

I would take everything Charles Johnson says with a grain of salt -- or maybe tablespoon of salt. But he is legitimately well-acquainted with the luminaries of the online right and its financiers and does seem to have links to the deep state and the Peter Thiel spook linked entrepreneurial network

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Haha wow. Chuck is a known fed informant though

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As I understand it, the charges involved being an agent for a foreign power and not registering via the FARA act. In other words, any foreign investment in a US communications company can trigger a felony charge for the investors if they don't register as a foreign agent.

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Ryan Dawson has been pushing the theory that it was Russo-Zionist "money that was given not to promote Russia ... but to shield Israel from criticism." He posits that Chen is being scapegated because she was insufficiently Zionist, but expects the likes of Dave Rubin and Tim Pool to be let off the hook because of their fealty to Zionism:


I am a bit skeptical of Dawson's take. Support for Israel abounds in the msm and alt-media spaces, so it hardly seems worth the money to pay Rubin and Pool for their lukewarm takes. But the idea that the money may have come from people with both Russian and Israeli ties and with loyalties to both countries doesn't seem that farfetched.

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Idk Dawson is clueless about Russia generally

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Fuckin Dawson bra. Man where has he disappeared too? I used to like his stuff ...years since I saw him online , but then I ain't really searched I guess.

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Roger that , cheers!

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I wonder if Gonzalo Lira may have actually been a Russian asset. I've always wondered what his business interests in Kharkov were, considering that he didn't speak Russian or Ukrainian and that his wife and children did not live in the country.

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He admitted on video that he worked for two intelligence agencies lol

edit: sorry i meant escobar

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I thought that was Escobar? - both maybe made the same admission?

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oh yeah my b

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Really? I know his family were close to the Pinochet regime, so I imagine Chilean intelligence might have been one of them.

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Spanish Wikipedia used to say that he worked for the CIA for a decade.


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I heard he was an agency for western men seeking Ukrainian women. That would fit with his previous career as a dating instructor and explain why he was in Ukraine of all places

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Pornography I heard.

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According to the Russian Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs, 35% of labor migrants in Russia prefer Sharia law to secular law. https://x.com/nikola_mikovic/status/1832831183257833578

BREAKING: Donald Trump pledges '100% tariff' for countries that shun the US dollar, per Bloomberg [I predict great success to the Chinese-Russian-led dedollarization process... not]

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What does "shunning the US dollar" mean? Does it mean not pegging oil to the US dollar? Does it mean using a different reserve currency? According to Jeffrey Snyder, the Eurodollar is entirely separate from the decisions of the Federal Reserve. The Eurodollar is created by large coordinated banks as a medium of exchange. Would going off the Eurodollar count as dedollarization? Russia seems to be distancing from the US dollar because the US sanctions all bank transactions with Russia. A ban which is observed by China, by the way. China does not accept bank transactions from Russian banks.

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We can only speculate, as Trump is a notorious bragadocio that talks outta his ass, but I would guess establishing parallel systems that would bypass the possibilities of being sanctioned within the Eurodollar system, the thing that is tried by countries like Iran, obviously, and Russia too, so I would expect unlimited partner and bff China to even more vigurously enforce US sanctions on both its esteemed partners and allies

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Rurik - All of this is just mind blowing although this is not news to those of us that follow you. I just hope that this leads to people waking up. I have to wonder how many other alt-media personalities have been paid by the Kremlin (or we're they just honestly duped like so many of us?).

Also - I've been trying to recall how I first encountered you in the past couple of years. We're you ever a guest on Adam Green's Know More News? Speaking of which his latest program dealt with all this Russian influence stuff which made me wonder what would be your take.

Great article! I'm looking forward to learning more about this.

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Why is Green chummy with Richard Spencer, a known fed?

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Maybe you should ask Green.

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He never replies

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I heard about Rurik when someone posted a link to his blog on The Duran. I've posted some links there myself. It would help if Rurik let us know which articles were paywalled and which were not. That way, I would only post links to the articles that were free, which would be the best advertisement for it.

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Who’s Tucker batting for, do ya reckon?

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I have heard of Tim Pool but never even imagined him to be this awful. I expected he would be like all the other American controlled op folks on YewTube.

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