Why is COMMANDER Rurik Doomposting on this happy occasion I have some inside info for all of you. The Shoigu and Patrushev being fired is a result of COMMANDER Riley infiltrating the Armenian Tunnel network with the help of his Patriotic lover Magarita Simonyan. Once under the kremlin he was able to speak with the Tsar Putin in person and explain to him that The Shoigu was corrupt. Action was taken at once and patriots have once again won a great victory against the anglo saxon infiltrators in the russian government. Now we can have some sort of tech ghoul turn the war into a HOI4 spreadsheet instead of the feudal army model that The Shoigu was using. Z victory imminent Patriots rejoice!

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^^ #TrustThePlan

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Bathhouse of Settlement is clever and apropos. I have come up with two others: the Veil of Betterment and the Swale of Excrement.

It's pretty obvious the Jews run the show in America. They have for a very long time. I've heard it spoken by many a common working man my entire life, the first 20 years of which were before everyone got hooked on the Internet. The big question is: what, exactly, is the average white citizen willing to do about any of it. My guess is...nothing. The fighting cry of America has gone from, "Death Before Dishonor!" to, "Death Before Discomfort!

Now, where are those comets?

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The Jews have all the CAPITAL. Chinese capital, American , Russian ,Australian , Japanese CAPITAL! HE who controls the capital controls everything! How can Russia and China get control of that capital? They will have to build a system for offshoring capital like NY and London has just to start. But they also must have the TRUST. Will the oligarchs of this world trust Chineses offshorers? Will they trust Russian offshorers , can they even build a system as reputable as the present one? Whilst the Jews control the capital... they control the world. They invented the system , can anyone beat them at their own game?

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Have some optimism for once, Rollo...

Shoigu has been fired: https://t.me/CyberspecNews/52913


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The Ivans in the trenches must be so joyful knowing that they now have an academic , an Economist no less as their Great Commander. I remember how McNamara moved from Ford into the Pentagon to corporatise the Vietnam war. Sounds similar. The Shoigu survives , does not lose too much face in the shuffle , the ship is steady.......so far..... but the Shoigs and co. must have generated a little anxiety in The Putin , some lack of faith in the trustworthiness maybe? Or is it really about the economics of the not war and maybe the Shoigu and friends were just a little bit too greedy and INCOMPETENT so time to get some of the money to where it is needed. I think the latter.

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Thanks for the link to your discussion with Aussie Cossack. That was fascinating to listen to, you keeping the discussion level high where ordinary mortals would have left the chat already.

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I just watched the interview/debate with Aussie Cossack. Rurik really kicked butt there. Aussie is a strong opponent, but he is not a logical one.

He began by asserting that the vax is absolutely voluntary in Russia. There is no coercion whatsoever. Also, the high percentage of people purportedly already vaccinated was phony, because so many people had obtained forged certificates of vaccination. Huh? If vaccination is absolutely voluntary, why did a large percentage of the population find it necessary to get a forged certificate? The argument didn't make logical (or any other) sense.

Aussie also argued that Rurik was weakening the Russian war effort by publicly criticizing officials in the government. The idea is, you tolerate corruption, incompetence and treason because to openly criticize it would undermine confidence in the government and thus slow the war effort.

This logic ignores the situation where the extent of corruption and treason would actually result in the war being lost. Is it then an interference with the war effort to call attention?

Aussie's other line of reasoning seemed to be "you're going to suffer personal consequences for criticizing the Russian government, so you should stop".

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Anal-Saxon? Yeah it's good, Rurik. You should run with it.

I'll read the rest when I have time. It looks good!

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Another nice one, thank you RS. I particularly like that photo of the Happy Merchant, now Ukraine's favourite Merchant of Death. He must be rubbing his hands and smiling ever more gleefully as the casualty figures of the goyim come in. Did he have a commission arrangement with Shoigu? Will the replacement guy try to gyp him on the commission?

Has Shoigu been promoted, demoted, 'kicked upstairs', given access to a new income stream overseeing exports of weapons, or what? In perplexity I turned to Martyanov, and was assured that the Russian government just keeps getting better, if that's even possible. Didn't he pass you the memo?

Shoigu's fading from public prominence is a slight disappointment for me, as I have just learnt how to pronounce his name. Via Martyanov's site I watched the Moscow Victory Parade and heard that the stress is on the final syllable. It's ShoiGU. Maybe I'll learn the new guy's name before he also shuffles off - probably with his loot also weighing him down.

What do they do with it all? I can understand a bit of off-shoring and creating wealthy families, but beyond that it looks like either insatiable greed, ultimately wasted as it is squandered or confiscated - or possibly an attempt to build resources to create a political and economic faction to squeeze in among the longer established oligarch dynasties, the foundations for the future noble houses of Patrushev, Shoigu etc. From Bolsheviks to Boyars?

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The tea leaves tell me it won't be a joke soon.

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"F-16s from Denmark will be in Ukraine within a month", - PM of Denmark

Mettle will be tested

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Then I say it's time to play a new game. We've exhausted every avenue for adventure and self-discovery slogging through round after interminable round of The Blame Game. We all know who's , "IT." I think it's time to gear up for a bracing season of "Ship's Ahoy." Making Israel their home base was never going to be to the advantage of anyone. I think Alaska might be a better spot to dump 'em.

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Ps - and im only posting because of red wine. Posting all these pics of retrobates is no way to charm your audience. I need therapy after this hsit - the toxic noodle, Santa Claws !? you need to start paying the stalkers for this crap.

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A picture is worth a thousand words. On Twitter that means infinity. Are you saying that Count Dracul the blue is a fake ? You seem particularly happy as you gleefully associate your creator with a clone (unless he's the anti-christ in which case he may be a chimera of sorts. Its all so muddy according to this article . Isnt everyone bad ? Maybe that is an anti-climax - especially now Coffin guy has switched with Shoigu the templar. "This is yet another brazen escalation that, in theory, Putin warned would be punished severely. But, well … we have heard that one before, haven’t we?" - propose a response Scribe.

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Most every single time!

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