The last time I commented was on your interview with the malthusian and I had mentioned that I saw the solution to the worlds ills was for you smart white men and women to get together and multiply. That sounds racist because it is racist af. You must understand that I was coming from the position of an old white man and we don't even like half of our own race much less anyone else's. If anyone finds this offensive they can kiss my ass, talk to their therapist or do whatever they've gotta do that allows us both to live with it. At least that was my position, it all changed last night. You see my sister works for one of the tribes here in Okla ( I don't know which one because ever since she learned to talk she hasn't shut up and I learned to tune her out years ago) and she's been searching all these genealogical records trying get us an indian roll number (sorry, "indigenous people's" roll number) everyone in Okla wants one of these because it basically gets you a bunch of free shit and you know how we all want free shit. Anyway she found it, our great-great grandmother, Lucille Freeman was a Chickasaw, but wait there's more! Lucille's father's name was Free-man, that's right, I have monkey blood in me, I am no longer an old crotchety white man, now I'm oppressed and I demand reparations, so you Rurik, that little six bucks a month I've been sending you, your little lily white ass can just turn around and send it right back because you owe me.

On my word all this shit is true, just found out last night, except I'm not oppressed and no one owes me anything. My point in all of this is we're a bunch of mongrels genetically, it's culture that defines us

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How does the one drop rule work : one drop of Chickasaw blood and one is Chickasaw; one drop of black blood and one is black; one drop of white blood and one is white ? I am genuinely puzzled.

The worst policy is to give some tribe institutional power and advantages. That destroys the trend towards unification in the local population. Example. In Romania gypsies have been granted special electoral constituencies, which prompted many people to claim gypsy ancestry in order to be part of them ; the gypsy autocrats pay for votes so there is money to be made there ; the gypsy members of parliament sell their votes to the party in power and recoup their costs plus a nice profit. Yet those newly discovered gypsies had all been degypsied (equivalent to a verb in Romanian) over the past 200 years.

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I think it's all a crock of shit, most of the western world has been infected with this sense of entitlement, everyone wants free shit. I know people that are getting native american benefits that look like they're from Sweden, as blond haired, blue eyed as can be. This is the type shit that's going to push western civilization over the edge, the tick has gotten bigger than the dog. I'm not sure why my sister has even pushed it, her and her husband own a $750k beachfront home at the lake, they're not hurting, none of us are hurting, I eat good, have indoor plumbing and air conditioning wtf? Maybe she's trying to escape the sin of being white like Liz Warren, everyone is trying find something to identify as besides what they really are, especially if there's free shit involved

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Here in OZ everyone is becoming aboriginal. Even only a 10% of blackfella blood makes you an abo. How ridiculous. With that amount of blackfella blood you are a European invader not an indigenous victim.

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Outbreeding Africans and Asians is not the winning strategy, whites have always been a minority of the world population. Didn't stop them from conquering the planet and inventing >90% of the modern world.

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Absolutely. All the winging blacks can always go back and live a Stone Age lifestyle with life expectancies of about thirty years .

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You left out Hispanics, who from what I've read appear to be the top breeders in the US now. What do you see as a solution to the dwindling numbers of the Caucasian race? Your assessment of their achievements is valid, but what happens when they become a minority in the US?

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Whites need to regain faith in themselves and their ability to rule others. Maybe this could be done by a charismatic figure able to give the masses a purpose, a Ceasar, Napoleon or Hitler. On the other hand there are a host of theories saying that civilisations and their founding populations move in cycles, caused by either dysgenics or a people losing their will to succeed due to becoming accustomed to wealth. Maybe it's just time for the West to fizzle out, so that the European man can rebuild a new civiliamsation.

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"My point in all of this is we're a bunch of mongrels genetically, it's culture that defines us"

Amen to that, brother. If you go back far enough, we all have a common ancestry whether we descended from Adam and Eve or a group of monkeys. Culture matters. That is the primary reason why immigration is so destructive to a nation-state or society. In a perfect world, race wouldn't matter much. But alas, we don't live in a perfect world, so race does matter. It matters, not because of DNA, but because human beings can't seem to separate race from culture. It seems to have always been this way and probably will always be this way. Our ethnic overlords are taking full advantage of this sad reality. Divide and conquer, a highly effective strategy.

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People create the culture, not the other way around.

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It might not just be culture that define us, though that is mostly true. Maybe the native blood in you made you the rebel that you are.

My 15 years old daughter (adopted, so no white blood) claims that she is French and proud of it. She only have eyes for whites and thinks the Germans are the nicest. Every time her Rasta Dad wants her to be proud of her being African, she shrugs. She has never ever experience racism in the village she has been living for years, even if she was the only real African, her daughter and another girl (daughter of a French soldier) being mixed. Few migrants are no problems for a host society.

Once, I was living in Siby, a southern large village in Mali because I had been expelled from North out of security concern. I was having a conversation about migration with some locals. At some point I told them: "What if 100 French settled here, playing pétanque and drinking pastis every day, would you easily accept it?" they all laugh out loud and replied, NO" I had made my point and everybody admitted it.

As a Chickasaw/European stock mongrel, you should know that the USSR and Russia has always sided with indigenous Americans so Role/ Rurick don't owe you anything. Lol

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Funny shit, loving this sarcastic style of writing.

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In context of “schools” and “pre-schools” for the new “immigrants” - it’s Vital to understand Western and especially American Dominance is established and controlled via Schools. That’s actually the most important and expensive part of local American government. Far beyond mere propaganda the local administrators take de facto title of your children, its control of the present and future.

The local school administration also lives well no matter the circumstances of their neighbors, and the children who survive the gauntlet are programmed to go to college by taking out increasingly unpayable loans, so finance is very happy. The student loans are both guaranteed and enforced by government and by law not dischargeable in bankruptcy. There will never be a bailout or student loan forgiveness although it’s dangled every election.

If you see an American schoolhouse know that you are doomed. (That’s borrowed from “Ride with The Devil”).

The schoolhouse’s mentioned in the post are most assuredly the American model.

Good luck.

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ZANON does and will always believe that Russia is the great white hope. I watched "Putin's Palace "and " Don't call him Dimon " for the first time last night It seems like an open and shut case , no wonder Navalny is going to die in prison. Funny that MAGA people and christian conservatives in the US are suffering emotional distress because The Trump might go to prison . However even though Putin has his opposition leader and many others who have criticised him in prison they all love Putin , the Trump included . They can't see that the Democrats are using Putin's playbook. It's a mad world. There is talk of Tucker " interviewing" Putin , what a puff piece that would be.

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White Erasure is the name of their game.

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May I disagree. It is not true that all major analysts with rock solid credentials told us that the war will be over in a few weeks and Shoigu will be singing La Marseillaise (I don't believe anybody in the West knows a single Patriotic song, so... ) in Kiev by now. Some said (when they saw that there is no checkmate in the first 3 weeks) that the plan is a long war to exhaust NATO. And it is obvious that you don't understand military strategy. The plan is to get NATO to use up all their weapons on Ukraine’s soldiers, not Russian. This is because they are desperate. They can't accept they already lost, this is why they are sending all of these soldiers to die. The same reason the CIA blew up Wagner. Desperation. As if it will change anything. You forget that Putin is killing enemies like the Basilisk, if they look into his eyes - dead.

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how do we arrive at the conclusion that kiev already lost? because i've been hearing this ever since we shifted to the narrative that shoigu's plan is to genocide the entire male population of ukraine.

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don't know. I think we know that Kiev lost by default. Russia can't lose no matter how drunk Shoigu is. But if I have to be serious though I don't want to ... it is all too funny. But... if I have to the issue I think is that Russia can't lose. She is too powerful and she has too many nukes. So if this is happening and "Russia is losing" it means something extraordinary is going on. Extraordinary corruption and retardation can't explain it imo. It becomes even more awkward if we assume Russia is so weak, corrupt or insane but the West is the same, the West is so retarded and woke that it can't even impose proper sanctions on Russia and finish her in her retardation. Not only this but they are bankrupting their own. Zelensky's "offensive" is a joke. BBC said too many victims in Ukraine, "dying "by the dozens"". Now the West (mainstream opposition, not mainstream mainstream) is saying that its not worth it, Zelensky is too corrupt, too many victims. So no matter what happens zanon are probably going to spin something insane to explain this insane situation.

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Keep on drinking the ZANON cool aid.

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What a beautifully appropriate term you have coined. LMFAO!

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