The NWO Has Core Winners and Periphery Losers
Exploring the World Systems Theory and understanding why your country will always be poor.
Perhaps you have heard of the Wallerstein theory of geopolitics?
AI summarizes it like this:
Immanuel Wallerstein's world systems theory is a model that explains the world economy by dividing countries into three hierarchies: core, semiperiphery, and periphery:
Countries with high wages, advanced technology, and diversified production. Core countries exploit the periphery and semiperiphery for labor and raw materials.
Countries with a mix of characteristics from the core and periphery. Semiperipheral countries exploit the periphery but are also exploited by the core.
Countries with low wages, simple technology, and limited production. Peripheral countries are dependent on the core for capital.
Wallerstein's theory suggests that while the world economy is always changing, the three hierarchies remain. He also believed that poor countries could eventually improve their economic development, but that the periphery would always be needed as long as core countries existed.
Wallerstein's theory has been influential and interdisciplinary, drawing attention from scholars in many social science fields, including history, anthropology, and cultural studies. However, some have criticized the theory for downplaying the role of culture in global hegemonies.
I think that this theory makes a lot of sense and goes a long way towards explaining Washington’s foreign policy. But we need to flesh out the idea more because the devil really is in the details.
The Economic Eden Zone
The success of the core zones in the post-World War and post-Cold War period were used as enticement, as a kind of bait on periphery or semi-periphery countries. These became the poster children of economic success and political stability in the framework of Liberal Capitalistic Democracies. Proof of concept that Washington’s model was superior to Nationalism, and whatever else Moscow could offer. The core satrapies were dangled in front of other countries like model cars at a trade show to get other countries to join the Washington-based New World Order. The assumption on their part was that America would make them prosperous like South Korea or Japan and Germany as soon as they handed over the keys to the kingdom to them.
Washington even spent the Cold War nuking its own industry and sending it over to Germany and East Asia to rebuild these countries. It was a deliberate policy to effect rapid economic and political transformation in these countries and to integrate them totally into the political and economic world order that Washington was building.
It was the geopolitical version of Jesus’ encounter with the Yahweh demon in the desert as presented in the Gospel of John. Material prosperity and political power was offered in exchange for subordination and subjugation, which Jesus rejects, of course. And so, logically, the geopolitical equivalent of Jesus would have to be North Korea. Because to my knowledge, literally every other government in the world signed on the dotted line and sold out. Washington, however, is quite unlike the devils and demons and old gods, who always kept their end of the bargain in the old legends and religions and simply used devastating truths as their primary weapon.
Just consult the famous Garden of Eden story if you don’t believe me!
In it, the snake frees Adam and Eve from Yahweh’s open-air zoo by dropping truth-bomb red pills on them and exposing Yahweh to be a liar and a fraud. It is a powerful parable which teaches a lesson about the need to reject false realities and how to break free of artificial control systems put in place by powerful rulers. Sadly, so many people misinterpret this story and misunderstand its meaning.
Just like they didn’t understand the core message of the film Oblivion, which is a sci-fi interpretation of the narrative found in Genesis and the theme for today’s post.
These people will not be able to understand the deception inherent to the Economic Eden set up by Washington that I am about to describe either.
Now, Washington can’t be compared to Satan/the snake/Sally really because Washington never keeps up its end of the bargain. The Germany or South Korea scenario was never in the cards for any of the non-Core countries that signed onto the NWO because there simply wasn’t enough room for them in the garden of economic Eden. The simple fact of the matter is that the world is over-saturated in consumer goods. This is because the sheer amount of material wealth in the form of factory-produced widgets is staggering and we had reached a goods surplus all the way back in the 1940s already.
The world market reset after the war because all of Western Europe had been burned to the ground by the UK and the USSA (the good guys) and the factories were gone. Eastern Europe had gone up in flames as well. Only Soviet industry in the Urals was spared, and propped up by huge amounts of capital support from Washington and American oligarchs like the Rockfellers or Ford.
But it took only two decades before the world’s factories were up and running again and excess production was once again reached. This was a time of rising living standards across the board as war-time economies were used to achieve full employment and reduce the cost of finished consumer goods across the board. The people born in the wake of that boom in mass industrial production coupled with the period of relative peace that followed became the wealthiest generation to have ever lived. It was such an economically prosperous time that it warped the perception of reality of those that came of age during it or in its immediate aftermath. It also led to a period of remarkable political stability and passivity on the part of the population that had hitherto never been seen. More on that in a moment.
The economic archons realized that the world market could only accommodate so many producers of high-end finished goods. So, they set up a new kind of system which was a kind of controlled, committee top-down approach to world trade in which countries or entire blocs or zones would be given a designated economic role. These individual component economies were then plugged into a larger machine after which they could no longer function autonomously. This dependence was part of the control design of the system and it ensured the domination of this central committee of economic planners. All of this was euphemistically called “free trade” but it was, of course, anything but because the countries in this “Free Trade Bloc” were told what they could produce and who they could sell to by these unelected committees of powerful oligarchs. The Washington economic bloc then used the power of their factories and their markets to achieve their geopolitical aims.
The zones of themselves and their close military allies are where political stability is prioritized above all else. These zones are also built up economically and allowed to integrate fully into the economic order. They are not treated like resource colonies.
Islands of stability as the rest of the planet is stripped for resources by an alien entity
Again: America even undermined its own domestic industry all throughout the post WWII period to rebuild Japan, Germany, South Korea and so on.
These countries had to be restored to economic prosperity because they would be used against the USSR and its allies and because they were poster children for what American support meant in terms of the prosperity it could bring. The ability to manufacture high-end goods leads to the growth of a middle-class and all of the positive benefits associated with needing to run a high tech society. A country that manufactures cars, say, needs highly-paid professional engineers, and technical colleges and good infrastructure. A country that runs banana plantations doesn’t need any of that. Most countries would prefer to be the ones manufacturing cars and not involved in raw resource extraction.
But that is not for them to decide.
Most of the world was not let into this zone.
In fact, the term “the West” is a euphemism for “the Core”, really. Because Japan and South Korea are not Western. Nor is Australia for that matter. Germans were considered barbaric half-Huns by most of the West for centuries.
One of the key rhetorical points that need to be swapped out is the concept of “the West” not only because it is inaccurate, but because it conjures up romantic notions of historical continuity to an ancient past when the reality is that we are talking about economic zones ruled by spiteful xenocrats and not merry old England. This is a deliberate bait and switch.
Sadly, many “Westerners” or rather “Core-dwellers” (I prefer Core-eans) still fall for it.
However, many people wanted the same economic prosperity and political prosperity for their own countries and thought that if they’d join Washington’s empire, that they’d be treated the same way as the poster children countries of the Core. This, however, proved to be a fatal and false assumption for many countries. Signing on to be a satrapy of Washington proved to be very costly. Instead of becoming the next Germany, these countries were turned into labor or raw resource colonies. Furthermore, they were not granted the political stability that Washington had created in Germany or Japan. Quite the opposite, Washington fomented political instability in these countries by encouraging factionalism and undermining their sovereignty from within that way.
In other words, countries that didn’t fall into the Core zone of most favored nations got political plurality from Washington … and they got it good and hard.
Ukraine is actually Washington’s ideal model for all countries not in the Core. They have “political plurality” out the wazoo (geopolitical term) and very “dynamic” political processes that involved coups, revolutions and armed gang shoot-outs fairly regularly. And now they means they have a literal full blown civil war raging on their own territory — it doesn’t get more politically dynamic than that! This is the inevitable and predictable end result of the factionalism that is inherent to carving up your country into political blocs supported by rival gangs of oligarchs (Liberal Democracy) that then engage in a no-holds barred war for power and money amongst themselves and also tear the country to pieces in the process.
The Stability Regime of the NWO
In contrast, one of the most import perks of the NWO model offered by Washington in the wake of WWII and solidified by the end of the Cold War was the stability that their system delivered to Core countries that signed on. Despite all the pageantry and fanfare around elections, nothing ever changes in Core countries, politically. The real perk isn’t plurality or dynamism, but hitherto unprecedented levels of stability/stagnation. The entrenched bureaucracy or “Deep State” if you prefer runs these countries and simply changes mascots from time to time.
In most Core countries you rarely even had that though!
If we look at Japan and Germany again, these countries were essentially run by a single party for most of their post-war history on an economic platform of gearing the economy to exports of high-end products that was enabled because of their close relationship to Washington. The elites in these countries were told in no uncertain terms that if they wanted the gravy train to continue rolling, they’d have to keep certain policies in place or risk losing their niche in the controlled global assembly conveyer belt. As a result, there were no political upheavals in these countries to speak of. This is remarkable when compared to the turbulent recent history that these countries had lived through which was fraught with political tumult and upheaval.
Washington simply promised to do away with all of that. To erase that part of history and to end political struggle forever …
And for a reigning political elite concerned with staying in power, it should be easy to understand why the offer was so enticing. That and the military occupation that Washington maintained in their countries didn’t leave them much choice in the matter.
There are, however, ongoing efforts on behalf of the governments of many non-Core countries to lobby Washington into letting them into the Core club. The most notable example that comes to mind is Poland. There, the political elite does everything it can to gain admission to the Core, with mixed results. When the zones were demarcated, Poland was slated for periphery status. But Poland wants to leverage its position as a forward operating base against Russia and its relatively large population of underpaid and politically disenfranchised peasants who can be used as cannon fodder to gain Core status. In Ricardian terms, cannon fodder, cheap labor, anti-Russian resentment and location between Germany and Russia are Poland’s key comparative advantages. Warsaw is trying to use this to get a better seat at the table in the NWO, closer to the cool kids in the Core. We are of course told that Poland is “based” and “traditional” and standing up for European values. But that is once again a simply ideological smokescreen to be used on the rubes. It is the same narrative that Hungary uses as well while they beg and plead for Core status as well. The more you research the topic, the more you realize that every single country has its own version of Operation Trust going on now and that it has hoodwinked the vast majority of “dissident”- minded people.
This part is important to understand when discussing Ukraine and Russia as well.
The Peripheryland Chronicles
Poland’s sucking up to the Core is no different than what Russia tried to do under Yeltsin and Putin. They tried to find bargaining chips to trade in for a better seat at the table. Specifically, they offered stable supplies of raw materials and tried to make themselves useful in Bush’s “Terror War” in the Middle East while clamping down on any forms of nationalism, economic or otherwise at home, which would seek to displace Russia’s apportioned place in the global conveyer belt assembly economy.
Furthermore, the goal of Washington appears to have been to use China against Russia or Russia against China in the next big war. They also wanted to use Russia against Iran. Putin was very accommodating to the West in these aims and he sought to prove his worth to them for most of his reign. Under his tenure, relations with China were kept deliberately frosty and Moscow refused to finance or redirect serious infrastructure in the East that could be used to supply China with Siberian resources, because that would displease Washington. At the time of this writing, relations with China are especially frosty, with trade and shipments constantly being frozen and unfrozen as Beijing seeks to bend a desperate Moscow over the barrel.
However, generally, Putin realized that he needed some sticks as opposed to just offering carrots to Washington. The goal was still to negotiate a better seat at the table, but Moscow would play hard ball now., essentially. Belatedly, from 2014-15 onwards, we saw Putin trying to leverage his position against Washington by showing Washington that he could be a great friend, but also a great nuisance if he started to go rogue.
This caused Washington to react with absolute fury and to punish Putin for his arrogance.
Furthermore, all the while, Putin has built a political system in Russia that is not allowed for non-Core countries according to the rules laid out by Washington. This is because there are no political forces outside of Putin and his goons in Russia. They’ve all been killed off, bought off or exiled to the West or Israel. The West doesn’t like countries where power is consolidated like in Russia, under Putin and his FSB and close circle of Chabad oligarchs. In such closed systems, it is harder to foment political chaos and to play different factions off of one another with the goal of eventually starting a civil war. You can read Washington’s complaints about Putin in their think tank journals or get an earful about it in any grad student course on Eastern Europe studies.
As an aside, if you ever get to deep into language or political studies concerning foreign nations, and if you’re too good at it, you’ll essentially reach a point where you realize that they’re teaching you to be a spook operative used against the country and culture that you were interested in studying in the first place.
Kind of like how Tom Cruise’s character is a big fan of Earth culture only to be working unbeknownst to himself as an anti-Earth agent of the enemy.
As such, admirers of Dostoevsky and Russian Orthodoxy are turned into bioweapons against the very thing that they love.
Very macabre, I am sure you will agree.
I actually have many of these types (relatively) reading my blog to crib notes for their class papers. It is one of the main reasons why I eschew a serious writing style — to make it more difficult for them to cite me to their professors, who wouldn’t care for the humor and the style of writing and would penalize the students for relying on my research because of it. I am trying to help you people by harming your studies and careers. Because if you continue to learning about Russia, you will simply be used as a tool against Russia down the line and locked into that role because you have no other skills to rely on. There is no job that you can pursue in this field that isn’t in the interests of The Core against the Peripherylands and their satrap governments. Learn a hard skill instead, earn some money and then move over to Russia if that is where you want to end up. Becoming a Russia specialist, in contrast, will mean working in Moscow or St. Petersburg for globalist organizations destroying the very thing that you love and getting disillusioned by life in the big city surrounded by city-Russians and the Swarth that Putin has imported.
Save yourself before it is too late!
Washington constantly complains about how Putin’s siloviks control everything and so there is no breathing room for a Liberal Democratic system to form. In fact, they insist that any form of Authoritarianism be dismantled anywhere it pop up in the world.
As I’ve explained before, Julian Assange explained how this was an explicit US foreign policy aim and the driving cause of many color revolutions around the world — the goal being to set up a more Ukraine-like system everywhere around the world, so that Washington can benefit from the chaos.
Unlike in Russia, there is no one in Ukraine that is powerful enough to rule outright. That is why there has been political bedlam in Ukraine since independence and eventually it has led to this very profitable civil war. This is very unlike what you have in Russia, where power has been largely consolidated by the FSB and Putin’s close circle of oligarch friends. So you can see how Ukraine, unlike Russia, has a political and economic system that the West approves of, for a periphery country.
This is key to understand so I will repeat it several times in several different ways.
Washington wants periphery countries to be unstable, politically, because this leads to weakness internally and exploitability from abroad.
In contrast, Washington wants the Core countries to be completely politically stagnant because they are part of the power base of Washington.
Joining the Core means about the same amount of Washington meddling in your internal affairs, but with a different intent behind the meddling. The goal in Germany was for Washington to keep Merkel’s peoples’ monopoly on power for more than half a century. Their meddling is targeted at eliminating sources of instability in the country, not fomenting them.
The periphery, on the other hand, has to be kept permanently weak and unstable so that it can be better exploited from abroad. Thus, Washington spends time funding all sides of the political debate, really, to keep them at each others throats and to encourage all manner of factionalism in the society. This is euphemistically referred to as “Democracy promotion efforts/outreach”. It isn’t just about setting up puppet-parties in these countries. In most cases, all of the parties are on the Washington payroll to some capacity, which leads to a lot of confusion among the plebs. Most right-wingers and dissidents from the old left are derisive of the Washington agenda and rightly so, but they are like blind men feeling out different parts of the elephant and unable to compare notes. Chances are, you’ve come from one of these two school of critique of Washington-led globalism and that is why you found the blog and resonated with the similarity of the core message, despite the quirks of its author and his visible contempt for his non-paying readers.
Right-wingers point out that “Democracy” is a Washington term synonymous with “infinity negroes imported into your country”. And left-wingers will point to the fact that “Democracy” means global megacorps moving in and eating up the domestic competition and leaving half the country unemployed as a result. Few notice the more “meta” element to Washington’s foreign policy that I have pointed out above, which is the artificially-induced instability regime in periphery countries. Leftists in particular are resistant to adding a racialist dimension to their critique of globalism. Because, after all, merging key elements of socialism and nationalism to resist globalism is an illegal combination in our Brave New World Order. One that we have been conditioned to knee-jerk reject.
America’s “Core” Values
What is interesting to note is just how fractious American society has become in recent years. The factionalism and ideological partisanship engendered by the robust and lively American political system has basically torn the American people apart into two camps that would, in the absence of a powerful federal government standing army of cops and spooks keeping it all together, rise up and start butchering each other in a Lebanese-style religious civil war. Well, at least that is what the Left would do to its political opponents. Conservatives would simply wait on their moral high ground and offer nothing but passive resistance to the siege forces storming up the hill while chuckling and muttering “imagine if the roles were reversed!” under their breaths.
The cowardice and fecklessness of American conservatives or MAGA types aside, the development of internal political instability in America is a cause for concern for Washington. They need America to be politically stable enough to continue on in its role as the mailed fist enforcing Globalism and anti-nationalism around the world, as they have done since the turn of the 20th century. The muted response to Trump’s election and the institutional support from key Deep State nodes of power this time around is clearly a deliberate de-escalation tactic. Have they realized that they have gone too far and that they need to lower the temperature a bit at home?
For awhile it seemed that they no longer thought that they needed America’s manpower and might to rule the world. Perhaps after the next round of fighting in the Middle East under Trump they believe that Jerusalem will become powerful enough to stand on its own as the capitol of the world?
I don’t know for sure.
My personal theory is that the ethnic hate-agenda of the elites often trumps sound geopolitical strategy. Or that they are serving a higher occult agenda that often requires them to make geopolitical mistakes. The two factions of elites in Washington that I can clearly see are the Old Guard who understand and have worked their entire lives to implement the system that I have described today in the above essay and another faction that seems to be motivated by considerations other than sound geopolitical strategy now.
So, basically, you have the Old Guard Deep State types like Carlson, Burns, Mearsheimer, Alex Jones and all the others that we’ve talked about many times on the blog before trying to pump the brakes on the more gung-ho “accelerationist” Deep State faction. The Old Guard think that the hotheads are moving too fast and making too many mistakes and pushing their occult religious agenda too far. Tucker Carlson is remarkably explicit in his views on this aspect of the agenda, as a matter of fact. He’s now constantly talking about demons and aliens on his show and during interviews. He is also calling for a return to Christian values, even though he admitted many times before that he didn’t believe a word of the Jesus stuff himself and simply thinks that the Moses moral values are conducive to maintaining a stable society. Tucker also explicitly condemns nationalism and does so unequivocally, just like all the others in his group.
If this sounds familiar, it should, because we are basically describing the social engineering paradigm in America of Eisenhower forward, where nationalism is decried alongside Communism as the main enemy of the American people. But since you need something to build your social order around, you had the Deep State social engineers come out and resuscitate Judeo-Christianity as an organizing principle and a surrogate identity for the American people.
It is vitally important that the citizens of the Core not be allowed to have a more grounded, exclusionary identity. They are to be terraformed into the modern Tower of Babel, so that, eventually, their entire countries resemble multicultural port cities and they have no means to stage a concerted rebellion because there no longer is any concert for the rebellion. Still, the key benefit to living in the Core is that there are no wars allowed in the zone.
Sure, the industrial jobs are all gone.
Sure, the entire world is being imported to replace the natives.
Sure, the natives are not allowed to organize along identity lines.
But at least things are stable politically and military service remains voluntary.
In fact, many patriot types also believe that their xenocrat elites will wisen up and lift the boot a little from their throats because they need the natives to continue enforcing the New World Order. This prediction appears to be bearing fruit with the repeal of many DEI measures in the military to encourage native enlistment on the eve of another major desert war (or several) fought in the interests of their alien xenocrats whose mothership is in a small strip of land in the Middle East.
In the movie, Ted Cruise blows up the mothership to free the planet. While I condemn his bigotry and xenophobia, I also understand the efficacy of the strategy.
If you really push some of the more awake Conservative patriotic types in the West who still engage with the system, you will find that they are more or less aware of the paradigm that I have described above. They don’t use the terms or know the formal definitions, but they certainly get the gist of what the arrangement is. The reason why they keep buying into the system is because they figure that it is better to be in the Core and used as a weapon against the Periphery than to be in the Periphery and embroiled in nonstop chaos and war. Furthermore, they believe that they can somehow convince their overlords to ease up on the more onerous terms of their own occupation. You get this in the Anglo countries of the Core exclusively though because it was their military that was used to conquer and carve out the Core, so they still have emotional attachment to the project, as evidenced by their continued euphemistic use of the term “The West” to describe their cell block.
You sure as hell don’t have that kind of sentimentality about “the West” in occupied Germany and Japan, that is for sure.
The China Conundrum
I should probably say a few words about China and Iran here, but I think that a better occasion will come up one Trump takes office and starts beating the war drums. Suffice it to say that China was an interesting case in which Washington gave them the same economic formula to success that they gave Germany and Japan. Washington sent American tech and capital over to China and opened their own markets to the finished goods that China produced, effectively nuking America’s domestic industries and ensuring the rise of a new Chinese middle class in its place. But they weren’t able to set up a Liberal Democratic system of governance there because they hadn’t militarily conquered China in WWII.
As such, China is neither Periphery nor Core because it has elements of both.
The best way to understand China is to see it as the USSR 2.0. and to understand that Washington sees it the same way and has the same strategy in place for ending this project when the right time comes. Trump will be the Reagan in this scenario, exerting the external pressure on China needed to effect the internal coup that is in the works. I don’t want to strain the metaphor too far, but even with Xi we have someone that bears a striking resemblance to Gorbachev with his extreme Americaphilia and to Andropov, because of his dubious loyalties.
But let’s leave that entry in the Sinoland Chronicles for another time.
Where's my China deep dive? Damn it, Rurik, stop blowing my sub on booze and hapas.
I think Immanuel Wallerstein was a Marxist yid, but he described an economic and political situation which existed long before America or 'The West' existed or had any influence and is likely to persist after they have faded. Previous ages called it 'tribute'.
At times Rome, Byzantium/Istanbul, Venice, Amsterdam, Britain etc were 'The Core', because of their military/political and economic power; not because anyone granted them a place. Of course China has always seen itself as the 'Middle Kingdom' to which the surrounding barbarians paid tribute. Now it is regaining that position, and America is losing the top spot. Trumpian tantrums won't prevent that.
Such changes are largely natural developments of power shifts, social capacities, economic vigour, intellectual and inventive application etc. Nowadays yid-power heavily influences situations by destroying the social and intellectual capacities and institutions and identities of their victim/hosts and making them transfer capital to others.
If the (((Russians))) are still trying to get a more favoured status from the (((Americans))) they are stuck in the past. After several decades of being kicked around, I think they realise that, and are now busy asserting themselves against (((American))) wishes and gaining a semi-periphery status with China.
America used to boast superior technology, military and civil, based on a White society and intellect, which has been destroyed by yids and their leftist stooges. Now Russia has clear military and technological superiority although yids undermine its society and institutions. This presages a better future for them than for 'The West' which will soon hardly even count as 'peripheral'. Europe has few natural resources left. America still exports food and minerals but the Chinese dominate crucial industrial and military resources and can squeeze America out of business, and find alternative sources while American society completes its meltdown. Already they can buy up anything they want in America, including its politicians, and slowly they can get more of their population there to take over whatever the yids leave, Sinisizing it into a domain of overseas Chinese over several generations.
There's already a book out called 'America Is Over'. China will be Number One for probably several centuries. Russia can be Number Two, maybe eventually challenging for the top or core position.