The Slavland Chronicles
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From Sorcery to Scientism w/ Karl Haemers

From Sorcery to Scientism w/ Karl Haemers

[Francis Bacon's Depictive Programming, Atlantis of the North? The Cover-Up of Historical Sites, Monoatomic Gold Laboratories in Sinai, The Illuminati Were the First Scientists and so much MORE!]

This was a massive episode and it took a lot of procrastination on my part to get it ready to go. But I think students of alternative history, and the conspiracy crowd will genuinely appreciate the discussion and find it a fruitful use of their time. It takes some minutes for us to gain momentum in our discussion, because there are so many tangents and underlying ideas that we had to plow throw first to really let the seeds of our ideas bear fruit.

Many thanks to Karl for talking to me, who you can read here on Substack. This podcast was partially based on his essay on Atlantis.

Today’s main question is: at what point does science begin to resemble magic?

And: is science just a corrupted form of magic?

Finally: how is Science used by the powers that be to dominate us?

Give it a listen, keep an open mind, and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.