Many thanks to Grant Smith for coming on!
You can find him here:
His latest article about spook psychology was quite good and thought-stimulating:
Actually, I intend to expand on the concept by discussing what I’ve started to call the Eternal Bohemian Grove, which is a process by which hostile, deviant elites self-segregate into secret societies where they engage in anti-social behavior and plot to inflict great harm on society.
Specifically, the spook phenomenon can be traced back to Sparta and the Krypteia.
Spook organizations have been based on this model ever since then — the Perennial Krypteai. In both America and in the East. If you have ever watched The Kay Griggs interviews, you’d hear it straight from the disgruntled wife of a top spook spilling the beans that the Deep State model in America was also based on Sparta.
All modern states are built on a “Krypteia”, in fact. This is because modern states are based on ideologies — unnatural ones at that — which need to be enforced by spooks otherwise nature will reassert itself. Furthermore, there is a kind of “moral Totalitarianism” that has to replace a more natural society based on identity and actual spiritual practice.
The simple formula for totalitarianism is just: Noble Lie ==> Ideological/Moral Code ==> Guardians of the Noble Lie + Moral Code.
We need to build an anti-Sparta, essentially and to root out all the Bohemian Groves.
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