The Slavland Chronicles
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The Metaphysics of Mythos and Ethnos w/ Scott Mannion

The Metaphysics of Mythos and Ethnos w/ Scott Mannion

[Liberals Can't Understand Heidegger, Dugin's Desire to "Re-Sacralize" Society, Moving Past "Subject" and "Object", Hyperagents Created the Nations, Jung's Collective Unconsciousness and Much More!]

Right on the heels of my previous interview, I am back talking about metaphysics with fellow enthusiast and Substacker Scott Mannion!

Any conversation that is concerned with trying to get to the roots of anything and figuring out the true nature of any idea or phenomena means having to have a discussion about metaphysics. Unfortunately, no one does this anymore because of the dominance of the nominalist/materialist mindset.

To someone who believes in higher realities, even physical, observable, empirical phenomenon must necessarily have a metaphysical aspect to them. So, the fact that we are born to nations and to peoples with inherited culture and myths cannot just be a fluke. We need to acknowledge and understand this. Even different forms of politics necessarily reflect a metaphysical nature as well!

Many thanks to Scott Mannion for coming on!